50 papers:
CHI-2015-JokinenSPS #validation- Quick Affective Judgments: Validation of a Method for Primed Product Comparisons (JPPJ, JMS, PMHP, PS), pp. 2221–2230.
CHI-2015-LiOT #fault- Exploring the Effect of Pre-operational Priming Intervention on Number Entry Errors (KYL, PO, HWT), pp. 1335–1344.
CAiSE-2015-HarmanBJRK #elicitation #memory management #process- Virtual Business Role-Play: Leveraging Familiar Environments to Prime Stakeholder Memory During Process Elicitation (JH, RB, DJ, SRM, UK), pp. 166–180.
CADE-2015-EchenimPT #equation #generative #logic #quantifier- Quantifier-Free Equational Logic and Prime Implicate Generation (ME, NP, ST), pp. 311–325.
DAC-2014-RoyMIT #multi #performance- Tile Before Multiplication: An Efficient Strategy to Optimize DSP Multiplier for Accelerating Prime Field ECC for NIST Curves (DBR, DM, MI, JT), p. 6.
ICALP-v1-2014-FouqueT #generative #random- Close to Uniform Prime Number Generation with Fewer Random Bits (PAF, MT), pp. 991–1002.
CHI-2014-ChenKH #game studies #health- “Healthifying” exergames: improving health outcomes through intentional priming (FXC, ACK, EBH), pp. 1855–1864.
ICPR-2014-OskarssonAT #graph #multi #scalability- Prime Rigid Graphs and Multidimensional Scaling with Missing Data (MO, KÅ, AT), pp. 750–755.
ICTSS-2014-DwarakanathJ #test coverage- Minimum Number of Test Paths for Prime Path and Other Structural Coverage Criteria (AD, AJ), pp. 63–79.
IJCAR-2014-EchenimPT #equation #logic- A Rewriting Strategy to Generate Prime Implicates in Equational Logic (ME, NP, ST), pp. 137–151.
CHI-2013-HarrisonSFLC #visual notation- Influencing visual judgment through affective priming (LH, DS, SF, AL, RC), pp. 2949–2958.
DUXU-CXC-2013-ValenteM #education #game studies- Teachers and Children Playing with Factorization: Putting Prime Slaughter to the Test (AV, EM), pp. 311–320.
HCI-AMTE-2013-SteinhoffS #categorisation- Priming Categorization in a Card Sort (CS, JDS), pp. 265–272.
SIGIR-2013-ScholerKWLW #assessment- The effect of threshold priming and need for cognition on relevance calibration and assessment (FS, DK, WCW, HSL, WW), pp. 623–632.
CHI-2011-LewisDG- Affective computational priming and creativity (SL, MD, EG), pp. 735–744.
SEKE-2009-Fan #architecture #multi- A Recognition-primed Architecture for Human-centric Multi-agent Systems (XF), pp. 200–205.
CSL-2008-Nguyen #proving #using- Proving Infinitude of Prime Numbers Using Binomial Coefficients (PN), pp. 184–198.
TACAS-2006-KettleKS- Widening ROBDDs with Prime Implicants (NK, AK, TS), pp. 105–119.
DLT-2006-HanSW #regular expression- Prime Decompositions of Regular Languages (YSH, KS, DW), pp. 145–155.
IJCAR-2006-GregoireT #composition #functional #library #scalability- A Purely Functional Library for Modular Arithmetic and Its Application to Certifying Large Prime Numbers (BG, LT), pp. 423–437.
DAC-2005-JinS #performance- Prime clauses for fast enumeration of satisfying assignments to boolean circuits (HJ, FS), pp. 750–753.
CIAA-2005-BastienCFR #equivalence #normalisation- Prime Normal Form and Equivalence of Simple Grammars (CB, JC, WF, WR), pp. 78–89.
ICALP-2005-HanedaKT- Suitable Curves for Genus-4 HCC over Prime Fields: Point Counting Formulae for Hyperelliptic Curves of Type y2=x2k+1+ax (MH, MK, TT), pp. 539–550.
DATE-DF-2004-Thiel #validation- Have I Really Met Timing? — Validating PrimeTime Timing Reports with Spice (TT), pp. 114–119.
