139 papers:
PODS-2015-Ullman #linear #multi #query- Private Multiplicative Weights Beyond Linear Queries (JU), pp. 303–312.
SIGMOD-2015-ZhangCPSX #graph #statistics #using- Private Release of Graph Statistics using Ladder Functions (JZ, GC, CMP, DS, XX), pp. 731–745.
VLDB-2015-HeCMPS #named #synthesis #using- DPT: Differentially Private Trajectory Synthesis Using Hierarchical Reference Systems (XH, GC, AM, CMP, DS), pp. 1154–1165.
STOC-2015-BassilyS #performance #protocol- Local, Private, Efficient Protocols for Succinct Histograms (RB, ADS), pp. 127–135.
ICALP-v1-2015-Nikolov #big data #database- An Improved Private Mechanism for Small Databases (AN), pp. 1010–1021.
CHI-2015-WinklerGLHSDR #security #smarttech- Glass Unlock: Enhancing Security of Smartphone Unlocking through Leveraging a Private Near-eye Display (CW, JG, ADL, GH, PS, DD, ER), pp. 1407–1410.
HCI-UC-2015-Sorum #quality- The Role of Quality in Websites: A Discussion Focusing on Public Versus Private Sector Organizations (HS), pp. 92–101.
HIMI-IKC-2015-TogawaK #collaboration #framework #using- Disaster Recovery Framework for e-Learning Environment Using Private Cloud Collaboration and Emergency Alerts (ST, KK), pp. 588–596.
SCSM-2015-AhnL #network #social- An Analytic Study on Private SNS for Bonding Social Networking (HA, SL), pp. 107–117.
CAiSE-2015-ArellanoDA #editing #wiki- Editing Anxiety in Corporate Wikis: From Private Drafting to Public Edits (CA, OD, MA), pp. 20–34.
ICML-2015-KusnerGGW #optimisation- Differentially Private Bayesian Optimization (MJK, JRG, RG, KQW), pp. 918–927.
ICML-2015-NockPF- Rademacher Observations, Private Data, and Boosting (RN, GP, AF), pp. 948–956.
KDD-2015-ChenXZX- Differentially Private High-Dimensional Data Publication via Sampling-Based Inference (RC, QX, YZ, JX), pp. 129–138.
KDD-2015-ChierichettiEKL #algorithm #network #performance #social- Efficient Algorithms for Public-Private Social Networks (FC, AE, RK, SL, VSM), pp. 139–148.
RecSys-2015-LiuWS #matrix #performance- Fast Differentially Private Matrix Factorization (ZL, YXW, AJS), pp. 171–178.
HPCA-2015-RosDK #classification #clustering #performance- Hierarchical private/shared classification: The key to simple and efficient coherence for clustered cache hierarchies (AR, MD, SK), pp. 186–197.
SOSP-2015-HooffLZZ #analysis #named #scalability- Vuvuzela: scalable private messaging resistant to traffic analysis (JvdH, DL, MZ, NZ), pp. 137–152.
CASE-2014-HungLHTC #development- Development of a private cloud-based new-generation virtual metrology system (MHH, YCL, HCH, CCT, FTC), pp. 910–915.
SIGMOD-2014-QardajiYL #named- PriView: practical differentially private release of marginal contingency tables (WHQ, WY, NL), pp. 1435–1446.
SIGMOD-2014-ZhangCPSX #named #network- PrivBayes: private data release via bayesian networks (JZ, GC, CMP, DS, XX), pp. 1423–1434.
VLDB-2014-KellarisPXP #infinity #sequence- Differentially Private Event Sequences over Infinite Streams (GK, SP, XX, DP), pp. 1155–1166.
VLDB-2014-LiXZJ #named #privacy- DPSynthesizer: Differentially Private Data Synthesizer for Privacy Preserving Data Sharing (HL, LX, LZ, XJ), pp. 1677–1680.
VLDB-2014-ProserpioGM #data analysis- Calibrating Data to Sensitivity in Private Data Analysis (DP, SG, FM), pp. 637–648.
STOC-2014-HsuHRRW- Private matchings and allocations (JH, ZH, AR, TR, ZSW), pp. 21–30.
ICALP-v1-2014-BravermanG #bound- Public vs Private Coin in Bounded-Round Information (MB, AG), pp. 502–513.
ICALP-v1-2014-HsuRRU #linear #source code- Privately Solving Linear Programs (JH, AR, TR, JU), pp. 612–624.
