Proceedings of the 14th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories
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Jesús M. González-Barahona, Abram Hindle, Lin Tan 0001
Proceedings of the 14th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories
MSR, 2017.

Full names Links ISxN
	editor        = "Jesús M. González-Barahona and Abram Hindle and Lin Tan 0001",
	ee            = "",
	ee            = "",
	isbn          = "978-1-5386-1544-7",
	publisher     = "{IEEE Computer Society}",
	title         = "{Proceedings of the 14th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories}",
	year          = 2017,

Contents (66 items)

MSR-2017-Spinellis #lessons learnt
Half-century of unix: history, preservation, and lessons learned (DS), p. 1.
MSR-2017-VasquezBE #empirical
An empirical study on Android-related vulnerabilities (MLV, GB, CEV), pp. 2–13.
MSR-2017-WatanabeAKSTSIS #comprehension #metric #mobile #scalability
Understanding the origins of mobile app vulnerabilities: a large-scale measurement study of free and paid apps (TW0, MA, FK, ES, YT, BS, YI, TS, TY, TM), pp. 14–24.
MSR-2017-JhaLL #android #developer #empirical #fault
Developer mistakes in writing Android manifests: an empirical study of configuration errors (AKJ, SL, WJL), pp. 25–36.
MSR-2017-CalciatiG #case study #how
How do apps evolve in their permission requests?: a preliminary study (PC, AG), pp. 37–41.
MSR-2017-OliveiraOC #android #case study #development #energy
A study on the energy consumption of Android app development approaches (WO, RO, FC), pp. 42–52.
MSR-2017-TiwariUNR #framework #mining #named #platform #repository #tool support
Candoia: a platform for building and sharing mining software repositories tools as apps (NMT, GU, HAN, HR), pp. 53–63.
MSR-2017-ShatnawiMEBGMPA #dependence #java
Analyzing program dependencies in Java EE applications (AS, HM, GEB, AB, YGG, NM, JP, MA), pp. 64–74.
MSR-2017-CorbelliniGMZL #mining #repository #social #web #web service
Mining social web service repositories for social relationships to aid service discovery (AC, DG, CM, AZ, IL), pp. 75–79.
MSR-2017-RapoportSWLD #android #web
Who you gonna call?: analyzing web requests in Android applications (MR, PS, EW, OL, JD), pp. 80–90.
MSR-2017-ChatterjeeGHP #research
Extracting code segments and their descriptions from research articles (PC, BG, HH, LLP), pp. 91–101.
MSR-2017-KikasGDP #dependence #evolution #network
Structure and evolution of package dependency networks (RK, GG, MD, DP), pp. 102–112.
MSR-2017-BrandauerW #analysis #interactive #named
Spencer: interactive heap analysis for the masses (SB, TW), pp. 113–123.
MSR-2017-DehghanNBLD #empirical #implementation #predict
Predicting likelihood of requirement implementation within the planned iteration: an empirical study at IBM (AD0, AN, KB, JL, DED), pp. 124–134.
MSR-2017-RajbahadurWKH #classification #fault #modelling #using
The impact of using regression models to build defect classifiers (GKR, SW0, YK, AEH), pp. 135–145.
MSR-2017-GhotraMH #classification #fault #feature model #modelling #scalability
A large-scale study of the impact of feature selection techniques on defect classification models (BG, SM, AEH), pp. 146–157.
MSR-2017-XuDGWWZH #clustering #named #similarity #spreadsheet #version control
SpreadCluster: recovering versioned spreadsheets through similarity-based clustering (LX, WD, CG, JW, JW0, HZ, TH0), pp. 158–169.
MSR-2017-BaoXXLL #developer #industrial #mining #scalability
Who will leave the company?: a large-scale industry study of developer turnover by mining monthly work report (LB, ZX, XX0, DL0, SL), pp. 170–181.
MSR-2017-Patil #classification #concept #fault
Concept-based classification of software defect reports (SP), pp. 182–186.