SAC-J-2003-Paradkar04 #consistency #generative #interactive #modelling #self #testing #towards- Towards model-based generation of self-priming and self-checking conformance tests for interactive system (AMP), pp. 315–322.
HPCA-2004-KharbutliISL #using- Using Prime Numbers for Cache Indexing to Eliminate Conflict Misses (MK, KI, YS, JL), pp. 288–299.
SAC-2003-Paradkar #consistency #generative #interactive #modelling #self #testing #towards- Towards Model-Based Generation of Self-Priming and Self-Checking Conformance Tests for Interactive Systems (AMP), pp. 1110–1117.
DAC-2002-CaoLCC #megamodelling #named #power management- HiPRIME: hierarchical and passivity reserved interconnect macromodeling engine for RLKC power delivery (YC, YML, THC, CCPC), pp. 379–384.
CIAA-2002-CzyzowiczFPR- Prime Decompositions of Regular Prefix Codes (JC, WF, AP, WR), pp. 85–94.
DLT-2002-UmeoK #automaton #communication #infinity #realtime #sequence- An Infinite Prime Sequence Can Be Generated in Real-Time by a 1-Bit Inter-cell Communication Cellular Automaton (HU, NK), pp. 339–348.
STOC-1999-BussGIP #calculus #linear #polynomial- Linear Gaps Between Degrees for the Polynomial Calculus Modulo Distinct Primes (SRB, DG, RI, TP), pp. 547–556.
CIKM-1999-ProllSRS #web- Ready for Prime Time: Pre-Generation of Web Pages in TIScover (BP, HS, WR, HS), pp. 63–68.
HPDC-1998-FryNS #approach #constant #distributed- Computing Twin Primes and Brun’s Constant: A Distributed Approach (PHF, JN, BKS), pp. 42–49.
DLT-1997-CastelliGM- Indecomposable prefix codes and prime trees (MGC, DG, SM), pp. 135–145.
ALP-1996-Marchiori96a #abstract domain #first-order #logic #using- Prime Factorizations of Abstract Domains Using First Order Logic (EM), pp. 209–223.
DLT-1995-Lipponen #on the #problem- On F-Prime Solutions of the Post Correspondence Problem (ML), pp. 139–147.
DAC-1993-HamadaCC #approach #linear #named #network #using- Prime: A Timing-Driven Placement Tool using A Piecewise Linear Resistive Network Approach (TH, CKC, PMC), pp. 531–536.
DAC-1992-CoudertM #incremental- Implicit and Incremental Computation of Primes and Essential Primes of Boolean Functions (OC, JCM), pp. 36–39.
DAC-1992-LinCM #generative #multi- Symbolic Prime Generation for Multiple-Valued Functions (BL, OC, JCM), pp. 40–44.
CADE-1992-Jackson #incremental- Computing Prime Implicates Incrementally (PJ), pp. 253–267.
CADE-1990-JacksonP- Computing Prime Implicants (PJ, JP), pp. 543–557.
DAC-1989-McGeerB #logic #performance- Efficient Prime Factorization of Logic Expressions (PCM, RKB), pp. 221–225.
PODS-1989-MannilaR #algorithm #normalisation #testing- Practical Algorithms for Finding Prime Attributes and Testing Normal Forms (HM, KJR), pp. 128–133.
STOC-1988-PintzSS #infinity #performance #testing- Two Infinite Sets of Primes with Fast Primality Tests (JP, WLS, ES), pp. 504–509.
STOC-1987-AdlemanH #polynomial #random- Recognizing Primes in Random Polynomial Time (LMA, MDAH), pp. 462–469.
DAC-1986-KuoC #generative #multi- Generating essential primes for a Boolean function with multiple-valued inputs (YSK, WKC), pp. 193–199.
STOC-1986-GoldwasserK- Almost All Primes Can Be Quickly Certified (SG, JK), pp. 316–329.
STOC-1984-Huang #algebra #finite- Factorization of Polynomials over Finite Fields and Factorization of Primes in Algebraic Number Fields (MDAH), pp. 175–182.
ICSE-1982-Forman #analysis #composition #data flow- Global Data Flow Analysis by Decomposition into Primes (IRF), pp. 386–392.
POPL-1980-Tarjan #parsing- Prime Subprogram Parsing of a Program (RET), pp. 95–105.