125 papers:
CASE-2015-WangSH #concurrent- A three-stage deadlock prevention strategy for S3PR nets (SW, CS, LH), pp. 286–291.
ICEIS-v1-2015-RezendeJ #concurrent #process #using #workflow- Deadlock Avoidance in Interorganizational Business Processes using a Possibilistic WorkFlow Net (LPdR, SJ), pp. 429–439.
PPDP-2015-GrandeBS #concurrent #library #thread- Jthread, a deadlock-free mutex library (JG, GB, MS), pp. 149–160.
PPoPP-2015-CogumbreiroHMY #concurrent #verification- Dynamic deadlock verification for general barrier synchronisation (TC, RH, FM, NY), pp. 150–160.
QoSA-2014-MzidMBA #concurrent #design pattern #modelling #named #realtime- SRMP: a software pattern for deadlocks prevention inreal-time concurrency models (RM, CM, JPB, MA), pp. 139–144.
CASE-2014-AfaghaniA #concurrent #online- Advanced-collision-map-based on-line collision and deadlock avoidance between two robot manipulators with PTP commands (AYA, YA), pp. 1244–1251.
FM-2014-AntoninoSW #analysis #concurrent #csp #network #process #refinement- A Refinement Based Strategy for Local Deadlock Analysis of Networks of CSP Processes (PRGA, AS, JW), pp. 62–77.
FM-2014-ForejtKNS #analysis #communication #precise #predict #source code- Precise Predictive Analysis for Discovering Communication Deadlocks in MPI Programs (VF, DK, GN, SS), pp. 263–278.
SEFM-2014-PunSS #behaviour #concurrent- Effect-Polymorphic Behaviour Inference for Deadlock Checking (KIP, MS, VS), pp. 50–64.
SFM-2014-GiachinoL #concurrent #detection #linear #recursion #source code- Deadlock Detection in Linear Recursive Programs (EG, CL), pp. 26–64.
OOPSLA-2014-SamakR #concurrent #detection #parallel #synthesis #thread- Multithreaded test synthesis for deadlock detection (MS, MKR), pp. 473–489.
FSE-2014-EslamimehrP #concurrent #detection #named #scalability #source code- Sherlock: scalable deadlock detection for concurrent programs (ME, JP), pp. 353–365.
FSE-2014-SamakR #concurrent #detection #java #library #parallel #precise #thread- Omen+: a precise dynamic deadlock detector for multithreaded Java libraries (MS, MKR), pp. 735–738.
ICSE-2014-CaiWC #approach #constraints #dynamic analysis #named #parallel #source code #thread- ConLock: a constraint-based approach to dynamic checking on deadlocks in multithreaded programs (YC, SW, WKC), pp. 491–502.
PPoPP-2014-SamakR #concurrent #detection- Trace driven dynamic deadlock detection and reproduction (MS, MKR), pp. 29–42.
ISSTA-2014-LinK #automation #concurrent #multi #satisfiability #source code #thread #using- Automatic repair for multi-threaded programs with Deadlock/Livelock using maximum satisfiability (YL, SSK), pp. 237–247.
LICS-CSL-2014-Padovani #concurrent #linear #π-calculus- Deadlock and lock freedom in the linear π-calculus (LP), p. 10.
CASE-2013-PanHJ #concurrent #flexibility #petri net #policy #using- One computationally improved deadlock prevention policy for flexible manufacturing systems using Petri nets (YLP, HH, MJ), pp. 924–929.
CASE-2013-YueH #concurrent #robust #using- Robust deadlock control using shared-resources for production systems with unreliable workstations (HY, HH), pp. 1095–1100.
CASE-2013-YueH13a #assembly #concurrent #petri net #policy #polynomial #process- A polynomial deadlock avoidance policy for a class of assembly processes based on Petri nets (HY, HH), pp. 1151–1156.
IFM-2013-GiachinoGLLW #analysis #concurrent #theory and practice- Deadlock Analysis of Concurrent Objects: Theory and Practice (EG, CAG, CL, ML, PYHW), pp. 394–411.
