52 papers:
DATE-2015-HaghbayanRFLPNT #manycore #online #power management #testing- Power-aware online testing of manycore systems in the dark silicon era (MHH, AMR, MF, PL, JP, ZN, HT), pp. 435–440.
DATE-2015-KapadiaP #adaptation #named #parallel #scheduling- VARSHA: variation and reliability-aware application scheduling with adaptive parallelism in the dark-silicon era (NAK, SP), pp. 1060–1065.
DUXU-DD-2015-FanHV #big data #risk management- Supply Chain Risk Management in the Era of Big Data (YF, LH, SV), pp. 283–294.
DUXU-IXD-2015-BevilacquaFMGKC #usability- Robot-Era Project: Preliminary Results on the System Usability (RB, EF, FM, SG, SK, IC, RE, FC, PD), pp. 553–561.
ASPLOS-2015-Banavar- Watson and the Era of Cognitive Computing (GB), p. 413.
DAC-2014-KriebelRSSH #adaptation #fault #named- ASER: Adaptive Soft Error Resilience for Reliability-Heterogeneous Processors in the Dark Silicon Era (FK, SR, DS, MS, JH), p. 6.
DAC-2014-ShafiqueGHM #challenge #reliability #variability- The EDA Challenges in the Dark Silicon Era: Temperature, Reliability, and Variability Perspectives (MS, SG, JH, DM), p. 6.
DAC-2014-ZhanXS #fine-grained #named- NoC-Sprinting: Interconnect for Fine-Grained Sprinting in the Dark Silicon Era (JZ, YX, GS), p. 6.
VLDB-2014-LiLZ #big data #challenge #enterprise- Enterprise Search in the Big Data Era: Recent Developments and Open Challenges (YL, ZL, HZ), pp. 1717–1718.
VLDB-2014-Markl #big data #data analysis #declarative #independence- Breaking the Chains: On Declarative Data Analysis and Data Independence in the Big Data Era (VM), pp. 1730–1733.
ITiCSE-2014-SungS #development #mobile- Mobile application development classes for the mobile era (KS, AS), pp. 141–146.
SCSM-2014-FraidakiPD #how #information management #process #social #social media- Living in the Era of Social Media: How the Different Types of Social Media May Affect Information Acquisition Process (KF, KP, GID), pp. 178–185.
ASPLOS-2014-EyermanE #concurrent #flexibility #manycore #parallel #smt #thread #towards- The benefit of SMT in the multi-core era: flexibility towards degrees of thread-level parallelism (SE, LE), pp. 591–606.
DAC-2013-HenkelBDGNSTW #lessons learnt #reliability #roadmap- Reliable on-chip systems in the nano-era: lessons learnt and future trends (JH, LB, ND, PG, SRN, MS, MBT, NW), p. 10.
DAC-2013-MuthukaruppanPVMV #manycore #power management #symmetry- Hierarchical power management for asymmetric multi-core in dark silicon era (TSM, MP, VV, TM, SV), p. 9.
DAC-2013-YangCTH #performance- New ERA: new efficient reliability-aware wear leveling for endurance enhancement of flash storage devices (MCY, YHC, CWT, PCH), p. 6.
SIGMOD-2013-MishneDLSL #architecture #big data #performance #query #realtime #twitter- Fast data in the era of big data: Twitter’s real-time related query suggestion architecture (GM, JD, ZL, AS, JL), pp. 1147–1158.
SIGMOD-2013-SuchanekW #big data- Knowledge harvesting in the big-data era (FMS, GW), pp. 933–938.
VLDB-2014-PelleyWGB13- Storage Management in the NVRAM Era (SP, TFW, BTG, BB), pp. 121–132.
SAC-2013-ShikanoAYSOU #case study #design- Study on supporting technology for operational procedure design of IT systems in cloud-era datacenters (HS, MA, JY, TS, SO, KU), pp. 405–407.
VLDB-2012-Sahin #challenge #clustering #self- Challenges in Economic Massive Content Storage and Management (MCSAM) in the Era of Self-Organizing, Self-Expanding and Self-Linking Data Clusters (KES), p. 1698.
ICST-2012-HashemianKA #benchmark #challenge #manycore #metric #web- Overcoming Web Server Benchmarking Challenges in the Multi-core Era (RH, DK, MFA), pp. 648–653.
ASE-2011-KhalekYZMK #alloy #java #named #source code #specification #testing #using- TestEra: A tool for testing Java programs using alloy specifications (SAK, GY, LZ, DM, SK), pp. 608–611.
DAC-2011-KrishnamurthyMS #encryption #energy- High-performance energy-efficient encryption in the sub-45nm CMOS Era (RK, SM, FS), p. 332.
