677 papers:
CASE-2015-DeviNVKM #algorithm #implementation- E-mandi implementation based on gale-shapely algorithm for perishable goods supply chain (SPD, YN, NV, SVK, SM), pp. 1421–1426.
SIGMOD-2015-PaparrizosG #clustering #named #performance- k-Shape: Efficient and Accurate Clustering of Time Series (JP, LG), pp. 1855–1870.
CSEET-2015-BoehmM- System Thinking: Educating T-Shaped Software Engineers (BWB, SKM), pp. 13–16.
TACAS-2015-HolikHLRSV #analysis #automaton #contest #named #using- Forester: Shape Analysis Using Tree Automata — (Competition Contribution) (LH, MH, OL, AR, JS, TV), pp. 432–435.
SAS-2015-LiRC #analysis- Shape Analysis for Unstructured Sharing (HL, XR, BYEC), pp. 90–108.
CHI-2015-GulottaSKF #comprehension #how- Curatorial Agents: How Systems Shape Our Understanding of Personal and Familial Digital Information (RG, AS, AK, JF), pp. 3453–3462.
CHI-2015-HardyWTVA #agile #design #named #prototype #towards- ShapeClip: Towards Rapid Prototyping with Shape-Changing Displays for Designers (JH, CW, FT, JV, JA), pp. 19–28.
CHI-2015-ParkPN- The Trial of Bendi in a Coffeehouse: Use of a Shape-Changing Device for a Tactile-Visual Phone Conversation (YP, JP, TJN), pp. 2181–2190.
CHI-2015-YaoOCSWWI #interface #named- bioLogic: Natto Cells as Nanoactuators for Shape Changing Interfaces (LY, JO, CYC, HS, WW, GW, HI), pp. 1–10.
CSCW-2015-JiaWXRC #behaviour #learning #online #privacy #process- Risk-taking as a Learning Process for Shaping Teen’s Online Information Privacy Behaviors (HJ, PJW, HX, MBR, JMC), pp. 583–599.
DHM-EH-2015-GeurtsSKBL #3d #algorithm #comparison #image #modelling #segmentation #statistics #visual notation- Visual Comparison of 3D Medical Image Segmentation Algorithms Based on Statistical Shape Models (AG, GS, AK, MB, TvL), pp. 336–344.
DHM-EH-2015-HuZ #case study #design #women- Study on the Body Shape of Middle-Aged and Old Women for Garment Design (XH, YZ), pp. 53–61.
DUXU-DD-2015-WuC #effectiveness- Products with Biomimetic Shapes Convey Emotions More Effectively (TYW, HKC), pp. 559–566.
HCI-IT-2015-BhanushaliMV #embedded #gesture #interface #low cost #recognition- A Dome-Shaped Interface Embedded with Low-Cost Infrared Sensors for Car-Game Control by Gesture Recognition (JB, SPM, KV), pp. 575–583.
HCI-IT-2015-MurataMF #modelling #performance- Effects of Target Shape and Display Location on Pointing Performance by Eye-Gaze Input System — Modeling of Pointing Time by Extended Fitts’ Law (AM, MM, DF), pp. 94–106.
HCI-IT-2015-ScavarelliA #interactive- An Exploration of Shape in Crowd Computer Interactions (AS, AA), pp. 775–786.
ICML-2015-BachmanP #collaboration #generative #network #probability- Variational Generative Stochastic Networks with Collaborative Shaping (PB, DP), pp. 1964–1972.
SAC-2015-PedrosaTB- Shape description based on bag of salience points (GVP, AJMT, CAZB), pp. 74–79.
ICSE-v2-2015-BoehmM- System Thinking: Educating T-Shaped Software Engineers (BWB, SKM), pp. 333–342.
CASE-2014-HuangNXCSD #3d #approach #geometry #modelling #predict- Predictive modeling of geometric deviations of 3D printed products — A unified modeling approach for cylindrical and polygon shapes (QH, HN, KX, YC, SS, TD), pp. 25–30.
CASE-2014-LiWC #using- Pedestrian tracking system by using human shape prior model (KCL, HCW, JMC), pp. 1139–1143.
CASE-2014-SongWHT #modelling #process- Shape deviation modeling for fused deposition modeling processes (SS, AW, QH, FT), pp. 758–763.
CASE-2014-YamazakiSYI #3d #modelling- 3D shape modeling of movable parts of furniture based on time-series surface correspondence (KY, KS, TY, MI), pp. 249–254.
CASE-2014-YangXZL #3d #recognition- Scaled Indexing of General Shapes for complicated 3D motion recognition (JY, HX, XZ, YL), pp. 236–241.
DRR-2014-KleberDS #classification #retrieval #using #word- Form classification and retrieval using bag of words with shape features of line structures (FK, MD, RS), pp. 902107–9.
DRR-2014-YouADT #classification #image #retrieval- A contour-based shape descriptor for biomedical image classification and retrieval (DY, SA, DDF, GRT), p. ?–12.
TACAS-2014-DudkaPV #contest #graph #memory management #named- Predator: A Shape Analyzer Based on Symbolic Memory Graphs — (Competition Contribution) (KD, PP, TV), pp. 412–414.
TACAS-2014-MullerV #contest #named- CPAlien: Shape Analyzer for CPAChecker — (Competition Contribution) (PM, TV), pp. 395–397.
PLDI-2014-GreenmanMT #bound #morphism #polymorphism- Getting F-bounded polymorphism into shape (BG, FM, RT), p. 12.
FM-2014-PonzioRAF #bound #performance- Efficient Tight Field Bounds Computation Based on Shape Predicates (PP, NR, NA, MFF), pp. 531–546.
IFM-2014-CalvaneseKSVZ #analysis #data type- Shape and Content — A Database-Theoretic Perspective on the Analysis of Data Structures (DC, TK, MS, HV, FZ), pp. 3–17.
ICFP-2014-KakiJ #analysis #framework #higher-order #relational- A relational framework for higher-order shape analysis (GK, SJ), pp. 311–324.
CHI-2014-DimitriadisA #effectiveness #mobile #physics- Evaluating the effectiveness of physical shape-change for in-pocket mobile device notifications (PD, JA), pp. 2589–2592.
CHI-2014-GronvallKPR #interface- Causing commotion with a shape-changing bench: experiencing shape-changing interfaces in use (EG, SK, MGP, MKR), pp. 2559–2568.
CHI-2014-OrtegaV #3d #automation- Direct drawing on 3D shapes with automated camera control (MO, TV), pp. 2047–2050.
CHI-2014-ParkPN #communication #mobile #named- Wrigglo: shape-changing peripheral for interpersonal mobile communication (JP, YP, TJN), pp. 3973–3976.
CHI-2014-PedersenSH #scalability #using- Is my phone alive?: a large-scale study of shape change in handheld devices using videos (EWP, SS, KH), pp. 2579–2588.
CHI-2014-RoudautRHS #assembly #design #named- Changibles: analyzing and designing shape changing constructive assembly (AR, RR, TH, SS), pp. 2593–2596.
CSCW-2014-BrownELQM #how #interactive- Tracking serendipitous interactions: how individual cultures shape the office (CB, CE, IL, DQ, CM), pp. 1072–1081.
CSCW-2014-SauppeM #communication #coordination #how #social- How social cues shape task coordination and communication (AS, BM), pp. 97–108.
CSCW-2014-VitakK #facebook #how #people #process #quote- “You can’t block people offline”: examining how facebook’s affordances shape the disclosure process (JV, JK), pp. 461–474.
HIMI-DE-2014-OkaTM #how- Selecting a Function by How Characteristic Shapes Afford Users (MO, MT, HM), pp. 621–628.
HIMI-DE-2014-SugayaNT #clustering #recognition #using- Enhancement of Accuracy of Hand Shape Recognition Using Color Calibration by Clustering Scheme and Majority Voting Method (TS, HN, HT), pp. 251–260.
CIKM-2014-Deolalikar14b #clustering #documentation #what- What is the Shape of a Cluster?: Structural Comparisons of Document Clusters (VD), pp. 1927–1930.
ICPR-2014-BenhabilesTV #3d #framework #retrieval- Belief-Function-Based Framework for Deformable 3D-Shape Retrieval (HB, HT, JPV), pp. 285–290.
ICPR-2014-BoulchM #statistics- Statistical Criteria for Shape Fusion and Selection (AB, RM), pp. 936–941.
ICPR-2014-BuoncompagniFM #recognition #sketching- Shape Features for Candidate Photo Selection in Sketch Recognition (SB, AF, DM), pp. 1728–1733.
ICPR-2014-CarlinetG #image- A Morphological Tree of Shapes for Color Images (EC, TG), pp. 1132–1137.
ICPR-2014-CorringR #probability #representation #set- Shape from Phase: An Integrated Level Set and Probability Density Shape Representation (JC, AR), pp. 46–51.
ICPR-2014-DanckaersHLLVDS- Correspondence Preserving Elastic Surface Registration with Shape Model Prior (FD, TH, DL, AL, SV, SVD, JS), pp. 2143–2148.
ICPR-2014-Garcia-OrdasAGG #invariant #named- aZIBO: A New Descriptor Based in Shape Moments and Rotational Invariant Features (MTGO, EA, VGC, DGO), pp. 2395–2400.
ICPR-2014-Gonzalez-SosaVFO #comparison #image #recognition #using- Comparison of Body Shape Descriptors for Biometric Recognition Using MMW Images (EGS, RVR, JF, JOG), pp. 124–129.
ICPR-2014-GousenbourgerSA #2d- Piecewise-Bézier C1 Interpolation on Riemannian Manifolds with Application to 2D Shape Morphing (PYG, CS, PAA), pp. 4086–4091.
ICPR-2014-HaqBBA #modelling #segmentation #using- Using Shape-Aware Models for Lumbar Spine Intervertebral Disc Segmentation (RH, DAB, RCB, MAA), pp. 3191–3196.
ICPR-2014-IwahoriFWB #image #network- Neural Network Based Image Modification for Shape from Observed SEM Images (YI, KF, RJW, MKB), pp. 2131–2136.
ICPR-2014-KarthikR- Underwater Microscopic Shape from Focus (SK, ANR), pp. 2107–2112.
ICPR-2014-KuangLJL #3d #graph- Graph Contexts for Retrieving Deformable Non-rigid 3D Shapes (ZK, ZL, XJ, YL), pp. 2820–2825.
ICPR-2014-KurtekS #analysis #segmentation #using- Handwritten Text Segmentation Using Elastic Shape Analysis (SK, AS), pp. 2501–2506.
ICPR-2014-LandgrenOH #image #segmentation #using- A Measure of Septum Shape Using Shortest Path Segmentation in Echocardiographic Images of LVAD Patients (ML, NCO, AH), pp. 3398–3403.
ICPR-2014-LenochHGW #3d #linear- Linear Unmixing in BRDF Reproduction and 3D Shape Recovery (ML, SH, AG, CW), pp. 2071–2076.
ICPR-2014-LiuCVC #classification- Leaf Species Classification Based on a Botanical Shape Sub-classifier Strategy (HL, DC, LV, GC), pp. 1496–1501.
ICPR-2014-LiuXYZ #analysis- Texture Analysis with Shape Co-occurrence Patterns (GL, GSX, WY, LZ), pp. 1627–1632.
ICPR-2014-LovatoMCGB #2d #biology #classification #named #sequence- S-BLOSUM: Classification of 2D Shapes with Biological Sequence Alignment (PL, AM, CC, AG, MB), pp. 2335–2340.
ICPR-2014-MoyouIP #3d #estimation #performance #retrieval #using- LBO-Shape Densities: Efficient 3D Shape Retrieval Using Wavelet Density Estimation (MM, KEI, AMP), pp. 52–57.
ICPR-2014-MustiZP #3d #animation #estimation #image #speech #visual notation- Facial 3D Shape Estimation from Images for Visual Speech Animation (UM, ZZ, MP), pp. 40–45.
ICPR-2014-SantaK- Affine Alignment of Occluded Shapes (ZS, ZK), pp. 2155–2160.
ICPR-2014-SirinD #recognition- Skeleton Filling Rate for Shape Recognition (YS, MFD), pp. 4005–4009.
ICPR-2014-SunZL #adaptation #detection- An Adaptive-Profile Active Shape Model for Facial-Feature Detection (KS, HZ, KML), pp. 2849–2854.
ICPR-2014-TabiaV #3d #classification #using- 3D Shape Classification Using Information Fusion (HT, NSV), pp. 297–302.
ICPR-2014-WangS #automation #dataset #multi #segmentation #using- Automatic Multi-organ Segmentation in Non-enhanced CT Datasets Using Hierarchical Shape Priors (CW, ÖS), pp. 3327–3332.
ICPR-2014-WuMCXC #gesture #invariant #parametricity #recognition #using- View-Invariant Gesture Recognition Using Nonparametric Shape Descriptor (XW, XM, LC, YLX, AC), pp. 544–549.
ICPR-2014-XiaoHL #3d #estimation #re-engineering- 3D Face Reconstruction via Feature Point Depth Estimation and Shape Deformation (QX, LH, PL), pp. 2257–2262.
ICPR-2014-YangLTSG #classification- Shape-Based Classification of Environmental Microorganisms (CY, CL, OT, KS, MG), pp. 3374–3379.
KDIR-2014-BigdeliMRM #clustering #summary- Arbitrary Shape Cluster Summarization with Gaussian Mixture Model (EB, MM, BR, SM), pp. 43–52.
Onward-2014-AcherCC #domain-specific language- Metamorphic Domain-Specific Languages: A Journey into the Shapes of a Language (MA, BC, PC), pp. 243–253.
SAC-2014-BergamascoN #3d #approach #feature model #retrieval #using- A new local feature extraction approach for content-based 3D medical model retrieval using shape descriptor (LCCB, FLSN), pp. 902–907.
CAV-2014-ItzhakyBRST #analysis- Property-Directed Shape Analysis (SI, NB, TWR, MS, AVT), pp. 35–51.
CAV-2014-LeGQC #analysis #higher-order- Shape Analysis via Second-Order Bi-Abduction (QLL, CG, SQ, WNC), pp. 52–68.
DocEng-2013-AlvaroZ #layout- A shape-based layout descriptor for classifying spatial relationships in handwritten math (FA, RZ), pp. 123–126.