CHI-2014-GaoYHEF #automation #communication #multi- Effects of public vs. private automated transcripts on multiparty communication between native and non-native english speakers (GG, NY, AMJH, AE, SRF), pp. 843–852.
CHI-2014-GohCTTS #collaboration #design #framework #game studies #interactive- The MOY framework for collaborative play design in integrated shared and private interactive spaces (WBG, MC, CHT, JT, WS), pp. 391–400.
HIMI-AS-2014-TogawaK #collaboration #framework #smarttech #using- Private Cloud Collaboration Framework for e-Learning Environment for Disaster Recovery Using Smartphone Alert Notification (ST, KK), pp. 118–126.
HIMI-DE-2014-ShiozuKYS #question- Does ICT Promote the Private Provision of Local Public Goods? (YS, KK, KY, KS), pp. 629–640.
ICML-c1-2014-JainT #bound #independence #learning- (Near) Dimension Independent Risk Bounds for Differentially Private Learning (PJ, AGT), pp. 476–484.
ICML-c2-2014-GaboardiAHRW #query- Dual Query: Practical Private Query Release for High Dimensional Data (MG, EJGA, JH, AR, ZSW), pp. 1170–1178.
KDD-2014-LeeC- Top-k frequent itemsets via differentially private FP-trees (JL, CWC), pp. 931–940.
KDD-2014-XiaoCT #network- Differentially private network data release via structural inference (QX, RC, KLT), pp. 911–920.
RecSys-2014-BhagatWIT #learning #matrix #recommendation #using- Recommending with an agenda: active learning of private attributes using matrix factorization (SB, UW, SI, NT), pp. 65–72.
SAC-2014-WenD #performance #protocol- Efficient protocols for private record linkage (ZW, CD), pp. 1688–1694.
SIGMOD-2013-FanXS #adaptation #monitoring #named #performance #realtime- FAST: differentially private real-time aggregate monitor with filtering and adaptive sampling (LF, LX, VSS), pp. 1065–1068.
SIGMOD-2013-ZhangXYZW #algorithm #named #search-based #using- PrivGene: differentially private model fitting using genetic algorithms (JZ, XX, YY, ZZ, MW), pp. 665–676.
VLDB-2013-QardajiYL #comprehension- Understanding Hierarchical Methods for Differentially Private Histograms (WHQ, WY, NL), pp. 1954–1965.
STOC-2013-HardtR #analysis #worst-case- Beyond worst-case analysis in private singular vector computation (MH, AR), pp. 331–340.
STOC-2013-HsuRU #difference #equilibrium #privacy- Differential privacy for the analyst via private equilibrium computation (JH, AR, JU), pp. 341–350.
CHI-2013-ErikssonAS- The secret life of a persona: when the personal becomes private (EE, HA, AS), pp. 2677–2686.
CSCW-2013-KokkalisKPCBK #crowdsourcing #email #named- EmailValet: managing email overload through private, accountable crowdsourcing (NK, TK, CP, DC, MSB, SRK), pp. 1291–1300.
DUXU-WM-2013-OzturkR13a #case study #mobile #usability- M-Commerce Usability: An Explorative Study on Turkish Private Shopping Apps and Mobile Sites (ÖÖ, KR), pp. 623–630.
HCI-AS-2013-TogawaK #framework- Private Cloud Cooperation Framework for Reducing the Earthquake Damage on e-Learning Environment (ST, KK), pp. 503–510.
ICML-c3-2013-0002T #kernel #learning- Differentially Private Learning with Kernels (PJ, AT), pp. 118–126.
SAC-2013-AbrilNT #documentation #towards- Towards a private vector space model for confidential documents (DA, GNA, VT), pp. 944–945.
PPoPP-2013-AcarCR #parallel #scheduling #source code- Scheduling parallel programs by work stealing with private deques (UAA, AC, MR), pp. 219–228.
SIGMOD-2012-GotzNG #mobile #named #personalisation- MaskIt: privately releasing user context streams for personalized mobile applications (MG, SN, JG), pp. 289–300.
VLDB-2013-ZengNC12 #mining #on the- On differentially private frequent itemset mining (CZ, JFN, JYC), pp. 25–36.
PLDI-2012-JohnsonKPZA #reduction- Speculative separation for privatization and reductions (NPJ, HK, PP, AZ, DIA), pp. 359–370.
STOC-2012-BhaskaraDKT #linear #query- Unconditional differentially private mechanisms for linear queries (AB, DD, RK, KT), pp. 1269–1284.
STOC-2012-MuthukrishnanN- Optimal private halfspace counting via discrepancy (SM, AN), pp. 1285–1292.
