85 papers:
DocEng-2015-DrzadzewskiT #summary- Enhancing Exploration with a Faceted Browser through Summarization (GD, FWT), pp. 61–64.
STOC-2015-HansenZ #algorithm- An Improved Version of the Random-Facet Pivoting Rule for the Simplex Algorithm (TDH, UZ), pp. 209–218.
DUXU-IXD-2015-GkouskosPKC #experience #user interface- Exploring User Experience in the Wild: Facets of the Modern Car (DG, IP, MK, FC), pp. 450–461.
ECIR-2015-MomeniBA #adaptation #ranking #social #social media- Adaptive Faceted Ranking for Social Media Comments (EM, SB, EA), pp. 789–792.
KDD-2015-CaiTFJH #higher-order #mining #named #performance- Facets: Fast Comprehensive Mining of Coevolving High-order Time Series (YC, HT, WF, PJ, QH), pp. 79–88.
SIGIR-2015-CormackG #bibliography #learning #multi #perspective- Multi-Faceted Recall of Continuous Active Learning for Technology-Assisted Review (GVC, MRG), pp. 763–766.
HIMI-DE-2014-ZimmerKS #concept #mobile #visualisation- A Visualization Concept for Mobile Faceted Search (BZ, RK, TS), pp. 128–136.
CAiSE-2014-PorriniPB #fine-grained- Extracting Facets from Lost Fine-Grained Categorizations in Dataspaces (RP, MP, CB), pp. 580–594.
CIKM-2014-ArenasGKMZ #rdf- Faceted Search over Ontology-Enhanced RDF Data (MA, BCG, EK, SM, DZ), pp. 939–948.
CIKM-2014-KongA #web- Extending Faceted Search to the General Web (WK, JA), pp. 839–848.
CIKM-2014-WangLLZZSY #linked data #open data- Faceted Exploring for Domain Knowledge over Linked Open Data (MW, JL, WL, QZ, WZ, LS, SY), pp. 2009–2011.
ECIR-2014-ChenWHY #modelling #personalisation #ranking #social #social media- Facet-Based User Modeling in Social Media for Personalized Ranking (CC, DW, CH, XY), pp. 443–448.
KDD-2014-JiangCWXZY #analysis #behaviour #flexibility #multi #named- FEMA: flexible evolutionary multi-faceted analysis for dynamic behavioral pattern discovery (MJ, PC, FW, XX, WZ, SY), pp. 1186–1195.
CSCW-2013-MinWHZ #mining #smarttech #social- Mining smartphone data to classify life-facets of social relationships (JKM, JW, JIH, JZ), pp. 285–294.
HCI-AMTE-2013-ScholzW #case study #interactive #prototype- Established and Innovative Facets of Interactive Prototypes — A Case Study (SCS, DW), pp. 451–459.
CIKM-2013-VoseckyJLN #multi #topic #twitter- Dynamic multi-faceted topic discovery in twitter (JV, DJ, KWTL, WN), pp. 879–884.
KEOD-2013-NagiH #documentation- Creating Facets Hierarchy for Unstructured Arabic Documents (KN, DH), pp. 109–119.
SIGIR-2013-KongA #query- Extracting query facets from search results (WK, JA), pp. 93–102.
SIGIR-2013-WhitingZJL #multi- Temporal variance of intents in multi-faceted event-driven information needs (SW, KZ, JMJ, ML), pp. 989–992.
ICSE-2013-WangPXZ #feature model #interactive #multi- Improving feature location practice with multi-faceted interactive exploration (JW, XP, ZX, WZ), pp. 762–771.
DocEng-2012-PeroniSV #documentation #lens #semantics #using- Faceted documents: describing document characteristics using semantic lenses (SP, DS, FV), pp. 191–194.
CIKM-2012-AgarwalCW #multi #ranking #using- Multi-faceted ranking of news articles using post-read actions (DA, BCC, XW), pp. 694–703.
CIKM-2012-KummamuruJD #generative #navigation- Generating facets for phone-based navigation of structured data (KK, AJ, MD), pp. 1283–1292.
CIKM-2012-SteinGH #clustering- Search result presentation based on faceted clustering (BS, TG, DH), pp. 1940–1944.
KDD-2012-KumarMMLN #navigation #twitter- Navigating information facets on twitter (NIF-T) (SK, FM, GM, HL, UN), pp. 1548–1551.
POPL-2012-AustinF #data flow #information management #multi- Multiple facets for dynamic information flow (THA, CF), pp. 165–178.
SAC-2012-LibermanL #approximate- Approximately optimal facet selection (SL, RL), pp. 702–708.
SIGMOD-2011-PoundPT #approach #mining #web- Facet discovery for structured web search: a query-log mining approach (JP, SP, PT), pp. 169–180.
