59 papers:
ICPC-2015-BeyerP #stack overflow- Synonym suggestion for tags on stack overflow (SB, MP), pp. 94–103.
ICSME-2015-NagyC #fault #mining #query #sql #stack overflow- Mining Stack Overflow for discovering error patterns in SQL queries (CN, AC), pp. 516–520.
MSR-2015-CalefatoLMN #mining #stack overflow- Mining Successful Answers in Stack Overflow (FC, FL, MCM, NN), pp. 430–433.
MSR-2015-ChowdhuryH #mining #stack overflow #topic- Mining StackOverflow to Filter Out Off-Topic IRC Discussion (SAC, AH), pp. 422–425.
MSR-2015-DiamantopoulosS #source code #stack overflow- Employing Source Code Information to Improve Question-Answering in Stack Overflow (TGD, ALS), pp. 454–457.
MSR-2015-DuijnKB #quality #stack overflow- Quality Questions Need Quality Code: Classifying Code Fragments on Stack Overflow (MD, AK, AB), pp. 410–413.
MSR-2015-ErcanSB #automation #predict #stack overflow- Automatic Assessments of Code Explanations: Predicting Answering Times on Stack Overflow (SE, QS, AB), pp. 442–445.
MSR-2015-GantayatDPMS #stack overflow- The Synergy between Voting and Acceptance of Answers on StackOverflow — Or the Lack Thereof (NG, PD, RP, SM, VSS), pp. 406–409.
MSR-2015-GoderieGGB #named #predict #stack overflow- ETA: Estimated Time of Answer Predicting Response Time in Stack Overflow (JG, BMG, BvG, AB), pp. 414–417.
MSR-2015-HonselHG #evaluation #stack overflow- Intuition vs. Truth: Evaluation of Common Myths about StackOverflow Posts (VH, SH, JG), pp. 438–441.
MSR-2015-JinYKCII #case study #stack overflow- Quick Trigger on Stack Overflow: A Study of Gamification-Influenced Member Tendencies (YJ, XY, RGK, EC, KI, HI), pp. 434–437.
MSR-2015-Marder #approach #behaviour #stack overflow- Stack Overflow Badges and User Behavior: An Econometric Approach (AM), pp. 450–453.
MSR-2015-PonzanelliML15a #named #stack overflow- StORMeD: Stack Overflow Ready Made Data (LP, AM, ML), pp. 474–477.
MSR-2015-RahmanR #stack overflow- An Insight into the Unresolved Questions at Stack Overflow (MMR, CKR), pp. 426–429.
MSR-2015-SlagWB #stack overflow #why- One-Day Flies on StackOverflow — Why the Vast Majority of StackOverflow Users Only Posts Once (RS, MdW, AB), pp. 458–461.
MSR-2015-ZouXGYYZ #analysis #developer #empirical #non-functional #requirements #stack overflow #topic #using- Which Non-functional Requirements Do Developers Focus On? An Empirical Study on Stack Overflow Using Topic Analysis (JZ, LX, WG, MY, DY, XZ), pp. 446–449.
SANER-2015-GuerroujAR #stack overflow- The influence of App churn on App success and StackOverflow discussions (LG, SA, PCR), pp. 321–330.
ICSE-v2-2015-SanchezW #source code #stack overflow- Source Code Curation on StackOverflow: The Vesperin System (HS, JW), pp. 661–664.
ICSE-v2-2015-Squire #developer #social #social media #stack overflow- “Should We Move to Stack Overflow?” Measuring the Utility of Social Media for Developer Support (MS), pp. 219–228.
ASPLOS-2015-Sidiroglou-Douskos #automation #branch #integer #using- Targeted Automatic Integer Overflow Discovery Using Goal-Directed Conditional Branch Enforcement (SSD, EL, NR, PP, FL, DK, MCR), pp. 473–486.
ICPC-2014-VasquezBPOP #android #api #case study #how #stack overflow- How do API changes trigger stack overflow discussions? a study on the Android SDK (MLV, GB, MDP, RO, DP), pp. 83–94.
ICSME-2014-BeyerP #android #categorisation #development #stack overflow- A Manual Categorization of Android App Development Issues on Stack Overflow (SB, MP), pp. 531–535.
ICSME-2014-PonzanelliMBLF #detection #quality #stack overflow- Improving Low Quality Stack Overflow Post Detection (LP, AM, AB, ML, DF), pp. 541–544.
MSR-2014-PonzanelliBPOL #ide #mining #programming #self #stack overflow- Mining StackOverflow to turn the IDE into a self-confident programming prompter (LP, GB, MDP, RO, ML), pp. 102–111.
CSCW-2014-TausczikKK #case study #collaboration #problem- Collaborative problem solving: a study of MathOverflow (YRT, AK, REK), pp. 355–367.
ICEIS-v2-2014-DingTZ #automation #c #c++ #source code- Automatic Removal of Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities in C/C++ Programs (SD, HBKT, HZ), pp. 49–59.
POPL-2014-LongSKR #fault #generative #integer- Sound input filter generation for integer overflow errors (FL, SSD, DK, MCR), pp. 439–452.
ICSM-2013-BazelliHS #on the #stack overflow- On the Personality Traits of StackOverflow Users (BB, AH, ES), pp. 460–463.