MSR-2017-OmranT #documentation #library #overview
Choosing an NLP library for analyzing software documentation: a systematic literature review and a series of experiments (FNAAO, CT), pp. 187–197.
MSR-2017-MantylaNLCK #re-engineering
Bootstrapping a lexicon for emotional arousal in software engineering (MVM, NN, FL, MC, MK), pp. 198–202.
MSR-2017-IslamZ #analysis #automation #re-engineering #sentiment
Leveraging automated sentiment analysis in software engineering (MRI, MFZ), pp. 203–214.
MSR-2017-RahmanRK #code review #developer #experience #overview #predict #using
Predicting usefulness of code review comments using textual features and developer experience (MMR0, CKR, RGK), pp. 215–226.
MSR-2017-PascarellaB #java #open source
Classifying code comments in Java open-source software systems (LP, AB), pp. 227–237.
MSR-2017-CartaxoPRKSSS #using
Using Q&A websites as a method for assessing systematic reviews (BC, GP0, DMR, FK, RESS, FQBdS, SS), pp. 238–242.
MSR-2017-ClaesMKA #agile
Abnormal working hours: effect of rapid releases and implications to work content (MC, MM, MK, BA), pp. 243–247.
MSR-2017-MolderezSR #mining
Mining change histories for unknown systematic edits (TM, RS, CDR), pp. 248–256.
MSR-2017-IshioSII #analysis #reuse #set
Source file set search for clone-and-own reuse analysis (TI, YS, KI, KI), pp. 257–268.
MSR-2017-SilvaV #detection #named #refactoring #version control
RefDiff: detecting refactorings in version histories (DS, MTV), pp. 269–279.
MSR-2017-YangMSL #git #question #stack overflow
Stack overflow in github: any snippets there? (DY, PM0, VS, CVL), pp. 280–290.
MSR-2017-GharehyazieRF #git #reuse
Some from here, some from there: cross-project code reuse in GitHub (MG, BR, VF), pp. 291–301.
MSR-2017-OsmanCCGN #evolution #exception #java
Exception evolution in long-lived Java systems (HO, AC, CC, MG, ON), pp. 302–311.
MSR-2017-ZolfaghariniaAG #empirical #trust
Do not trust build results at face value: an empirical study of 30 million CPAN builds (MZ, BA, YGG), pp. 312–322.
MSR-2017-CitoSWLZG #analysis #ecosystem #empirical #git
An empirical analysis of the docker container ecosystem on GitHub (JC, GS, JEW, PL, SZ, HCG), pp. 323–333.
MSR-2017-ZampettiSOCP #analysis #how #integration #open source #pipes and filters #tool support
How open source projects use static code analysis tools in continuous integration pipelines (FZ, SS, RO, GC, MDP), pp. 334–344.
MSR-2017-RauschHL0 #analysis #empirical #integration #open source #workflow
An empirical analysis of build failures in the continuous integration workflows of Java-based open-source software (TR, WH, PL, SS0), pp. 345–355.
MSR-2017-BellerGZ #analysis #git #testing
Oops, my tests broke the build: an explorative analysis of Travis CI with GitHub (MB, GG, AZ), pp. 356–367.
Extracting build changes with BuildDiff (CM, SM, MP0), pp. 368–378.
MSR-2017-GaoJ #case study #impact analysis #testing
An exploratory study on assessing the impact of environment variations on the results of load tests (RG, ZM(J), pp. 379–390.
MSR-2017-GonzalezSPMN #comprehension #maintenance #scalability #testing
A large-scale study on the usage of testing patterns that address maintainability attributes: patterns for ease of modification, diagnoses, and comprehension (DG, JCSS, AP, MM, MN), pp. 391–401.
MSR-2017-SpadiniABB #empirical
To mock or not to mock?: an empirical study on mocking practices (DS, MFA, MB, AB), pp. 402–412.
MSR-2017-WanLXC #debugging #empirical #scalability
Bug characteristics in blockchain systems: a large-scale empirical study (ZW, DL0, XX0, LC), pp. 413–424.