VLDB-2012-MansourASK11 #named #parallel #performance #string- ERA: Efficient Serial and Parallel Suffix Tree Construction for Very Long Strings (EM, AA, SS, PK), pp. 49–60.
ISMM-2011-Mutlu #challenge #manycore #memory management- Memory systems in the many-core era: challenges, opportunities, and solution directions (OM), pp. 77–78.
ICEIS-HCI-2010-FardounVGRG #mobile #tool support- New Era of m-Learning Tools — Creation of MPrinceTool a Mobile Educative Tool (HF, PGV, JEG, GSR, EdlG), pp. 161–167.
ICDAR-2009-ClavelliK #segmentation- Text Segmentation in Colour Posters from the Spanish Civil War Era (AC, DK), pp. 181–185.
CAV-2009-Benini #manycore #performance #predict #question- Predictability vs. Efficiency in the Multicore Era: Fight of Titans or Happy Ever after? (LB), p. 50.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2008-Brodie- The End of the Computing Era: Hephaestus Meets the Olympians (MLB), p. 1.
HPCA-2008-Hill #manycore- Amdahl’s Law in the multicore era (MDH), p. 187.
DATE-2007-BorkarJS #integration- Microprocessors in the era of terascale integration (SB, NPJ, PS), pp. 237–242.
VLDB-2007-StonebrakerMAHHH #architecture- The End of an Architectural Era (It’s Time for a Complete Rewrite) (MS, SM, DJA, SH, NH, PH), pp. 1150–1160.
ICALP-2007-Chazelle #algorithm #design- Ushering in a New Era of Algorithm Design (BC), p. 1.
HCI-IDU-2007-LiangHC #approach #design #experience- User Oriented Design to the Chinese Industries Scenario and Experience Innovation Design Approach for the Industrializing Countries in the Digital Technology Era (YZL, DHH, WKC), pp. 156–163.
DAC-2006-NassifPRSBR #analysis #question- Variation-aware analysis: savior of the nanometer era? (SRN, VP, NR, DS, CB, RR), pp. 411–412.
ISMM-2006-Mendelson #challenge #memory management #power management- Memory management challenges in the power-aware computing era (AM), pp. 1–2.
DATE-2005-Hughes #challenge- Striking a New Balance in the Nanometer Era: First-Time-Right and Time-to-Market Demands Versus Technology Challenges (GH), p. 3.
ICEIS-v2-2005-LancM #information management #internet- Strategic Information Systems Alignment — A Decision Support Application for the Internet Era (DL, LMM), pp. 100–110.
ICSE-2005-HawthorneP #challenge #development #distributed #education #open source #outsourcing #re-engineering- Software engineering education in the era of outsourcing, distributed development, and open source software: challenges and opportunities (MJH, DEP), pp. 643–644.
DAC-2004-BasuLWMB #optimisation #power management- Simultaneous optimization of supply and threshold voltages for low-power and high-performance circuits in the leakage dominant era (AB, SCL, VW, AM, KB), pp. 884–887.
DAC-2003-BittlestoneHSA #architecture #library- Architecting ASIC libraries and flows in nanometer era (CB, AMH, VS, NVA), pp. 776–781.
DATE-2003-MoullecADAP #metric #multi #personalisation- Multi-Granularity Metrics for the Era of Strongly Personalized SOCs (YLM, NBA, JPD, MA, JLP), pp. 10674–10681.
ASE-2001-MarinovK #automation #framework #java #named #novel #source code #testing- TestEra: A Novel Framework for Automated Testing of Java Programs (DM, SK), p. 22–?.
DAC-2001-Maly #design- IC Design in High-Cost Nanometer-Technologies Era (WM), pp. 9–14.
TOOLS-USA-2001-Moore- Technology to Go-Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Mobility in the Wireless Era (DM), p. 357.
ITiCSE-2000-Delgado- Ethical knowledge for an electronic era (poster session) (GGD), pp. 187–188.
HCI-EI-1999-Mohageg #design #user interface- User Interface Design in the Post-PC Era (MFM), pp. 1137–1142.
ICSM-1995-YangB #data-driven #modelling- Acquisition of ERA models from data intensive code (HY, KHB), pp. 116–123.
SAC-1995-BucklesP #database #fuzzy- Fuzzy databases in the new era (BPB, FEP), pp. 497–502.
SEKE-1993-KirklenT #re-engineering #visual notation- Software Engineering Disciplines in the Visual Era (CRK, MMT), pp. 673–680.
STOC-1988-DolevGS #testing #towards- Toward a Non-Atomic Era: 𝓁-Exclusion as a Test Case (DD, EG, NS), pp. 78–92.