62 papers:
CHI-2015-MaurielloNF #automation #comprehension #energy- Understanding the Role of Thermography in Energy Auditing: Current Practices and the Potential for Automated Solutions (MLM, LN, JEF), pp. 1993–2002.
ISSTA-2015-Hothersall-Thomas #automation #named #security #testing- BrowserAudit: automated testing of browser security features (CHT, SM, CN), pp. 37–47.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-BakotaHSLF #quality- Qualitygate SourceAudit: A tool for assessing the technical quality of software (TB, PH, IS, GL, RF), pp. 440–445.
HIMI-DE-2014-PinheiroCM #network #social- Increasing Information Auditability for Social Network Users (AP, CC, CM), pp. 536–547.
ICEIS-v2-2014-LiuDT #network #reliability- Auditing Data Reliability in International Logistics — An Application of Bayesian Networks (LL, HAMD, RT), pp. 707–712.
OSDI-2014-ChenKWZK #identification #web- Identifying Information Disclosure in Web Applications with Retroactive Auditing (HC, TK, XW, NZ, MFK), pp. 555–569.
VLDB-2013-FuKR #on the #scalability- On Scaling Up Sensitive Data Auditing (YF, RK, RR), pp. 313–324.
HIMI-D-2013-PietrasSHKSJLJ #usability- Usability Compliance Audit for Technology Intelligence Services (NP, MS, MH, JK, SKS, DHJ, SL, HJ), pp. 524–533.
SEKE-2013-CarmoCML #adaptation #monitoring #runtime #self- Runtime Monitoring and Auditing of Self-Adaptive Systems (S) (DHC, STC, LGPM, OL), pp. 731–736.
SEKE-2013-Unkelos-ShpigelHL #deployment #information management #requirements #traceability- Enhancing Deployment Requirements’ Traceability via Knowledge Management Audit (S) (NUS, IH, ML), pp. 574–577.
SAC-2013-AccorsiSM #mining #on the #process #security- On the exploitation of process mining for security audits: the process discovery case (RA, TS, GM), pp. 1462–1468.
ICSE-2013-King #forensics- Measuring the forensic-ability of audit logs for nonrepudiation (JK), pp. 1419–1422.
SPLC-2013-ClementsKSW #strict- A PLE-based auditing method for protecting restricted content in derived products (PCC, CWK, JS, AW), pp. 218–226.
SAC-2012-AccorsiS #consistency #mining #on the #process #security- On the exploitation of process mining for security audits: the conformance checking case (RA, TS), pp. 1709–1716.
OSDI-2012-KimCZ #performance #web- Efficient Patch-based Auditing for Web Application Vulnerabilities (TK, RC, NZ), pp. 193–206.
SIGMOD-2011-KaushikR #performance #query #sql- Efficient auditing for complex SQL queries (RK, RR), pp. 697–708.
VLDB-2011-KaushikR #detection #named- Whodunit: An Auditing Tool for Detecting Data Breaches (RK, RR), pp. 1410–1413.
VLDB-2012-FabbriL11- Explanation-Based Auditing (DF, KL), pp. 1–12.
DUXU-v1-2011-GouldM #collaboration #communication #development- Company Culture Audit to Improve Development Team’s Collaboration, Communication, and Cooperation (EWG, AM), pp. 415–424.
IDGD-2011-MarcusGW #design #education- Culture-Centered Design: Culture Audit of Screen Designs for Educational Software in Saudi Arabia (AM, EWG, LW), pp. 85–93.
SAC-2011-ZhuWHAHY #outsourcing #verification- Dynamic audit services for integrity verification of outsourced storages in clouds (YZ, HW, ZH, GJA, HH, SSY), pp. 1550–1557.
ICPC-2010-GermanPD #comprehension #open source- Understanding and Auditing the Licensing of Open Source Software Distributions (DMG, MDP, JD), pp. 84–93.
KMIS-2010-Rodriguez-EliasRVM #approach #information management- Integrating Current Practices and Information Systems in KM Initiatives — A Knowledge Management Audit Approach (OMRE, CERG, AV, AIMG), pp. 71–80.
SEKE-2010-EsfahaniS #architecture #automation #communication- Service Automation Architecture as adopted by Unified Communication Audit Tool (SSE, TS), pp. 443–447.
ICDAR-2009-LoprestiZHT #analysis #documentation- Document Analysis Support for the Manual Auditing of Elections (DPL, XZ, XH, GT), pp. 733–737.
VLDB-2009-WongCHKM #mining #outsourcing- An Audit Environment for Outsourcing of Frequent Itemset Mining (WKW, DWLC, EH, BK, NM), pp. 1162–1172.
CSEET-2009-Padua #quality #using- Using Quality Audits to Assess Software Course Projects (WP), pp. 162–165.
HIMI-II-2009-LevaKCLKSM #performance #safety- Unique Reporting Form: Flight Crew Auditing of Everyday Performance in an Airline Safety Management System (MCL, AMK, JC, GL, SK, DS, NM), pp. 806–815.
OCSC-2009-CindioP #community #online #question- Are Online Communities Good for the Civic Audit of Public Spaces, Services, and Officers? (FdC, CP), pp. 673–681.
