11 papers:
ICSE-v1-2015-SmithBZ #exclamation #scalability #tool support- Build It Yourself! Homegrown Tools in a Large Software Company (EKS, CB, TZ), pp. 369–379.
CHI-2014-MellisB- Do-it-yourself cellphones: an investigation into the possibilities and limits of high-tech diy (DAM, LB), pp. 1723–1732.
CHI-2013-PaneelsOBC #exclamation #usability #what- Listen to it yourself!: evaluating usability of what’s around me? for the blind (SAP, AO, JRB, JRC), pp. 2107–2116.
ICFP-2012-PikeWNG #case study #compilation #experience- Experience report: a do-it-yourself high-assurance compiler (LP, NW, SN, AG), pp. 335–340.
CSCW-2011-FarnhamC #online #social- Faceted identity, faceted lives: social and technical issues with being yourself online (SF, EFC), pp. 359–368.
HCI-MIIE-2011-ChangL #design #interactive #social- Express Yourself: Designing Interactive Products with Implicitness to Improve Social Interaction (HMC, RHL), pp. 175–184.
KDD-2011-JiangBSZL #adaptation #concept #learning #ontology- Ontology enhancement and concept granularity learning: keeping yourself current and adaptive (SJ, LB, BS, YZ, WL), pp. 1244–1252.
ICALP-C-2008-CanettiEGL #how- How to Protect Yourself without Perfect Shredding (RC, DE, SG, DYL), pp. 511–523.
SIGIR-2007-JonesBDE #evaluation #information retrieval #music- A “do-it-yourself” evaluation service for music information retrieval systems (MCJ, MB, JSD, AFE), p. 913.
ICEIS-2002-BiderK- If You Wish to Change the World, Start with Yourself (IB, MK), pp. 732–742.
TOOLS-USA-2001-Arsanjani01a #component #lifecycle- Developing Component-Based Software: Arming Yourself for the Full Lifecycle (AA), p. 335.