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Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × France
1 × Korea
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.J.Carey T.Westmann N.Onose Y.Bu D.Lychagin T.Condie D.Engovatov G.(.Xu N.Pansare C.Jermaine J.Spiegel S.Thatte S.Alsubaiee A.Behm Z.Heilbron Y.Kim C.Li J.Jia M.Dreseler S.Koleth A.Kotopoulis K.Mehta P.Reveliotis Y.Altowim H.Altwaijry R.Grover P.Pirzadeh R.Vernica J.Wen R.Bamford M.Brantner P.M.Fischer D.Florescu D.A.Graf D.Kossmann T.Kraska D.Muresan S.Nasoi M.Zacharioudaki L.Abraham J.Allen O.Barykin B.Chopra C.Gerea D.Merl J.Metzler D.Reiss S.Subramanian J.L.Wiener O.Zed I.Cetindil M.Cheelangi K.Faraaz E.Gabrielova G.Li J.M.Ok V.J.Tsotras
Talks about:
data (10) servic (6) platform (5) logic (4) asterix (3) queri (3) aqua (3) big (3) aqualog (2) sourc (2)

Person: Vinayak R. Borkar

DBLP DBLP: Borkar:Vinayak_R=

Contributed to:

VLDB 20152014
VLDB 20142014
ISMM 20132013
VLDB 20132013
VLDB 20122012
VLDB 20112011
SIGMOD 20102010
SIGMOD 20092009
VLDB 20092009
VLDB 20072007
SIGMOD 20062006
VLDB 20062006
SIGMOD 20042004

Wrote 14 papers:

VLDB-2015-BuBJCC14 #data flow #graph #named
Pregelix: Big(ger) Graph Analytics on a Dataflow Engine (YB, VRB, JJ, MJC, TC), pp. 161–172.
VLDB-2014-AlsubaieeAABBBCCCFGGHKLLOOPTVWW #named #open source #scalability
AsterixDB: A Scalable, Open Source BDMS (SA, YA, HA, AB, VRB, YB, MJC, IC, MC, KF, EG, RG, ZH, YSK, CL, GL, JMO, NO, PP, VJT, RV, JW, TW), pp. 1905–1916.
Storage Management in AsterixDB (SA, AB, VRB, ZH, YSK, MJC, MD, CL), pp. 841–852.
ISMM-2013-BuBXC #big data #design
A bloat-aware design for big data applications (YB, VRB, G(X, MJC), pp. 119–130.
VLDB-2013-AbrahamABBCGMMRSWZ #facebook #named
Scuba: Diving into Data at Facebook (LA, JA, OB, VRB, BC, CG, DM, JM, DR, SS, JLW, OZ), pp. 1057–1067.
VLDB-2012-AlsubaieeAABBBCGHKLOPVW #analysis #big data #data transformation #named #open source
ASTERIX: An Open Source System for “Big Data” Management and Analysis (SA, YA, HA, AB, VRB, YB, MJC, RG, ZH, YSK, CL, NO, PP, RV, JW), pp. 1898–1901.
VLDB-2011-PansareBJC #online #pipes and filters #scalability
Online Aggregation for Large MapReduce Jobs (NP, VRB, CJ, TC), pp. 1135–1145.
SIGMOD-2010-BorkarCKKMSTW #framework #platform #visual notation #xquery
Graphical XQuery in the aqualogic data services platform (VRB, MJC, SK, AK, KM, JS, ST, TW), pp. 1069–1080.
SIGMOD-2009-BorkarCELRSTW #data access #framework #platform
Access control in the aqualogic data services platform (VRB, MJC, DE, DL, PR, JS, ST, TW), pp. 939–946.
VLDB-2009-BamfordBBFFGKKMNZ #xquery
XQuery Reloaded (RB, VRB, MB, PMF, DF, DAG, DK, TK, DM, SN, MZ), pp. 1342–1353.
VLDB-2007-OnoseBC #framework
Inverse Functions in the AquaLogic Data Services Platform (NO, VRB, MJC), pp. 1231–1242.
SIGMOD-2006-BorkarCLW #framework #platform
The BEA AquaLogic data services platform (Demo) (VRB, MJC, DL, TW), pp. 742–744.
VLDB-2006-BorkarCLWEO #framework #platform #query
Query Processing in the AquaLogic Data Services Platform (VRB, MJC, DL, TW, DE, NO), pp. 1037–1048.
SIGMOD-2004-Borkar #enterprise
Liquid Data for WebLogic: Integrating Enterprise Data and Services (VRB), pp. 917–918.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.