ICPC-2011-NiuMY #navigation- Faceted Navigation for Software Exploration (NN, AM, XY), pp. 193–196.
CHI-2011-JetterGZRM #collaboration #hybrid #query- Materializing the query with facet-streams: a hybrid surface for collaborative search on tabletops (HCJ, JG, MZ, HR, NMF), pp. 3013–3022.
CSCW-2011-FarnhamC #online #social- Faceted identity, faceted lives: social and technical issues with being yourself online (SF, EFC), pp. 359–368.
CIKM-2011-YamamotoNT11a #community #corpus- Extracting adjective facets from community Q&A corpus (TY, SN, KT), pp. 2021–2024.
SIGIR-2011-ZhangZX #documentation #feedback- Filtering semi-structured documents based on faceted feedback (LZ, YZ, QX), pp. 645–654.
CASE-2010-MaFW #re-engineering- Delaunay-based triangular surface reconstruction from points via Umbrella Facet Matching (JM, HYF, LW), pp. 580–585.
DAC-2010-JouWLCJ #architecture #design #generative #modelling #multi- New model-driven design and generation of multi-facet arbiters part I: from the design model to the architecture model (JMJ, SSW, YLL, CC, YLJ), pp. 258–261.
HT-2010-AbelKK #folksonomy #multi- Leveraging multi-faceted tagging to improve search in folksonomy systems (FA, RK, DK), pp. 299–300.
CIKM-2010-ChiZ #framework #information management #named- FacetCube: a framework of incorporating prior knowledge into non-negative tensor factorization (YC, SZ), pp. 569–578.
CIKM-2010-DiaoMRS #web- Faceted search and browsing of audio content on spoken web (MD, SM, NR, KS), pp. 1029–1038.
CIKM-2010-HarpaleYGHY #dataset #multi #named #performance #personalisation- CiteData: a new multi-faceted dataset for evaluating personalized search performance (AH, YY, SG, DH, ZY), pp. 549–558.
CIKM-2010-KashyapHP #named #query- FACeTOR: cost-driven exploration of faceted query results (AK, VH, MP), pp. 719–728.
CIKM-2010-YanLRRD #named #wiki- Facetedpedia: enabling query-dependent faceted search for wikipedia (NY, CL, SBR, RR, GD), pp. 1927–1928.
SIGIR-2010-Pasca- Extraction of open-domain class attributes from text: building blocks for faceted search (MP), p. 909.
SIGIR-2010-ZhangZ #feedback #interactive #retrieval- Interactive retrieval based on faceted feedback (LZ, YZ), pp. 363–370.
SIGIR-2010-ZwolPMS #ranking- Machine learned ranking of entity facets (RvZ, LGP, MM, BS), pp. 879–880.
ECMFA-2010-SchmidtPJF #component #library- An Integrated Facet-Based Library for Arbitrary Software Components (MS, JP, JJ, MAF), pp. 261–276.
SAC-2010-EcksteinHW #approach #multi #named #visual notation- LFRP-search: multi-layer ranked visual faceted search: an approach to cope with complex search situations (RE, AH, NW), pp. 1713–1717.
FoSSaCS-2009-Thomas #problem #synthesis- Facets of Synthesis: Revisiting Church’s Problem (WT), pp. 1–14.
CHI-2009-LeeSRCT #dataset #named #roadmap- FacetLens: exposing trends and relationships to support sensemaking within faceted datasets (BL, GS, GGR, MC, DST), pp. 1293–1302.
CHI-2009-MedynskiyDD- Exploring websites through contextual facets (YEM, MD, SMD), pp. 2013–2022.
HIMI-DIE-2009-Polowinski- Widgets for Faceted Browsing (JP), pp. 601–610.
CIKM-2009-CarteretteC #documentation #modelling #novel #probability #ranking #retrieval #topic- Probabilistic models of ranking novel documents for faceted topic retrieval (BC, PC), pp. 1287–1296.
ECIR-2009-BaccianellaES #multi #rating- Multi-facet Rating of Product Reviews (SB, AE, FS), pp. 461–472.
SIGIR-2009-McDougallM #using- Expertise search in academia using facets (DM, CM), p. 834.
SAC-2009-PengC #collaboration #multi #named #recommendation #trust- iTrustU: a blog recommender system based on multi-faceted trust and collaborative filtering (TCP, ScTC), pp. 1278–1285.
ECSA-2008-Raibulet #adaptation- Facets of Adaptivity (CR), pp. 342–345.
CHI-2008-DachseltFW #metadata #multi #named #navigation- FacetZoom: a continuous multi-scale widget for navigating hierarchical metadata (RD, MF, MW), pp. 1353–1356.
