A. O'Neill, D. Thomas
Proceedings of the 24th Design Automation Conference
DAC, 1987.
@proceedings{DAC-1987, acmid = "37888", editor = "A. O'Neill and D. Thomas", publisher = "{IEEE Computer Society Press / ACM}", title = "{Proceedings of the 24th Design Automation Conference}", year = 1987, }
Contents (128 items)
- DAC-1987-WangHPZ #named
- SSIM: A Software Levelized Compiled-Code Simulator (LTW, NEH, EHP, JJZ), pp. 2–8.
- DAC-1987-BryantBBCS #named
- COSMOS: A Compiled Simulator for MOS Circuits (REB, DLB, KSB, KC, TJS), pp. 9–16.
- DAC-1987-TanTBVP #performance #self #simulation
- A Fast Signature Simulation Tool for Built-In Self-Testing Circuits (SBT, KT, KB, PV, RP), pp. 17–25.
- DAC-1987-FaroughiS #algorithm #array
- An Improved Systematic Method for Constructing Systolic Arrays from Algorithms (NF, MAS), pp. 26–34.
- DAC-1987-JainPP #design #pipes and filters #predict #trade-off
- Predicting Area-Time Tradeoffs for Pipelined Design (RJ, ACP, NP), pp. 35–41.
- DAC-1987-HarjaniRC #framework #knowledge-based #prototype #synthesis
- A Prototype Framework for Knowledge-Based Analog Circuit Synthesis (RH, RAR, LRC), pp. 42–49.
- DAC-1987-Chi #automation #clustering #standard
- An Automatic Rectilinear Partitioning Procedure for Standard Cells (MCC), pp. 50–55.
- DAC-1987-Grover #standard #using
- Standard Cell Placement Using Simulated Sintering (LKG), pp. 56–59.
- DAC-1987-KlingB #evolution #named #standard #using
- ESP: A New Standard Cell Placement Package Using Simulated Evolution (RMK, PB), pp. 60–66.
- DAC-1987-Masurkar #re-engineering #requirements
- Requirements for a Practical Software Engineering Environment (VM), pp. 67–73.
- DAC-1987-Rosenberg #perspective #re-engineering
- The Making of VIVID: A Software Engineering Perspective (JBR), pp. 74–81.
- DAC-1987-Elias #case study #compilation #generative #layout #re-engineering
- A Case Study in Silicon Compilation Software Engineering, HVDEV High Voltage Device Layout Generator (NJE), pp. 82–88.
- DAC-1987-VladimirescuWKBKDNJL #hardware #simulation
- A Vector Hardware Accelerator with Circuit Simulation Emphasis (AV, DW, MK, ZB, AK, KD, KCN, NJ, SL), pp. 89–94.
- DAC-1987-Smith #hardware #scalability
- A Hardware Switch Level Simulator for Large MOS Circuits (MTS), pp. 95–100.
- DAC-1987-AgrawalDEFJK #architecture #design #hardware
- Architecture and Design of the MARS Hardware Accelerator (PA, WJD, AKE, WCF, HVJ, ASK), pp. 101–107.
- DAC-1987-WebberS #simulation
- Circuit Simulation on the Connection Machine (DMW, ALSV), pp. 108–113.
- DAC-1987-Hedlund #automation #named
- Aesop: A Tool for Automated Transistor Sizing (KSH), pp. 114–120.
- DAC-1987-Cirit
- Transistor Sizing in CMOS Circuits (MAC), pp. 121–124.
- DAC-1987-HofmannK #logic #optimisation
- Delay Optimization of Combinational Static CMOS Logic (MH, JKK), pp. 125–132.
- DAC-1987-CanrightH #logic
- Reflections of High Speed Signals Analyzed as a Delay in Timing for Clocked Logic (REC, ARH), pp. 133–139.
- DAC-1987-RoylePVNS #geometry
- Geometrical Compaction in One Dimension for Channel Routing (JR, MP, HV, NN, JS), pp. 140–145.
- DAC-1987-Polkl
- A Three-Layer Gridless Channel Router with Compaction (DBP), pp. 146–151.
- DAC-1987-Chen
- Routing L-Shaped Channels in Nonslicing-Structure Placement (HHC), pp. 152–158.
- DAC-1987-NaclerieMN
- Via Minimization for Gridless Layouts (NJN, SM, KN), pp. 159–165.
- DAC-1987-Trevillyan #logic #overview #synthesis
- An Overview of Logic Synthesis Systems (LT), pp. 166–172.
- DAC-1987-Maly #fault #modelling #testing
- Realistic Fault Modeling for VLSI Testing (WM), pp. 173–180.
- DAC-1987-SmithMB #simulation
- Demand Driven Simulation: BACKSIM (SPS, MRM, BB), pp. 181–187.
- DAC-1987-SmithSS #architecture #parallel #performance #simulation
- Faster Architectural Simulation Through Parallelism (JWS, KSS, RJSI), pp. 189–194.
- DAC-1987-PaulinK #automation #scheduling #synthesis
- Force-Directed Scheduling in Automatic Data Path Synthesis (PGP, JPK), pp. 195–202.