POPL-2013-CarboneM #multi #named #programming- Deadlock-freedom-by-design: multiparty asynchronous global programming (MC, FM), pp. 263–274.
ESEC-FSE-2013-GrechanikHBW #database- Preventing database deadlocks in applications (MG, BMMH, UB, HW), pp. 356–366.
ESEC-FSE-2013-HossainGBW #database #named #transaction- REDACT: preventing database deadlocks from application-based transactions (BMMH, MG, UB, HW), pp. 591–594.
ICSE-2013-MarinoHDVTV #concurrent #detection #source code- Detecting deadlock in programs with data-centric synchronization (DM, CH, JD, MV, FT, JV), pp. 322–331.
PPoPP-2013-CaiZWC #detection #named #parallel #source code #thread- TeamWork: synchronizing threads globally to detect real deadlocks for multithreaded programs (YC, KZ, SW, WKC), pp. 311–312.
CAV-2013-BinghamBEG #concurrent #distributed #model checking- Distributed Explicit State Model Checking of Deadlock Freedom (BDB, JDB, JE, MRG), pp. 235–241.
ICST-2013-GrechanikHB #database #testing- Testing Database-Centric Applications for Causes of Database Deadlocks (MG, BMMH, UB), pp. 174–183.
ISSTA-2013-Park #concurrent #debugging- Debugging non-deadlock concurrency bugs (SP), pp. 358–361.
CASE-2012-BergagardF #concurrent #multi #sequence- Deadlock avoidance for multi product manufacturing systems modeled as sequences of operations (PB, MF), pp. 515–520.
CASE-2012-HanXZLW #concurrent #policy- Two-stage deadlock prevention policy based on resource-transition circuits (LH, KX, MZ, HL, FW), pp. 741–746.
CASE-2012-MatsumotoN #approach #clustering #composition #concurrent #petri net #scheduling #tool support- Petri net decomposition approach to deadlock-free scheduling for dual-armed cluster tools (IM, TN), pp. 194–199.
SEKE-2012-LiuCL #concurrent #in the cloud- Singular Formulas for Compound Siphons, Complementary Siphons and Characteristic Vectors for Deadlock Prevention in Cloud Computing (GL, DYC, YNL), pp. 359–362.
ICSE-2012-CaiC #concurrent #detection #named #scalability- MagicFuzzer: Scalable deadlock detection for large-scale applications (YC, WKC), pp. 606–616.
PPoPP-2012-BuhlerALC #concurrent #performance #streaming- Efficient deadlock avoidance for streaming computation with filtering (JDB, KA, PL, RDC), pp. 235–246.
ICST-2012-ParkVH #approach #concurrent #debugging- A Unified Approach for Localizing Non-deadlock Concurrency Bugs (SP, RWV, MJH), pp. 51–60.
CASE-2011-NazeemR #classification #concurrent #design #policy #resource management- Designing maximally permissive deadlock avoidance policies for sequential resource allocation systems through classification theory (AN, SAR), pp. 405–412.
DATE-2011-Al-DujailyMXYP #concurrent #detection #network #runtime #transitive #using- Run-time deadlock detection in networks-on-chip using coupled transitive closure networks (RAD, TSTM, FX, AY, MP), pp. 497–502.
DATE-2011-ChaixAZN #adaptation #concurrent #fault tolerance- A fault-tolerant deadlock-free adaptive routing for on chip interconnects (FC, DA, NEZ, MN), pp. 909–912.
ICLP-J-2011-HallerstedeL #concurrent #constraints #specification- Constraint-based deadlock checking of high-level specifications (SH, ML), pp. 767–782.
ICST-2011-LuoDQ #concurrent #detection #manycore #performance- Multicore SDK: A Practical and Efficient Deadlock Detector for Real-World Applications (ZDL, RD, YQ), pp. 309–318.
