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Travelled to:
1 × Belgium
1 × Brazil
1 × China
1 × Israel
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1 × Romania
1 × South Africa
1 × Sweden
1 × The Netherlands
11 × USA
2 × Canada
2 × France
2 × Hungary
2 × Italy
2 × Spain
3 × Germany
3 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
J.d.Halleux T.Xie W.Schulte J.Bishop M.Moskal M.Fähndrich X.Xiao M.Veanes S.Thummalapenta W.Grieskamp K.Taneja P.d.Halleux C.Csallner K.Jamrozik G.Fraser P.Godefroid C.Campbell M.R.Marri N.Li S.Burckhardt T.A.Nguyen N.Bjørner A.Voronkov D.Vanoverberghe F.Piessens Y.Smaragdakis S.Anand L.Nachmanson S.Li X.Ge R.Pandita K.Lakhotia M.Harman S.Wadsworth N.Kicillof V.A.Braberman R.N.Horspool R.Auler E.Borin S.Gulwani Z.Su L.Zhang L.Zhang H.Mei M.Barnett S.McDirmid J.Kato A.Samuel C.Cadar S.Khurshid C.S.Pasareanu K.Sen W.Visser M.Bebenita F.Brandner F.Logozzo H.Venter M.Barnett C.Kerer C.Szyperski A.Watson
Talks about:
test (27) generat (14) symbol (10) program (9) execut (9) unit (8) pex (8) code (7) teach (6) dynam (6)

♂ Person: Nikolai Tillmann

DBLP DBLP: Tillmann:Nikolai

Facilitated 6 volumes:

ASE 2014ExpertReviewPa
ASE 2014PrBoard
TAP 2014Ed
ASE 2013PrCo
ASE 2012PrCo
ASE 2011PrCo

Contributed to:

ICSE 20152015
ASE 20142014
CC 20142014
ISSTA 20142014
ASE 20132013
ICSE 20132013
PLDI 20132013
TAP 20132013
ASE 20122012
CSEE&T 20122012
FSE 20122012
ITiCSE 20122012
CSEE&T 20112011
FASE 20112011
ICSE 20112011
ISSTA 20112011
OOPSLA 20112011
Onward! 20112011
ASE 20102010
ICSE 20102010
ICSM 20102010
ICST 20102010
ICTSS 20102010
OOPSLA 20102010
TAP 20102010
TOOLS Europe 20102010
ASE 20092009
ESEC/FSE 20092009
TACAS 20092009
ICSE 20082008
TACAS 20082008
TAP 20082008
A-MOST 20072007
ASE 20062006
ESEC/FSE 20052005
FM 20052005
CBSE 20032002
FATES 20032003

Wrote 51 papers:

ICSE-v2-2015-BishopHXTH #contest #experience #scalability
Code Hunt: Experience with Coding Contests at Scale (JB, RNH, TX, NT, JdH), pp. 398–407.
ASE-2014-TillmannHX #automation #generative #testing
Transferring an automated test generation tool to practice: from pex to fakes and code digger (NT, JdH, TX), pp. 385–396.
CC-2014-AulerBHMT #adaptation #compilation #crowdsourcing #javascript #jit #performance
Addressing JavaScript JIT Engines Performance Quirks: A Crowdsourced Adaptive Compiler (RA, EB, PdH, MM, NT), pp. 218–237.
Constructing coding duels in Pex4Fun and code hunt (NT, JdH, TX, JB), pp. 445–448.
ASE-2013-TillmannHXB #automation #education #game studies #generative #named #testing
Pex4Fun: A web-based environment for educational gaming via automated test generation (NT, JdH, TX, JB), pp. 730–733.
ASE-2013-XiaoLXT #execution #generative #problem #symbolic computation #testing
Characteristic studies of loop problems for structural test generation via symbolic execution (XX, SL, TX, NT), pp. 246–256.
ICSE-2013-NguyenCT #debugging #named #visual notation
GROPG: a graphical on-phone debugger (TAN, CC, NT), pp. 1189–1192.
ICSE-2013-TillmannHXGB #education #game studies #interactive #learning #programming #re-engineering
Teaching and learning programming and software engineering via interactive gaming (NT, JdH, TX, SG, JB), pp. 1117–1126.
PLDI-2013-BurckhardtFHMMTK #exclamation #feedback #programming #user interface
It’s alive! continuous feedback in UI programming (SB, MF, PdH, SM, MM, NT, JK), pp. 95–104.
TAP-2013-JamrozikFTH #execution #generative #symbolic computation #testing
Generating Test Suites with Augmented Dynamic Symbolic Execution (KJ, GF, NT, JdH), pp. 152–167.
ASE-2012-JamrozikFTH #execution #symbolic computation
Augmented dynamic symbolic execution (KJ, GF, NT, JdH), pp. 254–257.
ASE-2012-XiaoTFHM #analysis #privacy
User-aware privacy control via extended static-information-flow analysis (XX, NT, MF, JdH, MM), pp. 80–89.
CSEET-2012-TillmannHXB #education #game studies #learning #named #social
Pex4Fun: Teaching and Learning Computer Science via Social Gaming (NT, JdH, TX, JB), pp. 90–91.
CSEET-2012-TillmannMHFX #education #mobile #student #using
Engage Your Students by Teaching Computer Science Using Only Mobile Devices with TouchDevelop (NT, MM, JdH, MF, TX), pp. 87–89.
FSE-2012-TillmannMHFB #development #mobile #named
TouchDevelop: app development on mobile devices (NT, MM, JdH, MF, SB), p. 39.
ITiCSE-2012-TillmannB #education #mobile #programming
Teaching programming on a mobile device (NT, JB), p. 404.
ITiCSE-2012-TillmannMHFBSX #education #future of #mobile #programming
The future of teaching programming is on mobile devices (NT, MM, JdH, MF, JB, AS, TX), pp. 156–161.
CSEET-2011-TillmannHX #education #game studies #learning #named #social
Pex4Fun: Teaching and learning computer science via social gaming (NT, JdH, TX), pp. 546–548.
FASE-2011-ThummalapentaMXTH #testing
Retrofitting Unit Tests for Parameterized Unit Testing (ST, MRM, TX, NT, JdH), pp. 294–309.
ICSE-2011-CadarGKPSTV #assessment #execution #symbolic computation #testing
Symbolic execution for software testing in practice: preliminary assessment (CC, PG, SK, CSP, KS, NT, WV), pp. 1066–1071.
ICSE-2011-GeTXT #execution #named #symbolic computation #verification
DyTa: dynamic symbolic execution guided with static verification results (XG, KT, TX, NT), pp. 992–994.
ICSE-2011-XiaoXTH #generative #identification #precise #problem #testing
Precise identification of problems for structural test generation (XX, TX, NT, JdH), pp. 611–620.
ICSE-2011-XiaoXTH11a #identification #named #precise #problem
Covana: precise identification of problems in pex (XX, TX, NT, JdH), pp. 1004–1006.
ISSTA-2011-TanejaXTH #generative #named #performance #testing
eXpress: guided path exploration for efficient regression test generation (KT, TX, NT, JdH), pp. 1–11.
OOPSLA-2011-ThummalapentaXTHS #sequence #testing