ICDAR-2013-AlmazanFV- Deformable HOG-Based Shape Descriptor (JA, AF, EV), pp. 1022–1026.
ICDAR-2013-DingsAE13a #approach #modelling #synthesis- An Approach for Arabic Handwriting Synthesis Based on Active Shape Models (LD, AAH, ME), pp. 1260–1264.
ICDAR-2013-DoTT #approach #recognition #representation- New Approach for Symbol Recognition Combining Shape Context of Interest Points with Sparse Representation (THD, ST, ORT), pp. 265–269.
ICDAR-2013-HuZ #multi #using- Segmenting Handwritten Math Symbols Using AdaBoost and Multi-scale Shape Context Features (LH, RZ), pp. 1180–1184.
ICDAR-2013-KieuJVMD #3d #documentation #generative #image #using- Semi-synthetic Document Image Generation Using Texture Mapping on Scanned 3D Document Shapes (VCK, NJ, MV, RM, JPD), pp. 489–493.
ICDAR-2013-SeokK #recognition- Scene Text Recognition with a Hough Forest Implicit Shape Model (JHS, JHK), pp. 599–603.
ICDAR-2013-ShiraiEKIKBWN #documentation- Character Shape Restoration of Binarized Historical Documents by Smoothing via Geodesic Morphology (KS, YE, AK, SI, NK, HB, AW, MN), pp. 1285–1289.
ICSM-2013-CruzIP #development #empirical #using #validation- An Empirical Illustration to Validate a FLOSS Development Model Using S-Shaped Curves (AECC, HI, NP), pp. 468–471.
SAS-2013-DragoiES #analysis #data type- Local Shape Analysis for Overlaid Data Structures (CD, CE, MS), pp. 150–171.
CHI-2013-GomesNV13a #case study #flexibility #named #smarttech- MorePhone: a study of actuated shape deformations for flexible thin-film smartphone notifications (AG, AN, RV), pp. 583–592.
CHI-2013-JuhlinZSF #design- Fashionable shape switching: explorations in outfit-centric design (OJ, YZ, CS, YF), pp. 1353–1362.
CHI-2013-KramerKKWB #behaviour #developer #how #ide #navigation #tool support- How tools in IDEs shape developers’ navigation behavior (JPK, TK, JK, MW, JOB), pp. 3073–3082.
CHI-2013-LeithingerFOLHLI #interactive #named #physics- Sublimate: state-changing virtual and physical rendering to augment interaction with shape displays (DL, SF, AO, SL, AH, JL, HI), pp. 1441–1450.
CHI-2013-RoudautKLS #flexibility #mobile #named #self #towards- Morphees: toward high “shape resolution” in self-actuated flexible mobile devices (AR, AK, ML, SS), pp. 593–602.
DHM-HB-2013-IkenoboKKGK #case study #process- A Study of the Effect of the Shape, the Color, and the Texture of Ikebana on a Brain Activity (YI, YK, NK, AG, AK), pp. 59–65.
DHM-HB-2013-Reed #modelling- Modeling Body Shape from Surface Landmark Configurations (MPR), pp. 376–383.
DHM-HB-2013-WangH13a #clustering #re-engineering- Model Reconstruction of Human Buttocks and the Shape Clustering (LW, XH), pp. 245–251.
HCI-IMT-2013-MurataUH #case study- Study on Cursor Shape Suitable for Eye-gaze Input System (AM, RU, TH), pp. 312–319.
HIMI-D-2013-SugayaSNT #recognition #using- Basic Investigation into Hand Shape Recognition Using Colored Gloves Taking Account of the Peripheral Environment (TS, TS, HN, HT), pp. 133–142.
ECOOP-2013-AuerbachBCFR #compilation #configuration management #graph #hardware- The Shape of Things to Run — Compiling Complex Stream Graphs to Reconfigurable Hardware in Lime (JSA, DFB, PC, SF, RMR), pp. 679–706.
PPDP-2013-MontenegroPS #analysis #functional #regular expression #using- Shape analysis in a functional language by using regular languages (MM, RP, CS), pp. 251–262.
ER-BR-2013-Finkelstein #re-engineering #what- The Next 10 Years: the shape of software to come and what if means for software engineering (AF).
SAC-2013-KhaniHAB #algorithm #clustering #semistructured data #set- An algorithm for discovering clusters of different densities or shapes in noisy data sets (FK, MJH, AAA, HB), pp. 144–149.
CC-2013-SiegelS #analysis #named- FESA: Fold- and Expand-Based Shape Analysis (HS, AS), pp. 82–101.
CAV-2013-HolikLRSV #analysis #automation #automaton- Fully Automated Shape Analysis Based on Forest Automata (LH, OL, AR, JS, TV), pp. 740–755.
ISSTA-2013-BarrBM- Collecting a heap of shapes (ETB, CB, MM), pp. 123–133.
VMCAI-2013-ToubhansCR #abstract domain- Reduced Product Combination of Abstract Domains for Shapes (AT, BYEC, XR), pp. 375–395.
CASE-2012-KimKS #algorithm #detection #recognition #using- Hole detection algorithm for square peg-in-hole using force-based shape recognition (YLK, BSK, JBS), pp. 1074–1079.
CASE-2012-Moon- Input shaping control for suppression of boom vibrations (KSM), pp. 782–785.
CASE-2012-TangLY #nondeterminism #using- Tracking control of a compliant XY nano-positioner under plant uncertainty using a transfigured loop-shaping H∞ controller (HT, YL, QY), pp. 103–108.
DATE-2012-GaoXCG #design- Design of an intrinsically-linear double-VCO-based ADC with 2nd-order noise shaping (PG, XX, JC, GGEG), pp. 1215–1220.
CHI-2012-QiB #memory management #using- Animating paper using shape memory alloys (JQ, LB), pp. 749–752.
CHI-2012-RasmussenPPH #bibliography #design #interface #open science #research- Shape-changing interfaces: a review of the design space and open research questions (MKR, EWP, MGP, KH), pp. 735–744.
CIKM-2012-Prat-PerezDBL #community- Shaping communities out of triangles (APP, DDS, JMB, JLLP), pp. 1677–1681.
ICPR-2012-AzizWH #using- Shape signature using the edge-based Laplacian (FA, RCW, ERH), pp. 1594–1597.
ICPR-2012-BattiatoFGP #classification #modelling- Aligning Bags of Shape Contexts for Blurred Shape Model based symbol classification (SB, GMF, OG, GP), pp. 1598–1601.
ICPR-2012-BicegoL #2d #biology #recognition #sequence #tool support #using- 2D shape recognition using biological sequence alignment tools (MB, PL), pp. 1359–1362.
ICPR-2012-BougleuxDBGM #combinator #kernel #similarity- Shape similarity based on combinatorial maps and a tree pattern kernel (SB, FXD, LB, BG, MM), pp. 1602–1605.
ICPR-2012-DomokosK #multi- Simultaneous affine registration of multiple shapes∗ (CD, ZK), pp. 9–12.
ICPR-2012-DuanHC #approach #image #segmentation- Shape prior regularized continuous max-flow approach to image segmentation (YD, WH, HC), pp. 2516–2519.
ICPR-2012-ElnakibNCPGE #3d #analysis #quantifier #using- Quantification of age-related brain cortex change using 3D shape analysis (AE, MN, MC, HYP, GLG, AEB), pp. 41–44.
ICPR-2012-FerrazB #3d #estimation #performance #robust- Fast and robust monocular 3D deformable shape estimation for inextensible and smooth surfaces (LF, XB), pp. 2104–2107.
ICPR-2012-GhoseMOMLFVCSM #functional #probability #segmentation- A Mumford-Shah functional based variational model with contour, shape, and probability prior information for prostate segmentation (SG, JM, AO, RM, XL, JF, JCV, JC, DS, FM), pp. 121–124.
ICPR-2012-GiancardoSSPM #multi #segmentation- Segmentation and tracking of multiple interacting mice by temperature and shape information (LG, DS, DS, FP, VM), pp. 2520–2523.
ICPR-2012-HouHZQ #named #paradigm #retrieval- Bag-of-feature-graphs: A new paradigm for non-rigid shape retrieval (TH, XH, MZ, HQ), pp. 1513–1516.
ICPR-2012-HouZQ #higher-order- Diffusion-driven high-order matching of partial deformable shapes (TH, MZ, HQ), pp. 137–140.
ICPR-2012-IkedaOSS #estimation- Illumination estimation from shadow and incomplete object shape captured by an RGB-D camera (TI, YO, MS, HS), pp. 165–169.
ICPR-2012-Iwata #analysis #optimisation- Placing landmarks suitably for shape analysis by optimization (KI), pp. 2359–2362.
ICPR-2012-JiangFZT #detection #random- Active Shape Model with random forest for facial features detection (WJ, YF, ZZ, YT), pp. 593–596.
ICPR-2012-LewinJC #algorithm #composition #evaluation #framework #performance- Framework for quantitative performance evaluation of shape decomposition algorithms (SL, XJ, AC), pp. 3696–3699.
ICPR-2012-LiX #image- Glocal shape context descriptor in cluttered images (SL, WX), pp. 3704–3707.
ICPR-2012-MacriniWLG #parsing #probability #recognition- Probabilistic shape parsing for view-based object recognition (DM, CW, RL, MG), pp. 2303–2305.
ICPR-2012-MoyouP #analysis- Shape analysis on the hypersphere of wavelet densities (MM, AMP), pp. 2091–2094.
ICPR-2012-PanS #3d- 3D shape isometric correspondence by spectral assignment (XP, LGS), pp. 2210–2213.
ICPR-2012-PanZXQ #2d #category theory #detection- Improved generic categorical object detection fusing depth cue with 2D appearance and shape features (HP, YZ, SX, KQ), pp. 1467–1470.
ICPR-2012-SnellCK #identification- Texture and shape in fluorescence pattern identification for auto-immune disease diagnosis (VS, WJC, JK), pp. 3750–3753.
ICPR-2012-SongLLWT #retrieval- Envelope extraction for composite shapes for shape retrieval (JS, XL, HL, XW, ZT), pp. 1932–1935.
ICPR-2012-TanLZ #dataset- The dataset system of Economic Dispute handwritten (DSEDH) based on stroke shape and structure features (JT, JHL, XXZ), pp. 661–664.
ICPR-2012-UkitaMH #re-engineering- Shape reconstruction with globally-optimized surface point selection (NU, KM, NH), pp. 1501–1504.
ICPR-2012-WangGFC #analysis #segmentation- Curvature-driven volumetric segmentation of binary shapes: An application to snow microstructure analysis (XW, LG, FF, DC), pp. 742–745.
ICPR-2012-XuGN #image #using- Morphological filtering in shape spaces: Applications using tree-based image representations (YX, TG, LN), pp. 485–488.
ICPR-2012-YangKF #recognition- Decomposed contour prior for shape recognition (ZY, YK, YF), pp. 767–770.
ICPR-2012-ZhangH12b #estimation #using- Simultaneous reflectance estimation and surface shape recovery using polarisation (LZ, ERH), pp. 1876–1879.
ICPR-2012-ZhangWBZCZ #detection #feature model- Object detection via foreground contour feature selection and part-based shape model (HZ, JW, XB, JZ, JC, HZ), pp. 2524–2527.
ICPR-2012-ZhongHH #approach- A hierarchical approach to high-quality partial shape registration (MZ, TH, QH), pp. 113–116.
KDIR-2012-Machado #analysis #image #retrieval- Factor Analysis and the Retrieval of Medical Images Depicting Structures with Similar Shapes (AMCM), pp. 175–180.
MLDM-2012-ForczmanskiF #classification #distance #representation- Classification of Elementary Stamp Shapes by Means of Reduced Point Distance Histogram Representation (PF, DF), pp. 603–616.
SIGIR-2012-AgarwalCEW #online #personalisation #recommendation- Personalized click shaping through lagrangian duality for online recommendation (DA, BCC, PE, XW), pp. 485–494.
SAC-2012-DasguptaK #analysis #precise #using- Precise shape analysis using field sensitivity (SD, AK), pp. 1300–1307.
SAC-2012-HasegawaT #distance #invariant #using- Affine invariant shape matching using radon transform and dynamic time warping distance (MH, ST), pp. 777–781.
ICST-2012-MalikK #analysis #graph #using- Dynamic Shape Analysis Using Spectral Graph Properties (MZM, SK), pp. 211–220.
DAC-2011-KumarT #realtime- Cool shapers: shaping real-time tasks for improved thermal guarantees (PK, LT), pp. 468–473.
DAC-2011-WhatmoughDBD #power management- Error-resilient low-power DSP via path-delay shaping (PNW, SD, DMB, ID), pp. 1008–1013.
DAC-2011-YinKL #effectiveness- High effective-resolution built-in jitter characterization with quantization noise shaping (LY, YK, PL), pp. 765–770.
DRR-2011-KumarPCADN- Shape codebook based handwritten and machine printed text zone extraction (JK, RP, HC, WAA, DSD, PN), pp. 1–10.
ICDAR-2011-AlmazanFV #feature model #recognition- A Non-rigid Feature Extraction Method for Shape Recognition (JA, AF, EV), pp. 987–991.
ICDAR-2011-FerilliBEB #recognition- A Contour-Based Progressive Technique for Shape Recognition (SF, TMAB, FE, MB), pp. 723–727.
ICDAR-2011-HasegawaT #correlation- A Shape Descriptor Combining Logarithmic-Scale Histogram of Radon Transform and Phase-Only Correlation Function (MH, ST), pp. 182–186.
ICDAR-2011-PackerTK #classification #recognition- alpha-Shape Based Classification with Applications to Optical Character Recognition (EP, AT, VK), pp. 344–348.
ICDAR-2011-SuLY #multi #recognition- Symbol Recognition by Multiresolution Shape Context Matching (FS, TL, RY), pp. 1319–1323.
SCAM-2011-PavluSK #alias #analysis #comparison #graph #precise #set- Computation of Alias Sets from Shape Graphs for Comparison of Shape Analysis Precision (VP, MS, AK), pp. 25–34.
STOC-2011-GopalanMRZ #combinator #generative #pseudo- Pseudorandom generators for combinatorial shapes (PG, RM, OR, DZ), pp. 253–262.
SEFM-2011-ErnstSR #analysis #empirical #interactive #proving #theorem proving #verification- Verification of B + Trees: An Experiment Combining Shape Analysis and Interactive Theorem Proving (GE, GS, WR), pp. 188–203.
