54 papers:
SANER-2015-MedicherlaK #analysis #approximate #precise #scalability- Precision vs. scalability: Context sensitive analysis with prefix approximation (RKM, RK), pp. 281–290.
CIAA-2015-NgRS #complexity #distance- State Complexity of Prefix Distance (TN, DR, KS), pp. 238–249.
DLT-2015-JirasekJ #bound- The Boundary of Prefix-Free Languages (JJ, GJ), pp. 300–312.
CADE-2015-JacquemardKS #bottom-up #constraints #term rewriting- Term Rewriting with Prefix Context Constraints and Bottom-Up Strategies (FJ, YK, MS), pp. 137–151.
SIGMOD-2014-DengLF #algorithm #similarity #string- A pivotal prefix based filtering algorithm for string similarity search (DD, GL, JF), pp. 673–684.
SIGMOD-2014-DyresonBG #query #using- Querying virtual hierarchies using virtual prefix-based numbers (CED, SSB, RG), pp. 791–802.
DLT-J-2013-AnselmoGM14 #2d #decidability- Prefix Picture codes: a Decidable class of Two-Dimensional codes (MA, DG, MM), pp. 1017–1032.
CIAA-2014-DumitranGMM #bound- Bounded Prefix-Suffix Duplication (MD, JG, FM, VM), pp. 176–187.
CIAA-2014-JiraskovaPS- Kleene Closure on Regular and Prefix-Free Languages (GJ, MP, JS), pp. 226–237.
POPL-2014-ChongDK #abstraction #parallel #reasoning- A sound and complete abstraction for reasoning about parallel prefix sums (NC, AFD, JK), pp. 397–410.
DAC-2013-RoyCPP #parallel #synthesis #towards #trade-off- Towards optimal performance-area trade-off in adders by synthesis of parallel prefix structures (SR, MRC, RP, DZP), p. 8.
SIGMOD-2013-KissingerSHL #query- Query processing on prefix trees live (TK, BS, DH, WL), pp. 1105–1108.
DLT-2013-AnselmoGM #2d- Two Dimensional Prefix Codes of Pictures (MA, DG, MM), pp. 46–57.
LATA-2013-Blanchet-SadriL #problem #word- Suffix Trees for Partial Words and the Longest Common Compatible Prefix Problem (FBS, JL), pp. 165–176.
PPoPP-2013-DeoK #array #gpu #parallel- Parallel suffix array and least common prefix for the GPU (MD, SK), pp. 197–206.
SIGMOD-2012-WangLF #adaptation #framework #similarity- Can we beat the prefix filtering?: an adaptive framework for similarity join and search (JW, GL, JF), pp. 85–96.
ICALP-v1-2012-Bauwens #complexity- Complexity of Complexity and Maximal Plain versus Prefix-Free Kolmogorov Complexity (BB), pp. 100–108.
ICALP-v2-2012-Broadbent #automaton- Prefix Rewriting for Nested-Words and Collapsible Pushdown Automata (CHB), pp. 153–164.
DLT-2011-FiciL #on the #word- On Prefix Normal Words (GF, ZL), pp. 228–238.
DLT-2010-PribavkinaR #complexity #regular expression- State Complexity of Prefix, Suffix, Bifix and Infix Operators on Regular Languages (EVP, ER), pp. 376–386.
ICGT-2010-BaldanBCKS #graph grammar #on the- On the Computation of McMillan’s Prefix for Contextual Nets and Graph Grammars (PB, AB, AC, BK, SS), pp. 91–106.
ICGT-2010-Khomenko #behaviour- A New Type of Behaviour-Preserving Transition Insertions in Unfolding Prefixes (VK), pp. 75–90.
LATA-2009-HanSY #complexity #regular expression- State Complexity of Combined Operations for Prefix-Free Regular Languages (YSH, KS, SY), pp. 398–409.
CGO-2009-SchackelerS #abstraction- Procedural Abstraction with Reverse Prefix Trees (SS, WS), pp. 243–253.
DATE-2008-RaoO #fault tolerance #parallel #towards- Towards fault tolerant parallel prefix adders in nanoelectronic systems (WR, AO), pp. 360–365.
VLDB-2008-SansL #xml- Prefix based numbering schemes for XML: techniques, applications and performances (VS, DL), pp. 1564–1573.
POPL-2008-Voigtlander #parallel- Much ado about two (pearl): a pearl on parallel prefix computation (JV), pp. 29–35.
