Travelled to:
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.Lillis G.Beraudo C.J.Alpert J.Hu S.T.Quay
Talks about:
tree (3) buffer (2) placement (1) techniqu (1) synthesi (1) approach (1) flexibl (1) environ (1) replic (1) physic (1)
Person: Milos Hrkic
DBLP: Hrkic:Milos
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- DAC-2004-AlpertHHQ #flexibility #layout #performance #physics
- Fast and flexible buffer trees that navigate the physical layout environment (CJA, MH, JH, STQ), pp. 24–29.
- DAC-2004-HrkicLB #approach #logic #replication
- An approach to placement-coupled logic replication (MH, JL, GB), pp. 711–716.
- DAC-2002-HrkicL #named #synthesis
- S-Tree: a technique for buffered routing tree synthesis (MH, JL), pp. 578–583.