Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Chile
1 × China
1 × Switzerland
15 × USA
2 × Canada
Collaborated with:
G.Adomavicius B.Padmanabhan P.Adamopoulos A.Umyarov Y.Ge H.Xiong M.Gorgoglione U.Panniello Y.Park B.Liu A.Silberschatz J.Clifford Z.M.Kedem P.G.Spirakis Q.Liu H.Zhang J.Chen C.Palmisano A.Pedone K.Xiao M.Gruteser M.J.Pazzani R.Kumar C.Faloutsos D.Jensen G.Kossinets J.Leskovec A.Tomkins J.Kiseleva M.J.I.Müller L.Bernardi C.Davis I.Kovacek M.S.Einarsen J.Kamps D.Hiemstra
Talks about:
recommend (10) system (8) discoveri (5) approach (4) pattern (4) tempor (4) filter (4) relat (4) rule (4) awar (4)
Person: Alexander Tuzhilin
DBLP: Tuzhilin:Alexander
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 25 papers:
- SIGIR-2015-KiselevaMBDKEKT #optimisation
- Where to Go on Your Next Trip?: Optimizing Travel Destinations Based on User Preferences (JK, MJIM, LB, CD, IK, MSE, JK, AT, DH), pp. 1097–1100.
- RecSys-2014-AdamopoulosT14a #bias #collaboration #on the #probability #recommendation
- On over-specialization and concentration bias of recommendations: probabilistic neighborhood selection in collaborative filtering systems (PA, AT), pp. 153–160.
- RecSys-2013-AdamopoulosT #collaboration #predict #recommendation #using
- Recommendation opportunities: improving item prediction using weighted percentile methods in collaborative filtering systems (PA, AT), pp. 351–354.
- KDD-2011-GeLXTC #cost analysis #recommendation
- Cost-aware travel tour recommendation (YG, QL, HX, AT, JC), pp. 983–991.
- RecSys-2011-GeXTL #collaboration
- Collaborative filtering with collective training (YG, HX, AT, QL), pp. 281–284.
- RecSys-2011-GorgoglionePT #behaviour #recommendation #trust
- The effect of context-aware recommendations on customer purchasing behavior and trust (MG, UP, AT), pp. 85–92.
- KDD-2010-GeXTXGP #energy #mobile #recommendation
- An energy-efficient mobile recommender system (YG, HX, AT, KX, MG, MJP), pp. 899–908.
- RecSys-2009-PannielloTGPP #comparison #recommendation
- Experimental comparison of pre- vs. post-filtering approaches in context-aware recommender systems (UP, AT, MG, CP, AP), pp. 265–268.
- RecSys-2009-UmyarovT #estimation #modelling #rating #recommendation #using
- Improving rating estimation in recommender systems using aggregation- and variance-based hierarchical models (AU, AT), pp. 37–44.
- KDD-2008-KumarTFJKLT #network #social
- Social networks: looking ahead (RK, AT, CF, DJ, GK, JL, AT), p. 1060.
- RecSys-2008-AdomaviciusT #recommendation
- Context-aware recommender systems (GA, AT), pp. 335–336.
- RecSys-2008-ParkT #how #recommendation
- The long tail of recommender systems and how to leverage it (YJP, AT), pp. 11–18.
- RecSys-2007-UmyarovT #recommendation
- Leveraging aggregate ratings for better recommendations (AU, AT), pp. 161–164.
- KDD-2004-ZhangPT #on the #statistics
- On the discovery of significant statistical quantitative rules (HZ, BP, AT), pp. 374–383.
- KDD-2002-TuzhilinA #analysis #array #scalability
- Handling very large numbers of association rules in the analysis of microarray data (AT, GA), pp. 396–404.
- KDD-2002-TuzhilinL #multi #query #set
- Querying multiple sets of discovered rules (AT, BL), pp. 52–60.
- KDD-2000-PadmanabhanT #set
- Small is beautiful: discovering the minimal set of unexpected patterns (BP, AT), pp. 54–63.
- KDD-1999-AdomaviciusT #personalisation #profiling #validation
- User Profiling in Personalization Applications Through Rule Discovery and Validation (GA, AT), pp. 377–381.
- KDD-1998-PadmanabhanT
- A Belief-Driven Method for Discovering Unexpected Patterns (BP, AT), pp. 94–100.
- KDD-1997-AdomaviciusT #approach #database
- Discovery of Actionable Patterns in Databases: The Action Hierarchy Approach (GA, AT), pp. 111–114.
- KDD-1996-PadmanabhanT #approach #database #logic
- Pattern Discovery in Temporal Databases: A Temporal Logic Approach (BP, AT), pp. 351–354.
- KDD-1995-SilberschatzT #information management #metric #on the
- On Subjective Measures of Interestingness in Knowledge Discovery (AS, AT), pp. 275–281.
- VLDB-1990-TuzhilinC #algebra #relational
- A Temporal Relational Algebra as Basis for Temporal Relational Completeness (AT, JC), pp. 13–23.
- PODS-1989-KedemT #behaviour #database #modelling #relational
- Relational Database Behavior: Utilizing Relational Discrete Event Systems and Models (ZMK, AT), pp. 336–346.
- PODS-1985-TuzhilinS #approach #concurrent #correctness #semantics #transaction
- A Semantic Approach to Correctness of Concurrent Transaction Executions (AT, PGS), pp. 85–95.