Travelled to:
1 × Greece
Collaborated with:
Mariana Amaro ∅ Roger Seula Fabiana Freitas
Talks about:
studi (2) gameworld (1) entertain (1) streamer (1) strategi (1) interfac (1) gameplay (1) reliabl (1) perform (1) disrupt (1)
Person: Suely Fragoso
DBLP: Fragoso:Suely
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- HCI-AS-2014-Fragoso #design #interface
- Interface Design Strategies and Disruptions of Gameplay: Notes from a Qualitative Study with First-Person Gamers (SF), pp. 593–603.
- DiGRA-2018-SeulaAF #case study #game studies #performance
- Play to Win, Profit & Entertain: a Study of Double Performance as Athlete and Streamer (RS, MA, SF).
- DiGRA-2019-FragosoFA #image #reliability
- Beyond God's Eye: on the Reliability of Gameworld Images (SF, FF, MA).