CHI-2011-WigdorBPLW #gesture #interactive #multi #precise- Rock & rails: extending multi-touch interactions with shape gestures to enable precise spatial manipulations (DW, HB, JP, JL, SW), pp. 1581–1590.
CSCW-2011-ShammaKC #microblog #modelling #persistent- Peaks and persistence: modeling the shape of microblog conversations (DAS, LK, EFC), pp. 355–358.
HCI-DDA-2011-AmrajiMM #recognition- Shape -Based Human Actions Recognition in Videos (NA, LM, MGM), pp. 539–546.
HCI-DDA-2011-MiyazakiNI #detection #image- A Detection Method of Basic Mouth Shapes from Japanese Utterance Images (TM, TN, NI), pp. 608–617.
HCI-DDA-2011-NabetaHIKOT #similarity- The Similarity Index of Character Shape of Medicine Names Based on Character Shape Similarity (II) (KN, AH, HI, MK, MO, FT), pp. 628–636.
ICEIS-v2-2011-BadarudinSSMM #algorithm #memory management #problem #representation #search-based- An Improved Genetic Algorithm with Gene Value Representation and Short Term Memory for Shape Assignment Problem (IB, ABMS, MNS, AM, MTMM), pp. 178–183.
KDD-2011-AgarwalCEW #multi- Click shaping to optimize multiple objectives (DA, BCC, PE, XW), pp. 132–140.
OOPSLA-2011-Golan-GuetaBARSY #automation #using- Automatic fine-grain locking using shape properties (GGG, NGB, AA, GR, MS, EY), pp. 225–242.
POPL-2011-PrountzosMPM #analysis #graph #optimisation #parallel #source code- A shape analysis for optimizing parallel graph programs (DP, RM, KP, KSM), pp. 159–172.
POPL-2011-RivalC #abstraction- Calling context abstraction with shapes (XR, BYEC), pp. 173–186.
RE-2011-MarczakD #collaboration #communication #how #interactive- How interaction between roles shapes the communication structure in requirements-driven collaboration (SM, DD), pp. 47–56.
ICSE-2011-Malik #analysis #graph #using- Dynamic shape analysis of program heap using graph spectra (MZM), pp. 952–955.
CASE-2010-ItoKNO- Shape sensing by vision-based tactile sensor for dexterous handling of robot hands (YI, YK, CN, GO), pp. 574–579.
CASE-2010-XuXZC #3d #realtime- Real-time 3D shape inspection system for manufacturing parts based on three-step stripe pattern (JX, NX, CZ, HC), pp. 228–233.
DATE-2010-BanerjeeASNO #design- A methodology for propagating design tolerances to shape tolerances for use in manufacturing (SB, KBA, CNS, SRN, MO), pp. 1273–1278.
DRR-2010-Obafemi-AjayiAF #documentation #learning- Learning shape features for document enhancement (TOA, GA, OF), pp. 1–10.
ESOP-2010-LavironCR #graph- Separating Shape Graphs (VL, BYEC, XR), pp. 387–406.
FASE-2010-BeyerHTZ #analysis #refinement- Shape Refinement through Explicit Heap Analysis (DB, TAH, GT, DZ), pp. 263–277.
SAS-2010-CheriniRB #analysis #data type- A Shape Analysis for Non-linear Data Structures (RC, LR, JOB), pp. 201–217.
ICFP-2010-KellerCLJL #array #haskell #parallel- Regular, shape-polymorphic, parallel arrays in Haskell (GK, MMTC, RL, SLPJ, BL), pp. 261–272.
ICPR-2010-AnZWD #recognition #representation- Shape Filling Rate for Silhouette Representation and Recognition (GA, FZ, HW, GD), pp. 507–510.
ICPR-2010-AslanAFRAX #3d #graph #segmentation #using- 3D Vertebral Body Segmentation Using Shape Based Graph Cuts (MSA, AMA, AAF, HMR, BA, PX), pp. 3951–3954.
ICPR-2010-AtmosukartoSH #3d #learning #programming #search-based- The Use of Genetic Programming for Learning 3D Craniofacial Shape Quantifications (IA, LGS, CH), pp. 2444–2447.
ICPR-2010-BatesLM #representation- Scale-Space Spectral Representation of Shape (JB, XL, WM), pp. 2648–2651.
ICPR-2010-BayramogluA #image #recognition #using- Shape Index SIFT: Range Image Recognition Using Local Features (NB, AAA), pp. 352–355.
ICPR-2010-BicegoMMAF #2d #kernel #recognition #using- 2D Shape Recognition Using Information Theoretic Kernels (MB, AFTM, VM, PMQA, MATF), pp. 25–28.
ICPR-2010-CanerH #documentation #effectiveness #named- Shape-DNA: Effective Character Restoration and Enhancement for Arabic Text Documents (GC, IH), pp. 2053–2056.
ICPR-2010-ChenNW #estimation #multi #using- Actual Midline Estimation from Brain CT Scan Using Multiple Regions Shape Matching (WC, KN, KW), pp. 2552–2555.
ICPR-2010-Demirci #performance #retrieval- Efficient Shape Retrieval Under Partial Matching (MFD), pp. 3057–3060.
ICPR-2010-DonoserRB #prototype #recognition- Shape Prototype Signatures for Action Recognition (MD, HR, HB), pp. 1796–1799.
ICPR-2010-DonoserRB10a- Shape Guided Maximally Stable Extremal Region (MSER) Tracking (MD, HR, HB), pp. 1800–1803.
ICPR-2010-DornaikaR #estimation- Person-Specific Face Shape Estimation under Varying Head Pose from Single Snapshots (FD, BR), pp. 3496–3499.
ICPR-2010-ElnakibECS #analysis #corpus- Dyslexia Diagnostics by Centerline-Based Shape Analysis of the Corpus Callosum (AE, AEB, MC, AES), pp. 261–264.
ICPR-2010-FanHM #classification #learning #metric- Learning Metrics for Shape Classification and Discrimination (YF, DH, WM), pp. 2652–2655.
ICPR-2010-FaureF #composition #linear- Linear Decomposition of Planar Shapes (AF, FF), pp. 1096–1099.
ICPR-2010-FeragenLN- Fundamental Geodesic Deformations in Spaces of Treelike Shapes (AF, FL, MN), pp. 2089–2093.
ICPR-2010-Feschet #analysis #composition #geometry #multi #parametricity- Multiscale Analysis from 1D Parametric Geometric Decomposition of Shapes (FF), pp. 2102–2105.
ICPR-2010-FornesELV #classification #using- Symbol Classification Using Dynamic Aligned Shape Descriptor (AF, SE, JL, EV), pp. 1957–1960.
ICPR-2010-HeracleousHB #gesture #integration #recognition #speech- Gestures and Lip Shape Integration for Cued Speech Recognition (PH, NH, DB), pp. 2238–2241.
ICPR-2010-Hillenbrand #3d #parametricity- Non-parametric 3D Shape Warping (UH), pp. 2656–2659.
ICPR-2010-HoangT #fourier #geometry #invariant- A Geometric Invariant Shape Descriptor Based on the Radon, Fourier, and Mellin Transforms (TVH, ST), pp. 2085–2088.
ICPR-2010-HuynhRH #robust- Robust Shape from Polarisation and Shading (CPH, ARK, ERH), pp. 810–813.
ICPR-2010-JiaM #design #using- Classifying Textile Designs Using Bags of Shapes (WJ, SJM), pp. 294–297.
ICPR-2010-KalafatlarY #3d #segmentation #using- 3D Articulated Shape Segmentation Using Motion Information (EK, YY), pp. 3595–3598.
ICPR-2010-KeuperSPHPBR #3d #parametricity #robust #self- 3D Deformable Surfaces with Locally Self-Adjusting Parameters — A Robust Method to Determine Cell Nucleus Shapes (MK, TS, JP, PH, KP, HB, OR), pp. 2254–2257.
ICPR-2010-KeustermansMVS #automation #identification #modelling #using- Automated Cephalometric Landmark Identification Using Shape and Local Appearance Models (JK, WM, DV, PS), pp. 2464–2467.
ICPR-2010-KhalifaEGOE #image #segmentation- Shape-Appearance Guided Level-Set Deformable Model for Image Segmentation (FK, AEB, GLG, RO, MAEG), pp. 4581–4584.
ICPR-2010-KurugolODSB #3d #segmentation #set- Locally Deformable Shape Model to Improve 3D Level Set Based Esophagus Segmentation (SK, NO, JGD, GCS, DHB), pp. 3955–3958.
ICPR-2010-LiuR #using- Estimating Nonrigid Shape Deformation Using Moments (WL, ER), pp. 185–188.
ICPR-2010-MaalejADSB #3d #analysis #recognition- Local 3D Shape Analysis for Facial Expression Recognition (AM, BBA, MD, AS, SB), pp. 4129–4132.
ICPR-2010-Meyer10a- Shape Interpolation with Flattenings (FM), pp. 2094–2097.
ICPR-2010-NacereddineTZH #image #retrieval #using- Shape-Based Image Retrieval Using a New Descriptor Based on the Radon and Wavelet Transforms (NN, ST, DZ, LH), pp. 1997–2000.
ICPR-2010-OliverTLM #automation #segmentation #set #using- Automatic Diagnosis of Masses by Using Level set Segmentation and Shape Description (AO, AT, XL, JM), pp. 2528–2531.
ICPR-2010-PertuzPG #image- Improving Shape-from-Focus by Compensating for Image Magnification Shift (SP, DP, MAG), pp. 802–805.
ICPR-2010-QuWL #difference #image #recognition #using- Action Recognition Using Space-Time Shape Difference Images (HQ, LW, CL), pp. 3661–3664.
ICPR-2010-RusinolNKVL #image #retrieval- Perceptual Image Retrieval by Adding Color Information to the Shape Context Descriptor (MR, FN, DK, EV, JL), pp. 1594–1597.
ICPR-2010-SarginGMR #using- Object Tracking with Ratio Cycles Using Shape and Appearance Cues (MES, PG, BSM, KR), pp. 3649–3652.
ICPR-2010-SeverskyY #3d #detection #scalability #set- Scalable Cage-Driven Feature Detection and Shape Correspondence for 3D Point Sets (LMS, LY), pp. 3557–3560.
ICPR-2010-ShahrokniGF #novel #performance #recognition- A Novel Shape Feature for Fast Region-Based Pedestrian Recognition (AS, DG, JMF), pp. 444–447.
ICPR-2010-SuLLT #detection- An RST-Tolerant Shape Descriptor for Object Detection (CWS, HYML, YML, HRT), pp. 766–769.
ICPR-2010-SuZSH #2d #detection #image- Detection of Shapes in 2D Point Clouds Generated from Images (JS, ZZ, AS, FH), pp. 2640–2643.
ICPR-2010-SzeptyckiACZGS #2d #composition #using- Partial Face Biometry Using Shape Decomposition on 2D Conformal Maps of Faces (PS, MA, LC, WZ, XDG, DS), pp. 1505–1508.
ICPR-2010-TabiaCDV #3d #retrieval #using- 3D-Shape Retrieval Using Curves and HMM (HT, OC, MD, JPV), pp. 3147–3150.
ICPR-2010-TarafdarMPPK #documentation #multi #retrieval- Shape Code Based Word-Image Matching for Retrieval of Indian Multi-lingual Documents (AT, RM, SP, UP, FK), pp. 1989–1992.
ICPR-2010-ThiCZWS #modelling #recognition #using- Weakly Supervised Action Recognition Using Implicit Shape Models (THT, LC, JZ, LW, SS), pp. 3517–3520.
ICPR-2010-Velasco-ForeroA #modelling #statistics #using- Statistical Shape Modeling Using Morphological Representations (SVF, JA), pp. 3537–3540.
ICPR-2010-VenkateshaT #process #recognition #using- Human Activity Recognition Using Local Shape Descriptors (SV, MT), pp. 3704–3707.
ICPR-2010-WangSLYB #classification #using- Shape Classification Using Tree -Unions (BW, WS, WL, XY, XB), pp. 983–986.
ICPR-2010-XiongHL- Initialization and Pose Alignment in Active Shape Model (PX, LH, CL), pp. 3971–3974.
ICPR-2010-YamashitaSS #3d- Recovering 3D Shape and Light Source Positions from Non-planar Shadows (YY, FS, JS), pp. 1775–1778.
ICPR-2010-ZhangGC #detection #invariant #using- Water Reflection Detection Using a Flip Invariant Shape Detector (HZ, XG, XC), pp. 633–636.
ICPR-2010-ZhangK #analysis #bound- Weighted Boundary Points for Shape Analysis (JZ, RK), pp. 1598–1601.
ICPR-2010-ZhouPD #3d #automation- 3D Active Shape Model for Automatic Facial Landmark Location Trained with Automatically Generated Landmark Points (DZ, DPD, BD), pp. 3801–3805.
ICPR-2010-ZouH #3d #performance #using- Recovering 3D Shape Using an Improved Fast Marching Method (CZ, ERH), pp. 1678–1681.
KDIR-2010-BallesterosHFG #dependence #parsing #using- Giving Shape to an N-version Dependency Parser — Improving Dependency Parsing Accuracy for Spanish using Maltparser (MB, JH, VF, PG), pp. 336–341.
SAC-2010-FunfzigTA #constraints #parametricity #using- Haptic manipulation of rational parametric planar cubics using shape constraints (CF, PT, GA), pp. 1253–1257.
SAC-2010-GongWWLZY #using- Recognizing affect from non-stylized body motion using shape of Gaussian descriptors (LG, TW, CW, FL, FZ, XY), pp. 1203–1206.
SAC-2010-RoyPL #component #detection #documentation #image #using- Seal object detection in document images using GHT of local component shapes (PPR, UP, JL), pp. 23–27.
VMCAI-2010-KreikerSV #analysis #c #low level- Shape Analysis of Low-Level C with Overlapping Structures (JK, HS, VV), pp. 214–230.
VMCAI-2010-MarronMSK #analysis #set- Shape Analysis with Reference Set Relations (MM, RM, DS, DK), pp. 247–262.
VMCAI-2010-Might #analysis #pointer- Shape Analysis in the Absence of Pointers and Structure (MM), pp. 263–278.
