62 papers:
CASE-2015-CarliDEAV #automation #evaluation #using- Automated evaluation of urban traffic congestion using bus as a probe (RC, MD, NE, BA, AV), pp. 967–972.
DATE-2015-ChungSS #identification- Identifying redundant inter-cell margins and its application to reducing routing congestion (WC, SS, YS), pp. 1659–1664.
ICALP-v2-2015-GairingKK #bound #game studies- Tight Bounds for Cost-Sharing in Weighted Congestion Games (MG, KK, GK), pp. 626–637.
SEKE-2015-FiondellaGL #automation #predict- A Smartphone-based System for Automated Congestion Prediction (LF, SSG, NL), pp. 195–200.
HPCA-2015-WonKKJPS #network #scalability- Overcoming far-end congestion in large-scale networks (JW, GK, JK, TJ, MP, SS), pp. 415–427.
SAC-2014-KinaiBWMWS #framework- Traffic 411: a traffic congestion routing and awareness platform for Nairobi (AK, REB, AWB, EM, KW, OS), pp. 1475–1476.
DAC-2013-LiuWSALLV #constraints #design #estimation- Routing congestion estimation with real design constraints (WHL, YW, CCNS, CJA, ZL, YLL, NV), p. 8.
DATE-2013-DaneshtalabEPT #interface #manycore #named #network- CARS: congestion-aware request scheduler for network interfaces in NoC-based manycore systems (MD, ME, JP, HT), pp. 1048–1051.
ICALP-v2-2013-ChristodoulouG #game studies #polynomial- Price of Stability in Polynomial Congestion Games (GC, MG), pp. 496–507.
KDD-2013-LiuYK #adaptation #modelling #process #using- Adaptive collective routing using gaussian process dynamic congestion models (SL, YY, RK), pp. 704–712.
CASE-2012-MatherH #automation #modelling- Ensemble modeling and control for congestion management in automated warehouses (TWM, MAH), pp. 390–395.
DATE-2012-ChaoCTHC #configuration management #scheduling- Congestion-aware scheduling for NoC-based reconfigurable systems (HLC, YRC, SYT, PAH, SJC), pp. 1561–1566.
DATE-2012-EbrahimiDLPT #algorithm #network- CATRA- congestion aware trapezoid-based routing algorithm for on-chip networks (ME, MD, PL, JP, HT), pp. 320–325.
STOC-2012-Chuzhoy12a #constant #graph- Routing in undirected graphs with constant congestion (JC), pp. 855–874.
ICALP-v2-2012-KoutsoupiasP #game studies- Contention Issues in Congestion Games (EK, KP), pp. 623–635.
HPCA-2012-JiangBMD #network- Network congestion avoidance through Speculative Reservation (NJ, DUB, GM, WJD), pp. 443–454.
STOC-2011-KawarabayashiK #algorithm #approximate #problem- Breaking o(n1/2)-approximation algorithms for the edge-disjoint paths problem with congestion two (KiK, YK), pp. 81–88.
ICALP-v2-2011-KolliasR #game studies- Restoring Pure Equilibria to Weighted Congestion Games (KK, TR), pp. 539–551.
ICALP-v1-2010-HarksK #game studies #nash #on the- On the Existence of Pure Nash Equilibria in Weighted Congestion Games (TH, MK), pp. 79–89.
SAC-2010-AnelliLHL #detection #towards- Transport congestion events detection (TCED): towards decorrelating congestion detection from TCP (PA, EL, FH, DMLP), pp. 663–669.
HPDC-2010-RajannaSJLG #clustering #coordination #in the cloud #named #network- XCo: explicit coordination to prevent network fabric congestion in cloud computing cluster platforms (VSR, SS, AJ, CL, KG), pp. 252–263.
STOC-2009-KleinbergPT #game studies #learning #multi- Multiplicative updates outperform generic no-regret learning in congestion games: extended abstract (RK, GP, ÉT), pp. 533–542.
ICALP-v1-2009-ChienS #game studies- Strong and Pareto Price of Anarchy in Congestion Games (SC, AS), pp. 279–291.
HIMI-II-2009-BaeLLCKB #estimation- An End-to-End Proactive TCP Based on Available Bandwidth Estimation with Congestion Level Index (SB, DL, CL, JC, JK, SB), pp. 124–130.
DAC-2008-ChenCP #framework- An integrated nonlinear placement framework with congestion and porosity aware buffer planning (TCC, AC, DZP), pp. 702–707.
DAC-2008-LaiWGLD #architecture- A dynamically-allocated virtual channel architecture with congestion awareness for on-chip routers (McL, ZW, LG, HL, KD), pp. 630–633.
STOC-2008-Racke #network- Optimal hierarchical decompositions for congestion minimization in networks (HR), pp. 255–264.
ICALP-A-2008-FanelliFM #convergence #game studies- The Speed of Convergence in Congestion Games under Best-Response Dynamics (AF, MF, LM), pp. 796–807.
HPCA-2008-GratzGK- Regional congestion awareness for load balance in networks-on-chip (PG, BG, SWK), pp. 203–214.
DATE-2007-BrandCGB #communication- Congestion-controlled best-effort communication for networks-on-chip (JWvdB, CC, KG, TB), pp. 948–953.
