134 papers:
DAC-2015-HanLKNL #framework #multi #optimisation #reduction- A global-local optimization framework for simultaneous multi-mode multi-corner clock skew variation reduction (KH, JL, ABK, SN, JL), p. 6.
SIGMOD-2015-DugganPBS #array #database #optimisation- Skew-Aware Join Optimization for Array Databases (JD, OP, LB, MS), pp. 123–135.
SIGMOD-2015-LiCP #encoding- A Padded Encoding Scheme to Accelerate Scans by Leveraging Skew (YL, CC, JMP), pp. 1509–1524.
VLDB-2015-Liroz-GistauAV #execution #named #parallel #performance- FP-Hadoop: Efficient Execution of Parallel Jobs Over Skewed Data (MLG, RA, PV), pp. 1856–1867.
CASE-2014-GargSYPCHPAG #analysis #automation #reachability- Exact reachability analysis for planning skew-line needle arrangements for automated brachytherapy (AG, TS, GY, SP, JAMC, ICH, JP, AA, KYG), pp. 524–531.
CASE-2014-HuangYTC #design #identification- Design of client device identification by clock skew in clouds (DJH, KTY, WCT, GMC), pp. 1133–1138.
DATE-2014-VijaykumarV #analysis #canonical #statistics #using- Statistical static timing analysis using a skew-normal canonical delay model (MV, VV), pp. 1–6.
PODS-2014-BeameKS #parallel #query- Skew in parallel query processing (PB, PK, DS), pp. 212–223.
SIGMOD-2014-ElmeleegyOR #distributed #memory management #named #pipes and filters #using- SpongeFiles: mitigating data skew in mapreduce using distributed memory (KE, CO, BR), pp. 551–562.
CIKM-2014-ChengKWT #parallel #robust- Robust and Skew-resistant Parallel Joins in Shared-Nothing Systems (LC, SK, TEW, GT), pp. 1399–1408.
ICPR-2014-KleberDS #documentation #estimation #image #robust- Robust Skew Estimation of Handwritten and Printed Documents Based on Grayvalue Images (FK, MD, RS), pp. 3020–3025.
SIGIR-2014-KaneT- Skewed partial bitvectors for list intersection (AK, FWT), pp. 263–272.
DAC-2013-KimJK #algorithm #problem- An optimal algorithm of adjustable delay buffer insertion for solving clock skew variation problem (JK, DJ, TK), p. 6.
DATE-2013-TengT #array #design #reduction- Sparse-rotary oscillator array (SROA) design for power and skew reduction (YT, BT), pp. 1229–1234.
ICDAR-2013-ChenL #identification- Alternatives for Page Skew Compensation in Writer Identification (JC, DPL), pp. 927–931.
ICDAR-2013-DingsAE #approach #segmentation- A Locale Group Based Line Segmentation Approach for Non Uniform Skewed and Curved Arabic Handwritings (LD, AAH, ME), pp. 803–806.
ICDAR-2013-PapandreouG #estimation #word- A Coarse to Fine Skew Estimation Technique for Handwritten Words (AP, BG), pp. 225–229.
ICDAR-2013-PapandreouGLS #contest #documentation #estimation #image- ICDAR 2013 Document Image Skew Estimation Contest (DISEC 2013) (AP, BG, GL, NS), pp. 1444–1448.
CASE-2012-GargSBCHPSG #automation #towards- Initial experiments toward automated robotic implantation of skew-line needle arrangements for HDR brachytherapy (AG, TS, DB, JAMC, ICH, JP, DS, KG), pp. 26–33.
DATE-2012-YeYZX #scheduling- Clock skew scheduling for timing speculation (RY, FY, HZ, QX), pp. 929–934.
SIGMOD-2012-KwonBHR #named #pipes and filters- SkewTune: mitigating skew in mapreduce applications (YK, MB, BH, JAR), pp. 25–36.
SIGMOD-2012-PavloCZ #automation #clustering #database #parallel- Skew-aware automatic database partitioning in shared-nothing, parallel OLTP systems (AP, CC, SBZ), pp. 61–72.
VLDB-2012-KwonBHR #pipes and filters- SkewTune in Action: Mitigating Skew in MapReduce Applications (YK, MB, BH, JAR), pp. 1934–1937.
CIKM-2012-LeeH #distributed #robust- Robust distributed indexing for locality-skewed workloads (MWL, SwH), pp. 1342–1351.
DAC-2011-LiLZ #multi #scheduling- Optimal multi-domain clock skew scheduling (LL, YL, HZ), pp. 152–157.
