35 papers:
CASE-2015-HagqvistCH #automation- Automation of a laser welding system for additive manufacturing (PH, AKC, AH), pp. 900–905.
DATE-2015-CilingirogluZUK #representation- Dictionary-based sparse representation for resolution improvement in laser voltage imaging of CMOS integrated circuits (TBC, MZ, AU, WCK, JK, AJ, BBG, MSÜ), pp. 597–600.
CHI-2015-BeyerGMCB #3d #named- Platener: Low-Fidelity Fabrication of 3D Objects by Substituting 3D Print with Laser-Cut Plates (DB, SG, SM, HTC, PB), pp. 1799–1806.
CHI-2015-MullerES #interactive #named- BaseLase: An Interactive Focus+Context Laser Floor (JM, DE, CS), pp. 3869–3878.
DHM-EH-2015-MaruyamaKD #adaptation #scalability #simulation- MoCap-Based Adaptive Human-Like Walking Simulation in Laser-Scanned Large-Scale as-Built Environments (TM, SK, HD), pp. 193–204.
ICEIS-v2-2015-AizebojeP #approach #pointer #using- An Approach to using a Laser Pointer as a Mouse (JA, TP), pp. 543–552.
DATE-2014-PapadimitriouHBML #clustering #fault #injection #modelling #multi #towards- A multiple fault injection methodology based on cone partitioning towards RTL modeling of laser attacks (AP, DH, VB, PM, RL), pp. 1–4.
CHI-2013-MuellerKB #3d #named- LaserOrigami: laser-cutting 3D objects (SM, BK, PB), pp. 2585–2592.
DHM-HB-2013-MaruyamaKD #3d #simulation- Simulating a Walk of Digital Human Model Directly in Massive 3D Laser-Scanned Point Cloud of Indoor Environments (TM, SK, HD), pp. 366–375.
ICPR-2012-NurunnabiBW #3d #multi #robust #segmentation- Robust segmentation for multiple planar surface extraction in laser scanning 3D point cloud data (AN, DB, GAWW), pp. 1367–1370.
CHI-2011-IannacciTAP #feedback #interactive #multi #physics- The haptic laser: multi-sensation tactile feedback for at-a-distance physical space perception and interaction (FI, ET, DA, SNP), pp. 2047–2050.
HIMI-v2-2011-TakahashiT #information management- Big Fat Wand: A Laser Projection System for Information Sharing in a Workspace (TT, TT), pp. 403–410.
ICPR-2010-KayaCC #design #using- Designing a Pattern Stabilization Method Using Scleral Blood Vessels for Laser Eye Surgery (AK, ABC, HBC), pp. 698–701.
DHM-2009-LiGZTY #3d- Auto-calibration of a Laser 3D Color Digitization System (XL, BzG, DZ, QgT, KDY), pp. 691–699.
HCI-AUII-2009-SchenkSDSFGL- Ultra Compact Laser Based Projectors and Imagers (HS, TS, CD, MS, KF, CG, HL), pp. 501–510.
HIMI-DIE-2009-SakataON- Applications of Visible Light Path Laser Projector (NS, SO, SN), pp. 611–618.
CASE-2008-DaiCL #using- Robot tracking using vision and laser sensors (WD, AC, PXL), pp. 169–174.
CASE-2008-SenthilkumaranPR- Shrinkage compensation along single direction dexel space for improving accuracy in Selective Laser Sintering (KS, PMP, PVMR), pp. 827–832.
DATE-2008-VersenSSD #analysis #locality- Test Instrumentation for a Laser Scanning Localization Technique for Analysis of High Speed DRAM devices (MV, AS, JS, DD), pp. 776–779.
CASE-2007-HolleCHHM- Characterization of Program Controlled CO2 Laser-Cut PDMS Channels for Lab-on-a-chip Applications (AWH, ShC, MH, JMH, DRM), pp. 621–627.
CASE-2007-NaZW #identification #process- Discrete-Model Identification for Nonlinear Laser Welding Process (XN, YZ, BW), pp. 1002–1007.
DATE-2007-LeveugleAMTMMFRT #evaluation #fault #modelling- Experimental evaluation of protections against laser-induced faults and consequences on fault modeling (RL, AA, VM, ET, PM, CM, NF, JBR, AT), pp. 1587–1592.
HCI-IPT-2007-KimLLL #flexibility #interactive #pointer- Vision Based Laser Pointer Interaction for Flexible Screens (NWK, SJL, BGL, JJL), pp. 845–853.
DAC-2006-SheahanFWMM #challenge #design- 4.25 Gb/s laser driver: design challenges and EDA tool limitations (BS, JWF, JW, KM, BM), pp. 863–866.
ICPR-v1-2006-KawasakiFN #3d #using- 3D acquisition system using uncalibrated line-laser projec (HK, RF, YN), pp. 1071–1075.
ICPR-v4-2006-CuiZZS #multi #people #robust #using- Robust Tracking of Multiple People in Crowds Using Laser Range Scanners (JC, HZ, HZ, RS), pp. 857–860.
DATE-2005-SturmLSGZ04- Optical Receiver IC for CD/DVD/Blue-Laser Application (JS, ML, HS, SG, HZ), pp. 215–218.
ICPR-v3-2004-ForestSCP #3d #approach #detection- Laser Stripe Peak Detector for 3D Scanners. A FIR Filter Approach (JF, JS, EC, CP), pp. 646–649.
CHI-2002-MyersBNPKML #distance #performance #pointer- Interacting at a distance: measuring the performance of laser pointers and other devices (BAM, RB, JN, CHP, DK, RCM, ACL), pp. 33–40.
ICPR-v2-2002-RonnebergerBS #3d #classification #invariant #recognition #set #using- General-Purpose Object Recognition in 3D Volume Data Sets Using Gray-Scale Invariants --- Classification of Airborne Pollen-Grains Recorded with a Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope (OR, HB, ES), p. 290–?.
ICPR-v3-2002-IpFC #3d #image #re-engineering- Three-Dimensional Enhancement of Confocal Scanning Laser Fluorescence Microscope Images for Vascular Reconstruction (HHSI, JJF, SHC), pp. 863–866.
CHI-2001-OlsenN #interactive #pointer- Laser pointer interaction (DRO, STN), pp. 17–22.
ICPR-v3-2000-Kiema #automation #classification #data fusion #using- Wavelet Compression and Data Fusion: An Investigation into the Automatic Classification of Urban Environments using Color Photography and Laser Scanning Data (JBKK), pp. 3089–3093.
ICPR-v4-2000-Zheng #analysis #flexibility- A Flexible Laser Range Sensor Based on Spatial-temporal Analysis (JYZ), pp. 4740–4743.
ICPR-1996-HattoriS- Accurate rangefinder with laser pattern shifting (KH, YS), pp. 849–853.