VMCAI-2011-GotmanovCK #communication #verification- Verifying Deadlock-Freedom of Communication Fabrics (AG, SC, MK), pp. 214–231.
CASE-2010-HuZLW #assembly #automation #concurrent #flexibility- Deadlock-free control of ratio-enforced automated manufacturing systems with flexible routes and assembly operations (HH, MZ, ZL, NW), pp. 459–464.
DAC-2010-CongLR #concurrent #named- ACES: application-specific cycle elimination and splitting for deadlock-free routing on irregular network-on-chip (JC, CL, GR), pp. 443–448.
DATE-2010-SeiculescuMBM- A method to remove deadlocks in Networks-on-Chips with Wormhole flow control (CS, SM, LB, GDM), pp. 1625–1628.
DATE-2010-VerbeekS #concurrent #specification- Formal specification of networks-on-chips: deadlock and evacuation (FV, JS), pp. 1701–1706.
ESOP-2010-LeinoMS #concurrent- Deadlock-Free Channels and Locks (KRML, PM, JS), pp. 407–426.
FSE-2010-JoshiNSG #detection #dynamic analysis #effectiveness- An effective dynamic analysis for detecting generalized deadlocks (PJ, MN, KS, DG), pp. 327–336.
ASE-2009-DeshmukhES #analysis #concurrent #library- Symbolic Deadlock Analysis in Concurrent Libraries and Their Clients (JVD, EAE, SS), pp. 480–491.
CASE-2009-WangLNRKML #concurrent #parallel #source code #thread- Maximally permissive deadlock avoidance for multithreaded computer programs (Extended abstract) (YW, HL, AN, SAR, TK, SAM, SL), pp. 37–41.
PLDI-2009-JoshiPSN #detection #program analysis #random- A randomized dynamic program analysis technique for detecting real deadlocks (PJ, CSP, KS, MN), pp. 110–120.
POPL-2009-WangLKKM #concurrent #formal method- The theory of deadlock avoidance via discrete control (YW, SL, TK, MK, SAM), pp. 252–263.
ICSE-2009-NaikPSG #concurrent #detection #effectiveness- Effective static deadlock detection (MN, CSP, KS, DG), pp. 386–396.
HPDC-2009-HironakaST #concurrent #performance #using- High performance wide-area overlay using deadlock-free routing (KH, HS, KT), pp. 81–90.
CAV-2009-BensalemBNS #composition #concurrent #detection #named #verification- D-Finder: A Tool for Compositional Deadlock Detection and Verification (SB, MB, THN, JS), pp. 614–619.
OSDI-2008-JulaTZC #concurrent- Deadlock Immunity: Enabling Systems to Defend Against Deadlocks (HJ, DMT, CZ, GC), pp. 295–308.
OSDI-2008-WangKKLM #concurrent #named #parallel #source code #thread- Gadara: Dynamic Deadlock Avoidance for Multithreaded Programs (YW, TK, MK, SL, SAM), pp. 281–294.
CASE-2007-ReveliotisR0 #algebra #concurrent #correctness #policy #programming #verification- Correctness Verification of Generalized Algebraic Deadlock Avoidance Policies through Mathematical Programming (SR, ER, JYC), pp. 200–206.
ESOP-2007-SuenagaK #analysis #calculus #concurrent #type system- Type-Based Analysis of Deadlock for a Concurrent Calculus with Interrupts (KS, NK), pp. 490–504.
FASE-2007-SanchezSM #concurrent #distributed #product line #protocol- A Family of Distributed Deadlock Avoidance Protocols and Their Reachable State Spaces (CS, HBS, ZM), pp. 155–169.
LCTES-2007-PermandlaRB #java #type system #virtual machine- A type system for preventing data races and deadlocks in the java virtual machine language: 1 (PP, MR, CB), p. 10.
ICLP-2007-Naish #analysis #concurrent- Resource-Oriented Deadlock Analysis (LN), pp. 302–316.
