Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on High Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing
HPDC, 1998.
@proceedings{HPDC-1998, address = "Chicago, Illinois, USA", ee = "", isbn = "0-8186-8579-4", publisher = "{IEEE Computer Society}", title = "{Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on High Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing}", year = 1998, }
Event page:
Contents (53 items)
- HPDC-1998-DiwanG #adaptation #approach #communication
- Adaptive Utilization of Communication and Computational Resources in High-Performance Distribution Systems: The EMOP Approach (SD, DG), pp. 2–9.
- HPDC-1998-LauriaPC #communication #performance
- Efficient Layering for High Speed Communication: Fast Messages 2.x (ML, SP, AAC), pp. 10–20.
- HPDC-1998-YoussefAM #architecture #distributed #quality
- The Software Architecture of a Distributed Quality of Session Control Layer (AY, HMAW, KM), pp. 21–28.
- HPDC-1998-ForslundGG #collaboration #corba #java #named
- TeleMed: Wide-Area, Secure, Collaborative Object Computing with Java and CORBA for Healthcare (DWF, JEG, EMG), pp. 30–33.
- HPDC-1998-OguchiSTK #clustering #data mining #effectiveness #evaluation #mining #optimisation #parallel #parametricity #protocol #scalability
- Optimizing Protocol Parameters to Large Scale PC Cluster and Evaluation of its Effectiveness with Parallel Data Mining (MO, TS, TT, MK), pp. 34–41.
- HPDC-1998-FryNS #approach #constant #distributed
- Computing Twin Primes and Brun’s Constant: A Distributed Approach (PHF, JN, BKS), pp. 42–49.
- HPDC-1998-VahdatADBCEY #named #operating system
- WebOS: Operating System Services for Wide Area Applications (AV, TEA, MD, EB, DEC, PE, CY), pp. 52–63.
- HPDC-1998-JuddCS #approach
- The DOGMA Approach to High-Utilization Supercomputing (GJ, MJC, QS), pp. 64–70.
- HPDC-1998-KapadiaF #design #on the
- On the Design of a Demand-Based Network-Computing System: The Purdue University Network-Computing Hub (NHK, JABF), pp. 71–80.
- HPDC-1998-BrunettCFFJKLT #case study #experience #tool support
- Application Experiences with the Globus Toolkit (SB, KC, SF, ITF, AEJ, CK, JL, ST), pp. 81–88.
- HPDC-1998-RoyC #clustering #distributed #memory management #multi #named #string #symmetry
- Strings: A High-Performance Distributed Shared Memory for Symmetrical Multiprocessor Clusters (SR, VC), pp. 90–97.
- HPDC-1998-KanitkarD #transaction
- Two-Stage Transaction Processing in Client-Server DBMSs (VK, AD), pp. 98–105.
- HPDC-1998-RussBGJRL #integration #named
- Hectiling: An Integration of Fine and Coarse-Grained Load-Balancing Strategies (SHR, IB, SG, BJ, JR, RL), pp. 106–113.
- HPDC-1998-QuinnMS #matlab #named
- Otter: Bridging the Gap between MATLAB and ScaLAPACK (MJQ, AGM, NS), pp. 114–121.
- HPDC-1998-Zambonelli #algorithm #distributed #effectiveness #on the
- On the Effectiveness of Distributed Checkpoint Algorithms for Domino-Free Recovery (FZ), pp. 124–131.
- HPDC-1998-GheorghiuRN
- Authorization for Metacomputing Applications (GG, TR, BCN), pp. 132–139.
- HPDC-1998-RamanLS #distributed #named #resource management #throughput
- Matchmaking: Distributed Resource Management for High Throughput Computing (RR, ML, MHS), pp. 140–146.
- HPDC-1998-NieplochaFD
- Distant I/O: One-Sided Access to Secondary Storage on Remote Processors (JN, ITF, HD), pp. 148–154.
- HPDC-1998-ChenWCK #algorithm #automation #optimisation #parallel #performance #search-based #using
- Automatic Parallel I/O Performance Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms (YC, MW, YC, SWK), pp. 155–162.
- HPDC-1998-ChoWCK #fine-grained #parallel #performance
- Parallel I/O Performance of Fine Grained Data Distributions (YC, MW, YC, SWK), pp. 163–170.
- HPDC-1998-RiblerVSR #adaptation #distributed #named
- Autopilot: Adaptive Control of Distributed Applications (RLR, JSV, HS, DAR), pp. 172–179.
- HPDC-1998-HollingsworthK #adaptation #predict
- Prediction and Adaptation in Active Harmony (JKH, PJK), pp. 180–188.
- HPDC-1998-LowekampMSGSS #interface #query
- A Resource Query Interface for Network-Aware Applications (BL, NM, DS, TRG, PS, JS), pp. 189–196.
- HPDC-1998-DeFantiSDBRLJL
- Personal Tele-Immersion Devices (TAD, DJS, GD, MDB, MR, GL, AEJ, JL), pp. 198–205.
- HPDC-1998-HackstadtHM #distributed #framework #source code
- A Framework for Interacting with Distributed Programs and Data (STH, CWH, ADM), pp. 206–214.
- HPDC-1998-BeckmanFHM #parallel #performance #using
- Efficient Coupling of Parallel Applications Using PAWS (PHB, PKF, WFH, SMM), pp. 215–222.
- HPDC-1998-Schatz #distributed #grid #library
- High-Performance Distributed Digital Libraries: Building the Interspace on the Grid (BRS), pp. 224–234.
