58 papers:
ITiCSE-2015-DiethelmG #education- Questions on Spoken Language and Terminology for Teaching Computer Science (ID, JG), pp. 21–26.
CSCW-2015-Pierson- Outnumbered but Well-Spoken: Female Commenters in the New York Times (EP), pp. 1201–1213.
HCI-UC-2015-AlexandrisNC #evaluation #interactive- Interactive Evaluation of Pragmatic Features in Spoken Journalistic Texts (CA, MN, GC), pp. 259–268.
KDD-2015-ShashidharPA #machine learning- Spoken English Grading: Machine Learning with Crowd Intelligence (VS, NP, VA), pp. 2089–2097.
SIGIR-2015-OardSWJH #query- A Test Collection for Spoken Gujarati Queries (DWO, RS, JW, AJ, CH), pp. 919–922.
SIGIR-2015-Trippas #communication #information retrieval- Spoken Conversational Search: Information Retrieval over a Speech-only Communication Channel (JRT), p. 1067.
DUXU-DP-2014-ShafiqCIFAAI #design #effectiveness #interactive #personalisation #visual notation- Skill Specific Spoken Dialogues Based Personalized ATM Design to Maximize Effective Interaction for Visually Impaired Persona (MS, JGC, MI, MF, MA, IA, AI), pp. 446–457.
HCI-AIMT-2014-ErikssonLSSK #interface #question- Can User-Paced, Menu-free Spoken Language Interfaces Improve Dual Task Handling While Driving? (AE, AL, AS, AS, KK), pp. 394–405.
ICPR-2014-DiezVPRB #optimisation #recognition- Optimizing PLLR Features for Spoken Language Recognition (MD, AV, MP, LJRF, GB), pp. 779–784.
SIGIR-2014-Jones #retrieval #speech #tool support- Speech search: techniques and tools for spoken content retrieval (GJFJ), p. 1287.
CSCW-2013-LarsonRSS #exclamation #game studies #student- I want to be Sachin Tendulkar!: a spoken english cricket game for rural students (ML, NR, AS, SS), pp. 1353–1364.
CSCW-2013-MahelaquaBRSST #web- Community-oriented spoken web browser for low iiterate users (M, SB, NR, KS, SS, JCT), pp. 503–514.
SIGIR-2013-GangulyLJ #case study #documentation #retrieval- An LDA-smoothed relevance model for document expansion: a case study for spoken document retrieval (DG, JL, GJFJ), pp. 1057–1060.
CIKM-2011-SahayRP #ranking #social #web- Social ranking for spoken web search (SS, NR, NP), pp. 1835–1840.
CIKM-2010-DiaoMRS #web- Faceted search and browsing of audio content on spoken web (MD, SM, NR, KS), pp. 1029–1038.
ECIR-2010-RudinacLH #consistency #query #retrieval- Exploiting Result Consistency to Select Query Expansions for Spoken Content Retrieval (SR, ML, AH), pp. 645–648.
RecSys-2010-FarrellRDDD #navigation #social #web- Social navigation for the spoken web (RGF, NR, RD, CMD, KAD), pp. 333–336.
SIGIR-2010-RudinacLH #concept #query #retrieval #visual notation- Visual concept-based selection of query expansions for spoken content retrieval (SR, ML, AH), pp. 891–892.
ICPC-2009-StefikG #debugging #empirical #using- Using spoken text to aid debugging: An empirical study (AS, EG), pp. 110–119.
CHI-2009-HailpernKH #feedback #visual notation- Creating a spoken impact: encouraging vocalization through audio visual feedback in children with ASD (JMH, KK, JH), pp. 453–462.
HCI-NIMT-2009-Alexandris #approach #editing #process- A Speech-Act Oriented Approach for User-Interactive Editing and Regulation Processes Applied in Written and Spoken Technical Texts (CA), pp. 645–653.
HCI-NT-2009-KleindienstCL #evaluation #named #towards- ADiEU: Toward Domain-Based Evaluation of Spoken Dialog Systems (JK, JC, ML), pp. 287–294.
ECIR-2009-LarsonTHR #fault #recognition #semantics #speech- Investigating the Global Semantic Impact of Speech Recognition Error on Spoken Content Collections (ML, MT, JH, MdR), pp. 755–760.
SIGIR-2009-CanCGJKRRSSUW #detection #web- Web derived pronunciations for spoken term detection (DC, EC, AG, MJ, SK, BR, MR, MS, AS, MU, CMW), pp. 83–90.
SIGIR-2009-ParlakS #information retrieval- Spoken information retrieval for turkish broadcast news (SP, MS), pp. 782–783.
SIGIR-2008-ChiaSLN #approach #documentation #retrieval- A lattice-based approach to query-by-example spoken document retrieval (TKC, KCS, HL, HTN), pp. 363–370.
ICDAR-2007-HummIH #modelling #statistics #using #verification- Spoken Handwriting Verification Using Statistical Models (AH, RI, JH), pp. 999–1003.
HCI-MIE-2007-ZhangZY #keyword- A Spoken Dialogue System Based on Keyword Spotting Technology (PZ, QZ, YY), pp. 253–261.
