38 papers:
QoSA-2015-IzurietaRG #modelling #quality #technical debt- Preemptive Management of Model Driven Technical Debt for Improving Software Quality (CI, GR, IG), pp. 31–36.
CAV-2015-CernyCHRRST #scheduling #synthesis #using- From Non-preemptive to Preemptive Scheduling Using Synchronization Synthesis (PC, EMC, TAH, AR, LR, RS, TT), pp. 180–197.
ICPR-2014-NeubertP #algorithm #segmentation #trade-off- Compact Watershed and Preemptive SLIC: On Improving Trade-offs of Superpixel Segmentation Algorithms (PN, PP), pp. 996–1001.
DAC-2013-AxerE #fault #probability #scheduling- Stochastic response-time guarantee for non-preemptive, fixed-priority scheduling under errors (PA, RE), p. 7.
SAC-2013-JungS #approach #garbage collection #named- LINK-GC: a preemptive approach for garbage collection in NAND flash storages (SJ, YHS), pp. 1478–1484.
DATE-2012-MarinhoNPP #analysis #float #scheduling- Preemption delay analysis for floating non-preemptive region scheduling (JM, VN, SMP, IP), pp. 497–502.
DATE-2011-IndrusiakS #performance #transaction- Fast and accurate transaction-level model of a wormhole network-on-chip with priority preemptive virtual channel arbitration (LSI, OMdS), pp. 1089–1094.
DATE-2011-WangWT #approach #modelling #named #performance #scheduling #simulation- DOM: A Data-dependency-Oriented Modeling approach for efficient simulation of OS preemptive scheduling (PCW, MHW, RST), pp. 335–340.
ICFP-2011-GotsmanY #composition #kernel #verification- Modular verification of preemptive OS kernels (AG, HY), pp. 404–417.
SAC-2011-Jaghoori #multi #question #scheduling- From nonpreemptive to preemptive scheduling: from single-processor to multi-processor? (MMJ), pp. 717–722.
PPoPP-2011-YiSF #execution #reasoning- Cooperative reasoning for preemptive execution (JY, CS, CF), pp. 147–156.
DAC-2010-WangM #approximate #named #realtime #scalability #using- PreDVS: preemptive dynamic voltage scaling for real-time systems using approximation scheme (WW, PM), pp. 705–710.
DATE-2010-RoxE #correlation- Exploiting inter-event stream correlations between output event streams of non-preemptively scheduled tasks (JR, RE), pp. 226–231.
DATE-2010-TakaseTT #clustering #memory management #multi- Partitioning and allocation of scratch-pad memory for priority-based preemptive multi-task systems (HT, HT, HT), pp. 1124–1129.
DATE-2009-LombardiMB #clustering #manycore #realtime #robust #scheduling- Robust non-preemptive hard real-time scheduling for clustered multicore platforms (ML, MM, LB), pp. 803–808.
DATE-2009-ViehlPBR #analysis #performance #scheduling- White box performance analysis considering static non-preemptive software scheduling (AV, MP, OB, WR), pp. 513–518.
SEKE-2009-XieWXWY #named #scheduling- PP-HAS: A Task Priority Based Preemptive Human Resource Scheduling Method (LX, QW, JX, YW, YY), pp. 655–660.
DATE-2008-SchirnerD #modelling #scheduling #using- Introducing Preemptive Scheduling in Abstract RTOS Models using Result Oriented Modeling (GS, RD), pp. 122–127.
PLDI-2008-FengSDG #hardware #low level #source code #thread- Certifying low-level programs with hardware interrupts and preemptive threads (XF, ZS, YD, YG), pp. 170–182.
AdaEurope-2008-CarnevaliGV #formal method #petri net- A Tailored V-Model Exploiting the Theory of Preemptive Time Petri Nets (LC, LG, EV), pp. 87–100.
SAC-2008-Andersson #bound #scheduling- The utilization bound of uniprocessor preemptive slack-monotonic scheduling is 50% (BA), pp. 281–283.
SAC-2008-YiMCJK #named #operating system #realtime- PreeMe: preemptive real-time task management for event-driven sensor operating systems (SY, HM, YC, IJ, YK), pp. 1726–1727.
DATE-2005-LeungTH #energy #scheduling- Exploiting Dynamic Workload Variation in Low Energy Preemptive Task Scheduling (LFL, CYT, XSH), pp. 634–639.
ICALP-2005-Kovacs #multi #polynomial- Polynomial Time Preemptive Sum-Multicoloring on Paths (AK), pp. 840–852.
LCTES-2005-StaschulatE #analysis #precise #scalability #scheduling- Scalable precision cache analysis for preemptive scheduling (JS, RE), pp. 157–165.
DATE-v2-2004-TanM #analysis #multi #realtime- Timing Analysis for Preemptive Multi-Tasking Real-Time Systems with Caches (YT, VJMI), pp. 1034–1039.
LCTES-2004-StarnerA #realtime- Measuring the cache interference cost in preemptive real-time systems (JS, LA), pp. 146–154.
FASE-2003-Kruger #using- Capturing Overlapping, Triggered, and Preemptive Collaborations Using MSCs (IK), pp. 387–402.
ICLP-2003-Wielemaker #prolog #thread- Native Preemptive Threads in SWI-Prolog (JW), pp. 331–345.
TACAS-2002-AbdeddaimM #automaton #scheduling #using- Preemptive Job-Shop Scheduling Using Stopwatch Automata (YA, OM), pp. 113–126.
STOC-2002-ChekuriK #approximate- Approximation schemes for preemptive weighted flow time (CC, SK), pp. 297–305.
ICALP-2002-ChrobakENSSTV #scheduling- Preemptive Scheduling in Overloaded Systems (MC, LE, JN, JS, RvS, TT, NV), pp. 800–811.
AdaEurope-2001-Burns #ada #policy- Defining New Non-preemptive Dispatching and Locking Policies for Ada (AB), pp. 328–336.
LCTES-2000-CortiBG #approximate #execution #multi #worst-case- Approximation of Worst-Case Execution Time for Preemptive Multitasking Systems (MC, RB, TRG), pp. 178–198.
EDTC-1997-WalkerG97a #distributed #independence #simulation- Exploiting temporal independence in distributed preemptive circuit simulation (PW, SG), pp. 378–382.
SIGMOD-1993-PangCL- Partially Preemptive Hash Joins (HP, MJC, ML), pp. 59–68.
STOC-1991-CoffmanG #proving #scheduling- Proof of the 4/3 Conjecture for Preemptive vs. Nonpreemptive Two-Processor Scheduling (EGCJ, MRG), pp. 241–248.
SOSP-1975-LamS #algorithm #analysis #scheduling- Analysis of a Level Algorithm for Preemptive Scheduling (SL, RS), pp. 178–186.