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Travelled to:
1 × Germany
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Borkar V.De J.Tschanz M.(.Pant S.Mitra N.Seifert M.Zhang K.A.Bowman S.Lu S.Narendra A.Keshavarzi C.Wilkerson S.Y.Borkar Y.Ye L.Wei S.M.Burns V.Govindarajulu M.Nicolaidis L.Anghel N.Zergainoh Y.Zorian C.Tokunaga A.Raychowdhury M.M.Khellah J.Kulkarni D.Avresky
Talks about:
design (3) microprocessor (2) technolog (2) challeng (2) reliabl (2) perform (2) circuit (2) variat (2) power (2) high (2)

Person: Tanay Karnik

DBLP DBLP: Karnik:Tanay

Contributed to:

DAC 20132013
DATE 20122012
DAC 20092009
DAC 20052005
DAC 20042004
DAC 20032003
DAC 20022002

Wrote 7 papers:

DAC-2013-KarnikPB #power management
Power management and delivery for high-performance microprocessors (TK, M(P, SB), p. 3.
DATE-2012-NicolaidisAZZKBTLTRKKDA #design #reliability
Design for test and reliability in ultimate CMOS (MN, LA, NEZ, YZ, TK, KAB, JT, SLL, CT, AR, MMK, JK, VD, DA), pp. 677–682.
Circuit techniques for dynamic variation tolerance (KAB, JT, CW, SLL, TK, VD, SYB), pp. 4–7.
DAC-2005-MitraKSZ #challenge #design #fault #logic
Logic soft errors in sub-65nm technologies design and CAD challenges (SM, TK, NS, MZ), pp. 2–4.
DAC-2004-BorkarKD #challenge #design #reliability
Design and reliability challenges in nanometer technologies (SB, TK, VD), p. 75.
DAC-2003-BorkarKNTKD #architecture #parametricity
Parameter variations and impact on circuits and microarchitecture (SB, TK, SN, JT, AK, VD), pp. 338–342.
DAC-2002-KarnikYTWBGDB #optimisation #performance
Total power optimization by simultaneous dual-Vt allocation and device sizing in high performance microprocessors (TK, YY, JT, LW, SMB, VG, VD, SB), pp. 486–491.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
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