PODS-2007-BadiaV #query- Non-linear prefixes in query languages (AB, SV), pp. 185–194.
CIAA-2007-Marschner #transducer #using- Efficiently Matching with Local Grammars Using Prefix Overlay Transducers (CM), pp. 314–316.
VLDB-2006-CandanHCTA #adaptation #clustering #named #xml- AFilter: Adaptable XML Filtering with Prefix-Caching and Suffix-Clustering (KSC, WPH, SC, JT, DA), pp. 559–570.
FoSSaCS-2006-JancarS #similarity #term rewriting- Undecidability Results for Bisimilarity on Prefix Rewrite Systems (PJ, JS), pp. 277–291.
CIKM-2006-GollapudiP06a #approximate #string #taxonomy- A dictionary for approximate string search and longest prefix search (SG, RP), pp. 768–775.
RTA-2006-Bruggink #finite #higher-order #product line #proving #using- A Proof of Finite Family Developments for Higher-Order Rewriting Using a Prefix Property (HJSB), pp. 372–386.
SAC-2005-BellaachiaR #database #performance #string- Efficiency of prefix and non-prefix codes in string matching over compressed databases on handheld devices (AB, IAR), pp. 993–997.
DATE-v2-2004-ZieglerS #design #parallel- A Unified Design Space for Regular Parallel Prefix Adders (MMZ, MRS), pp. 1386–1387.
CIAA-2002-CzyzowiczFPR- Prime Decompositions of Regular Prefix Codes (JC, WF, AP, WR), pp. 85–94.
CAV-2002-KhomenkoKV #canonical #petri net- Canonical Prefixes of Petri Net Unfoldings (VK, MK, WV), pp. 582–595.
CAV-2002-KupfermanPV #linear #model checking- Model Checking Linear Properties of Prefix-Recognizable Systems (OK, NP, MYV), pp. 371–385.
CIKM-2001-ParkKCP #approach #database #effectiveness #named #sequence- Prefix-Querying: An Approach for Effective Subsequence Matching Under Time Warping in Sequence Databases (SP, SWK, JSC, SP), pp. 255–262.
VLDB-1999-ChanI #query- Hierarchical Prefix Cubes for Range-Sum Queries (CYC, YEI), pp. 675–686.
CADE-1999-ArecesNR #logic- Prefixed Resolution: A Resolution Method for Modal and Description Logics (CA, HdN, MdR), pp. 187–201.
CAV-1999-LangerakB #algebra #finite #process- A Complete Finite Prefix for Process Algebra (RL, EB), pp. 184–195.
FoSSaCS-1998-AcetoFI #axiom #equation- A Cook’s Tour of Equational Axiomatizations for Prefix Iteration (LA, WF, AI), pp. 20–34.
DLT-1997-CastelliGM- Indecomposable prefix codes and prime trees (MGC, DG, SM), pp. 135–145.
DLT-1995-CalbrixN- Prefix and Period Languages of Rational ω-Languages (HC, MN), pp. 341–349.
ICALP-1994-GolinY #word- Prefix Codes: Equiprobable Words, Unequal Letter Costs (MJG, NEY), pp. 605–617.
ICALP-1994-HariharanM #algorithm #parallel- Optimal Parallel Algorithms for Prefix Matching (RH, SM), pp. 203–214.
ICALP-1994-JakobyRSW #complexity #parallel #problem- The Average Case Complexity of the Parallel Prefix Problem (AJ, RR, CS, SW), pp. 593–604.
PPoPP-1991-NicolauW #bound #parallel- Optimal Schedules for Parallel Prefix Computation with Bounded Resources (AN, HW), pp. 1–10.
STOC-1987-BilardiP #complexity #network- Size-Time Complexity of Boolean Networks for Prefix Computations (GB, FPP), pp. 436–442.
STOC-1983-Fich #bound #parallel- New Bounds for Parallel Prefix Circuits (FEF), pp. 100–109.
ICALP-1983-ChandraFL #bound #constant #problem- Lower Bounds for Constant Depth Circuits for Prefix Problems (AKC, SF, RJL), pp. 109–117.
ICALP-1974-GellerGH #parsing- Production Prefix Parsing (Extended Abstract) (MMG, SLG, MAH), pp. 232–241.
STOC-1970-Perrot #automaton #finite #monad #on the- On The Relationship between Finite Automata, Finite Monoids, and Prefix Codes (JFP), pp. 217–220.