CASE-2009-MysoreNUMR #algorithm #performance- An efficient algorithm for RFID reader positioning for coverage of irregularly-shaped areas (NM, PN, RSU, RM, SR), pp. 233–240.
DAC-2009-El-MoselhyED #algorithm #performance- An efficient resistance sensitivity extraction algorithm for conductors of arbitrary shapes (TAEM, IME, BD), pp. 770–775.
DATE-2009-SanderGRBM #communication- Priority-based packet communication on a bus-shaped structure for FPGA-systems (OS, BG, CR, JB, KDMG), pp. 178–183.
DRR-2009-Obafemi-AjayiAF #classification #documentation #image #performance- Efficient shape-LUT classification for document image restoration (TOA, GA, OF), pp. 1–10.
ICDAR-2009-BaiLT #documentation #image #keyword #word- Keyword Spotting in Document Images through Word Shape Coding (SB, LL, CLT), pp. 331–335.
ICDAR-2009-DelayeAM #fuzzy #modelling #recognition- Explicit Fuzzy Modeling of Shapes and Positioning for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition (AD, ÉA, SM), pp. 1121–1125.
ICDAR-2009-HassanCG #documentation #image #recognition- Shape Descriptor Based Document Image Indexing and Symbol Recognition (EH, SC, MG), pp. 206–210.
ICDAR-2009-LiST #identification #independence #online- Hierarchical Shape Primitive Features for Online Text-independent Writer Identification (BL, ZS, TT), pp. 986–990.
ICDAR-2009-LiT #identification #independence #online #sequence- Online Text-independent Writer Identification Based on Temporal Sequence and Shape Codes (BL, TT), pp. 931–935.
ICDAR-2009-MarinaiMS #clustering #order #using- Mathematical Symbol Indexing Using Topologically Ordered Clusters of Shape Contexts (SM, BM, GS), pp. 1041–1045.
ICDAR-2009-MoghaddamRC #approach #classification #independence #multi #segmentation #set #using- Restoration and Segmentation of Highly Degraded Characters Using a Shape-Independent Level Set Approach and Multi-level Classifiers (RFM, DRH, MC), pp. 828–832.
ICDAR-2009-SharmaLM- Shape Encoded Post Processing of Gurmukhi OCR (DVS, GSL, SM), pp. 788–792.
ICDAR-2009-WakabayashiPKM #feature model #recognition- F-ratio Based Weighted Feature Extraction for Similar Shape Character Recognition (TW, UP, FK, YM), pp. 196–200.
ICDAR-2009-ZhangL #recognition #statistics- A Pixel-level Statistical Structural Descriptor for Shape Measure and Recognition (JZ, WL), pp. 386–390.
FoSSaCS-2009-BansalBL #order- Beyond Shapes: Lists with Ordered Data (KB, RB, ÉL), pp. 425–439.
SAS-2009-GulavaniCRN #analysis #bottom-up- Bottom-Up Shape Analysis (BSG, SC, GR, AVN), pp. 188–204.
CHI-2009-BrumbySH #adaptation #constraints #how- Focus on driving: how cognitive constraints shape the adaptation of strategy when dialing while driving (DPB, DDS, AH), pp. 1629–1638.
DHM-2009-Butler #3d #using- Using 3D Head and Respirator Shapes to Analyze Respirator Fit (KMB), pp. 483–491.
DHM-2009-ChengR #modelling- Static and Dynamic Human Shape Modeling (ZC, KMR), pp. 3–12.
DHM-2009-Godil #analysis- Facial Shape Analysis and Sizing System (AG), pp. 29–35.
DHM-2009-NiuLX #3d #clustering- Comparisons of 3D Shape Clustering with Different Face Area Definitions (JN, ZL, SX), pp. 55–63.
DHM-2009-NiuLX09a #3d #clustering- Block Division for 3D Head Shape Clustering (JN, ZL, SX), pp. 64–71.
DHM-2009-ZhuangSBLV- Facial Shape Variation of U.S. Respirator Users (ZZ, DES, SB, DL, DJV), pp. 578–587.
HCD-2009-RunonenM #concept #development #research #tool support- Shaping the Future with Users — Futures Research Methods as Tools for User-Centered Concept Development (MR, PM), pp. 904–911.
HCI-NIMT-2009-SuzukiKYY #interactive #interface #towards- A Basic Study of Sensory Characteristics toward Interaction with a Box-Shaped Interface (NS, TK, SY, SY), pp. 513–522.
KDD-2009-FormanSR #classification #linear- Feature shaping for linear SVM classifiers (GF, MS, SR), pp. 299–308.
MLDM-2009-KovalevPV #image #mining- Mining Lung Shape from X-Ray Images (VK, AP, PV), pp. 554–568.
POPL-2009-CalcagnoDOY #analysis #composition- Compositional shape analysis by means of bi-abduction (CC, DD, PWO, HY), pp. 289–300.
ISMM-2009-JumpM #analysis #metric- Dynamic shape analysis via degree metrics (MJ, KSM), pp. 119–128.
CSL-2009-MontanariPS #decidability #logic- A Decidable Spatial Logic with Cone-Shaped Cardinal Directions (AM, GP, PS), pp. 394–408.
VMCAI-2009-Sagiv #analysis #thread- Thread-Modular Shape Analysis (MS), p. 3.
VMCAI-2009-Vafeiadis #abstraction #verification- Shape-Value Abstraction for Verifying Linearizability (VV), pp. 335–348.
PODS-2008-SharfmanSK #geometry #monitoring- Shape sensitive geometric monitoring (IS, AS, DK), pp. 301–310.
SCAM-2008-HindleGH- From Indentation Shapes to Code Structures (AH, MWG, RCH), pp. 111–120.
SAS-2008-ManevichLSRB #analysis #composition #concurrent- Heap Decomposition for Concurrent Shape Analysis (RM, TLA, MS, GR, JB), pp. 363–377.
ICALP-A-2008-KaoS #approximate #random #self- Randomized Self-assembly for Approximate Shapes (MYK, RTS), pp. 370–384.
CHI-2008-ZhaiK #flexibility #visual notation- Interlaced QWERTY: accommodating ease of visual search and input flexibility in shape writing (SZ, POK), pp. 593–596.
SOFTVIS-2008-ParduhnSW #algorithm #graph #using #visualisation- Algorithm visualization using concrete and abstract shape graphs (SAP, RS, RW), pp. 33–36.
ICPR-2008-ChangIB #network- Shapes to synchronize camera networks (RC, SHI, RB), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ChenA #recognition- Recognition of box-like objects by fusing cues of shape and edges (CCC, JKA), pp. 1–5.
ICPR-2008-DingB08a #difference #probability #recognition- Probabilistic mixtures of differential profiles for shape recognition (LD, MB), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-GrundmannME #3d #distance #recognition- 3D Shape Context and Distance Transform for action recognition (MG, FM, IAE), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-HahnKW #3d #algorithm #estimation #using- Spatio-temporal 3D pose estimation and tracking of human body parts using the Shape Flow algorithm (MH, LK, CW), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-HainesW #random #using- Combining shape-from-shading and stereo using Gaussian-Markov random fields (TSFH, RCW), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-HeiseleR #recognition- Local shape features for object recognition (BH, CR), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-HsiaoCC #recognition #using- Human action recognition using temporal-state shape contexts (PCH, CSC, LWC), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-IonHKM #2d #coordination- A coordinate system for articulated 2D shape point correspondences (AI, YH, WGK, SBLM), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-IwahoriNWFK #performance #self- Shape from self-calibration and Fast Marching Method (YI, TN, RJW, SF, HK), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-JiangT #normalisation #robust- Robust shape normalization based on implicit representations (TJ, CT), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-LiLWLD #probability #sketching- Object-of-interest extraction by integrating stochastic inference with learnt active shape sketch (HL, LL, TW, XL, LD), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-LinW #3d #re-engineering- 3D reconstruction by combining shape from silhouette with stereo (HYL, JRW), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-LiuJ #classification #multi- Violence classification based on shape variations from multiple views (FL, YJ), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-LiuLLJT #graph #probability #representation- Layered shape matching and registration: Stochastic sampling with hierarchical graph representation (XL, LL, HL, HJ, WT), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-LiuS08a #detection #robust #using- Robust outdoor text detection using text intensity and shape features (ZL, SS), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-MeiA #invariant- Affine invariant shape descriptors: The ICA-Fourier descriptor and the PCA-Fourier descriptor (YM, DA), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-QiSYY #distance- Contour grouping with shape manifold and distance transform (QZ, SL, YH, YL), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-SanromaSA #clique #graph- Improving the matching of graphs generated from shapes by the use of procrustes distances into a clique-based MAP formulation (GS, FS, RA), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-Stelldinger #re-engineering #using- Topologically correct surface reconstruction using alpha shapes and relations to ball-pivoting (PS), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-TabboneTB #retrieval- Histogram of radon transform. A useful descriptor for shape retrieval (ST, ORT, SB), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-TagawaKNO #3d #image #multi #network #sequence- Direct 3-D shape recovery from image sequence based on multi-scale Bayesian network (NT, JK, SN, KO), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-TangG #constraints #graph #segmentation #video- Video object segmentation based on graph cut with dynamic shape prior constraint (PT, LG), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ToyouraIFKM #3d #multi #re-engineering- 3D shape reconstruction from incomplete silhouettes in multiple frames (MT, MI, TF, KK, MM), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-TuSK #3d #approach #image- A new approach to 3D shape recovery of local planar surface patches from shift-variant blurred images (XT, MS, YsK), pp. 1–5.
ICPR-2008-WatanabeKI #3d #image #integration #re-engineering- Integration of time-sequential range images for reconstruction of a high-resolution 3D shape (YW, TK, MI), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-WimmerHS #bound #classification- Implicit active shape model employing boundary classifier (AW, JH, GS), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-YousriKI #clustering #novel- A novel validity measure for clusters of arbitrary shapes and densities (NAY, MSK, MAI), pp. 1–4.
SIGIR-2008-LiT #documentation #image #word- A word shape coding method for camera-based document images (LL, CLT), pp. 771–772.
POPL-2008-ChangR #analysis #induction #relational- Relational inductive shape analysis (BYEC, XR), pp. 247–260.
CC-2008-MarronHKS #analysis #graph #modelling #performance- Efficient Context-Sensitive Shape Analysis with Graph Based Heap Models (MM, MVH, DK, DS), pp. 245–259.
CAV-2008-BerdineLMRS #analysis #concurrent #quantifier #thread- Thread Quantification for Concurrent Shape Analysis (JB, TLA, RM, GR, SS), pp. 399–413.
CAV-2008-MagillTLT #named #reasoning- THOR: A Tool for Reasoning about Shape and Arithmetic (SM, MHT, PL, YKT), pp. 428–432.
CAV-2008-YangLBCCDO #analysis #scalability- Scalable Shape Analysis for Systems Code (HY, OL, JB, CC, BC, DD, PWO), pp. 385–398.
CASE-2007-YamamotoFI #3d #metric #multi #performance #using- A High-Speed 3D Shape Measurement System Using a Multi-Sided Mirror (KY, HF, II), pp. 823–828.
DRR-2007-Fujimoto0TSN #documentation #image #parallel- Shape from parallel geodesics for distortion correction of digital camera document images (KF, JS, HT, MS, SN).
DRR-2007-JoutelEBE #classification #feature model- Curvelets based feature extraction of handwritten shapes for ancient manuscripts classification (GJ, VE, SB, HE).
DRR-2007-YangKR #difference- Scale-controlled area difference shape descriptor (MY, KK, JR).
ICDAR-2007-FujimotoSTSN #documentation #image #parallel #programming #using- Curved paper rectification for digital camera document images by shape from parallel geodesics using continuous dynamic programming (KF, JS, HT, MS, SN), pp. 267–271.
ICDAR-2007-LladosS #documentation #word- Indexing Historical Documents by Word Shape Signatures (JL, GS), pp. 362–366.
ICDAR-2007-MenasriVCA #recognition- Shape-Based Alphabet for Off-line Arabic Handwriting Recognition (FM, NV, MC, EA), pp. 969–973.
ICDAR-2007-TerradesTV #analysis #bibliography #documentation- A Review of Shape Descriptors for Document Analysis (ORT, ST, EV), pp. 227–231.
ESOP-2007-RinetzkyPRSY #analysis #composition #encapsulation #source code- Modular Shape Analysis for Dynamically Encapsulated Programs (NR, APH, GR, MS, EY), pp. 220–236.
TACAS-2007-DoghmiGT #encryption #protocol- Searching for Shapes in Cryptographic Protocols (SFD, JDG, FJT), pp. 523–537.
TACAS-2007-ManevichBCRS #analysis #composition #graph- Shape Analysis by Graph Decomposition (RM, JB, BC, GR, MS), pp. 3–18.
PLDI-2007-GotsmanBCS #analysis #thread- Thread-modular shape analysis (AG, JB, BC, MS), pp. 266–277.
PLDI-2007-GuoVA #analysis #induction #recursion #synthesis- Shape analysis with inductive recursion synthesis (BG, NV, DIA), pp. 256–265.
SAS-2007-CalcagnoDOY #analysis- Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis That Discovers Preconditions (CC, DD, PWO, HY), pp. 402–418.
SAS-2007-ChangRN #analysis #invariant- Shape Analysis with Structural Invariant Checkers (BYEC, XR, GCN), pp. 384–401.
SAS-2007-MagillBCC #analysis- Arithmetic Strengthening for Shape Analysis (SM, JB, EMC, BC), pp. 419–436.
AGTIVE-2007-DrewesHJME #graph transformation- Shaped Generic Graph Transformation (FD, BH, DJ, MM, NVE), pp. 201–216.
CHI-2007-GrossmanKB #modelling- Modeling pointing at targets of arbitrary shapes (TG, NK, RB), pp. 463–472.
DHM-2007-Godil #analysis #representation- Advanced Human Body and Head Shape Representation and Analysis (AG), pp. 92–100.
DHM-2007-JiangSZLL #analysis- Shape Analysis of Human Brain with Cognitive Disorders (TJ, FS, WZ, SL, XL), pp. 409–414.
DHM-2007-NiuLS #3d #analysis #bibliography #comparison #perspective- Mathematical Methods for Shape Analysis and form Comparison in 3D Anthropometry: A Literature Review (JN, ZL, GS), pp. 161–170.
