52 papers:
ITiCSE-2015-Dickson #development #education #game studies #using- Using Unity to Teach Game Development: When You’ve Never Written a Game (PED), pp. 75–80.
ICSME-2015-PawelkaJ #case study #identifier #natural language- Is this code written in English? A study of the natural language of comments and identifiers in practice (TP, EJ), pp. 401–410.
HIMI-IKD-2015-YamajiT #recognition- Recognition of Written Cues System for Users of General Paper Media (DY, JT), pp. 466–476.
CASE-2014-LeeJMC #framework #identification #recognition #robust- Iterative identification framework for robust hand-written digit recognition under extremely noisy conditions (HL, SJ, TM, NYC), pp. 728–733.
ICSE-2014-Monperrus #automation #bibliography #evaluation #generative #problem- A critical review of “automatic patch generation learned from human-written patches”: essay on the problem statement and the evaluation of automatic software repair (MM), pp. 234–242.
ICDAR-2013-HaoGZXPSK #automation #detection #fault #finite #transducer- Automated Error Detection and Correction of Chinese Characters in Written Essays Based on Weighted Finite-State Transducer (SH, ZG, MZ, YX, HP, KS, DK), pp. 763–767.
OOPSLA-2013-NorrisD #c #c++ #concurrent #data type #named- CDSchecker: checking concurrent data structures written with C/C++ atomics (BN, BD), pp. 131–150.
ICSE-2013-KimNSK #automation #generative- Automatic patch generation learned from human-written patches (DK, JN, JS, SK), pp. 802–811.
ICSM-2012-BoomsmaHG #industrial #lessons learnt #php #web- Dead code elimination for web systems written in PHP: Lessons learned from an industry case (HB, BVH, HGG), pp. 511–515.
SIGIR-2012-WebberTD- Effect of written instructions on assessor agreement (WW, BT, MD), pp. 1053–1054.
KDIR-2010-MautnerM #categorisation #comparison #documentation #network- Comparison of Neural Networks used for Processing and Categorization of Czech Written Documents (PM, RM), pp. 510–513.
ICST-2010-PavlovicE #diagrams #model checking- Model Checking PLC Software Written in Function Block Diagram (OP, HDE), pp. 439–448.
HCI-NIMT-2009-Alexandris #approach #editing #process- A Speech-Act Oriented Approach for User-Interactive Editing and Regulation Processes Applied in Written and Spoken Technical Texts (CA), pp. 645–653.
ISSTA-2009-PolikarpovaCM #automation #case study #comparative #contract- A comparative study of programmer-written and automatically inferred contracts (NP, IC, BM), pp. 93–104.
FM-2008-PonsiniS #modelling #semantics- A Schedulerless Semantics of TLM Models Written in SystemC Via Translation into LOTOS (OP, WS), pp. 278–293.
ICDAR-2007-YangJZH #recognition #using- Finger-Written Chinese Characters Recognition Using Hierarchical LDA (DY, LJ, LXZ, JCH), pp. 322–326.
DocEng-2006-GodlewskiPS #recognition- Application of syntactic properties to three-level recognition of polish hand-written medical texts (GG, MP, JS), pp. 115–121.
ICPR-v2-2006-InoueNK #analysis #feature model #kernel #recognition #string #using- Historical Hand-Written String Recognition by Non-linear Discriminant Analysis using Kernel Feature Selection (RI, HN, NK), pp. 1094–1097.
ITiCSE-2005-Gharibyan #student #testing- Assessing students’ knowledge: oral exams vs. written tests (HG), pp. 143–147.
SAC-2004-LinsG #automation #identification- Automatic language identification of written texts (RDL, PG), pp. 1128–1133.
SAC-2004-PouliquenSIG #recognition #visualisation- Geographical information recognition and visualization in texts written in various languages (BP, RS, CI, TDG), pp. 1051–1058.
ICDAR-2003-BovinoIPS #multi #verification- Multi-Expert Verification of Hand-Written Signatures (LB, SI, GP, LS), pp. 932–936.
ICEIS-v1-2003-BadrLF #database #documentation #named- DRUID: Coupling User Written Documents and Databases (YB, FL, AF), pp. 191–196.
SEKE-2002-LeeKC #finite #interactive #sequence chart #state machine #testing- Construction of global finite state machine for testing task interactions written in message sequence charts (NHL, THK, SDC), pp. 369–376.
ICSE-2002-Michail #source code #using- Browsing and searching source code of applications written using a GUIframework (AM), pp. 327–337.
ICDAR-2001-NishimuraTMMN #feature model #recognition #using- Off-line Hand-written Character Recognition Using Integrated 1D HMMs Based on Feature Extraction Filters (HN, MT, MM, HM, YN), pp. 417–423.