- DAC-1987-BrewerG #architecture #design #knowledge base
- Knowledge Based Control in Micro-Architecture Design (FB, DG), pp. 203–209.
- DAC-1987-KurdahiP #named
- REAL: a program for REgister ALlocation (FJK, ACP), pp. 210–215.
- DAC-1987-McGehee
- A Practical Moat Router (RKM), pp. 216–222.
- DAC-1987-Chowdhury #automation #design
- An Automated Design of Minimum-Area IC Power/Ground Nets (SC), pp. 223–229.
- DAC-1987-HealeyK #generative #logic #network
- Abstract Routing of Logic Networks for Custom Module Generation (STH, WJK), pp. 230–236.
- DAC-1987-SchultzB #fault #simulation
- Accelerated Transition Fault Simulation (MHS, FB), pp. 237–243.
- DAC-1987-RajsumanMJ #fault #modelling #on the
- On Accuracy of Switch-Level Modeling of Bridging Faults in Complex Gates (RR, YKM, APJ), pp. 244–250.
- DAC-1987-ConcinaL #design
- Integrating Design Information for IC Diagnosis (SEC, GSL), pp. 251–257.
- DAC-1987-McDermottS #network #paradigm
- Switch Directed Dynamic Causal Networks — a Paradigm for Electronic System Diagnosis (RMM, DS), pp. 258–264.
- DAC-1987-Weise #functional #verification
- Functional Verification of MOS Circuits (DW), pp. 265–270.
- DAC-1987-DevadasMN #abstraction #on the #verification
- On the Verification of Sequential Machines at Differing Levels of Abstraction (SD, HKTM, ARN), pp. 271–276.
- DAC-1987-ChandrasekharPC #design #hardware #term rewriting #verification
- Application of Term Rewriting Techniques to Hardware Design Verification (MSC, JPP, KWC), pp. 277–282.
- DAC-1987-MaDSW #algorithm #implementation #logic #parallel #verification
- Logic Verification Algorithms and Their Parallel Implementation (HKTM, SD, ALSV, RW), pp. 283–290.
- DAC-1987-CarpenterH #constraints #generative #incremental
- Generating Incremental VLSI Compaction Spacing Constraints (CWC, MH), pp. 291–297.
- DAC-1987-XiongK #named #performance
- Nutcracker: An Efficient and Intelligent Channel Spacer (XMX, ESK), pp. 298–304.
- DAC-1987-NylandDR
- Improving Virtual-Grid Compaction Through Grouping (LSN, SWD, CDR), pp. 305–310.
- DAC-1987-LinN #named
- KAHLUA: A Hierarchical Circuit Disassembler (BL, ARN), pp. 311–317.
- DAC-1987-Preas #benchmark #layout #metric
- Benchmarks for Cell-Based Layout Systems (BP), pp. 319–320.
- DAC-1987-BhatejaK #design #named #validation
- VALKYRIE: A Validation Subsystem of a Version Server for Computer-Aided Design Data (RB, RHK), pp. 321–327.
- DAC-1987-RosenthalH #approach #knowledge-based #query
- Querying Part Hierarchies: A Knowledge-Based Approach (AR, SH), pp. 328–334.
- DAC-1987-HeilerDAOR #approach #data transformation #database #design #object-oriented #why
- An Object-Oriented Approach to Data Management: Why Design Databases Need It (SH, UD, JAO, SRS), pp. 335–340.
- DAC-1987-Keutzer #graph #named #optimisation
- DAGON: Technology Binding and Local Optimization by DAG Matching (KK), pp. 341–347.
- DAC-1987-BeekmanOI #array #generative #performance
- Mesh Arrays and LOGICIAN: A Tool for Their Efficient Generation (JAB, RMO, MJI), pp. 357–362.
- DAC-1987-FriedmanS #diagrams
- Finding the Optimal Variable Ordering for Binary Decision Diagrams (SJF, KJS), pp. 358–356.
- DAC-1987-ApteK #layout #standard
- Strip Layout: A New Layout Methodology for Standard Circuit Modules (JA, GK), pp. 363–369.
- DAC-1987-SchuckWGK #compilation #design #experience #implementation
- The ALGIC Silicon Compiler System: Implementation, Design Experience and Results (JS, NW, MG, GK), pp. 370–375.
- DAC-1987-DaiSK #layout #performance #representation
- A Dynamic and Efficient Representation of Building-Block Layout (WWMD, MS, ESK), pp. 376–384.
- DAC-1987-LiuSU #array #design #logic #named #programmable #scalability #self
- BIST-PLA: A Built-in Self-Test Design of Large Programmable Logic Arrays (CYL, KKS, SJU), pp. 385–391.
- DAC-1987-Wunderlich #on the #random testing #testing
- On Computing Optimized Input Probabilities for Random Tests (HJW), pp. 392–398.
- DAC-1987-YuKL #adaptation #optimisation #testing #using
- VLSI Circuit Testing Using an Adaptive Optimization Model (PSY, CMK, YHL), pp. 399–406.
