Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Kuhn C.Cahill C.Quintana B.McNally W.Lo I.Delen
Talks about:
inquiri (2) annot (2) data (2) multimedia (1) encourag (1) student (1) reflect (1) collect (1) zydeco (1) scienc (1)
Person: Shannon Schmoll
DBLP: Schmoll:Shannon
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- CHI-2012-KuhnMSCLQD #how #multi #student
- How students find, evaluate and utilize peer-collected annotated multimedia data in science inquiry with zydeco (AK, BM, SS, CC, WTL, CQ, ID), pp. 3061–3070.
- CHI-2011-KuhnCQS #using
- Using tags to encourage reflection and annotation on data during nomadic inquiry (AK, CC, CQ, SS), pp. 667–670.