28 papers:
CSCW-2015-TrainerCKH #community #question #what- From Personal Tool to Community Resource: What’s the Extra Work and Who Will Do It? (EHT, CC, AK, JDH), pp. 417–430.
WICSA-2014-SapienzaCP #architecture #clustering #multi- Architectural Decisions for HW/SW Partitioning Based on Multiple Extra-Functional Properties (GS, IC, PP), pp. 175–184.
DAC-2013-FanRRV #design #encryption #energy #security- Low-energy encryption for medical devices: security adds an extra design dimension (JF, OR, VR, IV), p. 6.
ICEIS-v1-2013-SilvaR #evaluation #named- ExtraWeb — An Extrinsic Task-oriented Evaluation of Webpage Extracts (PPS, LHMR), pp. 467–474.
PEPM-2012-Lopez-FraguasMR #functional #logic programming- Well-typed narrowing with extra variables in functional-logic programming (FJLF, EMM, JRH), pp. 83–92.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2012-JezekBH #independence- Enhancing OSGi with Explicit, Vendor Independent Extra-Functional Properties (KJ, PB, LH), pp. 108–123.
ICST-2012-MateoU #execution #music #reduction- Mutant Execution Cost Reduction: Through MUSIC (Mutant Schema Improved with Extra Code) (PRM, MPU), pp. 664–672.
CBSE-2011-CicchettiCLS #component #embedded #evolution- Evolution management of extra-functional properties in component-based embedded systems (AC, FC, TL, SS), pp. 93–102.
CBSE-2011-LevequeS #component #modelling- Refining extra-functional property values in hierarchical component models (TL, SS), pp. 83–92.
CHI-2011-EllingLJ #eye tracking #using- Retrospective think-aloud method: using eye movements as an extra cue for participants’ verbalizations (SE, LL, MdJ), pp. 1161–1170.
KMIS-2011-JezekB #case study #deployment #framework #tool support- Extra-functional Properties Framework with Configuration based on Deployment Environment — Tool Demonstration and Case-study (KJ, PB), pp. 322–325.
KMIS-2010-Jezek #bibliography #implementation #repository- Universal Extra-functional Properties Repository — Model Overview and Implementation (KJ), pp. 382–385.
CBSE-2009-SentillesSCC #component #integration #modelling- Integration of Extra-Functional Properties in Component Models (SS, PS, JC, IC), pp. 173–190.
LATA-2009-LimayeM #automaton #multi #testing- Membership Testing: Removing Extra Stacks from Multi-stack Pushdown Automata (NL, MM), pp. 493–504.
TestCom-FATES-2009-SimaoPY #generative #testing- Generating Reduced Tests for FSMs with Extra States (AdSS, AP, NY), pp. 129–145.
ICPR-v1-2006-XuS #robust- A Robust and Accurate Method for Pupil Features Extra (ZX, PS), pp. 437–440.
CBSE-2004-DefourJP #component #contract- Extra-Functional Contract Support in Components (OD, JMJ, NP), pp. 217–232.
ICLP-2004-DefourJP #component #modelling #predict- Applying CLP to Predict Extra-Functional Properties of Component-Based Models (OD, JMJ, NP), pp. 454–455.
ITiCSE-2001-Joyce- Sneaking in extra material (panel session) (DJ), p. 190.
ICPR-v4-2000-ScagliolaN #algorithm #fuzzy #recognition- Crisp and Fuzzy Evaluations and D.P. Algorithms for Dealing with Extra Ink in Cursive Handwriting Recognition (CS, GN), pp. 4019–4022.
CHI-1996-YamaashiCNB- Beating the Limitations of Camera-Monitor Mediated Telepresence with Extra Eyes (KY, JRC, TN, WB), pp. 50–57.
ICLP-1995-Hanus #equation #logic programming #on the- On Extra Variables in (Equational) Logic Programming (MH), pp. 665–679.
RTA-1995-SuzukiMI #term rewriting- Level-Confluence of Conditional Rewrite Systems with Extra Variables in Right-Hand Sides (TS, AM, TI), pp. 179–193.
AdaEurope-1994-PitetteCGS #ada #named #realtime- Ex2: Intergrating Ada and Extra Support in a Doubly Portable Extended Executive Designed for Hard Real Time Systems (GMP, JYC, DG, JMS), pp. 406–420.
HCI-ACS-1993-HajnalC #case study #interactive- A Study of Additive and Interactive Effects of Work and Extra-Organizational Factors on Female VDT Workers (CH, PC), pp. 925–930.
INTERCHI-1993-Newell #human-computer #research- MicroCentre, Dundee: ordinary and extra-ordinary HCI research (AFN), pp. 242–243.
STOC-1992-Beigel- When Do Extra Majority Gates Help? Polylog(n) Majority Gates Are Equivalent to One (RB), pp. 450–454.
STOC-1974-Horvath #performance #sorting- Efficient Stable Sorting with Minimal Extra Space (ECH), pp. 194–215.