ICALP-v1-2012-HsuKR #distributed- Distributed Private Heavy Hitters (JH, SK, AR), pp. 461–472.
ICALP-v1-2012-ThalerUV #algorithm #performance- Faster Algorithms for Privately Releasing Marginals (JT, JU, SPV), pp. 810–821.
ICML-2012-ChaudhuriH #convergence #estimation #statistics- Convergence Rates for Differentially Private Statistical Estimation (KC, DH), p. 223.
KDD-2012-ChenFDS #case study- Differentially private transit data publication: a case study on the montreal transportation system (RC, BCMF, BCD, NMS), pp. 213–221.
OOPSLA-2012-HuangZ12a #concurrent #execution #source code- Execution privatization for scheduler-oblivious concurrent programs (JH, CZ), pp. 737–752.
SAC-2012-KarakasidisV- Reference table based k-anonymous private blocking (AK, VSV), pp. 859–864.
SAC-2012-Kerschbaum #outsourcing #set- Collusion-resistant outsourcing of private set intersection (FK), pp. 1451–1456.
SAC-2012-NgWZ #protocol- Private data deduplication protocols in cloud storage (WKN, YW, HZ), pp. 441–446.
OSDI-2012-NarayanH #database #distributed #named #query- DJoin: Differentially Private Join Queries over Distributed Databases (AN, AH), pp. 149–162.
PODS-2011-MirMNW #algorithm #sketching #statistics- Pan-private algorithms via statistics on sketches (DJM, SM, AN, RNW), pp. 37–48.
SIGMOD-2011-DingWHL #consistency #optimisation- Differentially private data cubes: optimizing noise sources and consistency (BD, MW, JH, ZL), pp. 217–228.
VLDB-2011-KarwaRSY #analysis #graph- Private Analysis of Graph Structure (VK, SR, AS, GY), pp. 1146–1157.
VLDB-2011-MachanavajjhalaKS #personalisation #question #recommendation #social- Personalized Social Recommendations — Accurate or Private? (AM, AK, ADS), pp. 440–450.
STOC-2011-GuptaHRU #query #statistics- Privately releasing conjunctions and the statistical query barrier (AG, MH, AR, JU), pp. 803–812.
STOC-2011-Woodruff #approximate #black box #protocol- Near-optimal private approximation protocols via a black box transformation (DPW), pp. 735–744.
KDD-2011-MohammedCFY #data mining #mining- Differentially private data release for data mining (NM, RC, BCMF, PSY), pp. 493–501.
SIGIR-2011-FeildAG #distributed #named- CrowdLogging: distributed, private, and anonymous search logging (HAF, JA, JG), pp. 375–384.
SAC-2011-LinC #query #towards- Towards communication-efficient private location dependent queries (KPL, MSC), pp. 433–438.
SAC-2011-RahmanHA #named #network #reliability- REBIVE: a reliable private data aggregation scheme for wireless sensor networks (FR, MEH, SIA), pp. 439–444.
HPCA-2011-LeeCC #named- CloudCache: Expanding and shrinking private caches (HL, SC, BRC), pp. 219–230.
SIGMOD-2010-RastogiN #distributed #encryption- Differentially private aggregation of distributed time-series with transformation and encryption (VR, SN), pp. 735–746.
VLDB-2010-HayRMS #consistency- Boosting the Accuracy of Differentially Private Histograms Through Consistency (MH, VR, GM, DS), pp. 1021–1032.
STOC-2010-KasiviswanathanRSU #correlation #matrix #random- The price of privately releasing contingency tables and the spectra of random matrices with correlated rows (SPK, MR, AS, JU), pp. 775–784.
ICALP-v2-2010-ChanSS #statistics- Private and Continual Release of Statistics (THHC, ES, DS), pp. 405–417.
KDD-2010-ZhengSTLLCH #data mining #mining #network #using- Using data mining techniques to address critical information exchange needs in disaster affected public-private networks (LZ, CS, LT, TL, SL, SCC, VH), pp. 125–134.
KMIS-2010-CalisirGCYB- Intellectual Capital in Turkish Private Banks (FC, CAG, FC, EY, AEB), pp. 189–194.
SAC-2010-DolevGK #multi #scalability #trust- Computing multi-party trust privately: in O(n) time units sending one (possibly large) message at a time (SD, NG, MK), pp. 1460–1465.
SAC-2010-RodriguesNPM #parallel #thread- A new technique for data privatization in user-level threads and its use in parallel applications (ERR, POAN, JP, CLM), pp. 2149–2154.
