Travelled to:
1 × Japan
1 × United Kingdom
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Farmer N.Sculthorpe ∅ M.Grebe J.Bracker B.Neuenschwander C.Runciman J.Dawson C.H.z.Siederdissen D.Young G.Giorgidze S.Marlow J.Iborra B.J.Pope E.Komp A.Eskilson J.Rosenbluth R.Scott J.Stanton
Talks about:
program (4) hermit (4) haskel (4) monad (4) ghc (4) reason (3) core (3) transform (2) interact (2) languag (2)
♂ Person: Andy Gill
DBLP: Gill:Andy
Facilitated 5 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 15 papers:
- PADL-2014-BrackerG #domain-specific language #generative #javascript #monad #named
- Sunroof: A Monadic DSL for Generating JavaScript (JB, AG), pp. 65–80.
- PEPM-2014-FarmerSG
- The HERMIT in the stream: fusing stream fusion’s concatMap (AF, CHzS, AG), pp. 97–108.
- ICFP-2013-SculthorpeBGG #problem
- The constrained-monad problem (NS, JB, GG, AG), pp. 287–298.
- IFL-2012-SculthorpeFG #haskell #program transformation
- The HERMIT in the Tree — Mechanizing Program Transformations in the GHC Core Language (NS, AF, AG), pp. 86–103.
- PADL-2012-GillN #logic #using
- Handshaking in Kansas Lava Using Patch Logic (AG, BN), pp. 212–226.
- ICFP-2011-GillF #fault #implementation #performance
- Deriving an efficient FPGA implementation of a low density parity check forward error corrector (AG, AF), pp. 209–220.
- GPCE-2017-GrebeYG #compilation #domain-specific language #haskell #using
- Rewriting a shallow DSL using a GHC compiler extension (MG, DY, AG), pp. 246–258.
- Haskell-2006-Gill #equation #haskell #reasoning
- Introducing the Haskell equational reasoning assistant (AG), pp. 108–109.
- Haskell-2007-GillR #haskell
- Haskell program coverage (AG, CR), pp. 1–12.
- Haskell-2007-MarlowIPG #debugging #haskell #interactive #lightweight
- A lightweight interactive debugger for haskell (SM, JI, BJP, AG), pp. 13–24.
- Haskell-2009-Gill #haskell #type safety
- Type-safe observable sharing in Haskell (AG), pp. 117–128.
- Haskell-2012-FarmerGKS #haskell #interactive #plugin #source code
- The HERMIT in the machine: a plugin for the interactive transformation of GHC core language programs (AF, AG, EK, NS), pp. 1–12.
- Haskell-2015-FarmerSG #equation #haskell #reasoning #source code #tool support
- Reasoning with the HERMIT: tool support for equational reasoning on GHC core programs (AF, NS, AG), pp. 23–34.
- Haskell-2015-GillSDEFGRSS #design pattern #monad
- The remote monad design pattern (AG, NS, JD, AE, AF, MG, JR, RS, JS), pp. 59–70.
- Haskell-2017-DawsonGG #composition #monad #network
- Composable network stacks and remote monads (JD, MG, AG), pp. 86–97.