44 papers:
DAC-2015-GuoWHWLC #design #latency #named #novel #reduction- FlexLevel: a novel NAND flash storage system design for LDPC latency reduction (JG, WW, JH, DW, HL, YC), p. 6.
ESEC-FSE-2015-ParkEZNH #approximate #composition #named #programming- FlexJava: language support for safe and modular approximate programming (JP, HE, XZ, MN, WH), pp. 745–757.
DATE-2014-HanZLD #named #scheduling- SAFE: Security-Aware FlexRay Scheduling Engine (GH, HZ, YL, WD), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-KordesVDW #detection #fault #hybrid #network #robust- Startup error detection and containment to improve the robustness of hybrid FlexRay networks (AK, BV, AKD, MGW), pp. 1–6.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-WinklerP #design #named #smarttech #towards #transitive- ReFlexLab: Designing Transitive Wearable Technologies towards Poetic Aesthetics (CW, SP), pp. 731–738.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-WinklerP14a #design #named #smarttech #towards #transitive- Erratum: ReFlexLab: Designing Transitive Wearable Technologies towards Poetic Aesthetics (CW, SP).
DATE-2013-AbdullaDRSZ #hybrid #liveness #memory management #safety #transaction #verification- Verifying safety and liveness for the FlexTM hybrid transactional memory (PAA, SD, AR, AS, YZ), pp. 785–790.
DATE-2013-ShreejithVFL #approach #configuration management #network #using- An approach for redundancy in FlexRay networks using FPGA partial reconfiguration (SS, KV, SAF, ML), pp. 721–724.
VLDB-2013-SmitsPG #fuzzy #named #query- ReqFlex: Fuzzy Queries for Everyone (GS, OP, TG), pp. 1206–1209.
SIGIR-2013-PanzeriP #flexibility #named #xml #xquery- Flex-BaseX: an XML engine with a flexible extension of Xquery full-text (EP, GP), pp. 1083–1084.
DATE-2012-MilbredtGLST #approach #architecture #design- Designing FlexRay-based automotive architectures: A holistic OEM approach (PM, MG, ML, AS, JT), pp. 276–279.
PPoPP-2012-LiuAHLSZWT #gpu #implementation #named- FlexBFS: a parallelism-aware implementation of breadth-first search on GPU (GL, HA, WH, XL, TS, WZ, XW, XT), pp. 279–280.
ISSTA-2012-ThiesB #java #named #refactoring #source code- RefaFlex: safer refactorings for reflective Java programs (AT, EB), pp. 1–11.
DAC-2011-SchneiderGCBEP #on the #quantifier- On the quantification of sustainability and extensibility of FlexRay schedules (RS, DG, SC, UDB, PE, ZP), pp. 375–380.
DATE-2011-KlobedanzK0 #approach #configuration management #fault tolerance #network- A reconfiguration approach for fault-tolerant FlexRay networks (KK, AK, WM), pp. 82–87.
DATE-2011-LukasiewyczCM #concept #network #scheduling- FlexRay switch scheduling — A networking concept for electric vehicles (ML, SC, PM), pp. 76–81.
DATE-2011-SchenkelaarsVG #network #scheduling- Optimal scheduling of switched FlexRay networks (TS, BV, KG), pp. 926–931.
DATE-2011-WangZHLL #memory management- Flex memory: Exploiting and managing abundant off-chip optical bandwidth (YW, LZ, YH, HL, XL), pp. 968–973.
CAV-2011-MullerP #hardware #interface #verification- Complete Formal Hardware Verification of Interfaces for a FlexRay-Like Bus (CAM, WJP), pp. 633–648.
DATE-2010-GhosalZNB #design #nondeterminism #parametricity #robust- Computing robustness of FlexRay schedules to uncertainties in design parameters (AG, HZ, MDN, YBH), pp. 550–555.
DATE-2010-KarnerASW #network #runtime #simulation #using- Holistic simulation of FlexRay networks by using run-time model switching (MK, EA, CS, RW), pp. 544–549.
SIGMOD-2010-LevandoskiMKK #evaluation- A demonstration of FlexPref: extensible preference evaluation inside the DBMS engine (JJL, MFM, MEK, VRK), pp. 1247–1250.