CASE-2006-XingTXH #complexity #concurrent #flexibility #policy #polynomial- Optimal Polynomial Complexity Deadlock Avoidance Policies for Manufacturing Systems with Flexible Routings (KX, FT, HX, BH), pp. 448–453.
DAC-2006-LiZJ #concurrent #named #network #proximity- DyXY: a proximity congestion-aware deadlock-free dynamic routing method for network on chip (ML, QAZ, WBJ), pp. 849–852.
AdaEurope-2006-Cheng #ada #detection #realtime #runtime- Run-Time Detection of Tasking Deadlocks in Real-Time Systems with the Ada 95 Annex of Real-Time Systems (JC), pp. 167–178.
SEKE-2006-Sarna-StarostaSD #approach #concurrent #modelling #multi #thread- A Model-based Design-for-Verification Approach to Checking for Deadlock in Multi-threaded Applications (BSS, REKS, LKD), pp. 120–125.
CASE-2005-WeiL #concurrent #policy #programming #using- A deadlock prevention policy for FMS using mathematical programming (NW, ZL), pp. 399–403.
DAC-2005-ChenDHSW #analysis #concurrent #design #simulation- Simulation based deadlock analysis for system level designs (XC, AD, HH, ALSV, YW), pp. 260–265.
ICALP-2005-JainHT #concurrent #problem- The Generalized Deadlock Resolution Problem (KJ, MTH, KT), pp. 853–865.
SEKE-2005-VoP #concurrent #detection #java- A Deadlock Detector for Synchronous Java (DDV, CP), pp. 537–542.
ECOOP-2005-WilliamsTE #concurrent #detection #java #library- Static Deadlock Detection for Java Libraries (AW, WT, MDE), pp. 602–629.
VMCAI-2005-AttieC #concurrent #scalability #source code- Efficiently Verifiable Conditions for Deadlock-Freedom of Large Concurrent Programs (PCA, HC), pp. 465–481.
ICFP-2004-ChristiansenH #concurrent #debugging #haskell #source code- Searching for deadlocks while debugging concurrent haskell programs (JC, FH), pp. 28–39.
AdaEurope-2004-BreuerG #concurrent #detection #kernel #linux- Static Deadlock Detection in the Linux Kernel (PTB, MGV), pp. 52–64.
FATES-2004-BordbarO #approach #formal method #realtime #testing- Testing Deadlock-Freeness in Real-Time Systems: A Formal Approach (BB, KO), pp. 95–109.
FME-2003-AldiniB #approach #architecture #concurrent #verification- A General Approach to Deadlock Freedom Verification for Software Architectures (AA, MB), pp. 658–677.
FME-2003-FenkamGJ #approach #concurrent- Constructing Deadlock Free Event-Based Applications: A Rely/Guarantee Approach (PF, HCG, MJ), pp. 636–657.
SOSP-2003-EnglerA #detection #effectiveness #named #static analysis- RacerX: effective, static detection of race conditions and deadlocks (DRE, KA), pp. 237–252.
OOPSLA-2002-BoyapatiLR #programming- Ownership types for safe programming: preventing data races and deadlocks (CB, RL, MCR), pp. 211–230.
ASE-2001-InverardiS #architecture #component #concurrent #synthesis- Connectors Synthesis for Deadlock-Free Component-Based Architectures (PI, SS), p. 174–?.
DATE-2001-GajskiVRGBPECJ #concurrent #specification- C/C++: progress or deadlock in system-level specification (DG, EV, WR, VG, DB, JP, SEE, PC, GGdJ), pp. 136–137.
FASE-2001-InverardiU #component #concurrent #programming #proving- Proving Deadlock Freedom in Component-Based Programming (PI, SU), pp. 60–75.
ESEC-FSE-2001-InverardiT #automation #concurrent #synthesis- Automatic synthesis of deadlock free connectors for COM/DCOM applications (PI, MT), pp. 121–131.
ESEC-FSE-2001-KavehE #concurrent #detection #object-oriented- Deadlock detection in distribution object systems (NK, WE), pp. 44–51.
