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Collaborated with:
J.Levine Samuel Maycock Ángel Fernández Cabezas Adam Pace Daniel Scales Becky Lavender Matthew Syrett Michael Cook 0001 Fraser Milne Alastair Andrew A.M.Smith G.Smith Julian Togelius A.Zook Mirjam Eladhari Squirrel Eiserloh Justus Robertson Robert Michael Young David Churchill Martin Cerný 0001 Sergio Poo Hernandez Vadim Bulitko Mike Treanor Mirjam P. Eladhari B.Magerko
Talks about:
procedur (3) generat (3) game (3) spelunki (2) adventur (2) domain (2) tank (2) base (2) use (2) evo (2)

Person: Tommy Thompson

DBLP DBLP: Thompson:Tommy

Contributed to:

CIG 20092009
CIG 20132013
FDG 20132013
CIG 20142014
AIIDE 20152015
FDG 20152015
FDG 20182018

Wrote 12 papers:

CIG-2009-ThompsonL #automation #execution #realtime #using
Realtime execution of automated plans using evolutionary robotics (TT, JL), pp. 333–340.
Improving control through subsumption in the EvoTanks domain (TT, FM, AA, JL), pp. 363–370.
CIG-2013-MaycockT #navigation #using
Enhancing touch-driven navigation using informed search in Ms. Pac-Man (SM, TT), pp. 1–2.
FDG-2013-CabezasT #behaviour #generative #realtime
Real-time procedural terrain generation through swarm behaviours (ÁFC, TT), pp. 421–422.
FDG-2013-PaceT #evolution #generative
Procedural content generation and evolution within the EvoTanks domain (AP, TT), pp. 439–440.
CIG-2014-ScalesT #api #tool support
SpelunkBots API - An AI toolset for Spelunky (DS, TT), pp. 1–8.
AIIDE-2015-CookERYTCCHB #case study #experience
Playable Experiences at AIIDE 2015 (MC0, SE, JR, RMY, TT, DC, MC0, SPH, VB), p. 227–?.
FDG-2015-CookESSTTZ #game studies #question #what
AI-based Games: Contrabot and What Did You Do? (MC0, ME, AMS, GS, TT, JT, AZ).
FDG-2015-Thompson #challenge #quote
“With Fate Guiding My Every Move”: The Challenge of Spelunky (TT).
FDG-2015-ThompsonL #game studies #generative
Adventures in Hyrule: Generating Missions & Maps For Action Adventure Games (TT, BL).
FDG-2015-TreanorZETSCTML #design pattern #game studies
AI-based Game Design Patterns (MT, AZ, MPE, JT, GS, MC0, TT, BM, JL, AMS).
FDG-2018-ThompsonS #adaptation #framework #game studies
'Play your own way': adapting a procedural framework for accessibility (TT, MS), p. 7.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.