Synthesizing method sequences for high-coverage testing (ST, TX, NT, JdH, ZS), pp. 189–206.
Onward-2011-TillmannMHF #mobile #named #programming
TouchDevelop: programming cloud-connected mobile devices via touchscreen (NT, MM, JdH, MF), pp. 49–60.
ASE-2010-TanejaLMXT #multi #named #testing #validation #web
MiTV: multiple-implementation testing of user-input validators for web applications (KT, NL, MRM, TX, NT), pp. 131–134.
ICSE-2010-TillmannHX #testing #theory and practice
Parameterized unit testing: theory and practice (NT, JdH, TX), pp. 483–484.
ICSM-2010-PanditaXTH #generative #test coverage #testing
Guided test generation for coverage criteria (RP, TX, NT, JdH), pp. 1–10.
ICSM-2010-ZhangXZTHM #execution #generative #mutation testing #symbolic computation #testing
Test generation via Dynamic Symbolic Execution for mutation testing (LZ, TX, LZ, NT, JdH, HM), pp. 1–10.
ICST-2010-VeanesHT #named #regular expression
Rex: Symbolic Regular Expression Explorer (MV, PdH, NT), pp. 498–507.
ICTSS-2010-LakhotiaTHH #constraints #execution #float #named #search-based #symbolic computation #theorem proving
FloPSy — Search-Based Floating Point Constraint Solving for Symbolic Execution (KL, NT, MH, JdH), pp. 142–157.
OOPSLA-2010-BebenitaBFLSTV #compilation #jit #named
SPUR: a trace-based JIT compiler for CIL (MB, FB, MF, FL, WS, NT, HV), pp. 708–725.
TAP-2010-ThummalapentaHTW #automation #generative #mining #named #testing
DyGen: Automatic Generation of High-Coverage Tests via Mining Gigabytes of Dynamic Traces (ST, JdH, NT, SW), pp. 77–93.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2010-HalleuxT #named
Moles: Tool-Assisted Environment Isolation with Closures (JdH, NT), pp. 253–270.
ASE-2009-LiXTHS #automation #generative #named #regular expression #source code #testing #using
Reggae: Automated Test Generation for Programs Using Complex Regular Expressions (NL, TX, NT, JdH, WS), pp. 515–519.
ESEC-FSE-2009-ThummalapentaXTHS #generative #mining #named #object-oriented #source code #testing
MSeqGen: object-oriented unit-test generation via mining source code (ST, TX, NT, JdH, WS), pp. 193–202.
TACAS-2009-BjornerTV #analysis #source code #string
Path Feasibility Analysis for String-Manipulating Programs (NB, NT, AV), pp. 307–321.
TACAS-2009-VanoverbergheTP #generative #pointer #source code
Test Input Generation for Programs with Pointers (DV, NT, FP), pp. 277–291.
ICSE-2008-CsallnerTS #execution #invariant #named #symbolic computation
DySy: dynamic symbolic execution for invariant inference (CC, NT, YS), pp. 281–290.
TACAS-2008-AnandGT #composition #execution #symbolic computation
Demand-Driven Compositional Symbolic Execution (SA, PG, NT), pp. 367–381.
TAP-2008-HalleuxT #testing
Parameterized Unit Testing with Pex (JdH, NT), pp. 171–181.
TAP-2008-TillmannH #dot-net #generative #testing
Pex-White Box Test Generation for .NET (NT, JdH), pp. 134–153.
A-MOST-2007-KicillofGTB #automation #test coverage #testing
Achieving both model and code coverage with automated gray-box testing (NK, WG, NT, VAB), pp. 1–11.
ASE-2006-TillmannS #behaviour #generative
Mock-object generation with behavior (NT, WS), pp. 365–368.
ESEC-FSE-2005-TillmannS #testing
Parameterized unit tests with unit meister (NT, WS), pp. 241–244.
ESEC-FSE-2005-TillmannS05a #testing
Parameterized unit tests (NT, WS), pp. 253–262.
ESEC-FSE-2005-VeanesCST #online #source code #testing
Online testing with model programs (MV, CC, WS, NT), pp. 273–282.
FM-2005-CampbellGNSTV #concurrent #object-oriented #specification #testing
Testing Concurrent Object-Oriented Systems with Spec Explorer (CC, WG, LN, WS, NT, MV), pp. 542–547.
CBSE-2003-BarnettGKSSTW #component #specification
Serious Specification for Composing Components (MB, WG, CK, WS, CS, NT, AW), p. 6.
FATES-2003-BarnettGNSTV #modelling #testing #towards
Towards a Tool Environment for Model-Based Testing with AsmL (MB, WG, LN, WS, NT, MV), pp. 252–266.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.