SAC-2010-ChokshiB #analysis #calculus #performance #realtime #revisited #using- Performance analysis of FlexRay-based systems using real-time calculus, revisited (DBC, PB), pp. 351–356.
OSDI-2010-SoaresS #flexibility #named #scheduling- FlexSC: Flexible System Call Scheduling with Exception-Less System Calls (LS, MS), pp. 33–46.
CASE-2009-GoswamiSBC- A DECOMSYS based tool-chain for analyzing FlexRay based automotive control applications (DG, PS, UDB, SC), pp. 403–408.
DAC-2009-ZengZNGGS #optimisation #scheduling #using- Scheduling the FlexRay bus using optimization techniques (HZ, WZ, MDN, AG, PG, ALSV), pp. 874–877.
DATE-2009-ArmengaudS #metric #network- Remote measurement of local oscillator drifts in FlexRay networks (EA, AS), pp. 1082–1087.
DATE-2009-LiNZGSS #dependence #optimisation #protocol- Optimizations of an application-level protocol for enhanced dependability in FlexRay (WL, MDN, WZ, PG, ALSV, SAS), pp. 1076–1081.
DATE-2009-ReicheltST #constraints #design #realtime- The influence of real-time constraints on the design of FlexRay-based systems (SR, OS, GT), pp. 858–863.
SIGMOD-2009-KoutrikaBG #flexibility #named #recommendation- FlexRecs: expressing and combining flexible recommendations (GK, BB, HGM), pp. 745–758.
ITiCSE-2009-Kagawa #framework #named #plugin #programming- WAPPEN: a web-based application framework for programming and its bison/flex plug-in (KK), p. 383.
ICSE-2009-Zhang #approach #aspect-oriented #java #named- FlexSync: An aspect-oriented approach to Java synchronization (CZ), pp. 375–385.
DAC-2007-HagiescuBCSGR #analysis #network #performance- Performance Analysis of FlexRay-based ECU Networks (AH, UDB, SC, PS, PVVG, SR), pp. 284–289.
DAC-2007-LucasHE #library #named #realtime- FlexWAFE — A High-end Real-Time Stream Processing Library for FPGAs (AdCL, SH, RE), pp. 916–921.
DAC-2007-PimentelP #analysis- Experimental Jitter Analysis in a FlexCAN Based Drive-by-Wire Automotive Application (JRP, JP), pp. 290–293.
DATE-2007-PopPEP #distributed #embedded #optimisation- Bus access optimisation for FlexRay-based distributed embedded systems (TP, PP, PE, ZP), pp. 51–56.
SEFM-2007-SampathRSR #case study #generative #how #using- How to Test Program Generators? A Case Study using flex (PS, ACR, KCS, SR), pp. 80–92.
SEKE-2007-MartinhoDV #flexibility #modelling #named #process #uml- FlexUML: A UML Profile for Flexible Process Modeling (RM, DD, JV), pp. 215–220.
DATE-DF-2006-BarontiDKMRSSSV- FlexRay transceiver in a 0.35 µm CMOS high-voltage technology (FB, PD, MK, RM, RR, RS, MS, RS, VV), pp. 201–205.
PPoPP-2003-FraguelaRFPT #memory management #parallel #programming- Programming the FlexRAM parallel intelligent memory system (BBF, JR, PF, DAP, JT), pp. 49–60.
DATE-2002-StohrSG #named #reuse #verification- FlexBench: Reuse of Verification IP to Increase Productivity (BS, MS, JG), p. 1131.
HCI-CC-1997-Vanderheiden97a #architecture #interface- Use of a Common Table Architecture for Creating Hands Free, Eyes Free, Noisy Environment (Flex-Modal, Flex-Input) Interfaces (GCV), pp. 449–452.
ECOOP-1993-JohnsonP #flexibility #generative #named- MetaFlex: A Flexible Metaclass Generator (RJ, MP), pp. 502–527.
HCI-CE-1987-Motro #database #design #user interface- The Design of FLEX: A Tolerant and Cooperative User Interface to Databases (AM), pp. 583–591.