ECIR-2007-SandersonS #documentation- Search of Spoken Documents Retrieves Well Recognized Transcripts (MS, XMS), pp. 505–516.
RecSys-2007-WinterboerM #recommendation- Evaluating information presentation strategies for spoken recommendations (AW, JDM), pp. 157–160.
SIGIR-2007-MamouRS #detection #independence- Vocabulary independent spoken term detection (JM, BR, OS), pp. 615–622.
SIGIR-2007-TurunenK #documentation #network #retrieval- Indexing confusion networks for morph-based spoken document retrieval (VTT, MK), pp. 631–638.
SIGIR-2006-MamouCH #documentation #retrieval- Spoken document retrieval from call-center conversations (JM, DC, RH), pp. 51–58.
RE-2006-EbertB #question- Have You Spoken to Your Product Manager Recently? (CE, SB), p. 322.
SEFM-2005-ShiRB #formal method #robust- Formalising Control in Robust Spoken Dialogue Systems (HS, RJR, JAB), pp. 332–341.
SIGIR-2005-MaL #automation #classification #documentation #paradigm #semantics- A phonotactic-semantic paradigm for automatic spoken document classification (BM, HL), pp. 369–376.
ICEIS-v3-2004-ClarkeWD #effectiveness #representation #xml- Effective XML Representation for Spoken Language in Organisations (RJC, PCW, DD), pp. 486–494.
ICEIS-v5-2004-LeeTI #documentation #multi #recognition #retrieval #robust- Robust Spoken Document Retrieval Based on Multilingual Subphonetic Segment Recognition (SwL, KT, YI), pp. 134–139.
ICPR-v2-2004-IurgelR #classification #documentation #probability #using- Spoken Document Classification with SVMs Using Linguistic Unit Weighting and Probabilistic Couplers (UI, GR), pp. 667–670.
ECIR-2003-SandriniF #information management- Spoken Information Extraction from Italian Broadcast News (VS, MF), pp. 146–160.
SIGIR-2001-Crestani #documentation #retrieval #towards- Towards the use of Prosodic Information for Spoken Document Retrieval (FC), pp. 420–421.
SIGIR-2001-Zechner #automation #generative #strict #summary- Automatic Generation of Concise Summaries of Spoken Dialogues in Unrestricted Domains (KZ), pp. 199–207.
ICPR-v2-2000-YuJB #classification #recognition #visual notation- Combining Acoustic and Visual Classifiers for the Recognition of Spoken Sentences (KY, XJ, HB), pp. 2491–2494.
SIGIR-2000-SrinivasanP #documentation #matrix #retrieval- Phonetic confusion matrix based spoken document retrieval (SS, DP), pp. 81–87.
SIGIR-2000-WoodlandJJJ #documentation #retrieval #word- Effects of out of vocabulary words in spoken document retrieval (PCW, SEJ, PJ, KSJ), pp. 372–374.
ICDAR-1999-ViswanathanBDT #documentation #retrieval #using- Retrieval from Spoken Documents using Content and Speaker Information (MV, HSMB, SD, AT), pp. 567–572.
CHI-1998-WalkerFFMH #email #interface #what- What can I say? Evaluating a Spoken Language Interface to Email (MAW, JF, GDF, CM, DH), pp. 582–589.
SIGIR-1998-WechslerMS #documentation #retrieval- New Techniques for Open-Vocabulary Spoken Document Retrieval (MW, EM, PS), pp. 20–27.
HCI-SEC-1997-Boyce #design #user interface- Designing the User Interface for a Natural Spoken Dialogue System (SJB), pp. 367–370.
CHI-1996-HansenNS #design- Systematic Design of Spoken Prompts (BH, DGN, SS), pp. 157–164.
SIGIR-1996-JonesFJY #documentation #multi- Retrieving Spoken Documents by Combining Multiple Index Sources (GJFJ, JTF, KSJ, SJY), pp. 30–38.
CHI-1995-Harrison #comparison #online #user interface #visual notation- A Comparison of Still, Animated, or Nonillustrated On-Line Help with Written or Spoken Instructions in a Graphical User Interface (SMH), pp. 82–89.
CHI-1994-NeuwirthCCWK94a #collaboration #comparison #distributed #documentation- Distributed collaborative writing: a comparison of spoken and written modalities for reviewing and revising documents (CN, RC, DC, PGW, LK), pp. 51–57.
CHI-1994-Oviatt94a #interface- Interface techniques for minimizing disfluent input to spoken language systems (SLO), pp. 205–210.
CHI-1994-SparksMB94a #approach #object-oriented- An object-oriented approach to dialogue management in spoken language systems (RS, LM, HB), pp. 211–217.
HCI-SHI-1993-DillonND #experience #interactive #performance- Spoken Language Interaction: Effects of Vocabulary Size and Experience on User Efficiency and Acceptability (TWD, AFN, MJD), pp. 140–145.
CHI-1991-BrennanDLMSF #interface #question- Should we or shouldn’t we use spoken commands in voice interfaces? (PB, GD, DL, MM, ECS, MF), pp. 369–372.
CHI-1991-LunatiR #interface- Spoken language interfaces: the OM system (JML, AIR), pp. 453–454.