12 papers:
ICALP-v2-2015-GiannakopoulosK- Selling Two Goods Optimally (YG, EK), pp. 650–662.
CHI-2014-ShayIRC #case study #experience #quote #why- “My religious aunt asked why i was trying to sell her viagra”: experiences with account hijacking (RS, II, RWR, SC), pp. 2657–2666.
CIKM-2012-LongBDC #e-commerce #predict- Enhancing product search by best-selling prediction in e-commerce (BL, JB, AD, YC), pp. 2479–2482.
DUXU-v2-2011-Horvath #design #persuasion- Persuasive Design: It’s Not Just about Selling Stuff (JH), pp. 567–574.
ICML-2011-VainsencherDM #estimation #online- Bundle Selling by Online Estimation of Valuation Functions (DV, OD, SM), pp. 1137–1144.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-DeryckeVBL #interactive #named- E-Retail: Interaction of Intelligent Selling Space with Personal Selling Assistant (AD, TV, BB, PL), pp. 189–194.
ICML-2006-ConitzerG #algorithm #learning #online #problem- Learning algorithms for online principal-agent problems (and selling goods online) (VC, NG), pp. 209–216.
KDD-2002-StoreyC #modelling #optimisation- Exploiting response models: optimizing cross-sell and up-sell opportunities in banking (AS, MDC), pp. 325–331.
VLDB-2001-NarayananS #architecture- Tavant System Architecture for Sell-side Channel Management (SN, SNS), pp. 675–678.
KDD-2000-KittsFV #independence #named #performance #recommendation- Cross-sell: a fast promotion-tunable customer-item recommendation method based on conditionally independent probabilities (BK, DF, MV), pp. 437–446.
ECOOP-1996-Bancilhon #question- Will Europe ever Produce and sell Objects? (FB), p. 2.
FME-1993-Weber-Wulff #formal method #industrial- Selling Formal Methods to Industry (DWW), pp. 671–678.