34 papers:
VLDB-2015-DoLW #mining- Mining Revenue-Maximizing Bundling Configuration (LD, HWL, KW), pp. 593–604.
CHI-2015-DuCZL- Trajectory Bundling for Animated Transitions (FD, NC, JZ, YRL), pp. 289–298.
HIMI-IKD-2015-YamashitaS #graph #multi- Edge Bundling in Multi-attributed Graphs (TY, RS), pp. 138–147.
SPLC-2015-VasilevskiyHCJS #product line- The BVR tool bundle to support product line engineering (AV, ØH, FC, MFJ, DS), pp. 380–384.
ICML-c1-2014-LethamSS #transaction- Latent Variable Copula Inference for Bundle Pricing from Retail Transaction Data (BL, WS, AS), pp. 217–225.
SIGIR-2014-ZhuHLT #recommendation- Bundle recommendation in ecommerce (TZ, PH, JL, LT), pp. 657–666.
DATE-2013-GhiribaldiBN #architecture #effectiveness #manycore- A transition-signaling bundled data NoC switch architecture for cost-effective GALS multicore systems (AG, DB, SMN), pp. 332–337.
SAC-2013-KinderenP #approach #named- e3RoME: a value-based approach for method bundling (SdK, HAP), pp. 1469–1471.
CIKM-2012-YangLCYH #network #on the #social- On bundle configuration for viral marketing in social networks (DNY, WCL, NHC, MY, HJH), pp. 2234–2238.
SAC-2012-HopRFH #ontology #using #visualisation- Using Hierarchical Edge Bundles to visualize complex ontologies in GLOW (WH, SdR, FF, FH), pp. 304–311.
VISSOFT-2011-CasertaZB #3d #visualisation- 3D Hierarchical Edge bundles to visualize relations in a software city metaphor (PC, OZ, DB), pp. 1–8.
ICEIS-v1-2011-SchrodlGLT #assessment #framework #hybrid #network #risk management- Risk Management in Supply Networks for Hybrid Value Bundles — A Risk Assessment Framework (HS, MG, LL, KT), pp. 157–162.
ICML-2011-VainsencherDM #estimation #online- Bundle Selling by Online Estimation of Valuation Functions (DV, OD, SM), pp. 1137–1144.
CHI-2010-BaudischBR #named- Lumino: tangible blocks for tabletop computers based on glass fiber bundles (PB, TB, FR), pp. 1165–1174.
CAiSE-2010-KohlbornLKFRRK #approach #bottom-up #concept- Conceptualizing a Bottom-Up Approach to Service Bundling (TK, CL, AK, EF, MR, CR, HK), pp. 129–134.
ICPR-2010-BauerEOBKFHN #approach #bound #estimation #graph #performance #robust- A Fast and Robust Graph-Based Approach for Boundary Estimation of Fiber Bundles Relying on Fractional Anisotropy Maps (MHAB, JE, TO, SB, JK, BF, HKH, CN), pp. 4016–4019.
ICPR-2010-EudesLND #integration #performance #visual notation- Fast Odometry Integration in Local Bundle Adjustment-Based Visual SLAM (AE, ML, SNC, MD), pp. 290–293.
ICEIS-ISAS-2009-KinderenGA #modelling #multi #reasoning #using- Reasoning about Customer Needs in Multi-supplier ICT Service Bundles using Decision Models (SdK, JG, HA), pp. 131–136.
CIKM-2008-JonesKPT #privacy- Vanity fair: privacy in querylog bundles (RJ, RK, BP, AT), pp. 853–862.
CASE-2007-KameshwaranVD #on the- On Bundling and Pricing of the Service with the Product (SK, NV, VD), pp. 652–657.
DATE-2007-EachempatiNGVM #architecture- Assessing carbon nanotube bundle interconnect for future FPGA architectures (SE, AN, AG, NV, YM), pp. 307–312.
ICPC-2007-CornelissenHZMWD #comprehension #execution #sequence #using- Understanding Execution Traces Using Massive Sequence and Circular Bundle Views (BC, DH, AZ, LM, JJvW, AvD), pp. 49–58.
VISSOFT-2007-HoltenCW #sequence #using #visualisation- Trace Visualization Using Hierarchical Edge Bundles and Massive Sequence Views (DH, BC, JJvW), pp. 47–54.
EDOC-2007-TakaseT #framework #performance #web #web service- Efficient Web Services Message Exchange by SOAP Bundling Framework (TT, KT), pp. 63–74.
ICPR-v3-2006-YamazoeUA #constraints #geometry #multi #optimisation #using- Multiple Camera Calibration with Bundled Optimization using Silhouette Geometry Constraints (HY, AU, SA), pp. 960–963.
ICPR-v1-2004-ChaoK- A Fibre Bundle Model of Surfaces and Its Generalization (JC, JK), pp. 560–563.
ICPR-v3-2004-ElbischgerBH #image- Estimating the Stretching Characteristics of Fiber Bundles in Microscopic Images (PE, HB, GH), pp. 546–549.
ICPR-v3-2004-WongMC #3d #re-engineering- 3D Model Reconstruction by Constrained Bundle Adjustment (KhW, MMYC), pp. 902–905.
ICML-2003-ShihRCK #statistics- Text Bundling: Statistics Based Data-Reduction (LS, JDR, YHC, DRK), pp. 696–703.
DATE-2002-TugsinavisutB #pipes and filters- Control Circuit Templates for Asynchronous Bundled-Data Pipelines (ST, PAB), p. 1098.
ICPR-v2-2002-Bartoli #framework- A Unified Framework for Quasi-Linear Bundle Adjustment (AB), pp. 560–563.
LDTA-2001-JongeVV #named #program transformation #tool support- XT: a bundle of program transformation tools (MdJ, EV, JV), pp. 79–86.
ICPR-1998-VerbeekVW #estimation- Improved curvature and anisotropy estimation for curved line bundles (PWV, LJvV, JvdW), pp. 528–533.
DAC-1967-Kenney- Bundling (cable signal assignment) (JLK).