MSR-2013-AllamanisS #stack overflow #topic #what #why- Why, when, and what: analyzing stack overflow questions by topic, type, and code (MA, CAS), pp. 53–56.
MSR-2013-AsaduzzamanMRS #stack overflow- Answering questions about unanswered questions of stack overflow (MA, ASM, CKR, KAS), pp. 97–100.
MSR-2013-BosuCHCCK #empirical #stack overflow- Building reputation in StackOverflow: an empirical investigation (AB, CSC, DH, DC, JCC, NAK), pp. 89–92.
MSR-2013-GomezCS #case study #stack overflow- A study of innovation diffusion through link sharing on stack overflow (CG, BC, LS), pp. 81–84.
MSR-2013-MorrisonM #programming #stack overflow- Is programming knowledge related to age? an exploration of stack overflow (PM, ERMH), pp. 69–72.
MSR-2013-SahaSS #approach #automation #stack overflow- A discriminative model approach for suggesting tags automatically for stack overflow questions (AKS, RKS, KAS), pp. 73–76.
MSR-2013-VasquezDP #analysis #development #mobile #stack overflow #using- An exploratory analysis of mobile development issues using stack overflow (MLV, BD, DP), pp. 93–96.
SIGIR-2013-DalipGCC #case study #feedback #rank #stack overflow- Exploiting user feedback to learn to rank answers in q&a forums: a case study with stack overflow (DHD, MAG, MC, PC), pp. 543–552.
SAC-2013-WangLJ #developer #empirical #interactive #stack overflow- An empirical study on developer interactions in StackOverflow (SW, DL, LJ), pp. 1019–1024.
ESEC-FSE-2013-SahaSP #case study #comprehension #stack overflow #towards- Toward understanding the causes of unanswered questions in software information sites: a case study of stack overflow (RKS, AKS, DEP), pp. 663–666.
ICSE-2013-PonzanelliBL #ide #named #stack overflow- Seahawk: stack overflow in the IDE (LP, AB, ML), pp. 1295–1298.
CGO-2013-RodriguesCP #integer #performance #source code- A fast and low-overhead technique to secure programs against integer overflows (RER, VHSC, FMQP), p. 11.
ICSM-2012-NasehiSMB #case study #programming #stack overflow #what- What makes a good code example?: A study of programming Q&A in StackOverflow (SMN, JS, FM, CB), pp. 25–34.
KDD-2012-AndersonHKL #case study #community #process #stack overflow- Discovering value from community activity on focused question answering sites: a case study of stack overflow (AA, DPH, JMK, JL), pp. 850–858.
SAC-2012-FouqueLV #fault #using- Using faults for buffer overflow effects (PAF, DL, FV), pp. 1638–1639.
ICSE-2012-DietzLRA #c #c++ #comprehension #integer- Understanding integer overflow in C/C++ (WD, PL, JR, VSA), pp. 760–770.
PLDI-2011-ZengWL #concurrent #data type #monitoring #named #using- Cruiser: concurrent heap buffer overflow monitoring using lock-free data structures (QZ, DW, PL), pp. 367–377.
CC-2011-SolGPB #compilation #testing- Dynamic Elimination of Overflow Tests in a Trace Compiler (RS, CG, FMQP, MAdSB), pp. 2–21.
FSE-2010-LiCK #analysis #detection #effectiveness- Practical and effective symbolic analysis for buffer overflow detection (LL, CC, NK), pp. 317–326.
SEFM-2009-NgocO #analysis #fault #model checking- Overflow and Roundoff Error Analysis via Model Checking (DTBN, MO), pp. 105–114.
FSE-2008-LeS #detection #named- Marple: a demand-driven path-sensitive buffer overflow detector (WL, MLS), pp. 272–282.
ISSTA-2008-XuGM #abstraction #testing- Testing for buffer overflows with length abstraction (RGX, PG, RM), pp. 27–38.
ASE-2007-KuHCL #benchmark #metric #model checking- A buffer overflow benchmark for software model checkers (KK, TEH, MC, DL), pp. 389–392.
PASTE-2007-LeS #analysis #detection- Refining buffer overflow detection via demand-driven path-sensitive analysis (WL, MLS), pp. 63–68.
CASE-2006-CheungC #analysis #capacity- Analysis of Capacity Overflow for Manufacturing Systems (KSC, KOC), pp. 331–335.
ICSE-2006-HackettDWY #composition #in the large- Modular checking for buffer overflows in the large (BH, MD, DW, ZY), pp. 232–241.
DATE-2005-LoghiAP #architecture #energy- Tag Overflow Buffering: An Energy-Efficient Cache Architecture (ML, PA, MP), pp. 520–525.
FSE-2004-ZitserLL #open source #source code #static analysis #testing #tool support #using- Testing static analysis tools using exploitable buffer overflows from open source code (MZ, RL, TL), pp. 97–106.
WCRE-2003-DahnM #c #program transformation #source code #using- Using Program Transformation to Secure C Programs Against Buffer Overflows (CD, SM), pp. 323–333.
PLDI-2003-DorRS #c #detection #named #towards- CSSV: towards a realistic tool for statically detecting all buffer overflows in C (ND, MR, SS), pp. 155–167.
STOC-2001-KesselmanLMPSS- Buffer overflow management in QoS switches (AK, ZL, YM, BPS, BS, MS), pp. 520–529.