DATE-2011-LuHCT #bound- Steiner tree based rotary clock routing with bounded skew and capacitive load balancing (JL, VH, XC, BT), pp. 455–460.
DATE-2011-ZhiLZYZZ #algorithm #multi #performance #scheduling- An efficient algorithm for multi-domain clock skew scheduling (YZ, WSL, HZ, CY, HZ, XZ), pp. 1364–1369.
ICDAR-2011-AlaeiPNK #documentation #estimation- A Painting Based Technique for Skew Estimation of Scanned Documents (AA, UP, PN, FK), pp. 299–303.
ICDAR-2011-Epshtein #documentation #using- Determining Document Skew Using Inter-line Spaces (BE), pp. 27–31.
ICDAR-2011-PapandreouG #detection #novel- A Novel Skew Detection Technique Based on Vertical Projections (AP, BG), pp. 384–388.
PPoPP-2011-StrzodkaSP- Time skewing made simple (RS, MS, DP), pp. 295–296.
DAC-2010-KaoCTC #detection #performance- An efficient phase detector connection structure for the skew synchronization system (YCK, HMC, KTT, SCC), pp. 729–734.
DATE-2010-CanedoYK #parallel #pipes and filters #simulation- Skewed pipelining for parallel simulink simulations (AC, TY, HK), pp. 891–896.
DATE-2010-LongM10a #dependence #scheduling- Inversed Temperature Dependence aware clock skew scheduling for sequential circuits (JL, SOM), pp. 1657–1660.
DATE-2010-LungZCC #optimisation- Clock skew optimization considering complicated power modes (CLL, ZYZ, CHC, SCC), pp. 1474–1479.
DATE-2010-TieDWC #performance #reduction #scheduling- Dual-Vth leakage reduction with Fast Clock Skew Scheduling Enhancement (MT, HD, TW, XC), pp. 520–525.
DATE-2010-WuM #scheduling- Clock skew scheduling for soft-error-tolerant sequential circuits (KCW, DM), pp. 717–722.
SIGMOD-2010-RohKCSK- Hierarchically organized skew-tolerant histograms for geographic data objects (YJR, JHK, YDC, JHS, MHK), pp. 627–638.
ICPR-2010-KonyaES #detection #documentation #image #performance- Fast Seamless Skew and Orientation Detection in Document Images (IVK, SE, CS), pp. 1924–1928.
SAC-2010-Kavallieratou #detection #segmentation- Text line detection and segmentation: uneven skew angles and hill-and-dale writing (EK), pp. 59–60.
DAC-2009-OnaissiHN #optimisation #process- Clock skew optimization via wiresizing for timing sign-off covering all process corners (SO, KRH, FNN), pp. 196–201.
DATE-2009-BaeMV #scheduling- Exploiting clock skew scheduling for FPGA (SB, PM, NV), pp. 1524–1529.
DATE-2009-ChakrabortyGRP #analysis #optimisation- Analysis and optimization of NBTI induced clock skew in gated clock trees (AC, GG, AR, DZP), pp. 296–299.
DATE-2009-MohammadZadehMJZ #multi #network- Multi-domain clock skew scheduling-aware register placement to optimize clock distribution network (NM, MM, AJ, MSZ), pp. 833–838.
DRR-2009-BeusekomSB #detection #documentation #image #independence- Resolution Independent Skew and Orientation Detection for document images (JvB, FS, TMB), pp. 1–10.
ICDAR-2009-SadriC #approach #documentation #optimisation- A New Approach for Skew Correction of Documents Based on Particle Swarm Optimization (JS, MC), pp. 1066–1070.
VLDB-2009-XuK #parallel #performance- Efficient Outer Join Data Skew Handling in Parallel DBMS (YX, PK), pp. 1390–1396.
DAC-2008-ChangHHLWL- Type-matching clock tree for zero skew clock gating (CMC, SHH, YKH, JZL, HPW, YSL), pp. 714–719.
DAC-2008-NiM #power management #reduction #scheduling- Leakage power-aware clock skew scheduling: converting stolen time into leakage power reduction (MN, SOM), pp. 610–613.
DAC-2008-WangLZTYTCN #scheduling- Timing yield driven clock skew scheduling considering non-Gaussian distributions of critical path delays (YW, WSL, XZ, JT, CY, JT, WC, JN), pp. 223–226.
DATE-2008-ChattopadhyayZ #debugging #online- Built-in Clock Skew System for On-line Debug and Repair (AC, ZZ), pp. 248–251.
