22 papers:
DATE-2015-IbrahimHBAABM #3d- Tackling the bottleneck of delay tables in 3D ultrasound imaging (AI, PH, AB, FA, MA, LB, GDM), pp. 1683–1688.
ICFP-2015-GenevesG #problem #static typing #type system #xquery- XQuery and static typing: tackling the problem of backward axes (PG, NG), pp. 88–100.
HCI-AS-2014-KwiatkowskaSL #design- Design Artefacts as Business Decision Prompts: Tackling the Design and Business Values Gap (JK, AS, DL), pp. 721–730.
ECIR-2014-DincerOM #evaluation #retrieval- Tackling Biased Baselines in the Risk-Sensitive Evaluation of Retrieval Systems (BTD, IO, CM), pp. 26–38.
KR-2014-Schuller #formal method #graph- Tackling Winograd Schemas by Formalizing Relevance Theory in Knowledge Graphs (PS).
RE-2014-Pinto-AlbuquerqueR #requirements- Tackling the requirements jigsaw puzzle (MPA, AR), pp. 233–242.
CHI-2012-HuhPP #community #online- Tackling dilemmas in supporting “the whole person” in online patient communities (JH, RAP, WP), pp. 923–926.
CIKM-2012-HassanW- Task tours: helping users tackle complex search tasks (AHA, RWW), pp. 1885–1889.
DAC-2011-ZhaoF #3d #gpu #parallel #performance- Fast multipole method on GPU: tackling 3-D capacitance extraction on massively parallel SIMD platforms (XZ, ZF), pp. 558–563.
SIGIR-2011-BlondelSU- Tackling class imbalance and data scarcity in literature-based gene function annotation (MB, KS, KU), pp. 1123–1124.
REFSQ-2010-LeuserO #automation #scalability #specification- Tackling Semi-automatic Trace Recovery for Large Specifications (JL, DO), pp. 203–217.
ICEIS-J-2008-Zacharias08a #challenge #debugging #rule-based- Tackling the Debugging Challenge of Rule Based Systems (VZ), pp. 144–154.
WICSA-2007-KornstadtS #agile #architecture #challenge #communication #development- Tackling Offshore Communication Challenges with Agile Architecture-Centric Development (AK, JS), p. 28.
DATE-2007-PatelS #abstraction- Tackling an abstraction gap: co-simulating SystemC DE with bluespec ESL (HDP, SKS), pp. 279–284.
SFM-2007-KnottenbeltB #modelling #performance #scalability- Tackling Large State Spaces in Performance Modelling (WJK, JTB), pp. 318–370.
ECIR-2006-ZwolBOW #documentation #named #query #retrieval- Bricks: The Building Blocks to Tackle Query Formulation in Structured Document Retrieval (RvZ, JB, HvO, FW), pp. 314–325.
SIGIR-2006-Forman #concept #induction- Tackling concept drift by temporal inductive transfer (GF), pp. 252–259.
ICML-2003-RennieSTK #classification #naive bayes- Tackling the Poor Assumptions of Naive Bayes Text Classifiers (JDR, LS, JT, DRK), pp. 616–623.
SAT-2001-HorvitzRGKSC #approach #problem- A Bayesian Approach to Tackling Hard Computational Problems (Preliminary Report) (EH, YR, CPG, HAK, BS, DMC), pp. 376–391.
ICEIS-1999-HartW #aspect-oriented- Re-Arranging the Chairs: Tackling the Ownership Aspects of Organizational Transition and Infomation Systems Support (DH, GKW), pp. 443–451.
ICSM-1998-YangLZ #abstraction #approach #problem #re-engineering #reverse engineering- Tackling the Abstraction Problem for Reverse Engineering in a System Re-engineering Approach (HY, XL, HZ), pp. 284–293.
SAC-1994-WarwickT #algorithm #problem #search-based #using- Using a genetic algorithm to tackle the processors configuration problem (TW, EPKT), pp. 217–221.