AdaEurope-2000-BliebergerBS #ada #analysis #data flow #detection #source code- Symbolic Data Flow Analysis for Detecting Deadlocks in Ada Tasking Programs (JB, BB, BS), pp. 225–237.
TACAS-1999-Heljanko #concurrent #logic programming #petri net #problem #reachability #semantics #source code #using- Using Logic Programs with Stable Model Semantics to Solve Deadlock and Reachability Problems for 1-Safe Petri Nets (KH), pp. 240–254.
HPCA-1999-MartinezLD #concurrent #detection #performance- Impact of Buffer Size on the Efficiency of Deadlock Detection (JMM, PL, JD), pp. 315–318.
HPCA-1998-LopezMD #concurrent #detection #distributed #network #performance- A Very Efficient Distributed Deadlock Detection Mechanism for Wormhole Networks (PL, JMM, JD), pp. 57–66.
TACAS-1997-Kleuker #communication #concurrent #development #incremental- Incremental Development of Deadlock-Free Communicating Systems (SK), pp. 306–320.
FME-1997-MartinJ #analysis #concurrent #network #performance #process #scalability- An Efficient Technique for Deadlock Analysis of Large Scale Process Networks (JMRM, SAJ), pp. 418–441.
CAV-1997-MelzerR #concurrent #using- Deadlock Checking Using Net Unfoldings (SM, SR), pp. 352–363.
LICS-1997-Kobayashi #calculus #concurrent #process- A Partially Deadlock-Free Typed Process Calculus (NK0), pp. 128–139.
AdaEurope-1996-ChengU #ada #detection #source code- Tasking Deadlocks in Ada 95 Programs and Their Detection (JC, KU), pp. 135–146.
HPCA-1996-ParkA #concurrent #independence- A Topology-Independent Generic Methodology for Deadlock-Free Wormhole Routing (HP, DPA), pp. 191–200.
TACAS-1995-RoscoeGGHJS #concurrent #csp #how #model checking- Hierarchical Compression for Model-Checking CSP or How to Check 1020 Dining Philosophers for Deadlock (AWR, PHBG, MG, JRH, DMJ, JBS), pp. 133–152.
TRI-Ada-1995-Sanden95b #concurrent #resource management- Resource Sharing Deadlock Prevention (BS), pp. 70–103.
CIKM-1995-MakkiP #database #detection #distributed- Detection and Resolution of Deadlocks in Distributed Database Systems (KM, NP), pp. 411–416.
CIKM-1995-ParkST #algorithm #concurrent #detection #distributed #generative #graph #hybrid- A Distributed Deadlock Detection and Resolution Algorithm Based on A Hybrid Wait-for Graph and Probe Generation Scheme (YCP, PS, HLT), pp. 378–386.
SAC-1994-ChenB #analysis #concurrent #database #detection #performance #petri net #transaction- A Petri net model for the performance analysis of transaction database systems with continuous deadlock detection (IRC, RB), pp. 539–544.
ISSTA-1994-Corbett #ada #analysis #concurrent #empirical #evaluation #source code- An Empirical Evaluation of Three Methods for Deadlock Analysis of Ada Tasking Programs (JCC), pp. 204–215.
ISSTA-1993-DuriBDS #ada #analysis #concurrent #reduction #using- Using State Space Reduction Methods for Deadlock Analysis in Ada Tasking (SD, UAB, RD, SMS), pp. 51–60.
TRI-Ada-C-1992-MayrhauserH #ada #algorithm #communication #concurrent #graph #testing- An Ada Deadlock Testing Algorithm Based on Control and Communication Flow Graphs (AvM, SMSH), pp. 450–457.
AdaEurope-1991-ChengU #ada #petri net #using- Analyzing Ada Tasking Deadlocks and Livelocks Using Extended Petri Nets (JC, KU), pp. 125–146.