STOC-2007-ChuzhoyGKT #graph- Hardness of routing with congestion in directed graphs (JC, VG, SK, KT), pp. 165–178.
DAC-2006-LiZJ #concurrent #named #network #proximity- DyXY: a proximity congestion-aware deadlock-free dynamic routing method for network on chip (ML, QAZ, WBJ), pp. 849–852.
STOC-2006-AndrewsZ #problem- Logarithmic hardness of the directed congestion minimization problem (MA, LZ), pp. 517–526.
STOC-2006-ChekuriKS #constant #graph- Edge-disjoint paths in Planar graphs with constant congestion (CC, SK, FBS), pp. 757–766.
STOC-2006-HayrapetyanTW #game studies- The effect of collusion in congestion games (AH, ÉT, TW), pp. 89–98.
ICALP-v1-2006-FotakisKS #game studies- Atomic Congestion Games Among Coalitions (DF, SCK, PGS), pp. 572–583.
STOC-2005-AndrewsZ05a #problem- Hardness of the undirected congestion minimization problem (MA, LZ), pp. 284–293.
STOC-2005-ChristodoulouK #finite #game studies- The price of anarchy of finite congestion games (GC, EK), pp. 67–73.
CHI-2005-RosenholtzLMJ- Feature congestion: a measure of display clutter (RR, YL, JM, ZJ), pp. 761–770.
SAC-2005-DanielOS #algorithm #multi #search-based- Airspace congestion smoothing by multi-objective genetic algorithm (DD, SO, SP), pp. 907–912.
HPCA-2005-DuatoJFNGF #effectiveness #multi #network #scalability- A New Scalable and Cost-Effective Congestion Management Strategy for Lossless Multistage Interconnection Networks (JD, IJ, JF, FN, PJG, TNF), pp. 108–119.
DAC-2004-LiuM #estimation- Pre-layout wire length and congestion estimation (QL, MMS), pp. 582–587.
DATE-v2-2004-HsiehH #design #effectiveness- A New Effective Congestion Model in Floorplan Design (YLH, TMH), pp. 1204–1209.
ITiCSE-WGR-2004-Bogoyavlenskaya #education #network- Teaching networking congestion control (OYB), pp. 35–41.
STOC-2004-ChuzhoyN #scheduling- New hardness results for congestion minimization and machine scheduling (JC, JN), pp. 28–34.
ICEIS-v2-2004-Turowska #analysis #nondeterminism- Application of Uncertain Variables to Stability Analysis and Stabilization for ATM ABR Congestion Control Systems (MT), pp. 523–526.
DAC-2003-HadsellM #estimation- Improved global routing through congestion estimation (RH, PHM), pp. 28–31.
DAC-2003-MaHDCCCG #analysis #optimisation- Dynamic global buffer planning optimization based on detail block locating and congestion analysis (YM, XH, SD, SC, YC, CKC, JG), pp. 806–811.
DATE-2003-LaiYC #evaluation #performance- A New and Efficient Congestion Evaluation Model in Floorplanning: Wire Density Control with Twin Binary Trees (STWL, EFYY, CCNC), pp. 10856–10861.
DATE-2003-NilssonMOJ #network #proximity- Load Distribution with the Proximity Congestion Awareness in a Network on Chip (EN, MM, JÖ, AJ), pp. 11126–11127.
DAC-2002-SuHSN #network- Congestion-driven codesign of power and signal networks (HS, JH, SSS, SRN), pp. 64–69.
DAC-2002-ZhongD #algorithm #constraints #multi #optimisation- Algorithms for simultaneous satisfaction of multiple constraints and objective optimization in a placement flow with application to congestion control (KZ, SD), pp. 854–859.
DATE-2002-KutzschebauchS #composition #layout- Layout Driven Decomposition with Congestion Consideration (TK, LS), pp. 672–676.
DATE-2002-PandiniPS #logic #synthesis- Congestion-Aware Logic Synthesis (DP, LTP, AJS), pp. 664–671.
DATE-2002-WongSY #design #estimation- Congestion Estimation with Buffer Planning in Floorplan Design (WCW, CWS, EFYY), pp. 696–701.
SAC-2001-CiSN #network #performance #using- Improving performance of MAC layer by using congestion control/avoidance methods in wireless network (SC, HS, GN), pp. 420–424.
HPCA-2001-ThottethodiRM #multi #network #self- Self-Tuned Congestion Control for Multiprocessor Networks (MT, ARL, SSM), pp. 107–118.
IWTCS-1999-GecseK #algorithm #automation- Automated Test of TCP Congestion Control Algorithms (RG, PK), pp. 149–166.
DAC-1998-ParakhBS #polynomial- Congestion Driven Quadratic Placement (PNP, RBB, KAS), pp. 275–278.
STOC-1998-ColeMHMRSSV #multi #network #protocol #random- Randomized Protocols for Low Congestion Circuit Routing in Multistage Interconnection Networks (RC, BMM, FMadH, MM, AWR, KS, RKS, BV), pp. 378–388.
ICALP-1998-CiceroneSF- Static and Dynamic Low-Congested Interval Routing Schemes (SC, GDS, MF), pp. 592–603.
STOC-1997-OstrovskyR #algorithm- Universal O(Congestion + Dilation + log1+epsilonN) Local Control Packet Switching Algorithms (RO, YR), pp. 644–653.