Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × USA
3 × France
Collaborated with:
W.Rosenstiel S.Lange C.Nitsch G.Haug T.Kuhn W.Gao A.Kugel R.Männer N.Abel N.Meier
Talks about:
hardwar (3) system (3) platform (2) design (2) embed (2) reconfigur (1) descript (1) configur (1) virtual (1) softwar (1)
Person: Udo Kebschull
DBLP: Kebschull:Udo
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- DATE-2009-GaoKMAMK #energy #physics
- DPR in high energy physics (WG, AK, RM, NA, NM, UK), pp. 39–44.
- DATE-2003-LangeK #configuration management #design #embedded #framework #hardware #platform
- Virtual Hardware Byte Code as a Design Platform for Reconfigurable Embedded Systems (SL, UK), pp. 10302–10309.
- DATE-2002-NitschK #embedded #runtime #using
- The Use of Runtime Configuration Capabilities for Networked Embedded Systems (CN, UK), p. 1093.
- DATE-2000-HaugKR #design #framework #hardware #platform
- A Hardware Platform for VLIW Based Emulation of Digital Designs (GH, UK, WR), p. 747.
- DAC-1999-KuhnRK #hardware #java #simulation
- Description and Simulation of Hardware/Software Systems with Java (TK, WR, UK), pp. 790–793.