62 papers:
ICPC-2015-PavlovicRRR #lightweight #named- Limpio: LIghtweight MPI instrumentatiOn (MP, MR, AR, PR), pp. 303–306.
CC-2015-NgCY #code generation #protocol- Protocols by Default — Safe MPI Code Generation Based on Session Types (NN, JGdFC, NY), pp. 212–232.
PPoPP-2015-AmerLWBM #runtime #thread- MPI+Threads: runtime contention and remedies (AA, HL, YW, PB, SM), pp. 239–248.
PPoPP-2015-SaillardCB #concurrent #multi #thread #validation- Static/Dynamic validation of MPI collective communications in multi-threaded context (ES, PC, DB), pp. 279–280.
FM-2014-ForejtKNS #analysis #communication #precise #predict #source code- Precise Predictive Analysis for Discovering Communication Deadlocks in MPI Programs (VF, DK, GN, SS), pp. 263–278.
PPoPP-2014-LuoLHKP #hybrid #manycore #programming #runtime- Initial study of multi-endpoint runtime for MPI+OpenMP hybrid programming model on multi-core systems (ML, XL, KH, KCK, DKP), pp. 395–396.
PPoPP-2014-YangBMB #fortran- Portable, MPI-interoperable coarray fortran (CY, WB, JMMC, PB), pp. 81–92.
SAC-PL-J-2010-RodriguesNPM13 #semantics- Preserving the original MPI semantics in a virtualized processor environment (ERR, POAN, JP, CLM), pp. 412–421.
HPDC-2013-AjiPJCMBBDFMMT #on the- On the efficacy of GPU-integrated MPI for scientific applications (AMA, LSP, FJ, MC, KM, PB, KRB, JD, WcF, JMMC, XM, RT), pp. 191–202.
HPDC-2013-LiHS #communication- NUMA-aware shared-memory collective communication for MPI (SL, TH, MS), pp. 85–96.
HPDC-2013-RajachandrasekarMMP #file system- A 1 PB/s file system to checkpoint three million MPI tasks (RR, AM, KM, DKP), pp. 143–154.
PPoPP-2012-GongHZ #bibliography #in the cloud #network #performance- An overview of CMPI: network performance aware MPI in the cloud (YG, BH, JZ), pp. 297–298.
PPoPP-2011-SiegelZ #automation #parallel #source code #verification- Automatic formal verification of MPI-based parallel programs (SFS, TKZ), pp. 309–310.
SOFTVIS-2010-HumphreyDGT #named #source code #visual notation- GEM: graphical explorer of MPI programs (AH, CD, GG, BRT), pp. 217–218.
SAC-2010-BallanceC #monitoring #performance #source code- Monitoring MPI programs for performance characterization and management control (RAB, JC), pp. 2305–2310.
HPDC-2010-AgrawalMHC #estimation #named #parallel #sequence #statistics- MPIPairwiseStatSig: parallel pairwise statistical significance estimation of local sequence alignment (AA, SM, DH, ANC), pp. 470–476.
HPDC-2010-KamalMW #scalability- Scalability of communicators and groups in MPI (HK, SMM, AW), pp. 264–275.
HPDC-2010-PatrickKKSC- Cashing in on hints for better prefetching and caching in PVFS and MPI-IO (CMP, MTK, MK, SWS, ANC), pp. 191–202.
HPDC-2010-PerryS #communication #data type- Improving MPI communication via data type fission (BP, DMS), pp. 352–355.
PPoPP-2010-CarterGG #library- The pilot library for novice MPI programmers (JDC, WBG, GG), pp. 351–352.
PPoPP-2010-MarjanovicLAV #communication #effectiveness #hybrid- Effective communication and computation overlap with hybrid MPI/SMPSs (VM, JL, EA, MV), pp. 337–338.
FM-2009-VakkalankaVGK #execution #semantics #theory and practice- Reduced Execution Semantics of MPI: From Theory to Practice (SSV, AV, GG, RMK), pp. 724–740.
HPDC-2009-DickensL #file system #library #named #performance- Y-lib: a user level library to increase the performance of MPI-IO in a lustre file system environment (PMD, JL), pp. 31–38.
HPDC-2009-HurseyML- Interconnect agnostic checkpoint/restart in open MPI (JH, TM, AL), pp. 49–58.
PPoPP-2009-VoVDGKT #source code #verification- Formal verification of practical MPI programs (AV, SSV, MD, GG, RMK, RT), pp. 261–270.
PPoPP-2009-XueLWGCZZV #named- MPIWiz: subgroup reproducible replay of mpi applications (RX, XL, MW, ZG, WC, WZ, ZZ, GMV), pp. 251–260.
HPDC-2008-ManosMKCKT #distributed #performance #using- Distributed mpi cross-site run performance using mpig (SM, MDM, OK, PVC, NTK, BRT), pp. 229–230.
PPoPP-2008-GregorL #c# #design #framework #implementation- Design and implementation of a high-performance MPI for C# and the common language infrastructure (DG, AL), pp. 133–142.
PPoPP-2008-LiDGK #specification #standard- Formal specification of the MPI-2.0 standard in TLA+ (GL, MD, GG, RMK), pp. 283–284.
PPoPP-2008-PatrickSK #communication #performance- Enhancing the performance of MPI-IO applications by overlapping I/O, computation and communication (CMP, SWS, MTK), pp. 277–278.
