28 papers:
DATE-2015-SalivaCHFABBA #monitoring #reliability- Digital circuits reliability with in-situ monitors in 28nm fully depleted SOI (MS, FC, VH, XF, DA, AB, AB, LA), pp. 441–446.
CHI-2015-CarrascalC #interactive #mobile- An In-Situ Study of Mobile App & Mobile Search Interactions (JPC, KC), pp. 2739–2748.
SIGIR-2015-LvF- In Situ Insights (YL, AF), pp. 655–664.
HPDC-2015-SuWA #data analysis #generative #performance- In-Situ Bitmaps Generation and Efficient Data Analysis based on Bitmaps (YS, YW, GA), pp. 61–72.
CASE-2014-KamarthiSZ #estimation- In-situ work piece surface roughness estimation in turning (SK, SS, AZ), pp. 328–332.
DAC-2014-LiS #monitoring #pipes and filters #robust #self- Robust and In-Situ Self-Testing Technique for Monitoring Device Aging Effects in Pipeline Circuits (JL, MS), p. 6.
SIGMOD-2014-ChengR #parallel- Parallel in-situ data processing with speculative loading (YC, FR), pp. 1287–1298.
CHI-2014-DenningDK #artificial reality #privacy- In situ with bystanders of augmented reality glasses: perspectives on recording and privacy-mediating technologies (TD, ZD, TK), pp. 2377–2386.
CHI-2014-LafreniereGMF #tool support #video- Investigating the feasibility of extracting tool demonstrations from in-situ video content (BL, TG, JM, GWF), pp. 4007–4016.
DAC-2013-YuanX #fault #logic #low cost #named #scalability- InTimeFix: a low-cost and scalable technique for in-situ timing error masking in logic circuits (FY, QX), p. 6.
DATE-2013-LaiCAG #monitoring #named #online- SlackProbe: a low overhead in situ on-line timing slack monitoring methodology (LL, VC, RCA, PG), pp. 282–287.
ICPC-2013-BeckMDR #comprehension #performance #visual notation- In situ understanding of performance bottlenecks through visually augmented code (FB, OM, SD, GDR), pp. 63–72.
HCI-UC-2013-AhnK #design #interface- Interface Design for Minimizing Loss of Context in In-situ Remote Robot Control (JgA, GJK), pp. 87–96.
HPDC-2013-LakshminarasimhanBPZJVPS #encoding #query #scalability- Scalable in situ scientific data encoding for analytical query processing (SL, DABI, SVP, XZ, JJ, VV, MEP, NFS), pp. 1–12.
CHI-2012-GajosRH #metric #performance- Accurate measurements of pointing performance from in situ observations (KG, KR, CH), pp. 3157–3166.
CHI-2012-PielotPHB #named #navigation- PocketNavigator: studying tactile navigation systems in-situ (MP, BP, WH, SB), pp. 3131–3140.
CHI-2011-PollakAG #metric #named- PAM: a photographic affect meter for frequent, in situ measurement of affect (JPP, PA, GG), pp. 725–734.
CSCW-2011-CoughlanACDLR #interactive- Working with “mission control” in scientific fieldwork: supporting interactions between in situ and distanced collaborators (TC, AA, TDC, SJD, JL, YR), pp. 617–620.
DAC-2010-ChellappaNYHVCCC #variability- In-situ characterization and extraction of SRAM variability (SC, JN, XY, NDH, JV, MC, YC, LTC), pp. 711–716.
DAC-2010-YinL #low cost #monitoring- Exploiting reconfigurability for low-cost in-situ test and monitoring of digital PLLs (LY, PL), pp. 929–934.
CHI-2010-HogganB #interface #multimodal #named #testing- Crosstrainer: testing the use of multimodal interfaces in situ (EEH, SAB), pp. 333–342.
ICPR-2008-MartinezFRS #3d- Three-dimensional cell counting for in-situ microscopy (GM, JGF, GR, TS), pp. 1–4.
CHI-2007-HinckleyZSBCST #named- InkSeine: In Situ search for active note taking (KH, SZ, RS, PB, EC, MS, DST), pp. 251–260.
RE-2007-SeyffGGM #mobile #requirements- The Mobile Scenario Presenter: A Tool for in situ Requirements Discovery with Scenarios (NS, FG, PG, NAMM), pp. 365–366.
DATE-2005-Campagnolo #detection #generative- eMICAM a New Generation of Active DNA Chip with in Situ Electrochemical Detection (RC), pp. 1338–1339.
CHI-2004-IntilleBTR #ubiquitous- Acquiring in situ training data for context-aware ubiquitous computing applications (SSI, LB, EMT, JR), pp. 1–8.
ICEIS-v1-2004-Lyytinen #analysis #functional #requirements #scalability #source code- Large Scale Requirements Engineering in Action: An Ethnographic Analysis of Functional and Political Ecologies in Situ in Space Mission Programs (KL), p. V.
RE-2003-BergmanM #analysis #requirements- In Situ Requirements Analysis: A Deeper Examination of the Relationship between Requirements Determination and Project Selection (MB, GM), pp. 11–22.