DHM-2007-YaoMW #3d #low cost #using- Low Cost 3D Shape Acquisition System Using Strip Shifting Pattern (LY, LM, DW), pp. 276–285.
HCI-IPT-2007-GengLL #3d #retrieval- Force Field Based Expression for 3D Shape Retrieval (XG, WL, HL), pp. 587–596.
HCI-MIE-2007-ChangKP #constraints #evolution #set #using- Lip Contour Extraction Using Level Set Curve Evolution with Shape Constraint (JSC, EYK, SHP), pp. 583–588.
HCI-MIE-2007-KwonPKK #recognition #using- Human Shape Tracking for Gait Recognition Using Active Contours with Mean Shift (KSK, SHP, EYK, HJK), pp. 690–699.
ICEIS-J-2007-HosbondNA07a #mobile- Shaping Mobile Applications for the Future (JHH, PAN, IA), pp. 266–275.
ICML-2007-Marthi #automation #composition- Automatic shaping and decomposition of reward functions (BM), pp. 601–608.
ICML-2007-McNeillV #generative #linear #modelling #probability- Linear and nonlinear generative probabilistic class models for shape contours (GM, SV), pp. 617–624.
SEKE-2007-SadjadiT #dot-net- TRAP.NET: A Realization of Transparent Shaping in .NET (SMS, FT), pp. 19–24.
SIGIR-2007-BordognaGMP #flexibility #image #retrieval- A flexible retrieval system of shapes in binary images (GB, LG, SM, MP), pp. 745–746.
SIGIR-2007-SchuldtGOH #on the #retrieval- On the importance of preserving the part-order in shape retrieval (AS, BG, OO, OH), pp. 771–772.
ECOOP-2007-HuangZS #image #named- Morphing: Safely Shaping a Class in the Image of Others (SSH, DZ, YS), pp. 399–424.
SAC-2007-AdjerohKZMBB #performance- BWT-based efficient shape matching (DAA, UK, NZ, AM, MTB, TB), pp. 1079–1085.
CAV-2007-BerdineCCDOWY #analysis #data type- Shape Analysis for Composite Data Structures (JB, CC, BC, DD, PWO, TW, HY), pp. 178–192.
CAV-2007-BogudlovLRS #analysis #parametricity- Revamping TVLA: Making Parametric Shape Analysis Competitive (IB, TLA, TWR, MS), pp. 221–225.
VMCAI-2007-BalabanPZ #analysis- Shape Analysis of Single-Parent Heaps (IB, AP, LDZ), pp. 91–105.
VMCAI-2007-CheremR #analysis #invariant #maintenance #reasoning- Maintaining Doubly-Linked List Invariants in Shape Analysis with Local Reasoning (SC, RR), pp. 234–250.
VMCAI-2007-Lev-AmiSIR #analysis- Constructing Specialized Shape Analyses for Uniform Change (TLA, MS, NI, TWR), pp. 215–233.
VMCAI-2007-NguyenDQC #automation #logic #verification- Automated Verification of Shape and Size Properties Via Separation Logic (HHN, CD, SQ, WNC), pp. 251–266.
VMCAI-2007-Yang #analysis #towards- Towards Shape Analysis for Device Drivers (HY), p. 267.
DATE-2006-ManolacheEP #communication #optimisation #synthesis- Buffer space optimisation with communication synthesis and traffic shaping for NoCs (SM, PE, ZP), pp. 718–723.
DocEng-2006-Chao #analysis #geometry- Text block geometric shape analysis (HC), pp. 22–24.
DocEng-2006-HurstMM- Minimum sized text containment shapes (NH, KM, PM), pp. 3–12.
VLDB-2006-KeoghWXLV #distance #metric- LB_Keogh Supports Exact Indexing of Shapes under Rotation Invariance with Arbitrary Representations and Distance Measures (EJK, LW, XX, SHL, MV), pp. 882–893.
ESOP-2006-DrossopoulouCN- Types for Hierarchic Shapes (SD, DGC, JN), pp. 1–6.
TACAS-2006-DistefanoOY #analysis #logic- A Local Shape Analysis Based on Separation Logic (DD, PWO, HY), pp. 287–302.
SAS-2006-Arnold #analysis #logic #refinement #using- Specialized 3-Valued Logic Shape Analysis Using Structure-Based Refinement and Loose Embedding (GA), pp. 204–220.
SAS-2006-CalcagnoDOY #abstraction #pointer #reachability- Beyond Reachability: Shape Abstraction in the Presence of Pointer Arithmetic (CC, DD, PWO, HY), pp. 182–203.
SAS-2006-GotsmanBC #abstraction #analysis #interprocedural- Interprocedural Shape Analysis with Separated Heap Abstractions (AG, JB, BC), pp. 240–260.
SAS-2006-Yang #analysis #low level- Shape Analysis for Low-Level Code (HY), p. 280.
DLT-2006-Domaratzki #using- Characterizing DNA Bond Shapes Using Trajectories (MD), pp. 180–191.
IFL-2006-TrojahnerGS #array #on the #optimisation #source code #using- On Optimising Shape-Generic Array Programs Using Symbolic Structural Information (KT, CG, SBS), pp. 1–18.
ICML-2006-KonidarisB #information management #learning- Autonomous shaping: knowledge transfer in reinforcement learning (GK, AGB), pp. 489–496.
ICPR-v1-2006-ArgyrosL #2d #re-engineering- Binocular Hand Tracking and Reconstruction Based on 2D Shape Matching (AAA, MIAL), pp. 207–210.
ICPR-v1-2006-BouterucheA #fuzzy #gesture #online #recognition- Fuzzy Point of View Combination for Contextual Shape Recognition: Application to On-line Graphic Gesture Recognition (FB, ÉA), pp. 1088–1091.
ICPR-v1-2006-CaparG #concurrent #performance #recognition #segmentation- Concurrent Segmentation and Recognition with Shape-Driven Fast Marching Methods (AÇ, MG), pp. 155–158.
ICPR-v1-2006-CastelanH #3d #statistics- A Simple Coupled Statistical Model for 3D Face Shape Recovery (MC, ERH), pp. 231–234.
ICPR-v1-2006-FrippWCO #3d #automation #modelling #segmentation #using- Automatic Segmentation of the Knee Bones using 3D Active Shape Models (JF, SKW, SC, SO), pp. 167–170.
ICPR-v1-2006-HansenLEC #segmentation- Coupled Shape Model Segmentation in Pig Carcasses (MFH, RL, BKE, LBC), pp. 468–471.
ICPR-v1-2006-IvaldiMG #framework #hybrid- A hybrid resampling framework for facial shape alignment (WI, MM, SG), pp. 488–491.
ICPR-v1-2006-JiangXT #learning- Shape Alignment by Learning a Landmark-PDM Coupled Model (YJ, JX, HTT), pp. 959–962.
ICPR-v1-2006-KoTSH #image #learning #segmentation- A New Image Segmentation Method for Removing Background of Object Movies by Learning Shape Priors (CHK, YPT, ZCS, YPH), pp. 323–326.
ICPR-v1-2006-LameckerWH #3d #image #re-engineering- Atlas-based 3D-Shape Reconstruction from X-Ray Images (HL, THW, HCH), pp. 371–374.
ICPR-v1-2006-LeeE #analysis #modelling #synthesis- Nonlinear Shape and Appearance Models for Facial Expression Analysis and Synthesis (CSL, AME), pp. 497–502.
ICPR-v1-2006-LiuYYG #algorithm #novel- A Novel Volumetric Shape from Silhouette Algorithm Based on a Centripetal Pentahedron Model (XL, HY, GY, WG), p. 9.
ICPR-v1-2006-MarmoAC #classification #set #using- Microfossils shape classification using a set of width values (RM, SA, VC), pp. 691–694.
ICPR-v1-2006-PradeepR #using- Improving Shape from Focus Using Defocus Information (KSP, ANR), pp. 731–734.
ICPR-v1-2006-Solem #analysis- Geodesic Curves for Analysis of Continuous Implicit Shapes (JES), pp. 43–46.
ICPR-v1-2006-Solem06a #analysis- Geodesic Curves for Analysis of Continuous Implicit Shapes (JES), pp. 852–855.
ICPR-v1-2006-TangLFG #automation #image #segmentation- Automatic Segmentation of the Papilla in a Fundus Image Based on the C-V Model and a Shape Restraint (YT, XL, AvF, GG), pp. 183–186.
ICPR-v1-2006-TongWZJ #multi #using- Facial Feature Tracking using a Multi-State Hierarchical Shape Model under Varying Face Pose and Facial Expression (YT, YW, ZZ, QJ), pp. 283–286.
ICPR-v1-2006-ZhangT #documentation #image #using- RestoringWarped Document Images using Shape-from-Shading and Surface Interpolation (LZ, CLT), pp. 642–645.
ICPR-v2-2006-BaiH #case study #normalisation #online #recognition- A Study of Nonlinear Shape Normalization for Online Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition: Dot Density vs. Line Density Equalization (ZLB, QH), pp. 921–924.
ICPR-v2-2006-EedeMTSD #canonical- Canonical Skeletons for Shape Matching (MvE, DM, ACT, CS, SJD), pp. 64–69.
ICPR-v2-2006-FangC #detection #robust #statistics #using- Using Statistical Shape Priors in Geodesic Active Contours for Robust Object Detection (WF, KLC), pp. 304–307.
ICPR-v2-2006-GibbensC #taxonomy #visual notation- Constructing Visual Taxonomies by Shape (MJG, ACC), pp. 732–735.
ICPR-v2-2006-HuangS #geometry- Moment-based Shape Priors for Geometric Active Contours (FH, JS), pp. 56–59.
ICPR-v2-2006-JinM #learning #parametricity #recognition- A Non-Parametric HMM Learning Method for Shape Dynamics with Application to Human Motion Recognition (NJ, FM), pp. 29–32.
ICPR-v2-2006-KanaujiaM- Recognizing Facial Expressions by Tracking Feature Shapes (AK, DNM), pp. 33–38.
ICPR-v2-2006-KirkegaardM #graph- Bin-Picking based on Harmonic Shape Contexts and Graph-Based Matching (JK, TBM), pp. 581–584.
ICPR-v2-2006-KuijperOBG #2d #set #symmetry #using- Matching 2D Shapes using their Symmetry Sets (AK, OFO, PB, PJG), pp. 179–182.
ICPR-v2-2006-LahdenojaALP #parametricity #symmetry- A Shape-Preserving Non-parametric Symmetry Transform (OL, EA, ML, AP), pp. 373–377.
ICPR-v2-2006-LiA #estimation #predict- Texture-Constrained Shape Prediction for Mouth Contour Extraction and its State Estimation (ZL, HA), pp. 88–91.
ICPR-v2-2006-LiuL #classification #image #using- Genus-Zero Shape Classification Using Spherical Normal Image (SL, JL), pp. 126–129.
ICPR-v2-2006-SuBC #2d #adaptation #complexity- Scale Adaptive Complexity Measure of 2D Shapes (HS, AB, DC), pp. 134–137.
ICPR-v2-2006-TerradesTV #adaptation #using- Combination of shape descriptors using an adaptation of boosting (ORT, ST, EV), pp. 764–767.
ICPR-v2-2006-ThakoorJWG #classification- Occlusion Resistant Shape Classifier based onWarped Optimal Path Matching (NT, SJ, QW, JG), pp. 60–63.
ICPR-v2-2006-WangS06b #recognition- Informative Shape Representations for Human Action Recognition (LW, DS), pp. 1266–1269.
ICPR-v3-2006-CooganS #recognition- Transformation Invariance in Hand Shape Recognition (TC, AS), pp. 485–488.
ICPR-v3-2006-DoshiB- Structural flow smoothing for shape interpolation (AD, AGB), pp. 11–14.
ICPR-v3-2006-PanWQW #3d #symmetry- Finding Symmetry Plane of 3D Face Shape (GP, YW, YQ, ZW), pp. 1143–1146.
ICPR-v3-2006-YuHSLPGF #classification- Shape-based Discrimination and Classification of Cortical Surfaces (PY, XH, FS, AKL, RAP, PG, BF), pp. 445–448.
ICPR-v3-2006-YuL #distance #recognition #using- Shape Recognition using Curve Segment Hausdorff Distance (XY, MKHL), pp. 441–444.
ICPR-v4-2006-ChenB06b- Global-to-Local Non-Rigid Shape Registration (HC, BB), pp. 57–60.
ICPR-v4-2006-FusseneggerOP #locality #segmentation #using- Object localization/segmentation using generic shape priors (MF, AO, AP), pp. 41–44.
ICPR-v4-2006-KumarZ #authentication- Combining Fingerprint, Palmprint and Hand-Shape for User Authentication (AK, DZ), pp. 549–552.
ICPR-v4-2006-LaurendeauB #distance #using- Shape-Based Contour Interpolation and Extrapolation Using Distance Mapping (DL, OB), pp. 659–662.
ICPR-v4-2006-LuC06a #3d #analysis #metric #using- Practical 3-D Shape Measurement Using Optimal Intensity-Modulated Projection and Intensity-Phase Analysis Techniques (CL, GC), pp. 870–873.
ICPR-v4-2006-SaadS #approach #composition #image #segmentation- Shape Decomposition Approach for Ultrasound Color Doppler Image Segmentation (AAS, LGS), pp. 691–694.
ICPR-v4-2006-UranishiNYIMC #metric #using- Whole Shape Measurement System Using a Single Camera and a Cylindrical Mirror (YU, MN, YY, MI, YM, KC), pp. 866–869.
ICPR-v4-2006-WangJ #image #segmentation- Segmentation of the Left Ventricle from Cardiac MR Images Based on Degenerated Minimal Surface Diffusion and Shape Priors (YW, YJ), pp. 671–674.
ICPR-v4-2006-ZhangA #estimation #multi #parametricity #robust- Multi-View Active Shape Model with Robust Parameter Estimation (LZ, HA), pp. 469–468.
OOPSLA-2006-BaxterFNRSVMT #comprehension #java- Understanding the shape of Java software (GB, MRF, JN, MR, HS, MV, HM, EDT), pp. 397–412.
GPCE-2006-PerryJW #contract #linear #logic- Expressing heap-shape contracts in linear logic (FP, LJ, DW), pp. 101–110.