SIGMOD-2008-XuKZC #parallel- Handling data skew in parallel joins in shared-nothing systems (YX, PK, XZ, LC), pp. 1043–1052.
ICML-2008-KondorB #graph- The skew spectrum of graphs (RK, KMB), pp. 496–503.
ICPR-2008-RicamatoMT #comparison #empirical- MCS-based balancing techniques for skewed classes: An empirical comparison (MTR, CM, FT), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-SeiffertKHN #classification #named #performance- RUSBoost: Improving classification performance when training data is skewed (CS, TMK, JVH, AN), pp. 1–4.
DAC-2007-RoyMC #nondeterminism- Effects of Coupling Capacitance and Inductance on Delay Uncertainty and Clock Skew (AR, NHM, MHC), pp. 184–187.
DAC-2007-SeomunKS- Skewed Flip-Flop Transformation for Minimizing Leakage in Sequential Circuits (JS, JK, YS), pp. 103–106.
DATE-2007-LinFYL #design #encryption #hardware- Overcoming glitches and dissipation timing skews in design of DPA-resistant cryptographic hardware (KJL, SCF, SHY, CCL), pp. 1265–1270.
ICDAR-2007-EgoziDCF #algorithm #detection- An EM Based Algorithm for Skew Detection (AE, ID, JC, MCF), pp. 277–281.
ICDAR-2007-LuWT #detection #documentation #performance- Fast and Accurate Detection of Document Skew and Orientation (SJL, JW, CLT), pp. 684–688.
ICDAR-2007-SuZHZ07a #detection- Skew Detection for Chinese Handwriting by Horizontal Stroke Histogram (THS, TWZ, HJH, YZ), pp. 899–903.
DAC-2006-WangDC #approach #named #scheduling #tool support- ExtensiveSlackBalance: an approach to make front-end tools aware of clock skew scheduling (KW, LD, XC), pp. 951–954.
DAC-2006-WongC #matrix #performance- A fast passivity test for descriptor systems via structure-preserving transformations of Skew-Hamiltonian/Hamiltonian matrix pencils (NW, CKC), pp. 261–266.
DATE-2006-ChakrabortySDMMP #bound #optimisation- Thermal resilient bounded-skew clock tree optimization methodology (AC, PS, KD, AM, EM, MP), pp. 832–837.
DATE-2006-KimH- Associative skew clock routing for difficult instances (MSK, JH), pp. 762–767.
DATE-2006-VenkataramanHLS #optimisation- Integrated placement and skew optimization for rotary clocking (GV, JH, FL, CCNS), pp. 756–761.
SIGMOD-2006-KornMW #data type #modelling- Modeling skew in data streams (FK, SM, YW), pp. 181–192.
ICPR-v1-2006-BartelsWM #generative #using- DTM Generation from LIDAR Data using Skewness Balancing (MB, HW, DCM), pp. 566–569.
ICPR-v2-2006-DhandraMHH #approach #detection #documentation #image- Skew Detection in Binary Image Documents Based on Image Dilation and Region labeling Approach (BVD, VSM, MH, RH), pp. 954–957.
DAC-2005-HuangNL #scheduling- Race-condition-aware clock skew scheduling (SHH, YTN, FPL), pp. 475–478.
DocEng-2005-AvilaL #algorithm #detection #documentation #image #performance- A fast orientation and skew detection algorithm for monochromatic document images (BTÁ, RDL), pp. 118–126.
ICDAR-2005-AminW #detection #documentation #robust- Robust Skew Detection in mixed Text/Graphics Documents (AA, SW), pp. 247–251.
ICDAR-2005-DongPKS #word- Cursive word skew/slant corrections based on Radon transform (JxD, DP, AK, CYS), pp. 478–483.
ICDAR-2005-ShivakumaraKVRN #documentation #estimation #image #using #word- A New Moments based Skew Estimation Technique using Pixels in the Word for Binary Document Images (PS, GHK, HSV, SR, MRRN), pp. 151–156.
ICDAR-2005-YuanT #documentation #estimation- Skew Estimation for Scanned Documents from “Noises” (BY, CLT), pp. 277–281.
ICML-2005-RayP- Generalized skewing for functions with continuous and nominal attributes (SR, DP), pp. 705–712.
ICML-2005-RosellHRP #learning #why- Why skewing works: learning difficult Boolean functions with greedy tree learners (BR, LH, SR, DP), pp. 728–735.
SAT-J-2004-Sinopalnikov05 #random #satisfiability- Satisfiability Threshold of the Skewed Random k-SAT (DAS), pp. 263–275.
DAC-2004-RajaramHM #variability- Reducing clock skew variability via cross links (AR, JH, RNM), pp. 18–23.