ISMM-2010-Anderson #garbage collection #optimisation- Optimizations in a private nursery-based garbage collector (TAA), pp. 21–30.
STOC-2009-DworkNRRV #algorithm #complexity #on the #performance- On the complexity of differentially private data release: efficient algorithms and hardness results (CD, MN, OR, GNR, SPV), pp. 381–390.
STOC-2009-FeldmanFKN- Private coresets (DF, AF, HK, KN), pp. 361–370.
KDD-2009-McSherryM #privacy #recommendation- Differentially Private Recommender Systems: Building Privacy into the Netflix Prize Contenders (FM, IM), pp. 627–636.
SIGIR-2009-SakumaK #analysis #graph- Link analysis for private weighted graphs (JS, SK), pp. 235–242.
ECOOP-2009-SteimannT #java #refactoring #source code- From Public to Private to Absent: Refactoring Java Programs under Constrained Accessibility (FS, AT), pp. 419–443.
SIGMOD-2008-GhinitaKKST #query- Private queries in location based services: anonymizers are not necessary (GG, PK, AK, CS, KLT), pp. 121–132.
CSCW-2008-GuyJMRS #email #network #social- Public vs. private: comparing public social network information with email (IG, MJ, NM, IR, ES), pp. 393–402.
CIKM-2008-AnciauxBHPA- Data degradation: making private data less sensitive over time (NA, LB, HvH, PP, PMGA), pp. 1401–1402.
STOC-2007-NissimRS #data analysis- Smooth sensitivity and sampling in private data analysis (KN, SR, AS), pp. 75–84.
ICALP-2007-DedicM #database #query- Constant-Round Private Database Queries (ND, PM), pp. 255–266.
ICALP-2007-FurukawaA #black box #encryption- Fully Collusion Resistant Black-Box Traitor Revocable Broadcast Encryption with Short Private Keys (JF, NA), pp. 496–508.
ICALP-2007-IshaiMSW #approximate #multi- Private Multiparty Sampling and Approximation of Vector Combinations (YI, TM, MJS, RNW), pp. 243–254.
ICALP-2007-OstrovskyPS- Private Locally Decodable Codes (RO, OP, AS), pp. 387–398.
RecSys-2007-LathiaHC #collaboration #distributed #metric #using- Private distributed collaborative filtering using estimated concordance measures (NL, SH, LC), pp. 1–8.
SAC-2007-XiongCL #classification #database #mining #multi #using- Mining multiple private databases using a kNN classifier (LX, SC, LL), pp. 435–440.
HPCA-2007-DybdahlS #adaptation #clustering #multi- An Adaptive Shared/Private NUCA Cache Partitioning Scheme for Chip Multiprocessors (HD, PS), pp. 2–12.
DRR-2006-TaghvaBCBPN #automation #information management #relational #using- Automatic redaction of private information using relational information extraction (KT, RB, JSC, JB, RP, TAN).
STOC-2006-BeimelCNW #approximate #problem- Private approximation of search problems (AB, PC, KN, EW), pp. 119–128.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-QueirosR #approach #information management #social- Structured Approach for the Introduction of Information Services into the Private Social Solidarity Institutions (AQ, NPdR), pp. 343–348.
CIKM-2006-XiongCL #classification #database #multi #nearest neighbour- k nearest neighbor classification across multiple private databases (LX, SC, LL), pp. 840–841.
CIKM-2006-YangDB- Practical private data matching deterrent to spoofing attacks (YY, RHD, FB), pp. 852–853.
KDD-2006-LaurLM #encryption- Cryptographically private support vector machines (SL, HL, TM), pp. 618–624.
SIGMOD-2005-HuangDC #random- Deriving Private Information from Randomized Data (ZH, WD, BC), pp. 37–48.
ICALP-2005-EisenbrandGOS #design #network- New Approaches for Virtual Private Network Design (FE, FG, GO, MS), pp. 1151–1162.
ICALP-2005-GentryR #communication #constant #information retrieval- Single-Database Private Information Retrieval with Constant Communication Rate (CG, ZR), pp. 803–815.
ICALP-2005-WehnerW #bound #information retrieval- Improved Lower Bounds for Locally Decodable Codes and Private Information Retrieval (SW, RdW), pp. 1424–1436.
ICEIS-v3-2005-Al-Fedaghi- The “Right to be Let Alone” and Private Information (SSAF), pp. 98–107.
SAC-2005-RodriguezL #implementation- Implementing private Vickrey auctions (IR, NL), pp. 796–800.