CAV-1991-GodefroidW #concurrent #partial order #performance #safety #using #verification- Using Partial Orders for the Efficient Verification of Deadlock Freedom and Safety Properties (PG, PW), pp. 332–342.
CAV-1990-PengP #approach #communication #concurrent #detection #finite #network #problem #state machine- A Unified Approach to the Deadlock Detection Problem in Networks of Communicating Finite State Machines (WP, SP), pp. 243–252.
DAC-1989-SouleG #distributed #logic #parallel #simulation- Characterization of Parallelism and Deadlocks in Distributed Digital Logic Simulation (LS, AG), pp. 81–86.
PODS-1988-Kelter #concurrent #protocol #queue- The Queue Protocol: A Deadlock-free Homogeneous Non-Two-Phase Locking Protocol (UK), pp. 142–151.
SIGMOD-1988-RoeslerB #concurrent #distributed #modelling #object-oriented #semantics- Deadlock Resolution and Semantic Lock Models in Object-Oriented Distributed Systems (MR, WAB), pp. 361–370.
LICS-1986-Brookes #concurrent #correctness #csp #proving #semantics- A Semantically Based Proof System for Partial Correctness and Deadlock in CSP (SDB), pp. 58–65.
PODS-1985-WolfsonY #database #distributed #safety #transaction- Deadlock-Freedom (and Safety) of Transactions in a Distributed Database (OW, MY), pp. 105–112.
VLDB-1985-LausenSW #concurrent #policy- Pre-Analysis Locking: A Safe and Deadlock Free Locking Policy (GL, ESS, PW), pp. 270–281.
DAC-1984-JhonK #analysis #concurrent #data flow #design- Deadlock analysis in the design of data-flow circuits (CSJ, RMK), pp. 705–707.
PODS-1983-KorthKNR #algorithm #comprehension #concurrent #detection #distributed #framework- A Framework for Understanding Distributed (Deadlock Detection) Algorithms (HFK, RK, AN, JTR), pp. 192–202.
PODS-1982-Soisalon-SoininenW #algorithm #detection #safety #testing #transaction- An Optimal Algorithm for Testing for Safety and Detecting Deadlocks in Locked Transaction Systems (ESS, DW), pp. 108–116.
VLDB-1982-KedemMS #concurrent #performance #protocol- An Efficient Deadlock Removal Scheme for Non-Two-Phase Locking Protocols (ZMK, CM, AS), pp. 91–97.
SIGMOD-1981-KedemS #concurrent #database #using- Deadlock Removal Using Partial Rollback in Database Systems (DSF, ZMK, AS), pp. 65–73.
VLDB-1981-BeeriO #algorithm #concurrent #detection #independence- A Resource Class Independent Deadlock Detection Algorithm (CB, RO), pp. 166–178.
STOC-1980-Toueg #network- Deadlock- and Livelock-Free Packet Switching Networks (ST), pp. 94–99.
VLDB-1979-KawazuMIT #algorithm #concurrent #database #detection #distributed- Two-Phase Deadlock Detection Algorithm in Distributed Databases (SK, SM, KI, KT), pp. 360–367.
STOC-1979-TouegU #concurrent #network- Deadlock-Free Packet Switching Networks (ST, JDU), pp. 89–98.
SIGMOD-1977-Lomet #algorithm #concurrent #database- A Practical Deadlock Avoidance Algorithm for Data Base Systems (DBL), pp. 122–127.
SIGMOD-1976-Macri #concurrent #data transformation #detection- Deadlock Detection and Resolution in a CODASYL Based Data Management System (PPM), pp. 45–49.
SIGFIDET-1972-ShemerC #case study #concurrent #database- Database Sharing: A Study of Interference, Roadblock and Deadlock (JES, AJC), pp. 147–163.
SOSP-1971-Fontao #algorithm #concurrent- A Concurrent Algorithm for Avoiding Deadlocks (ROF), pp. 72–79.
SOSP-1971-Holt #concurrent- Some Deadlock Properties of Computer Systems (RCH), pp. 64–71.