SAC-2006-FelipeRSTT #classification #effectiveness #retrieval- Effective shape-based retrieval and classification of mammograms (JCF, MXR, EPMdS, AJMT, CTJ), pp. 250–255.
SAC-2006-YaoJ #algorithm- NFP-based nesting algorithm for irregular shapes (LHY, HYJ), pp. 963–967.
CAV-2006-BerdineCDO #automation #proving #source code #termination- Automatic Termination Proofs for Programs with Shape-Shifting Heaps (JB, BC, DD, PWO), pp. 386–400.
CAV-2006-BeyerHT #analysis #lazy evaluation- Lazy Shape Analysis (DB, TAH, GT), pp. 532–546.
CAV-2006-Lev-AmiIS #abstraction #analysis #performance #precise- Abstraction for Shape Analysis with Fast and Precise Transformers (TLA, NI, SS), pp. 547–561.
VMCAI-2006-ArnoldMSS #abstraction #analysis- Combining Shape Analyses by Intersecting Abstractions (GA, RM, MS, RS), pp. 33–48.
DAC-2005-HeitheckerE #requirements- Traffic shaping for an FPGA based SDRAM controller with complex QoS requirements (SH, RE), pp. 575–578.
DATE-2005-HeniaE #analysis #distributed #scheduling- Context-Aware Scheduling Analysis of Distributed Systems with Tree-Shaped Task-Dependencies (RH, RE), pp. 480–485.
ICDAR-2005-ChenS #verification- Use of Exterior Contours and Shape Features in Off-line Signature Verification (SC, SNS), pp. 1280–1284.
ICDAR-2005-SalmonWT #metric- Automatical Definition of Measures from the Combination of Shape Descriptors (JPS, LW, ST), pp. 986–990.
ESOP-2005-LeeYY #analysis #automation #grammarware #pointer #source code #using #verification- Automatic Verification of Pointer Programs Using Grammar-Based Shape Analysis (OL, HY, KY), pp. 124–140.
SAS-2005-RinetzkySY #analysis #interprocedural #source code- Interprocedural Shape Analysis for Cutpoint-Free Programs (NR, MS, EY), pp. 284–302.
SEFM-2005-GeorgievaM #analysis #logic- Description Logics for Shape Analysis (LG, PM), pp. 321–331.
SOFTVIS-2005-JohannesSW #algorithm #analysis #animation #using #visualisation- Algorithm animation using shape analysis: visualising abstract executions (DJ, RS, RW), pp. 17–26.
CIKM-2005-VlachosVYA #invariant- Rotation invariant indexing of shapes and line drawings (MV, ZV, PSY, VA), pp. 131–138.
POPL-2005-HackettR #analysis- Region-based shape analysis with tracked locations (BH, RR), pp. 310–323.
RE-2005-PerroneBRD #experience #industrial #requirements #web- Shaping Requirements for Institutional Web Applications: Experience from an Industrial Project (VP, DB, AR, LD), pp. 221–230.
VMCAI-2005-BalabanPZ #abstraction #analysis- Shape Analysis by Predicate Abstraction (IB, AP, LDZ), pp. 164–180.
ESOP-2004-Rensink #canonical #graph- Canonical Graph Shapes (AR), pp. 401–415.
TACAS-2004-YorshRS #analysis- Symbolically Computing Most-Precise Abstract Operations for Shape Analysis (GY, TWR, SS), pp. 530–545.
SAS-2004-JeannetLRS #analysis #approach #interprocedural #relational- A Relational Approach to Interprocedural Shape Analysis (BJ, AL, TWR, SS), pp. 246–264.
SAS-2004-Rugina #analysis- Shape Analysis Quantitative Shape Analysis (RR), pp. 228–245.
CHI-2004-MizobuchiY- Tapping vs. circling selections on pen-based devices: evidence for different performance-shaping factors (SM, MY), pp. 607–614.
ICPR-v1-2004-UrbachRW #invariant- Connected Rotation-Invariant Size-Shape Granulometries (ERU, JBTMR, MHFW), pp. 688–691.
ICPR-v1-2004-YamashitaKKM #documentation #image #re-engineering- Shape Reconstruction and Image Restoration for Non-Flat Surfaces of Documents with a Stereo Vision System (AY, AK, TK, KTM), pp. 482–485.
ICPR-v1-2004-ZhangTF #3d #documentation #estimation #image- Estimation of 3D Shape of Warped Document Surface for Image Restoration (ZZ, CLT, LF), pp. 486–489.
ICPR-v2-2004-BerrettiB #clustering #multi #representation- Multiresolution Spatial Partitioning for Shape Representation (SB, ADB), pp. 775–778.
ICPR-v2-2004-CourteilleCDG #towards- Towards Shape from Shading under Realistic Photographic Conditions (FC, AC, JDD, PG), pp. 277–280.
ICPR-v2-2004-EngWKY #detection #framework #robust #using- A Bayesian Framework for Robust Human Detection and Occlusion Handling using Human Shape Model (HLE, JW, AHK, WYY), pp. 257–260.
ICPR-v2-2004-FayolleRT #3d #algorithm #modelling #re-engineering #search-based #using- 3D Shape Reconstruction of Template Models Using Genetic Algorithms (PAF, CR, CT), pp. 269–272.
ICPR-v2-2004-Ikeda #approximate #re-engineering #using- An Accurate Shape Reconstruction from Photometric Stereo Using Four Approximations of Surface Normal (OI), pp. 220–223.
ICPR-v2-2004-KunttuLRV #fourier #image #multi #retrieval- Multiscale Fourier Descriptor for Shape-Based Image Retrieval (IK, LL, JR, AV), pp. 765–768.
ICPR-v2-2004-LiuLW #using- Free Form Shape Matching Using Deterministic Annealing and Softassign (YL, LL, YW), pp. 128–131.
ICPR-v2-2004-LiZYH #image #performance #robust #segmentation #sequence- FFT Snake: A Robust and Efficient Method for the Segmentation of Arbitrarily Shaped Objects in Image Sequences (TL, YZ, DY, DH), pp. 116–119.
ICPR-v2-2004-ManabeTC #metric- Measurement of Shape and Refractive Index of Transparent Object (YM, MT, KC), pp. 843–846.
ICPR-v2-2004-Rodriguez-DamianCFS #classification #using- Pollen Classification using Brightness-Based and Shape-Based Descriptors (MRD, EC, AF, PdSO), pp. 212–215.
ICPR-v2-2004-RubeAK #classification #invariant #multi- Coarse-to-Fine Multiscale Affine Invariant Shape Matching and Classification (IER, MA, MK), pp. 163–166.
ICPR-v2-2004-Sangineto #image #retrieval #similarity- Shape Similarity Image Retrieval by Hypothesis and Test (ES), pp. 1017–1020.
ICPR-v2-2004-ValasoulisL #image #probability #retrieval- Probabilistic Shape-Based Image Indexing and Retrieval (KV, AL), pp. 969–972.
ICPR-v3-2004-BadawyK #retrieval #using- Shape Retrieval using Concavity Trees (OEB, MK), pp. 111–115.
ICPR-v3-2004-BruijneN #image #segmentation- Image Segmentation by Shape Particle Filtering (MdB, MN), pp. 722–725.
ICPR-v3-2004-CarneiroJ #using- Pruning Local Feature Correspondences Using Shape Context (GC, ADJ), pp. 16–19.
ICPR-v3-2004-CastelanH #constraints #fourier- Combining Data-Closeness and Fourier Domain Integrability Constraints in Shape-from-Shading (MC, ERH), pp. 115–118.
ICPR-v3-2004-FujimuraOT #3d #algorithm #re-engineering- Improved 3D Head Reconstruction System based on Combining Shape-From-Silhouette with Two-Stage Stereo Algorithm (KF, YO, TT), pp. 127–130.
ICPR-v3-2004-NaganumaTMM #analysis #using- Simultaneous Determination of Object Shape and Color by Moire Analysis Using a Reflection Model (SN, NT, AM, TM), pp. 202–205.
ICPR-v3-2004-SolemH #using- Estimating Surface Shape and Extending Known Structure using Specular Reflections (JES, AH), pp. 173–176.
ICPR-v3-2004-TankusSY #image #re-engineering- Reconstruction of Medical Images by Perspective Shape-from-Shading (AT, NAS, YY), pp. 778–781.
ICPR-v3-2004-VosBASMVV #statistics #using- A Statistical Shape Model without Using Landmarks (FV, PWdB, JGMA, GJS, MM, LJvV, AMV), pp. 714–717.
ICPR-v3-2004-XiaoSW #distance #segmentation- Topological Segmentation of Discrete Human Body Shapes in Various Postures Based on Geodesic Distance (YX, PS, NW), pp. 131–135.
ICPR-v4-2004-AlliliCZ- Morse Homology Descriptor for Shape Characterization (MA, DC, DZ), pp. 27–30.
ICPR-v4-2004-ChangL #detection #flexibility- Detecting Deformable Objects with Flexible Shape Priors (TLC, TLL), pp. 155–158.
ICPR-v4-2004-CongEPB #equation #morphism #using- Shape Metamorphism using p-Laplacian Equation (GC, ME, BP, GB), pp. 15–18.
ICPR-v4-2004-IrfanogluGA #3d #automation #recognition #using- 3D Shape-based Face Recognition using Automatically Registered Facial Surfaces (MOI, BG, LA), pp. 183–186.
ICPR-v4-2004-KamberovK #evaluation #formal method #performance- Conformal Method for Quantitative Shape Extraction: Performance Evaluation (GK, GK), pp. 31–35.
ICPR-v4-2004-KarlssonEA #invariant #modelling #statistics- Parameterisation Invariant Statistical Shape Models (JK, AE, KÅ), pp. 23–26.
ICPR-v4-2004-Moreno-NoguerS #integration #multi #segmentation- Integration of Shape and a Multihypotheses Fisher Color Model for Figure-Ground Segmentation in Non-Stationary Environments (FMN, AS), pp. 771–774.
VMCAI-2004-KuncakR #algebra #analysis #constraints- Boolean Algebra of Shape Analysis Constraints (VK, MCR), pp. 59–72.
ICDAR-2003-GuestCFP #analysis #automation #classification #geometry #sequence #using- Automatic Classification of Hand Drawn Geometric Shapes using Constructional Sequence Analysis (RMG, SC, MCF, JMP), pp. 990–994.
ICDAR-2003-Wakahara #correlation #recognition #using- Shape Matching Using GAT Correlation against Nonlinear Distortion and its Application to Handwritten Numeral Recognition (TW), p. 54–?.
ICDAR-2003-ZouTLL #analysis #online #using #verification- On-line Signature Verification Using Local Shape Analysis (MZ, JT, CL, ZL), pp. 314–318.
FoSSaCS-2003-SprengerD #calculus #induction #on the #proving #reasoning #μ-calculus- On the Structure of Inductive Reasoning: Circular and Tree-Shaped Proofs in the μ-Calculus (CS, MD), pp. 425–440.
STOC-2003-DeyGJ- Alpha-shapes and flow shapes are homotopy equivalent (TKD, JG, MJ), pp. 493–502.
CHI-2003-FurnasQ #interactive #using- Using pixel rewrites for shape-rich interaction (GWF, YQ), pp. 369–376.
SOFTVIS-2003-EiglspergerKS #approach #automation #diagrams #layout #uml- A Topology-Shape-Metrics Approach for the Automatic Layout of UML Class Diagram (ME, MK, MS), pp. 189–198.
CIKM-2003-OgrasF #approximate #reduction #using- Dimensionality reduction using magnitude and shape approximations (ÜYO, HF), pp. 99–107.
ICML-2003-LaudD #analysis #learning- The Influence of Reward on the Speed of Reinforcement Learning: An Analysis of Shaping (AL, GD), pp. 440–447.
MLDM-2003-KawamotoIH #image #sequence- Shape Recovery from an Unorganized Image Sequence (KK, AI, KH), pp. 389–399.
SAC-2003-NaganumaTM #3d #estimation #image #multi #using- Estimation of 3D Shape and Reflectance using Multiple Moire Images and Shading Model (SN, NT, AM), pp. 943–950.
VMCAI-2003-DamsN #abstraction #analysis #model checking- Shape Analysis through Predicate Abstraction and Model Checking (DD, KSN), pp. 310–324.
DATE-2002-ChuY #design- Non-Rectangular Shaping and Sizing of Soft Modules in Floorplan Design (CCNC, EFYY), p. 1101.
DATE-2002-JerkeL #analysis #verification- Hierarchical Current Density Verification for Electromigration Analysis in Arbitrary Shaped Metallization Patterns of Analog Circuits (GJ, JL), pp. 464–469.
ICGT-2002-Hoffmann #abstraction #graph transformation- Abstraction and Control for Shapely Nested Graph Transformation (BH), pp. 177–191.
CSCW-2002-GrinterASTWH #comprehension #how- Revisiting the visit: : understanding how technology can shape the museum visit (REG, PMA, MHS, JDT, AW, AH), pp. 146–155.
ICML-2002-LaudD #behaviour #learning- Reinforcement Learning and Shaping: Encouraging Intended Behaviors (AL, GD), pp. 355–362.
ICPR-v1-2002-AlarconPGC #3d #biology #image #modelling- Modeling Shape and Topology of 3D Images of Biological Specimens (PAdA, ADPM, AG, JMC), pp. 79–82.
ICPR-v1-2002-HasegawaNS #metric- Electronic Endoscope System for Shape Measurement (KH, KN, YS), pp. 792–795.
ICPR-v1-2002-KimuraW #2d #detection #invariant- An Extension of the Generalized Hough Transform to Realize Affine-Invariant Two-dimensional (2D) Shape Detection (AK, TW), pp. 65–69.
ICPR-v1-2002-KuthirummalJN #multi #recognition- Planar Shape Recognition across Multiple Views (SK, CVJ, PJN), pp. 456–459.
ICPR-v1-2002-LioliosKFK #approach #recognition- A New Shape Transformation Approach to Handwritten Character Recognition (NL, EK, NF, GKK), pp. 584–587.
ICPR-v1-2002-MaedaKI #3d #hybrid #modelling #representation #using- Shapes Modeling of 3-D Objects Based on A Hybrid Representation Using Extended B-spline Surface Model (MM, KK, KI), pp. 656–659.
ICPR-v1-2002-PalenichkaZ #modelling #multi #self #using- Multi-Scale Model-Based Skeletonization of Object Shapes Using Self-Organizing Maps (RMP, MBZ), pp. 143–146.