VLDB-2008-LuM #database #named #strict- AuditGuard: a system for database auditing under retention restrictions (WL, GM), pp. 1484–1487.
ICFP-2008-JiaVMZZSZ #named #programming language- AURA: a programming language for authorization and audit (LJ, JAV, KM, JZ, LZ, JS, SZ), pp. 27–38.
ICEIS-SAIC-2008-AtkinsZYN- Application of Knowledge Hub and RFID Technology in Auditing and Tracking of Plasterboard for Environment Recycling and Waste Disposal (ASA, LZ, HY, BPN), pp. 190–195.
SAC-2008-FonsecaVM #data access #detection #online #using- Online detection of malicious data access using DBMS auditing (JF, MV, HM), pp. 1013–1020.
WICSA-2007-BoerV- Constructing a Reading Guide for Software Product Audits (RCdB, HvV), p. 11.
SIGMOD-2007-AgrawalEKV #ranking- Auditing disclosure by relevance ranking (RA, AVE, JK, RV), pp. 79–90.
VLDB-2007-XieWYM #outsourcing- Integrity Auditing of Outsourced Data (MX, HW, JY, XM), pp. 782–793.
VLDB-2006-NabarMKMM #query #robust #towards- Towards Robustness in Query Auditing (SUN, BM, KK, NM, RM), pp. 151–162.
PLDI-2006-LauAHC #online #optimisation #performance #using- Online performance auditing: using hot optimizations without getting burned (JL, MA, MH, BC), pp. 239–251.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2006-Zenzerovic #reasoning- Utilization of Case-Based Reasoning in Auditing — Determining the Audit Fee (RZ), pp. 182–188.
PODS-2005-KenthapadiMN- Simulatable auditing (KK, NM, KN), pp. 118–127.
ICEIS-v2-2005-ClemmonsH #enterprise #hybrid- Reducing Risk in the Enterprise: Proposal for a Hybrid Audit Expert System (SC, KH), pp. 260–266.
VLDB-2004-AgrawalBFKRS #database- Auditing Compliance with a Hippocratic Database (RA, RJBJ, CF, JK, RR, RS), pp. 516–527.
VLDB-2004-SnodgrassYC #detection- Tamper Detection in Audit Logs (RTS, S(Y, CSC), pp. 504–515.
ICSM-2004-FerencBG #fact extraction- Fact Extraction and Code Auditing with Columbus and SourceAudit (RF, ÁB, TG), p. 513.
ICEIS-v1-2004-CortesO #quality #relational- Relational Sampling for Data Quality Auditing and Decision Support (BC, JNO), pp. 376–382.
CAiSE-2002-LiWWJ- Auditing Interval-Based Inference (YL, LW, XSW, SJ), pp. 553–567.
SEKE-2002-DeshpandeCG #re-engineering #towards #web- Web site auditing: first step towards re-engineering (YD, AC, AG), pp. 731–737.
ICEIS-v2-2001-GochenouerT #internet #privacy #trust- Privacy Audits and Trust: The Internet Dilemma (JEG, MLT), pp. 905–909.
PODS-2000-KleinbergPR- Auditing Boolean Attributes (JMK, CHP, PR), pp. 86–91.
ICEIS-1999-CostaHA #process #using- Facilitating Organisational Activities Using Plans and Audits (CJC, TH, PA), pp. 404–411.
KDD-1999-BonchiGMP #classification #detection- A Classification-Based Methodology for Planning Audit Strategies in Fraud Detection (FB, FG, GM, DP), pp. 175–184.
DATE-1998-OlcozCGG #static analysis #tool support- Static Analysis Tools for Soft-Core Reviews and Audits (SO, AC, MG, JAG), pp. 935–936.
KDD-1998-LeeSM #detection #mining #modelling- Mining Audit Data to Build Intrusion Detection Models (WL, SJS, KWM), pp. 66–72.
ICSE-1998-AprilAM #assurance #lessons learnt #process- Process Assurance Audits: Lessons Learned (AA, AA, EM), pp. 482–485.
RE-1997-GuptaJKW #generative #named #performance- Auditdraw: Generating Audits the FAST Way (NKG, LJJ, EK, DMW), pp. 188–197.
SAC-1995-AndrusN #named #simulation- SCAD: a computer generated simulation for audit instruction (JMA, MSN), pp. 14–16.
CAiSE-1990-Davies #quality #towards- Quality Auditing: The Necessary Step Towards the Required Quality Objectives (DD), p. 286.
HT-1989-Young #challenge #hypermedia- Hypertext Challenges in the Auditing Domain (LDY), pp. 169–180.
ICSE-1985-CrawfordF #development #process- Software Development Process Audits — A General Procedure (SGC, MHF), pp. 137–141.
DAC-1977-AllgairE #approach #comparison- A comprehensive approach to a connectivity audit, or a fruitful comparison of apples and oranges (RMA, DSE), pp. 312–321.
VLDB-1977-Scott #database #scalability- Auditing Large Scale Data Bases (GMS), pp. 515–522.
DAC-1976-Hightower #interactive #named- SLEUTH — a metal-to-metal audit program in an interactive environment (DWH), pp. 318–326.