- HPDC-1998-ZhuYZWIS #adaptation #clustering #library
- Adaptive Load Sharing for Clustered Digital Library Servers (HZ, TY, QZ, DW, OHI, TRS), pp. 235–242.
- HPDC-1998-HolmedahlSY #distributed #web
- Cooperative Caching of Dynamic Content on a Distributed Web Server (VH, BS, TY), pp. 243–250.
- HPDC-1998-McRobbieMAGPRWW #education #network #performance #research
- Global High Performance Networking: Connecting the vNBS and the Asia-Pacific Advanced Network for Research and Education Applications (MAM, DFM, KHA, DG, DDP, RAR, SSW, JGW), pp. 252–259.
- HPDC-1998-TierneyJCHBG #analysis #distributed #performance
- The NetLogger Methodology for High Performance Distributed Systems Performance Analysis (BT, WEJ, BC, GH, CXB, DG), pp. 260–267.
- HPDC-1998-StellingFKLL #detection #distributed #fault
- A Fault Detection Service for Wide Area Distributed Computations (PS, ITF, CK, CAL, GvL), pp. 268–278.
- HPDC-1998-Johnston #data-driven #performance
- High-Speed, Wide Area, Data Intensive Computing: A Ten Year Retrospective (WEJ), pp. 280–291.
- HPDC-1998-ChenT #clustering #distributed
- Mesh Partitioning for Distributed Systems (JC, VET), pp. 292–300.
- HPDC-1998-AndresenM #clustering #distributed #scheduling #towards
- Towards a Hierarchical Scheduling System for Distributed WWW Server Clusters (DA, TM), pp. 301–308.
- HPDC-1998-BhatPR #adaptation #algorithm #communication #distributed
- Adaptive Communication Algorithms for Distributed Heterogeneous Systems (PBB, VKP, CSR), pp. 310–321.
- HPDC-1998-RosuS #communication #coordination #distributed
- Sender Coordination in the Distributed Virtual Communication Machine (MCR, KS), pp. 322–329.
- HPDC-1998-GianniniC #architecture #clustering #communication #performance
- A Software Architecture for Global Address Space Communication on Clusters: Put/Get on Fast Messages (LAG, AAC), pp. 330–337.
- HPDC-1998-ZhangSL #message passing #source code #using
- Dynamically Instrumenting Message-Passing Programs Using Virtual Clocks (KZ, CS, KCL), pp. 340–341.
- HPDC-1998-PagniaT #protocol #replication
- Improving Replication Protocols through Priorities (HP, OET), pp. 342–343.
- HPDC-1998-CzechHG #composition #flexibility #kernel #protocol
- Flexible Protocol Stacks by In-Kernel Composition (CBC, BH, MG), pp. 344–345.
- HPDC-1998-Nguyen-TuongCG #using
- Extending Metasystem Functionality Using Reflection (ANT, SJC, ASG), pp. 346–347.
- HPDC-1998-Weissman #named #scheduling
- Metascheduling: A Scheduling Model for Metacomputing Systems (JBW), pp. 348–349.
- HPDC-1998-NaikTC #algorithm #distributed #named #network #object-oriented
- NETMAN: An Object-Oriented Environment for Experimenting Distributed Algorithms on a Network of Workstations (KN, YT, ZC), pp. 350–351.
- HPDC-1998-AidaTNMN #effectiveness #evaluation #performance #scheduling
- A Performance Evaluation Model for Effective Job Scheduling in Global Computing Systems (KA, AT, HN, SM, UN), pp. 352–353.
- HPDC-1998-ParkD #architecture #clustering
- The Effect of Clustering in Client-Caching Architectures (JHP, AD), pp. 354–355.
- HPDC-1998-GoddardS #generative #named
- ToolSpace: A Next Generation Computing Environment (TG, VSS), pp. 356–357.
- HPDC-1998-DongarraFGKPSSM #adaptation #configuration management #named
- HARNESS: Heterogeneous Adaptable Reconfigurable NEtworked SystemS (JD, GEF, AG, JAK, PMP, SLS, VSS, MM), pp. 358–359.
- HPDC-1998-GentileEA #agile #development #distributed #framework #named #scalability #tool support
- Lilith: A Software Framework for the Rapid Development of Scalable Tools for Distributed Computing (ACG, DAE, RCA), pp. 360–361.
- HPDC-1998-AndersenA #case study #clustering #implementation #multi
- Implementation and Utilization of a Heterogeneous Multicomputer Cluster for the Study of Load Balancing Strategies (PHA, JKA), pp. 362–363.
- HPDC-1998-MillerHPJ #distributed #simulation
- Simulation Steering with SCIRun in a Distributed Environment (MM, CDH, SGP, CRJ), pp. 364–365.
- HPDC-1998-Al-TawilM #quantifier
- LogGP Quantified: The Case for MPI (KAT, CAM), pp. 366–367.
- HPDC-1998-SalmonSBS #distributed #scalability
- Scaling of Beowulf-Class Distributed Systems (JKS, TLS, RB, CS), pp. 368–369.
19 ×#distributed
12 ×#named
9 ×#performance
8 ×#clustering
6 ×#adaptation
5 ×#communication
4 ×#algorithm
4 ×#parallel
4 ×#using
3 ×#approach
12 ×#named
9 ×#performance
8 ×#clustering
6 ×#adaptation
5 ×#communication
4 ×#algorithm
4 ×#parallel
4 ×#using
3 ×#approach