ICDAR-2001-ZahourTMR- Arabic Hand-Written Text-Line Extraction (AZ, BT, PM, SR), pp. 281–285.
PASTE-2001-MaessenSG #java #program analysis #safety #virtual machine- Program analysis for safety guarantees in a Java virtual machine written in Java (JWM, VS, DG), pp. 62–65.
OSDI-2000-EnglerCCH #compilation #using- Checking System Rules Using System-Specific, Programmer-Written Compiler Extensions (DRE, BC, AC, SH), pp. 1–16.
ICDAR-1999-KharmaW #invariant #recognition- A Simple Invariant Mapping Applied to Hand-written Pre-segmented Character Recognition (NNK, RKW), pp. 41–44.
ICDAR-1999-PalC99a #automation- Automatic Separation of Machine-Printed and Hand-Written Text Lines (UP, BBC), pp. 645–648.
ICDAR-1999-ValvenyM #architecture #recognition- Application of Deformable Template Matching to Symbol Recognition in Hand-written Architectural Drawings (EV, EM), pp. 483–486.
ITiCSE-1999-Kumar #assessment #on the #online #testing- On changing from written to on-line tests in Computer Science I: an assessment (ANK), pp. 25–28.
FM-v1-1999-ArtsD #database #distributed #erlang #verification- Verifying a Distributed Database Lookup Manager Written in Erlang (TA, MD), pp. 682–700.
SIGIR-1999-JingM #composition #summary- The Decomposition of Human-Written Summary Sentences (HJ, KM), pp. 129–136.
ICDAR-1997-SrihariK #integration- Integration of hand-written address interpretation technology into the United States Postal Service Remote Computer Reader system (SNS, EJK), pp. 892–896.
OOPSLA-1997-IngallsKMWK #smalltalk- Back to the Future: The Story of Squeak — A Usable Smalltalk Written in Itself (DI, TK, JM, SW, ACK), pp. 318–326.
DAC-1996-Smith #c- VHDL & Verilog Compared & Contrasted — Plus Modeled Example Written in VHDL, Verilog and C (DJS), pp. 771–776.
ICDAR-v1-1995-CaesarGM- Estimating the baseline for written material (TC, JMG, EM), pp. 382–385.
ICDAR-v1-1995-SimonciniK- A system for reading USA census ’90 hand-written fields (LS, ZMKV), pp. 86–91.
ICDAR-v1-1995-SuWLX #network- Hierarchical neural network for recognizing hand-written characters in engineering drawings (HS, WW, XL, SX), pp. 46–49.
ICDAR-v2-1995-CaesarGM95a #recognition #using #word- Using lexical knowledge for the recognition of poorly written words (TC, JMG, EM), pp. 915–918.
ICDAR-v2-1995-KuhnkeSK- A system for machine-written and hand-written character distinction (KK, LS, ZMKV), pp. 811–814.
CHI-1995-Harrison #comparison #online #user interface #visual notation- A Comparison of Still, Animated, or Nonillustrated On-Line Help with Written or Spoken Instructions in a Graphical User Interface (SMH), pp. 82–89.
CHI-1994-NeuwirthCCWK94a #collaboration #comparison #distributed #documentation- Distributed collaborative writing: a comparison of spoken and written modalities for reviewing and revising documents (CN, RC, DC, PGW, LK), pp. 51–57.
AdaEurope-1994-ObermayerSSKKL #ada #analysis #realtime- Portability Effort Estimates for Real Time Applications Written in Ada Through Static Code Analysis (PEO, JS, GS, AK, PK, RL), pp. 483–488.
ICDAR-1993-AmamotoTH #documentation #segmentation- Block segmentation and text area extraction of vertically/horizontally written document (NA, ST, YH), pp. 739–742.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1993-BergerS #c++ #compilation #database #relational #source code- A Compiler To Create Relational Database Schemes From Application Programs Written in C++ (EB, ES), pp. 75–86.
VDME-1988-ButhB #code generation #correctness #proving #specification #term rewriting #using- Correctness Proofs for Meta IV Written Code Generator Specification using Term Rewriting (BB, KHB), pp. 406–433.
PLILP-1988-Monin #compilation #experience #prolog- A Compiler Written in Prolog: The Véda Experience (JFM), pp. 119–131.
ICSE-1988-EmbleyW #ada #data type #quality- Assessing the Quality of Abstract Data Types Written in Ada (DWE, SNW), pp. 144–153.
ILPC-1982-Kahn82 #lisp #prolog #source code- A Partial Evaluator of Lisp Programs Written in Prolog (KMK), pp. 19–25.