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Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × Croatia
1 × Czech Republic
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × Hungary
1 × Ireland
1 × Italy
1 × New Zealand
1 × Russia
1 × Turkey
2 × Switzerland
3 × Canada
9 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Rountev D.Yan L.Fang K.Nguyen S.Lu F.Qin Z.Yang Y.Bu Z.Z.0002 B.Demsky N.Mitchell M.Arnold G.Sevitsky L.Dou V.K.Palepu J.A.Jones M.Sridharan M.Sharp K.Vora R.G.0001 S.Yang V.R.Borkar M.J.Carey M.Li Y.Chen L.Wang M.D.Bond R.Khatchadourian P.Greenwood A.Rashid Y.Tang G.P.0001 A.Canino F.Castor Y.D.Liu S.Khoo Kai Wang 0029 Aftab Hussain 0001 A.A.Sani K.Wang J.Hu E.Schonberg Christian Navasca
Talks about:
data (8) analysi (6) memori (6) detect (6) leak (6) context (5) java (5) softwar (4) static (4) sensit (4)

Person: Guoqing (Harry) Xu

DBLP DBLP: Xu:Guoqing_(Harry)

Contributed to:

ASPLOS 20152015
ECOOP 20152015
SOSP 20152015
CGO 20142014
ASE 20132013
ECOOP 20132013
ESEC/FSE 20132013
ISMM 20132013
ISSTA 20132013
OOPSLA 20132013
ECOOP 20122012
ICSE 20122012
OOPSLA 20122012
ISSTA 20112011
PLDI 20112011
PLDI 20102010
ASE 20092009
ECOOP 20092009
PLDI 20092009
CC 20082008
ICSE 20082008
ISSTA 20082008
ESEC/FSE 20072007
ICSE 20072007
FATES 20032003
ASE 20172017
OOPSLA 20162016
ASPLOS 20172017
ASPLOS 20182018

Wrote 31 papers:

ASPLOS-2015-NguyenWBFHX #big data #bound #compilation #named #runtime
FACADE: A Compiler and Runtime for (Almost) Object-Bounded Big Data Applications (KN, KW, YB, LF, JH, G(X), pp. 675–690.
ECOOP-2015-FangDX #detection #named #performance #problem
PerfBlower: Quickly Detecting Memory-Related Performance Problems via Amplification (LF, LD, G(X), pp. 296–320.
SOSP-2015-FangNXDL #memory management #scalability #source code
Interruptible tasks: treating memory pressure as interrupts for highly scalable data-parallel programs (LF, KN, G(X, BD, SL), pp. 394–409.
CGO-2014-YanXYR #detection #memory management #named
LeakChecker: Practical Static Memory Leak Detection for Managed Languages (DY, G(X, SY, AR), p. 87.
ASE-2013-PalepuXJ #dependence #dynamic analysis #performance #summary
Improving efficiency of dynamic analysis with dynamic dependence summaries (VKP, G(X, JAJ), pp. 59–69.
ECOOP-2013-Xu #adaptation #java #named
CoCo: Sound and Adaptive Replacement of Java Collections (G(X), pp. 1–26.
ESEC-FSE-2013-NguyenX #detection #named
Cachetor: detecting cacheable data to remove bloat (KN, G(X), pp. 268–278.
ISMM-2013-BuBXC #big data #design
A bloat-aware design for big data applications (YB, VRB, G(X, MJC), pp. 119–130.
ISSTA-2013-LiCWX #memory management #validation
Dynamically validating static memory leak warnings (ML, YC, LW, G(X), pp. 112–122.
OOPSLA-2013-Xu #named #optimisation #profiling #source code
Resurrector: a tunable object lifetime profiling technique for optimizing real-world programs (G(X), pp. 111–130.
ECOOP-2012-XuYR #data type #detection #invariant #static analysis
Static Detection of Loop-Invariant Data Structures (G(X, DY, AR), pp. 738–763.
ICSE-2012-YanXR #java #performance #problem #profiling
Uncovering performance problems in Java applications with reference propagation profiling (DY, G(X, AR), pp. 134–144.
OOPSLA-2012-Xu #data type #reuse
Finding reusable data structures (G(X), pp. 1017–1034.
ISSTA-2011-YanXR #alias #analysis #java
Demand-driven context-sensitive alias analysis for Java (DY, G(X, AR), pp. 155–165.
PLDI-2011-XuBQR #memory management #named
LeakChaser: helping programmers narrow down causes of memory leaks (G(X, MDB, FQ, AR), pp. 270–282.
PLDI-2010-XuMARSS #data type
Finding low-utility data structures (G(X, NM, MA, AR, ES, GS), pp. 174–186.
PLDI-2010-XuR #detection
Detecting inefficiently-used containers to avoid bloat (G(X, AR), pp. 160–173.
ASE-2009-KhatchadourianGRX #aspect-oriented #evolution
Pointcut Rejuvenation: Recovering Pointcut Expressions in Evolving Aspect-Oriented Software (RK, PG, AR, G(X), pp. 575–579.
ECOOP-2009-XuRS #alias #analysis #points-to #scalability #using
Scaling CFL-Reachability-Based Points-To Analysis Using Context-Sensitive Must-Not-Alias Analysis (G(X, AR, MS), pp. 98–122.
PLDI-2009-XuAMRS #profiling #runtime
Go with the flow: profiling copies to find runtime bloat (G(X, MA, NM, AR, GS), pp. 419–430.
CC-2008-RountevSX #analysis #data flow #ide #library #object-oriented #scalability
IDE Dataflow Analysis in the Presence of Large Object-Oriented Libraries (AR, MS, G(X), pp. 53–68.
ICSE-2008-XuR #detection #java #memory management #precise #profiling #using
Precise memory leak detection for java software using container profiling (G(X, AR), pp. 151–160.
ISSTA-2008-XuR #analysis #points-to #scalability
Merging equivalent contexts for scalable heap-cloning-based context-sensitive points-to analysis (G(X, AR), pp. 225–236.
ESEC-FSE-2007-XuRTQ #java #performance #using
Efficient checkpointing of java software using context-sensitive capture and replay (G(X, AR, YT, FQ), pp. 85–94.
ICSE-2007-XuR #aspectj #testing
Regression Test Selection for AspectJ Software (G(X, AR), pp. 65–74.
FATES-2003-XuY #automation #framework #ml #named #novel #testing
JMLAutoTest: A Novel Automated Testing Framework Based on JML and JUnit (G(X, ZY), pp. 70–85.
ASE-2017-PintoCCXL #comprehension #parallel
Understanding and overcoming parallelism bottlenecks in ForkJoin applications (GP0, AC, FC, G(X, YDL), pp. 765–775.
OOPSLA-2016-ZuoFKXL #abstraction #automation #debugging #refinement #statistics
Low-overhead and fully automated statistical debugging with abstraction refinement (ZZ0, LF, SCK, G(X, SL), pp. 881–896.
ASPLOS-2017-VoraGX #approximate #graph #named #performance #streaming
KickStarter: Fast and Accurate Computations on Streaming Graphs via Trimmed Approximations (KV, RG0, G(X), pp. 237–251.
ASPLOS-2017-WangHZXS #analysis #graph #interprocedural #named #scalability
Graspan: A Single-machine Disk-based Graph System for Interprocedural Static Analyses of Large-scale Systems Code (KW0, AH0, ZZ0, G(X, AAS), pp. 389–404.
ASPLOS-2018-NguyenFNXDL #big data #distributed #named
Skyway: Connecting Managed Heaps in Distributed Big Data Systems (KN, LF, CN, G(X, BD, SL), pp. 56–69.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.