CIKM-2008-DashRMAL #analysis- Dynamic faceted search for discovery-driven analysis (DD, JR, NM, AA, GML), pp. 3–12.
CIKM-2008-RoyWDNM #database- Minimum-effort driven dynamic faceted search in structured databases (SBR, HW, GD, UN, MKM), pp. 13–22.
KDD-2008-LingMZS #mining #multi #topic- Mining multi-faceted overviews of arbitrary topics in a text collection (XL, QM, CZ, BRS), pp. 497–505.
SIGIR-2008-SiferL- Refining search results with facet landscapes (MS, JL), p. 881.
SIGIR-2008-VillaGJ #interface #multi- A faceted interface for multimedia search (RV, NG, JMJ), pp. 775–776.
HT-2007-WuZM #classification #collaboration #evolution- Collaborative classification of growing collections with evolving facets (HW, MZ, KM), pp. 167–170.
KDD-2007-WongFPW #mining- Mining favorable facets (RCWW, JP, AWCF, KW), pp. 804–813.
CHI-2006-KarlsonRRCS #interface #mobile #named- FaThumb: a facet-based interface for mobile search (AKK, GGR, DCR, MC, GS), pp. 711–720.
ICPR-v4-2006-BretarDR #3d #framework #image #recognition #segmentation- Recognition of Building Roof Facets by Merging Aerial Images and 3D Lidar Data in a Hierarchical Segmentation Framework (FB, MPD, MR), pp. 5–8.
VLDB-2005-RossJS #query- A Faceted Query Engine Applied to Archaeology (KAR, AJ, JS), pp. 1334–1337.
SIGIR-2005-TuulosPT #email #information retrieval #multi #scalability- Multi-faceted information retrieval system for large scale email archives (VHT, JP, HT), p. 683.
ECIR-2004-BelkhatirMC #automation #concept #image #multi #retrieval- Integrating Perceptual Signal Features within a Multi-facetted Conceptual Model for Automatic Image Retrieval (MB, PM, YC), pp. 267–282.
ICPR-v2-2004-Eom #robust- Robust Facet Model for Application to Speckle Noise Removal (KBE), pp. 695–698.
CHI-2003-YeeSLH #image #metadata- Faceted metadata for image search and browsing (KPY, KS, KL, MAH), pp. 401–408.
ICEIS-v3-2003-BarjisG #requirements- Requirements Engineering Versus Language/Action Perspective: Different Facets and Possible Contribution (JB, TG), pp. 14–22.
CAiSE-2002-TzitzikasSCA #ontology- Extended Faceted Ontologies (YT, NS, PC, AA), pp. 778–781.
RE-2002-KongA #modelling #multi #requirements- Multi-Faceted Requirements Modeling (CK, PA), pp. 112–122.
STOC-2001-Trakhtenbrot #automaton- Automata, circuits and hybrids: facets of continuous time (BAT), pp. 754–755.
ICALP-2001-Trakhtenbrot #automaton- Automata, Circuits, and Hybrids: Facets of Continuous Time (BAT), pp. 4–23.
CAV-1996-CamposG #analysis #model checking #verification- Selective Quantitative Analysis and Interval Model Checking: Verifying Different Facets of a System (SVAC, OG), pp. 257–268.
RTA-1996-BundgenSW- ReDuX 1.5: New Facets of Rewriting (RB, CS, JW), pp. 412–415.
CAiSE-1995-OpdahlS #analysis #modelling #problem- Facet Models for Problem Analysis (ALO, GS), pp. 54–67.
KBSE-1991-JohnsonFH #requirements #specification- The KBSA Requirements/Specifications Facet: ARIES (WLJ, MSF, DRH), pp. 48–56.
ECOOP-1991-WolinskiP #multi #representation- Representation of Complex Objects: Multiple Facets with Part-Whole Hierarchies (FW, JFP), pp. 288–306.
SEKE-1990-EichmannA #classification #design- Design of a Lattice-Based Faceted Classification System (DE, JA), pp. 90–97.
ICSE-1990-Diaz #case study #classification #experience #implementation #reuse- Implementing Faceted Classification for Software Reuse (Experience Report) (RPD), pp. 300–304.
DAC-1989-MilsomSCMAS #layout #named #simulation- FACET: A CAE System for RF Analogue Simulation Including Layout (RFM, KJS, SGC, JCM, SA, FNS), pp. 622–625.
DAC-1983-TsengS #automation #named #synthesis- Facet: A procedure for the automated synthesis of digital systems (CJT, DPS), pp. 490–496.
STOC-1982-PapadimitriouY #complexity- The Complexity of Facets (and Some Facets of Complexity) (CHP, MY), pp. 255–260.