ICPR-v1-2002-RibeiroSH #approach- An Evidence Combining Approach to Shape-from-Shading (ER, FS, ERH), pp. 624–627.
ICPR-v1-2002-SablatnigTK #estimation- Combining Shape from Silhouette and Shape from Structured Light for Volume Estimation of Archaeological Vessels (RS, ST, MK), pp. 364–367.
ICPR-v1-2002-TorselloH- Shape-Space from Tree-Union (AT, ERH), pp. 188–191.
ICPR-v2-2002-HasegawaNS02a #metric- Electronic Endoscope System for Shape Measurement (KH, KN, YS), p. 761–?.
ICPR-v2-2002-IpCW #invariant #retrieval #sketching- Affine Invariant Retrieval of Shapes Based on Hand-Drawn Sketches (HHSI, AKYC, WYFW), pp. 794–797.
ICPR-v2-2002-UtsumiT #adaptation #statistics #using- Texture Adaptation for Human Tracking Using Statistical Shape Model (AU, NT), pp. 973–976.
ICPR-v3-2002-AricaV- A Perceptual Shape Descriptor (NA, FTYV), pp. 375–378.
ICPR-v3-2002-BadawyK #graph #representation #using- Shape Representation Using Concavity Graphs (OEB, MK), pp. 461–464.
ICPR-v3-2002-KimKKK #bound #sequence- Usefulness of Boundary Sequences in Computing Shape Features for Arbitrary Shaped Regions (SK, SK, JK, MK), pp. 355–358.
ICPR-v3-2002-ParkO #composition- Shape Decomposition and Skeleton Extraction of Character Patterns (JSP, ISO), pp. 411–414.
ICPR-v3-2002-RaghebH #framework #probability- A Probabilistic Framework for Specular Shape-from-Shading (HR, ERH), pp. 513–516.
ICPR-v3-2002-SebastianK #database #retrieval #scalability- Metric-Based Shape Retrieval in Large Databases (TBS, BBK), pp. 291–296.
ICPR-v4-2002-CollingsKN #approach #image #polynomial- A Piecewise Quadratic Approach to Single Image Shape from Shading (SC, RK, LN), p. 126–?.
ICPR-v4-2002-MendelsVT #invariant #recognition #representation #using- Rotation and Scale Invariant Shape Representation and Recognition Using Matching Pursuit (FM, PV, JPT), pp. 326–329.
KDD-2002-Frigui #approach #clustering #identification #named #performance #scalability #set- SyMP: an efficient clustering approach to identify clusters of arbitrary shapes in large data sets (HF), pp. 507–512.
SAC-2002-KimYPK #database #retrieval #sequence- Shape-based retrieval of similar subsequences in time-series databases (SWK, JY, SP, THK), pp. 438–445.
DAC-2001-MaHDCCG #constraints- Floorplanning with Abutment Constraints and L-Shaped/T-Shaped Blocks based on Corner Block List (YM, XH, SD, YC, CKC, JG), pp. 770–775.
ICDAR-2001-BarakatB #classification #geometry- Training with Positive and Negative Data Samples: Effects on a Classifier for Hand-Drawn Geometric Shapes (HB, DB), pp. 1017–1021.
ICDAR-2001-KameshiroHOY #documentation #retrieval- A Document Retrieval Method from Handwritten Characters Based on OCR and Character Shape Information (TK, TH, YO, FY), pp. 597–601.
ICDAR-2001-LehalSL- A Shape Based Post Processor for Gurmukhi OCR (GSL, CS, RL), pp. 1105–1109.
ICDAR-2001-YangLL #approach- A Bezier Curve-Based Approach to Shape Description for Chinese Calligraphy Characters (HMY, JJL, HJL), pp. 276–280.
CHI-2001-SchkolnePS #3d #tool support- Surface drawing: creating organic 3D shapes with the hand and tangible tools (SS, MP, PS), pp. 261–268.
CIKM-2001-Shen #image #using- Finding Similar Images Quickly Using Object Shapes (HTS), pp. 498–505.
CC-2001-RinetzkyS #analysis #interprocedural #recursion #source code- Interprocedural Shape Analysis for Recursive Programs (NR, SS), pp. 133–149.
ICML-2000-Randlov #learning #physics #problem- Shaping in Reinforcement Learning by Changing the Physics of the Problem (JR), pp. 767–774.
ICPR-v1-2000-Abrantes #algorithm #analysis #clustering #multi- A Constrained Clustering Algorithm for Shape Analysis with Multiple Features (AJA), pp. 1912–1919.
ICPR-v1-2000-AnsiaLPM #3d #automation #re-engineering #segmentation #using- Automatic 3D Shape Reconstruction of Bones Using Active Nets Based Segmentation (FMA, JL, MGP, AMG), pp. 1486–1489.
ICPR-v1-2000-AricaY #markov- A Shape Descriptor Based on Circular Hidden Markov Mode (NA, FTYV), pp. 1924–1927.
ICPR-v1-2000-AvrithisXK #invariant #normalisation #retrieval- Affine-Invariant Curve Normalization for Shape-Based Retrieval (YSA, YX, SDK), pp. 5015–5018.
ICPR-v1-2000-Bayro-Corrochano #algebra #invariant #using- Computing Depth, Shape and Motion Using Invariants and Incidence Algebra (EBC), pp. 1881–1884.
ICPR-v1-2000-BorsHW #image #modelling #using- Terrain Modeling in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images Using Shape-from-Shading (AGB, ERH, RCW), pp. 1798–1801.
ICPR-v1-2000-ChausseAC #3d- Recovering the 3D Shape of a Road by On-Board Monocular Vision (FC, RA, RC), pp. 1325–1328.
ICPR-v1-2000-FlorianiMP #3d #online- On-line Space Sculpturing for 3D Shape Manipulation (LDF, PM, EP), pp. 1105–1108.
ICPR-v1-2000-HsiehF #image #retrieval #using- Color Image Retrieval Using Shape and Spatial Properties (ISH, KCF), pp. 5023–5026.
ICPR-v1-2000-LiuRC #geometry #using- Using Geometric Properties of Correspondence Vectors for the Registration of Free-Form Shapes (YL, MAR, DC), pp. 5011–5014.
ICPR-v1-2000-OkutomiS #image #using- Shape Recovery of Rotating Object Using Weighted Voting of Spatio-Temporal Image (MO, SS), pp. 1790–1793.
ICPR-v1-2000-OrtizO #image #multi- Shape from Shading for Multiple Albedo Images (AO, GO), pp. 1786–1789.
ICPR-v1-2000-RibeiroWH- An Eigendecomposition Method for Shape-from-Texture (ER, PLW, ERH), pp. 1758–1761.
ICPR-v1-2000-RomdhaniPG #scalability- A Generic Face Appearance Model of Shape and Texture under Very Large Pose Variations from Profile to Profile Views (SR, AP, SG), pp. 5060–5063.
ICPR-v1-2000-Rosin- Measuring Shape: Ellipticity, Rectangularity, and Triangularity (PLR), pp. 1952–1955.
ICPR-v1-2000-RosT- Shape-from-Image via Cross-Sections (LR, FT), pp. 1794–1797.
ICPR-v1-2000-SatoSO #3d- 3D Shape Recovery of Non-Convex Object from Rotation (TS, HS, SO), pp. 1742–1745.
ICPR-v1-2000-Weik #using- A Passive Full Body Scanner Using Shape from Silhouettes (SW), pp. 1750–1753.
ICPR-v1-2000-WorthingtonH #recognition #using- Structural Object Recognition Using Shape-from-Shading (PLW, ERH), pp. 1738–1741.
ICPR-v1-2000-YouB #data mining #mining #retrieval- Dynamic Shape Retrieval by Hierarchical Curve Matching, Snakes and Data Mining (JY, PB), pp. 5035–5038.
ICPR-v2-2000-Berthilsson #recognition #using- Character Recognition Using Shape for Curves (RB), pp. 2227–2230.
ICPR-v2-2000-BhattacharyaDPCLR #adaptation #image #using- Shape Extraction of Volumetric Images of Filamentous Bacteria Using Topology Adaptive Self Organization (UB, AD, SKP, BBC, VL, KR), pp. 2291–2294.
ICPR-v2-2000-BrandLO #image #retrieval #statistics- Statistical Shape Features in Content-Based Image Retrieval (SSB, JL, EO), pp. 6062–6066.
ICPR-v2-2000-Chandran- A Link between Shape and Phase (VC), pp. 2426–2429.
ICPR-v2-2000-MelkemiVC #set- Shapes of Weighted Points Sets (MM, DV, LC), pp. 6058–6061.
ICPR-v2-2000-UnsalanE #analysis #linear- Shapes of Features and a Modified Measure for Linear Discriminant Analysis (CÜ, AE), pp. 2410–2413.
ICPR-v3-2000-DaoudiM #invariant #multi #representation- New Multiscale Planar Shape Invariant Representation under a General Affine Transformations (MD, SM), pp. 3794–3797.
ICPR-v3-2000-FaruquieMRS #modelling #recognition #scalability #speech #using- Large Vocabulary Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Using Active Shape Models (TAF, AM, NR, LVS), pp. 3110–3113.
ICPR-v3-2000-Garcia-SevillaP #analysis #case study #comparative- Analysis of Irregularly Shaped Texture Regions: A Comparative Study (PGS, MP), pp. 7080–7083.
ICPR-v3-2000-Ichimura #feature model #segmentation #using- Motion Segmentation Using Feature Selection and Subspace Method Based on Shape Space (NI), pp. 3858–3864.
ICPR-v3-2000-Liu- A Generalized Shape-Axis Model for Planar Shapes (TLL), pp. 3491–3495.
ICPR-v3-2000-MaedaKZI #3d #modelling- 3-D Shapes Modeling which has Hierarchical Structure Based on B-Spline Surfaces with Non-Uniform Knots (MM, KK, HZ, KI), pp. 3119–3122.
ICPR-v3-2000-ManabeKC #metric- Simultaneous Measurement of Spectral Distribution and Shape (YM, SK, KC), pp. 3811–3814.
ICPR-v3-2000-Rahmann #analysis #geometry #image- Polarization Images: A Geometric Interpretation for Shape Analysis (SR), pp. 3542–3546.
ICPR-v3-2000-WangB #detection #energy #modelling #segmentation- Detection and Segmentation of Generic Shapes Based on Vectorial Affine Modeling of Energy in Eigenspace (ZW, JBA), pp. 3983–3987.
ICPR-v3-2000-ZouY #clustering #image- Line Image Vectorization Based on Shape Partitioning and Merging (JJZ, HY), pp. 7006–7009.
ICPR-v4-2000-HoN- OCR with No Shape Training (TKH, GN), pp. 4027–4030.
ICPR-v4-2000-Ishii #3d #metric #using- 3-D Shape Measurement Using a Focused-Section Method (AI), pp. 4828–4832.
ICPR-v4-2000-RaoMP #performance #retrieval- Efficient Retrieval of Deformed and Occluded Shapes (ZR, EEM, EGMP), pp. 4067–4071.
ICPR-v4-2000-ShiranitaHOT #image #metric #sketching #using- Shape Measurement and Sketching Systems for Porcelain Using Image Technology (KS, KH, AO, RT), pp. 4795–4798.
POPL-2000-NielsonN #analysis #mobile- Shape Analysis for Mobile Ambients (HRN, FN), pp. 142–154.
FSE-2000-Rashid #question- The shape of things to come? (RFR), p. 169.
CC-2000-WilhelmSR #analysis- Shape Analysis (RW, SS, TWR), pp. 1–17.
ICDAR-1999-BansalS #how #on the #recognition- On How to Describe Shapes of Devanagari Characters and Use Them for Recognition (VB, RMKS), pp. 410–413.
ICDAR-1999-Hobby #classification #composition #geometry #layout- Page Decomposition and Signature Finding via Shape Classification and Geometric Layout (JDH), pp. 555–558.
ICDAR-1999-KameshiroHOY #documentation #fault #image #multi #recognition #retrieval #segmentation #using- A Document Image Retrieval Method Tolerating Recognition and Segmentation Errors of OCR using Shape-Feature and Multiple Candidates (TK, TH, YO, FY), pp. 681–684.
ICDAR-1999-MullerR #database- Searching an Engineering Drawing Database for User-specified Shapes (SM, GR), pp. 697–700.
ICDAR-1999-YamazakiMK- Extraction of Personal Features from Stroke Shape, Writing Pressure and Pen Inclination in Ordinary Characters (YY, YM, NK), pp. 426–429.
PEPM-1999-Jay #experience #partial evaluation #source code- Partial Evaluation of Shaped Programs: Experience with FISh (CBJ), pp. 147–158.
HCI-CCAD-1999-LiangL #matrix #metric #process #representation- Information representation and decision process: effects of measurement scale and shape of decision matrix on preferential choice (SFML, MRL), pp. 62–65.
HCI-EI-1999-ChenYL #image- Synthesizing Ideal Product Shapes by Image Morphing (LLC, SHY, JWL), pp. 730–734.
ICML-1999-NgHR #policy #theory and practice- Policy Invariance Under Reward Transformations: Theory and Application to Reward Shaping (AYN, DH, SJR), pp. 278–287.
MLDM-1999-MilanovaAOS #network #problem- Applications of Celluar Neural Networks for Shape from Shading Problem (MGM, PEMA, JOJ, MGS), pp. 51–63.
POPL-1999-SagivRW #analysis #logic #parametricity- Parametric Shape Analysis via 3-Valued Logic (SS, TWR, RW), pp. 105–118.
ESOP-1998-JayS #exclamation #functional #imperative- The Functional Imperative: Shape! (CBJ, PS), pp. 139–153.
CIKM-1998-ChiuehBK #image #multi- Multi-Resolution Indexing for Shape Images (TcC, AB, KK), pp. 297–305.
ICML-1998-RandlovA #learning #using- Learning to Drive a Bicycle Using Reinforcement Learning and Shaping (JR, PA), pp. 463–471.
ICPR-1998-ComaniciuMF #image #retrieval- Shape-based image indexing and retrieval for diagnostic pathology (DC, PM, DJF), pp. 902–904.
ICPR-1998-CongP- Shape from interference patterns (GC, BP), pp. 420–424.
