Vadim Bulitko, Mark O. Riedl
Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment
AIIDE-2011, 2011.
Contents (36 items)
- AIIDE-2011-BarataSP #game studies #multi #online
- AI for Massive Multiplayer Online Strategy Games (AMB, PAS, RP).
- AIIDE-2011-BecroftBMRS #authoring #behaviour #named #sketching
- AIPaint: A Sketch-Based Behavior Tree Authoring Tool (DB, JB, AM, CR, CLS).
- AIIDE-2011-BlackadarD #behaviour #contest #testing
- Behavior Learning-Based Testing of Starcraft Competition Entries (MB, JD).
- AIIDE-2011-Botea #runtime
- Ultra-Fast Optimal Pathfinding without Runtime Search (AB).
- AIIDE-2011-CenknerBS #behaviour #generative
- A Generative Computational Model for Human Hide and Seek Behavior (AC, VB, MS).
- AIIDE-2011-ChangMLR #behaviour #game studies #learning
- Learning and Evaluating Human-Like NPC Behaviors in Dynamic Games (YHC, RTM, TL, VR).
- A Demonstration of ScriptEase II (MC, EG0, JD, AL, RM, ND, RZ, MC, JS, NRS, DS).
- AIIDE-2011-ChurchillB #optimisation #order
- Build Order Optimization in StarCraft (DC, MB).
- AIIDE-2011-DereszynskiHFDHU #behaviour #game studies #learning #modelling #probability #realtime
- Learning Probabilistic Behavior Models in Real-Time Strategy Games (EWD, JH, AF, TGD, TTH, MU).
- AIIDE-2011-DominguezYR #3d #automation #design #evaluation #game studies
- Design and Evaluation of Afterthought, A System that Automatically Creates Highlight Cinematics for 3D Games (MD, RMY, SR).
- AIIDE-2011-FujitaIM #detection #network #using
- Detecting Real Money Traders in MMORPG by Using Trading Network (AF, HI, HM).
- AIIDE-2011-Gold #modelling #probability
- Trigram Timmies and Bayesian Johnnies: Probabilistic Models of Personality in Dominion (KG).
- AIIDE-2011-HaRML #adaptation #game studies #logic #markov #network #recognition
- Goal Recognition with Markov Logic Networks for Player-Adaptive Games (EH, JPR, BWM, JCL).
- AIIDE-2011-HernandezB #adaptation #realtime
- Real-Time Adaptive A* with Depression Avoidance (CH, JAB).
- AIIDE-2011-Horswill #agile #behaviour #prototype #towards
- Toward a Rapid Prototyping Environment for Character Behavior (IDH).
- AIIDE-2011-LiapisYT #game studies #optimisation #visual notation
- Optimizing Visual Properties of Game Content Through Neuroevolution (AL, GNY, JT).
- AIIDE-2011-LinW #learning #modelling
- All the World's a Stage: Learning Character Models from Film (GIL, MAW).
- AIIDE-2011-MagerkoDD #concept #fuzzy
- Employing Fuzzy Concept for Digital Improvisational Theatre (BM, PD, CD).
- AIIDE-2011-McCoyTSWM #authoring #modelling #social
- Comme il Faut: A System for Authoring Playable Social Models (JM, MT, BS, NWF, MM).
- AIIDE-2011-MohanL #approach #game studies #learning #object-oriented
- An Object-Oriented Approach to Reinforcement Learning in an Action Game (SM, JEL).
- AIIDE-2011-NarayanIR #authoring #generative #named #natural language
- DEXTOR: Reduced Effort Authoring for Template-Based Natural Language Generation (KSN, CLIJ, DLR).
- AIIDE-2011-NareyekG #multi
- Tactical Multi-Unit Pathplanning with GCLS (AN, AKG).
- AIIDE-2011-NguyenHLLKLG #collaboration #named #recognition
- CAPIR: Collaborative Action Planning with Intention Recognition (THDN, DH, WSL, TYL, LPK, TLP, AHG).
- AIIDE-2011-OntanonZ #algorithm #generative
- The SAM Algorithm for Analogy-Based Story Generation (SO, JZ).
- AIIDE-2011-ReedSSGGLMKWW #future of #game studies #mobile #towards
- A Step Towards the Future of Role-Playing Games: The SpyFeet Mobile RPG Project (AAR, BS, AS, RG, AG, JL, JM, SK, MAW, NWF).
- AIIDE-2011-RiedlLAR #case study #experience #multi #robust
- Robust and Authorable Multiplayer Storytelling Experiences (MR, BL, HA, AR).
- AIIDE-2011-SantosM #game studies #realtime #scheduling
- Wasp-Like Scheduling for Unit Training in Real-Time Strategy Games (MS, CM).
- AIIDE-2011-Sturtevant #3d #grid #representation
- A Sparse Grid Representation for Dynamic Three-Dimensional Worlds (NRS).
- AIIDE-2011-SynnaeveB #game studies #recognition
- A Bayesian Model for Plan Recognition in RTS Games Applied to StarCraft (GS, PB).
- AIIDE-2011-TastanS #game studies #learning #policy #using
- Learning Policies for First Person Shooter Games Using Inverse Reinforcement Learning (BT, GRS).
- AIIDE-2011-TearseMMW #user interface
- Minstrel Remixed: User Interface and Demonstration (BRT, PAM, MM, NWF).
- AIIDE-2011-ThueBSR #game studies #video
- A Computational Model of Perceived Agency in Video Games (DT, VB, MS, TR).
- AIIDE-2011-WareY #named
- CPOCL: A Narrative Planner Supporting Conflict (SGW, RMY).
- AIIDE-2011-WeberMJ #estimation #game studies #realtime
- A Particle Model for State Estimation in Real-Time Strategy Games (BGW, MM, AJ).
- AIIDE-2011-YapBHS #game studies
- Any-Angle Path Planning for Computer Games (PKYY, NB, RCH, JS).
- AIIDE-2011-YuT #algorithm #generative #personalisation #ranking
- Personalized Procedural Content Generation to Minimize Frustration and Boredom Based on Ranking Algorithm (HY, TT).