Travelled to:
1 × Belgium
1 × Finland
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × Greece
1 × Israel
1 × Italy
1 × South Africa
1 × Spain
1 × United Kingdom
1 × Uruguay
2 × Denmark
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.Sifakis S.Quinton H.Saïdi C.Loiseaux M.Bozga L.Mounier J.Fernandez ∅ B.Steffen I.B.Hafaiedh N.Mazouz D.Peled L.Ghirvu J.Krimm C.Courcoubetis I.Ober I.Ober A.Bouajjani C.Rodríguez
Talks about:
system (7) distribut (4) time (4) abstract (3) environ (3) verif (3) valid (3) implement (2) asynchron (2) composit (2)
♀ Person: Susanne Graf
DBLP: Graf:Susanne
Facilitated 2 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 18 papers:
- IFM-2013-GrafQ #distributed #implementation
- Knowledge for the Distributed Implementation of Constrained Systems (SG, SQ), pp. 77–93.
- SEFM-2011-HafaiedhGM #distributed #implementation #interactive #multi
- Distributed Implementation of Systems with Multiparty Interactions and Priorities (IBH, SG, NM), pp. 38–57.
- CAV-2010-GrafPQ #distributed #model checking
- Achieving Distributed Control through Model Checking (SG, DP, SQ), pp. 396–409.
- SEFM-2008-QuintonG #component #contract #verification
- Contract-Based Verification of Hierarchical Systems of Components (SQ, SG), pp. 377–381.
- SFM-2004-BozgaGOOS #tool support
- The IF Toolset (MB, SG, IO, IO, JS), pp. 237–267.
- CAV-2002-BozgaGM #component #realtime #validation
- IF-2.0: A Validation Environment for Component-Based Real-Time Systems (MB, SG, LM), pp. 343–348.
- CAV-2000-BozgaFGGKM #named #validation
- IF: A Validation Environment for Timed Asynchronous Systems (MB, JCF, LG, SG, JPK, LM), pp. 543–547.
- FM-v1-1999-BozgaFGGKM #named #representation #validation
- IF: An Intermediate Representation and Validation Environment for Timed Asynchronous Systems (MB, JCF, LG, SG, JPK, LM), pp. 307–327.
- CAV-1997-GrafS #graph
- Construction of Abstract State Graphs with PVS (SG, HS), pp. 72–83.
- CAV-1996-GrafS #invariant #proving #theorem proving #using #verification
- Verifying Invariants Using theorem Proving (SG, HS), pp. 196–207.
- CAV-1994-Graf #abstraction #distributed #memory management #using #verification
- Verification of a Distributed Cache Memory by Using Abstractions (SG), pp. 207–219.
- CAV-1993-GrafL #verification
- A Tool for Symbolic Program Verification and Abstration (SG, CL), pp. 71–84.
- CAV-1991-CourcoubetisGS #algebra #process
- An Algebra of Boolean Processes (CC, SG, JS), pp. 454–465.
- ICALP-1991-BouajjaniFGRS #branch #safety #semantics
- Safety for Branching Time Semantics (AB, JCF, SG, CR, JS), pp. 76–92.
- CAV-1990-GrafS #composition #finite
- Compositional Minimization of Finite State Systems (SG, BS), pp. 186–196.
- ICALP-1987-GrafS #process #semantics
- Readiness Semantics for Regular Processes with Silent Actions (SG, JS), pp. 115–125.
- ICALP-1984-GrafS #congruence #finite
- A Modal Characterization of Observational Congruence on Finite Terms of CCS (SG, JS), pp. 222–234.
- TAPSOFT-1993-GrafL #abstraction #composition #parallel
- Property Preserving Abstractions under Parallel Composition (SG, CL), pp. 644–657.