ICPR-1998-FlorianiMP #3d #re-engineering #representation- Managing the level of detail in 3D shape reconstruction and representation (LDF, PM, EP), pp. 389–391.
ICPR-1998-HontaniD #analysis #component #detection #image #multi- Multi-scale image analysis for detection of characteristic component figure shapes and sizes (HH, KD), pp. 1470–1472.
ICPR-1998-HwangYTY #3d #linear #using- A factorization method using 3D linear combination for shape and motion recovery (KCH, NY, HT, KY), pp. 959–963.
ICPR-1998-IivarinenV #adaptation #classification #fault- An adaptive texture and shape based defect classification (JI, AV), pp. 117–122.
ICPR-1998-ImNK #case study #product line- Recognizing plant species by leaf shapes-a case study of the Acer family (CI, HN, TLK), pp. 1171–1173.
ICPR-1998-OkataniD #identification #invariant #on the #problem #using- On identification of singular points using photometric invariants for global shape from shading problem (TO, KD), pp. 1787–1790.
ICPR-1998-RolfesR #fuzzy #recognition- Fuzzy shape recognition for robot repositioning (SR, MJR), pp. 1715–1717.
ICPR-1998-SchaufAH #modelling #recognition #recursion #using- Model-based shape recognition using recursive mathematical morphology (MLS, SA, RMH), pp. 202–204.
ICPR-1998-SofferS #similarity #using- Using negative shape features for logo similarity matching (AS, HS), pp. 571–573.
ICPR-1998-SukanyaTS #classification #image #multi #using- Image classification using the surface-shape operator and multiscale features (PS, RT, MS), pp. 334–337.
ICPR-1998-WorthingtonHH #recognition #using- Appearance-based object recognition using shape-from-shading (PLW, BH, ERH), pp. 412–416.
ICPR-1998-ZhangB #algorithm #image #modelling #segmentation- A deformable model-based image segmentation algorithm for shapes with corners (ZZ, MB), pp. 392–394.
ICPR-1998-ZhaTH #3d #adaptation #multi- Multi-resolution surface description of 3D objects by shape-adaptive triangular meshes (HZ, ST, TH), pp. 954–958.
SAC-1998-WangA #approach #retrieval- A vertex-based shape coding approach for similar shape retrieval (JW, RA), pp. 520–522.
EDTC-1997-Fishburn- Shaping a VLSI wire to minimize Elmore delay (JPF), pp. 244–251.
ICDAR-1997-KimL #normalisation #recognition- Nonlinear Shape Normalization Methods for Gray-Scale Handwritten Character Recognition (SYK, SWL), pp. 479–482.
ICDAR-1997-MadhvanathK #scalability #using #word- Pruning Large Lexicons Using Generalized Word Shape Descriptors (SM, VK), pp. 552–555.
ICDAR-1997-NobileBSK #documentation #identification #online #using #word- Language identification of on-line documents using word shapes (NN, SB, CYS, SK), pp. 258–262.
ICDAR-1997-PavlidisSP #online #recognition #using- An On-Line Handwritten Note Recognition Method Using Shape Metamorphosis (IP, RS, NP), pp. 914–918.
ICDAR-1997-SabourinDW #matrix #verification- Shape Matrices as a Mixed Shape Factor for Off-line Signature Verification (RS, JPD, ESW), pp. 661–666.
ICDAR-1997-SmeatonS #information retrieval #using- Using Character Shape Coding for Information Retrieval (AFS, ALS), p. 974–?.
ICDAR-1997-YamauchiIT #learning #multi #recognition- Shape based Learning for a Multi-Template Method, and its Application to Handprinted Numeral Recognition (TY, YI, JT), pp. 495–498.
HCI-CC-1997-Charytonowicz- Computer in Shaping of Human Habitat (JC), pp. 691–694.
POPL-1997-FradetM- Shape Types (PF, DLM), pp. 27–39.
TLCA-1997-BelleM #analysis- Typed Intermediate Languages for Shape Analysis (GB, EM), pp. 11–29.
CSCW-1996-Lin #how- How Organizational Structure and Culture shape CSCW (doctoral colloquium) (AL), p. 446.
ICPR-1996-AblameykoFM #composition- Shape decomposition by (d1, d2)-weighted skeleton and directional information (SA, MF, AM), pp. 275–279.
ICPR-1996-ArdizzoneCGV #database #image #video- Content-based indexing of image and video databases by global and shape features (EA, MLC, VDG, CV), pp. 140–144.
ICPR-1996-AzarbayejaniP #3d #estimation #realtime #self #using- Real-time self-calibrating stereo person tracking using 3-D shape estimation from blob features (AA, AP), pp. 627–632.
ICPR-1996-BasriGJ #image #multi #performance- Efficient determination of shape from multiple images containing partial information (RB, AJG, DWJ), pp. 268–274.
ICPR-1996-BimboP96a #image #using #visual notation- Image indexing using shape-based visual features (ADB, PP), pp. 351–355.
ICPR-1996-CesarC #energy #multi #using- Shape characterization in natural scales by using the multiscale bending energy (RMCJ, LdFC), pp. 735–739.
ICPR-1996-CucchiaraF #identification- The vector-gradient Hough transform for identifying straight-translation generated shapes (RC, FF), pp. 502–510.
ICPR-1996-DattaPC #self- Skeletal shape extraction from dot patterns by self-organization (AD, SKP, BBC), pp. 80–84.
ICPR-1996-Goller #concurrent #image- Concurrent radar image shape-from-shading on high-performance computers (AG), pp. 589–593.
ICPR-1996-GunselT #analysis #retrieval #similarity- Similarity analysis for shape retrieval by example (BG, AMT), pp. 330–334.
ICPR-1996-HataSKK #algorithm #search-based #using- Shape extraction of transparent object using genetic algorithm (SH, YS, SK, KK), pp. 684–688.
ICPR-1996-HeijdenV #approach #difference- A landmark-based approach of shape dissimilarity (GWAMvdH, AMV), pp. 120–124.
ICPR-1996-HuangPC #using- Shape from shading using Ritz method with tent basis (CKH, CP, WTC), pp. 398–402.
ICPR-1996-HusseinNO #analysis #using- Analysis of detailed patterns of contour shapes using wavelet local extrema (EH, YN, YO), pp. 335–339.
ICPR-1996-Kimmel #difference #image- Affine differential signatures for gray level images of planar shapes (RK), pp. 45–49.
ICPR-1996-KindratenkoE #classification #fourier #using- Classification of irregularly shaped micro-objects using complex Fourier descriptors (VVK, PJMVE), pp. 285–289.
ICPR-1996-KitamuraK #algorithm #generative #parallel #representation- A parallel algorithm for octree generation from polyhedral shape representation (YK, FK), pp. 303–309.
ICPR-1996-KotcheffRTH #analysis- Shape model analysis of THR radiographs (ACWK, ALR, CJT, DWLH), pp. 391–395.
ICPR-1996-KrotkovKZ #analysis #invariant #synthesis- Analysis and synthesis of the sounds of impact based on shape-invariant properties of materials (EK, RLK, NBZ), pp. 115–119.
ICPR-1996-KunchevaH #network- An RBF network with tunable function shape (LK, STH), pp. 645–649.
ICPR-1996-LanitisSTCM #image #modelling- A general non-linear method for modelling shape and locating image objects (AL, PDS, CJT, TFC, ECDM), pp. 266–270.
ICPR-1996-LilienblumAM #3d #geometry #network- 3D-measurement of geometrical shapes by photogrammetry and neural networks (TL, PA, BM), pp. 330–334.
ICPR-1996-MokademDG #distance #invariant- A shape distance by complete and stable invariant descriptors for contour tracking (AM, MD, FG), pp. 105–109.
ICPR-1996-MullotOBLC #approach- An original approach for extracting circular shapes from technical charts (RM, JMO, FB, YL, MFC), pp. 813–817.
ICPR-1996-NishimuraT #approach #symmetry- Active shape inferring based on the symmetry in stable poses-shape from function approach (KN, HTT), pp. 136–140.
ICPR-1996-OkataniD #image #re-engineering- Reconstructing shape from shading with a point light source at the projection center: shape reconstruction from an endoscope image (TO, KD), pp. 830–834.
ICPR-1996-PavlidisSP #online #recognition- Recognition of on-line handwritten patterns through shape metamorphosis (IP, RS, NPP), pp. 18–22.
ICPR-1996-PeiH #approach #symmetry- A moment-based approach for deskewing rotationally symmetric shapes (SCP, JHH), pp. 248–252.
ICPR-1996-ProesmansGO #3d- One-shot active 3D shape acquisition (MP, LJVG, AO), pp. 336–340.
ICPR-1996-SaberT #cost analysis #detection #feature model #symmetry #using- Face detection and facial feature extraction using color, shape and symmetry-based cost functions (ES, AMT), pp. 654–658.
ICPR-1996-SabourinGP #verification- Pattern spectrum as a local shape factor for off-line signature verification (RS, GG, FJP), pp. 43–48.
ICPR-1996-ShioyamaJ #3d #constraints- Numerical 3-D shape inference from shading with new type of constraint (TS, WBJ), pp. 364–368.
ICPR-1996-Singh #detection #recognition #using- Shape detection using gradient features for handwritten character recognition (SPS), pp. 145–149.
ICPR-1996-SobottkaP #using- Extraction of facial regions and features using color and shape information (KS, IP), pp. 421–425.
ICPR-1996-SteinerKB- Planar shape enhancement and exaggeration (AS, RK, AMB), pp. 523–527.
ICPR-1996-TianT #image- Shape from shading for non-Lambertian surfaces from one color image (YlT, HTT), pp. 258–262.
ICPR-1996-TianT96a #3d #algorithm #image #search-based #sequence #using- 3D shape recovery from two-color image sequences using a genetic algorithm (YlT, HTT), pp. 674–678.
ICPR-1996-WangF96a #algorithm #detection #geometry #search-based- Detection of geometric shapes by the combination of genetic algorithm and subpixel accuracy (YW, NF), pp. 535–539.
ICPR-1996-YuCXY #3d #approximate #higher-order- 3D shape and motion by SVD under higher-order approximation of perspective projection (HY, QC, GX, MY), pp. 456–460.
PLILP-1996-WeyerW #analysis #graph #prolog- Annotated Structure Shape Graphs for Abstract Analysis of Prolog (GW, WHW), pp. 92–106.
POPL-1996-GhiyaH #analysis #c #graph #pointer- Is it a Tree, a DAG, or a Cyclic Graph? A Shape Analysis for Heap-Directed Pointers in C (RG, LJH), pp. 1–15.
POPL-1996-SagivRW #problem- Solving Shape-Analysis Problems in Languages with Destructive Updating (SS, TWR, RW), pp. 16–31.
ICDAR-v1-1995-LeeKT #image- Nonlinear shape restoration of distorted images with Coons transformation (SWL, ESK, YYT), pp. 235–238.
ICDAR-v2-1995-AntonacopoulosR #classification #representation #using- Representation and classification of complex-shaped printed regions using white tiles (AA, RTR), pp. 1132–1135.
ICDAR-v2-1995-BontempiM #prototype #search-based #towards- Towards a genetic based prototyper for character shapes (BB, AM), pp. 694–697.
ICDAR-v2-1995-PavlidisSS #analysis #graph- Matching graph embeddings for shape analysis (TP, WJS, HS), pp. 729–733.
ICDAR-v2-1995-Spitz- An OCR based on character shape codes and lexical information (ALS), pp. 723–728.
ICDAR-v2-1995-WangHR #recognition #segmentation- A shape band-pass filter for character recognition and texture segmentation (DW, VHC, JR), pp. 681–684.
VLDB-1995-AgrawalPWZ #query- Querying Shapes of Histories (RA, GP, ELW, MZ), pp. 502–514.
ESOP-J-1994-Jay95 #semantics- A Semantics for Shape (CBJ), pp. 251–283.
PEPM-1995-Reps #analysis #problem- Shape Analysis as a Generalized Path Problem (TWR), pp. 1–11.
HPDC-1995-BraunSUSYPNFEM #adaptation #implementation- A High Speed Implementation of Adaptive Shaping for Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (CB, VS, HU, SWS, EY, DWP, DN, VF, JBE, GJM), pp. 94–101.
EDAC-1994-HolmesG #algorithm #behaviour #generative- An Algorithm for Generation of Behavioral Shape Functions (NDH, DG), pp. 314–318.
ESOP-1994-JayC #morphism #polymorphism- Shapely Types and Shape Polymorphism (CBJ, JRBC), pp. 302–316.
CHI-1994-MurakamiN94a #3d- Direct and intuitive input device for 3-D shape deformation (TM, NN), pp. 465–470.
DAC-1993-Lee #2d #algorithm #bound #design- A Bounded 2D Contour Searching Algorithm for Floorplan Design with Arbitrarily Shaped Rectilinear and Soft Modules (TcL), pp. 525–530.
ICDAR-1993-LeePT #evaluation #normalisation #performance #recognition- Performance evaluation of nonlinear shape normalization methods for the recognition of large-set handwritten characters (SWL, JSP, YT), pp. 402–407.
ICDAR-1993-TanakaKT #development #process- Development of a map vectorization method involving a shape reforming process (NT, TK, JT), pp. 680–683.
DAC-1991-CaiW #on the- On Minimizing the Number of L-Shaped Channels (YC, DFW), pp. 328–334.
SIGMOD-1991-Jagadish #retrieval- A Retrieval Technique for Similar Shapes (HVJ), pp. 208–217.
DAC-1988-Zimmerman #estimation- A New Area and Shape Function Estimation Technique for VLSI Layouts (GZ), pp. 60–65.
ML-1988-Segen #graph #learning #modelling- Learning Graph Models of Shape (JS), pp. 29–35.
DAC-1987-Chen- Routing L-Shaped Channels in Nonslicing-Structure Placement (HHC), pp. 152–158.
DAC-1981-Kalay #generative #interactive #testing- Interactive shape generation and spatial conflict testing (YEK), pp. 75–81.
DAC-1979-McCaw- Unified Shapes Checker — a checking tool for LSI (CRM), pp. 81–87.
DAC-1979-PreasC #algorithm- Placement algorithms for arbitrarily shaped blocks (BP, WMvC), pp. 474–480.
DAC-1978-Baer #maintenance- Maintaining integrity in complex shape definitions (AB), pp. 9–15.