MSR-2017-HurierSDBTKC #android #anti #named #unification
Euphony: harmonious unification of cacophonous anti-virus vendor labels for Android malware (MH, GST, SKD, TFB, YLT, JK, LC), pp. 425–435.
MSR-2017-AlkadhiLGB #case study #chat #development
Rationale in development chat messages: an exploratory study (RA, TL, EG, BB), pp. 436–446.
MSR-2017-BellerGZ17a #git #integration #named #research
TravisTorrent: synthesizing Travis CI and GitHub for full-stack research on continuous integration (MB, GG, AZ), pp. 447–450.
MSR-2017-OrellanaLMD #dataset #difference #integration #on the #testing
On the differences between unit and integration testing in the travistorrent dataset (GO, GL, AM, SD), pp. 451–454.
MSR-2017-NiL #classification #effectiveness #predict #using
Cost-effective build outcome prediction using cascaded classifiers (AN, ML0), pp. 455–458.
MSR-2017-SouzaS #analysis #sentiment
Sentiment analysis of Travis CI builds (RRGS, BS), pp. 459–462.
MSR-2017-AtchisonBBSL #analysis
A time series analysis of TravisTorrent builds: to everything there is a season (AA, CB, NB, ES, EL), pp. 463–466.
MSR-2017-IslamZ17a #integration
Insights into continuous integration build failures (MRI, MFZ), pp. 467–470.
MSR-2017-ManglavitiCGM #empirical #integration
An empirical study of the personnel overhead of continuous integration (MM, ECM, KG, SM), pp. 471–474.
MSR-2017-ReboucasSPC #how #open source #question
How does contributors' involvement influence the build status of an open-source software project? (MR, ROS, GP0, FC), pp. 475–478.
MSR-2017-PaixaoFDM #integration #non-functional #on the #requirements
On the interplay between non-functional requirements and builds on continuous integration (KVRP, CZF, FMD, MdAM), pp. 479–482.
MSR-2017-SotoCG #commit #integration #social
Analyzing the impact of social attributes on commit integration success (MS, ZC, CLG), pp. 483–486.
MSR-2017-BisongTB #modelling #performance #predict
Built to last or built too fast?: evaluating prediction models for build times (EB, ET, OB), pp. 487–490.
MSR-2017-GuptaKGM #developer #integration
The impact of the adoption of continuous integration on developer attraction and retention (YG, YK, KG, SM), pp. 491–494.
MSR-2017-GautamVS #empirical #integration #process #testing
An empirical study of activity, popularity, size, testing, and stability in continuous integration (AG, SV, FS), pp. 495–498.
MSR-2017-RahmanR #code review #integration
Impact of continuous integration on code reviews (MMR0, CKR), pp. 499–502.
Prevalence of botched code integrations (WM, CDR), pp. 503–506.
MSR-2017-YamashitaAKG #case study #evolution #industrial #multi #quality
Software evolution and quality data from controlled, multiple, industrial case studies (AY, SAA, FK, YGG), pp. 507–510.
MSR-2017-AivaloglouHMR #dataset #source code
A dataset of scratch programs: scraped, shaped and scored (EA, FH, JML, GR), pp. 511–514.
MSR-2017-MadeyskiK #dataset #fault #idea #predict
Continuous defect prediction: the idea and a related dataset (LM, MK), pp. 515–518.
MSR-2017-RoblesHHCF #dataset #git #modelling #uml
An extensive dataset of UML models in GitHub (GR, THQ, RH, MRVC, MAF), pp. 519–522.
MSR-2017-ZhuLRC #dataset #semantics #version control
A dataset for dynamic discovery of semantic changes in version controlled software histories (CZ, YL0, JR, MC), pp. 523–526.
MSR-2017-SadatBM #dataset
Rediscovery datasets: connecting duplicate reports (MS, ABB, AVM), pp. 527–530.
MSR-2017-NotenMS #git #ocl #set
A data set of OCL expressions on GitHub (JN, JM, AS), pp. 531–534.

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