19 papers:
DAC-2015-BokhariJSHP #architecture #manycore #named- SuperNet: multimode interconnect architecture for manycore chips (HB, HJ, MS, JH, SP), p. 6.
DAC-2015-LiuKDK #data access #network #reduction- Network footprint reduction through data access and computation placement in NoC-based manycores (JL, JK, WD, MTK), p. 6.
DATE-2015-HaghbayanRFLPNT #manycore #online #power management #testing- Power-aware online testing of manycore systems in the dark silicon era (MHH, AMR, MF, PL, JP, ZN, HT), pp. 435–440.
DATE-2015-RawatS #architecture #concurrent #hybrid #manycore #memory management #thread- Enabling multi-threaded applications on hybrid shared memory manycore architectures (TR, AS), pp. 742–747.
DATE-2014-SilvanoPXS #architecture #manycore- Voltage island management in near threshold manycore architectures to mitigate dark silicon (CS, GP, SX, ISS), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-ZhangAJC #manycore #network- Thermal management of manycore systems with silicon-photonic networks (TZ, JLA, AJ, AKC), pp. 1–6.
HPDC-2014-RezaeiCLCM #manycore #named- Snapify: capturing snapshots of offload applications on xeon phi manycore processors (AR, GC, CHL, STC, FM), pp. 1–12.
DATE-2013-DaneshtalabEPT #interface #manycore #named #network- CARS: congestion-aware request scheduler for network interfaces in NoC-based manycore systems (MD, ME, JP, HT), pp. 1048–1051.
SAC-2013-ImJLL #configuration management #manycore #operating system- A dynamically reconfigurable operating system for manycore systems (CI, MJ, JL, SL), pp. 1622–1627.
HPCA-2013-KarpuzcuSKT #energy #named #towards- EnergySmart: Toward energy-efficient manycores for Near-Threshold Computing (URK, AAS, NSK, JT), pp. 542–553.
DATE-2012-KesslerDTNRDBTP #aspect-oriented #manycore #performance #programmable- Programmability and performance portability aspects of heterogeneous multi-/manycore systems (CWK, UD, ST, RN, AR, UD, SB, JLT, SP), pp. 1403–1408.
SAC-2012-ImJLLL #manycore #operating system #realtime- A real-time operating system for manycore systems (CI, MJ, JDL, SL, SL), pp. 1845–1846.
LCTES-2012-HashemiFGE #embedded #named #scalability #streaming- FORMLESS: scalable utilization of embedded manycores in streaming applications (MH, MHF, SG, CE), pp. 71–78.
DATE-2011-LeupersEMSTC #manycore #towards- Virtual Manycore platforms: Moving towards 100+ processor cores (RL, LE, GM, FS, NPT, XC), pp. 715–720.
DAC-2008-Garland #gpu #manycore #matrix- Sparse matrix computations on manycore GPU’s (MG), pp. 2–6.
DAC-2008-SapatnekarHKDKMPS #manycore- Reinventing EDA with manycore processors (SSS, EH, KK, AD, DK, SM, DP, TS), pp. 126–127.
DATE-2008-ZhangHXL #fault #manycore #using- Defect Tolerance in Homogeneous Manycore Processors Using Core-Level Redundancy with Unified Topology (LZ, YH, QX, XL), pp. 891–896.
PPoPP-2008-TanFZRG #architecture #experience #manycore #memory management #optimisation- Experience on optimizing irregular computation for memory hierarchy in manycore architecture (GT, DF, JZ, AR, GRG), pp. 279–280.
HPCA-2007-Pawlowski #challenge #manycore #perspective #research- Petascale Computing Research Challenges — A Manycore Perspective (SP), p. 96.