PPoPP-2008-VakkalankaSGK #model checking #named #source code- ISP: a tool for model checking MPI programs (SSV, SS, GG, RMK), pp. 285–286.
PPoPP-2008-WangYFDWJ #analysis #automation #source code- Automated application-level checkpointing based on live-variable analysis in MPI programs (PW, XY, HF, YD, ZW, JJ), pp. 273–274.
CAV-2008-VakkalankaGK #order #reduction #source code #verification- Dynamic Verification of MPI Programs with Reductions in Presence of Split Operations and Relaxed Orderings (SSV, GG, RMK), pp. 66–79.
HPDC-2007-GuptaV #performance- An efficient MPI_allgather for grids (RG, SSV), pp. 169–178.
PPoPP-2007-SaitoT #rank- Locality-aware connection management and rank assignment for wide-area MPI (HS, KT), pp. 150–151.
VMCAI-2007-Siegel #model checking #source code- Model Checking Nonblocking MPI Programs (SFS), pp. 44–58.
SOFTVIS-2006-PazelT #development #programming #visual notation- Intentional MPI programming in a visual development environment (DPP, BT), pp. 169–170.
PPoPP-2006-FernandesPS #mobile #source code- Mobile MPI programs in computational grids (RF, KP, PS), pp. 22–31.
PPoPP-2006-HuangZKK #adaptation #evaluation #performance- Performance evaluation of adaptive MPI (CH, GZ, LVK, SK), pp. 12–21.
PPoPP-2006-SpringerLRF #clustering #energy #execution #source code- Minimizing execution time in MPI programs on an energy-constrained, power-scalable cluster (RS, DKL, BR, VWF), pp. 230–238.
PPoPP-2006-SurJCP #design #protocol- RDMA read based rendezvous protocol for MPI over InfiniBand: design alternatives and benefits (SS, HWJ, LC, DKP), pp. 32–39.
HPDC-2005-MassettoJS #hybrid #named- HMPI — hybrid MPI (FIM, AMGJ, LMS), pp. 306–307.
PPoPP-2005-FreehL #clustering #energy #multi #source code #using- Using multiple energy gears in MPI programs on a power-scalable cluster (VWF, DKL), pp. 164–173.
PPoPP-2005-SiegelA #modelling #source code #verification- Modeling wildcard-free MPI programs for verification (SFS, GSA), pp. 95–106.
VMCAI-2005-Siegel #performance #source code #verification- Efficient Verification of Halting Properties for MPI Programs with Wildcard Receives (SFS), pp. 413–429.
HPDC-2004-Aycock #memory management #ruby- MPI Ruby with Remote Memory Access (CCA), pp. 280–281.
SAC-2003-PannalaDSO #hybrid #modelling #parallel- Hybrid (OpenMP and MPI) Parallelization of MFIX: A Multiphase CFD Code for Modeling Fluidized Beds (SP, EFD, MS, TO), pp. 199–206.
HPDC-2003-SievertC #policy #process- Policies for Swapping MPI Processes (OS, HC), pp. 104–113.
PPoPP-2003-BronevetskyMPS #automation #source code- Automated application-level checkpointing of MPI programs (GB, DM, KP, PS), pp. 84–94.
PPoPP-2003-KarwandeYL #clustering #communication #named #prototype- CC-MPI: a compiled communication capable MPI prototype for ethernet switched clusters (AK, XY, DKL), p. 3.
PPoPP-2003-KarwandeYL03a #clustering #communication #named #prototype- CC-MPI: a compiled communication capable MPI prototype for ethernet switched clusters (AK, XY, DKL), pp. 95–106.
PPoPP-2003-Squyres #architecture #component- A component architecture for LAM/MPI (JMS), p. 2.
SAC-2002-TourinoBDG #analysis #clustering #performance- Performance analysis of MPI-I/O primitives on a PC cluster (JT, JB, RD, VMG), pp. 907–912.
HPDC-1999-AgbariaF #clustering #fault tolerance #named #source code- Starfish: Fault-Tolerant Dynamic MPI Programs on Clusters of Workstations (AA, RF), pp. 167–176.
HPDC-1999-ReneP #corba #encapsulation #parallel #using- MPI Code Encapsulating using Parallel CORBA Object (CR, TP), pp. 3–10.
HPDC-1999-ReschGG #approach- An Approach for MPI based Metacomputing (MMR, EG, AG), pp. 333–334.
HPDC-1999-SupinskiK #grid- Accurately Measuring MPI Broadcasts in a Computational Grid (BRdS, NTK), pp. 29–37.
PPoPP-1999-KielmannHBPB #clustering #communication #named- MagPIe: MPI’s Collective Communication Operations for Clustered Wide Area Systems (TK, RFHH, HEB, AP, RB), pp. 131–140.
PPoPP-1999-TangSY #execution #memory management #multi #runtime #thread- Compile/Run-Time Support for Threaded MPI Execution on Multiprogrammed Shared Memory Machines (HT, KS, TY), pp. 107–118.
SAC-1998-MerkleGL #algorithm #performance #scalability #search-based- Scalability of an MPI-based fast messy genetic algorithm (LDM, GHGJ, GBL), pp. 386–393.
HPDC-1998-Al-TawilM #quantifier- LogGP Quantified: The Case for MPI (KAT, CAM), pp. 366–367.
HPCA-1997-HwangWW #3d #communication #multi- Evaluating MPI Collective Communication on the SP2, T3D, and Paragon Multicomputers (KH, CW, CLW), pp. 106–115.