DAC-2004-WangM #constraints #power management- Buffer sizing for clock power minimization subject to general skew constraints (KW, MMS), pp. 159–164.
DRR-2004-Najman #documentation #estimation #using- Using mathematical morphology for document skew estimation (LN), pp. 182–191.
ICGT-2004-EhrenfeuchtHHR- Embedding in Switching Classes with Skew Gains (AE, JH, TH, GR), pp. 257–270.
ICML-2004-RayP #algorithm- Sequential skewing: an improved skewing algorithm (SR, DP).
ICDAR-2003-LuT03a #approach #documentation #estimation #nearest neighbour- Improved Nearest Neighbor Based Approach to Accurate Document Skew Estimation (YL, CLT), pp. 503–507.
ICDAR-2003-ShiG #detection #documentation #fuzzy #image #using- Skew Detection for Complex Document Images Using Fuzzy Runlength (ZS, VG), pp. 715–719.
ICDAR-2003-YuanT #detection #documentation #named- Skewscope: The Textual Document Skew Detector (BY, CLT), pp. 49–53.
ICALP-2003-DrosteK- Skew and Infinitary Formal Power Series (MD, DK), pp. 426–438.
SAC-2003-ChenL #clustering #dataset #visualisation- Cluster Rendering of Skewed Datasets via Visualization (KC, LL), pp. 909–916.
SIGMOD-2002-LiGS- Skew handling techniques in sort-merge join (WL, DG, RTS), pp. 169–180.
ICPR-v1-2002-ZhuY #classification #documentation- A New Textual/Non-Textual Classifier for Document Skew Correction (XZ, XY), pp. 480–482.
ICDAR-2001-PalMC #detection #documentation #multi- Multi-Skew Detection of Indian Script Documents (UP, MM, BBC), pp. 292–296.
KDD-2001-BiFK #mining- The “DGX” distribution for mining massive, skewed data (ZB, CF, FK), pp. 17–26.
DAC-2000-LiuNPS- Impact of interconnect variations on the clock skew of a gigahertz microprocessor (YL, SRN, LTP, AJS), pp. 168–171.
ICPR-v3-2000-ShenIT00b #detection #robust #symmetry- Robust Detection of Skewed Symmetries (DS, HHSI, EKT), pp. 7022–7025.
ICPR-v4-2000-OkunP #analysis #automation #documentation #evaluation #generative #layout- Automatic Ground-Truth Generation for Skew-Tolerance Evaluation of Document Layout Analysis Methods (OO, MP), pp. 4376–4379.
DAC-1999-LiuPF #performance #scheduling- Maximizing Performance by Retiming and Clock Skew Scheduling (XL, MCP, EGF), pp. 231–236.
ICDAR-1999-ChenD #algorithm #detection #documentation #image #robust- A Robust Skew Detection Algorithm for Grayscale Document Image (MC, XD), pp. 617–620.
ICDAR-1999-JiangBW #clustering #detection #documentation #image #nearest neighbour- Skew Detection of Document Images by Focused Nearest-Neighbor Clustering (XJ, HB, DWK), pp. 629–632.
ICDAR-1999-LehalD #detection #documentation- A Range Free Skew Detection Technique for Digitized Gurmukhi Script Documents (GSL, RD), pp. 147–152.
ICDAR-1999-MaY #documentation #estimation #image- An Enhanced Skew Angle Estimation Technique for Binary Document Images (HM, ZY), pp. 165–168.
ICDAR-1999-MoritaFBGS- Mathematical Morphology and Weighted Least Squares to Correct Handwriting Baseline Skew (MEM, JF, FB, SJAG, RS), pp. 430–433.
ICDAR-1999-OkunPS #documentation #estimation #image #robust- Robust Skew Estimation on Low-Resolution Document Images (OO, MP, JJS), pp. 621–624.
ICDAR-1999-SteinherzIR #analysis #component #detection- Skew Detection via Principal Components Analysis (TS, NI, ER), pp. 153–156.
CIKM-1998-HaradaAOT #mining #parallel- Dynamic Skew Handling in Parallel Mining of Association Rules (LH, NA, KO, RT), pp. 76–85.
DAC-1997-KahngT #bound- More Practical Bounded-Skew Clock Routing (ABK, CWAT), pp. 594–599.
ICDAR-1997-Ali #documentation #image- An Object/Segment Oriented Skew-Correction Technique for Document Images (MBHA), pp. 671–674.
ICDAR-1997-Antonacopoulos #estimation- Local Skew Angle Estimation from Background Space in Text Regions (AA), pp. 684–688.