HT-2004-MarshallG #hypermedia #requirements- Saving private hypertext: requirements and pragmatic dimensions for preservation (CCM, GG), pp. 130–138.
SIGMOD-2003-AgrawalES #database #information management- Information Sharing Across Private Databases (RA, AVE, RS), pp. 86–97.
STOC-2003-GalR #bound- Lower bounds on the amount of randomness in private computation (AG, AR), pp. 659–666.
ITiCSE-2002-LevyL #recursion #syntax- Shared terminology, private syntax: the case of recursive descriptions (DL, TL), pp. 89–93.
SAC-2002-FerreiraD #embedded #mobile- Blinded-key signatures: securing private keys embedded in mobile agents (LCF, RD), pp. 82–86.
STOC-2001-GuptaKKRY #design #multi #network #problem- Provisioning a virtual private network: a network design problem for multicommodity flow (AG, JMK, AK, RR, BY), pp. 389–398.
STOC-2001-HaleviKKN #approximate #np-hard- Private approximation of NP-hard functions (SH, RK, EK, KN), pp. 550–559.
ICALP-2001-BeimelI #information retrieval- Information-Theoretic Private Information Retrieval: A Unified Construction (AB, YI), pp. 912–926.
CHI-2001-ShoemakerI #privacy- Single display privacyware: augmenting public displays with private information (GBDS, KI), pp. 522–529.
STOC-2000-KatzY #encryption #probability #security- Complete characterization of security notions for probabilistic private-key encryption (JK, MY), pp. 245–254.
STOC-1999-BeimelIKM #information retrieval- One-Way Functions Are Essential for Single-Server Private Information Retrieval (AB, YI, EK, TM), pp. 89–98.
STOC-1999-GalR #theorem- A Theorem on Sensitivity and Applications in Private Computation (AG, AR), pp. 348–357.
STOC-1999-IshaiK #bound #information retrieval- Improved Upper Bounds on Information-Theoretic Private Information Retrieval (Extended Abstract) (YI, EK), pp. 79–88.
STOC-1998-GertnerIKM #information retrieval #privacy- Protecting Data Privacy in Private Information Retrieval Schemes (YG, YI, EK, TM), pp. 151–160.
STOC-1997-ChorG #information retrieval- Computationally Private Information Retrieval (Extended Abstract) (BC, NG), pp. 304–313.
STOC-1997-OstrovskyS- Private Information Storage (Extended Abstract) (RO, VS), pp. 294–303.
ICALP-1997-Ambainis #bound #communication #complexity #information retrieval- Upper Bound on Communication Complexity of Private Information Retrieval (AA), pp. 401–407.
EDOC-1997-PreussSK #resource management- Virtual Private Resources (TP, JHS, HK), pp. 216–226.
PPoPP-1997-GuLL #analysis #array #data flow #experience #performance- Experience with Efficient Array Data-Flow Analysis for Array Privatization (JG, ZL, GL), pp. 157–167.
STOC-1996-Beaver #complexity #correlation #pseudo- Correlated Pseudorandomness and the Complexity of Private Computations (DB), pp. 479–488.
STOC-1996-NewmanS #communication #game studies- Public vs. Private Coin Flips in One Round Communication Games (Extended Abstract) (IN, MS), pp. 561–570.
PLDI-1995-RauchwergerP #parallel #reduction #runtime- The LRPD Test: Speculative Run-Time Parallelization of Loops with Privatization and Reduction Parallelization (LR, DAP), pp. 218–232.
ICALP-1995-BlundoSPV #on the #random- On the Number of Random Bits in Totally Private Computation (CB, ADS, GP, UV), pp. 171–182.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-Carrillo-CastellonMP #smalltalk- Eiffel-like Assertions and Private Methods in Smalltalk (MCC, JGM, EP), pp. 479–488.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1993-DollimoreX #security- The Private Access Channel: A Security Mechanism for Shared Distribution Objects (JD, WX), pp. 211–221.
POPL-1993-MaydanAL #analysis #array #data flow- Array Data-Flow Analysis and its Use in Array Privatization (DEM, SPA, MSL), pp. 2–15.
SAC-1993-DattaM #automation- Automating the Re-Declaration of Unneeded Globals as Private (AD, PM), pp. 87–94.
STOC-1986-GoldwasserS #interactive #proving- Private Coins versus Public Coins in Interactive Proof Systems (SG, MS), pp. 59–68.
VLDB-1985-GoldSH #performance- The Private Workspace Model Feasibility and Applications to 2PL Performance Improvements (IG, OS, MH), pp. 192–208.