ICDAR-1997-BagdanovK #algorithm #estimation #image- Projection profile based skew estimation algorithm for JBIG compressed images (ADB, JK), pp. 401–406.
ICDAR-1997-SunS #documentation #image #using- Skew and Slant Correction for Document Images Using Gradient Direction (CS, DS), pp. 142–146.
DAC-1996-NevesF #process #scheduling- Optimal Clock Skew Scheduling Tolerant to Process Variations (JLN, EGF), pp. 623–628.
DAC-1996-XiD #design #power management- Useful-Skew Clock Routing With Gate Sizing for Low Power Design (JGX, WWMD), pp. 383–388.
SIGMOD-1996-GangulyGMS #estimation- Bifocal Sampling for Skew-Resistant Join Size Estimation (SG, PBG, YM, AS), pp. 271–281.
VLDB-1996-FaloutsosMS #modelling #multi #using- Modeling Skewed Distribution Using Multifractals and the “80-20” Law (CF, YM, AS), pp. 307–317.
ICPR-1996-JiangHF #approach #detection #documentation #performance- A fast approach to detect and correct skew documents (HFJ, CCH, KCF), pp. 742–746.
ICPR-1996-MinCL #documentation #estimation #performance #reduction- A data reduction method for efficient document skew estimation based on Hough transformation (YM, SBC, YL), pp. 732–736.
DAC-1995-DeokarS #fresh look #optimisation- A Fresh Look at Retiming Via Clock Skew Optimization (RBD, SSS), pp. 310–315.
DAC-1995-HuangKT #bound #on the #problem- On the Bounded-Skew Clock and Steiner Routing Problems (DJHH, ABK, CWAT), pp. 508–513.
ICDAR-v2-1995-ChenHP95a #automation #documentation #estimation #image- Automatic text skew estimation in document images (SSC, RMH, ITP), pp. 1153–1156.
ICDAR-v2-1995-RondelB #documentation #estimation #image #multi- Cooperation of multi-layer perceptrons for the estimation of skew angle in text document images (NR, GB), pp. 1141–1144.
ICDAR-v2-1995-Smith #algorithm #detection #performance- A simple and efficient skew detection algorithm via text row accumulation (RS), pp. 1145–1148.
ICDAR-v2-1995-YuTS #detection #documentation- Document skew detection based on the fractal and least squares method (CLY, YYT, CYS), pp. 1149–1152.
DAC-1994-Edahiro #algorithm #performance- An Efficient Zero-Skew Routing Algorithm (ME), pp. 375–380.
DAC-1994-ZhuW94a- Clock Skew Minimization During FPGA Placement (KZ, DFW), pp. 232–237.
DAC-1993-Edahiro #algorithm #clustering #optimisation- A Clustering-Based Optimization Algorithm in Zero-Skew Routings (ME), pp. 612–616.
DAC-1993-PullelaMP #optimisation #reliability #using- Reliable Non-Zero Skew Clock Trees Using Wire Width Optimization (SP, NM, LTP), pp. 165–170.
ICDAR-1993-CullenE #documentation #image #segmentation- Weak model-dependent page segmentation and skew correction for processing document images (JFC, KE), pp. 757–760.
ICDAR-1993-Ishitani #complexity #detection #documentation- Document skew detection based on local region complexity (YI), pp. 49–52.
DAC-1992-ChaoHH- Zero Skew Clock Net Routing (THC, YCH, JMH), pp. 518–523.
VLDB-1992-DeWittNSS #parallel- Practical Skew Handling in Parallel Joins (DJD, JFN, DAS, SS), pp. 27–40.
VLDB-1992-FaloutsosJ #on the- On B-Tree Indices for Skewed Distributions (CF, HVJ), pp. 363–374.
VLDB-1990-DanDY #data access- The Effect of Skewed Data Access on Buffer Hits and Data Contention an a Data Sharing Environment (AD, DMD, PSY), pp. 419–431.
VLDB-1990-KitsuregawaO #database #parallel #robust- Bucket Spreading Parallel Hash: A New, Robust, Parallel Hash Join Method for Data Skew in the Super Database Computer (SDC) (MK, YO), pp. 210–221.
VLDB-1988-Lynch #database #estimation #optimisation #query #scalability- Selectivity Estimation and Query Optimization in Large Databases with Highly Skewed Distribution of Column Values (CAL), pp. 240–251.
ICSE-1981-Hulten #data access- An Index Organization for Applications with Highly Skewed Access Patterns (CH), pp. 71–78.