- DAC-1987-KrasniewskiP #low cost #self
- Circular Self-Test Path: A Low-Cost BIST Technique (AK, SP), pp. 407–415.
- DAC-1987-GranackiP #interface #named #natural language #specification
- PHRAN-SPAN: A Natural Language Interface for System Specifications (JJGJ, ACP), pp. 416–422.
- DAC-1987-LeeLP #editing #named #visual notation
- TED: A Graphical Technology Description Editor (WL, GL, KP), pp. 423–428.
- DAC-1987-Lee #hypermedia #quote
- “?”: A Context-Sensitive Help System Based on Hypertext (WL), pp. 429–435.
- DAC-1987-ChunCM #named
- VISION: VHDL Induced Schematic Imaging on Net-Lists (RKC, KJC, LPM), pp. 436–442.
- DAC-1987-JohannsenTM #compilation
- An Intelligent Compiler Subsystem for a Silicon Compiler (DLJ, SKT, KM), pp. 443–450.
- DAC-1987-Serlet #combinator #performance
- Fast, Small, and Static Combinatorial CMOS Circuits (BS), pp. 451–458.
- DAC-1987-Subrahmanyam #deduction #named
- LCS — A Leaf Cell Synthesizer Employing Formal Deduction Techniques (PAS), pp. 459–465.
- DAC-1987-ChenC #compilation #design #independence
- A Design Rule Independent Cell Compiler (JSJC, DYC), pp. 466–471.
- DAC-1987-Shahdad #interface
- An Interface between VHDL and EDIF (MS), pp. 472–478.
- DAC-1987-Parks #analysis #design #named #tutorial
- Tutorial: Reading and Reviewing the Common Schema for Electrical Design and Analysis (CHP), pp. 479–483.
- DAC-1987-Saunders #design
- The IBM VHDL Design System (LFS), pp. 484–490.
- DAC-1987-Hines
- Where VHDL Fits Within the CAD Environment (JH), pp. 491–494.
- DAC-1987-ChandraP #approach #generative
- A Hierarchical Approach Test Vector Generation (SJC, JHP), pp. 495–501.
- DAC-1987-KirklandM #algorithm
- A Topological Search Algorithm for ATPG (TEK, MRM), pp. 502–508.
- DAC-1987-LadjadjM #benchmark #metric
- Benchmark Runs of the Subscripted D-Algorithm with Observation Path Mergers on the Brglez-Fujiwara Circuits (ML, JFM), pp. 509–515.
- DAC-1987-OwensI #design #overview
- An Overview of the Penn State Design System (RMO, MJI), pp. 516–522.
- DAC-1987-SuzukiBKTS #automation #named
- TRIP: An Automated Technology Mapping System (SS, TB, MK, KT, TS), pp. 523–529.
- DAC-1987-OgiharaTM #design #named
- ASTA: LSI Design Management System (TO, HT, SM), pp. 530–536.
- DAC-1987-WongL #array #optimisation #synthesis
- Array Optimization for VLSI Synthesis (DFW, CLL), pp. 537–543.
- DAC-1987-MaiaszH #functional #layout #optimisation
- Layout Optimization of CMOS Functional Cells (RLM, JPH), pp. 544–551.
- DAC-1987-ChangCH #approach #automation #generative #layout #matrix #using
- Automated Layout Generation Using Gate Matrix Approach (YCC, SCC, LHH), pp. 552–558.
- DAC-1987-Waxman #automation #design #standard
- The Design Automation Standards Environment (RW), pp. 559–561.
- DAC-1987-OConnell #automation #design #integration #standard
- Design Automation Standards Need Integration (LO), p. 562.
- DAC-1987-Pachter #automation #design #standard
- Design Automation Standards — Perspectives from a Down-the-Road End User (RJP), pp. 563–564.
- DAC-1987-Brei #metalanguage #named #representation
- Needed: A Meta-Language for Evaluating the Expressiveness of EDIF, IGES, VHDL and Other Representation Mechanisms (MLB), p. 565.
- DAC-1987-SuRT #named
- HPEX: A Hierarchical Parasitic Circuit Extractor (SLS, VBR, TNT), pp. 566–569.
- DAC-1987-StarkH #named #simulation
- RED: Resistance Extraction for Digital Simulation (DS, MH), pp. 570–573.
- DAC-1987-WuHHYY #behaviour
- Function Search from Behavioral Description of a Digital System (JGW, WPCH, YHH, DYYY, HJY), pp. 574–579.
- DAC-1987-Kingsley #compilation #implementation #state machine
- The Implementation of a State Machine Compiler (CK), pp. 580–583.
- DAC-1987-StablerB #comparison #simulation
- Boolean Comparison by Simulation (EPS, HB), pp. 584–587.
- DAC-1987-SouleB #abstraction #parallel #simulation #statistics
- Statistics for Parallelism and Abstraction Level in Digital Simulation (LS, RB), pp. 588–591.
- DAC-1987-LeungS #concept #design #framework #hardware
- A Conceptual Framework for Designing ASIC Hardware (SSL, MAS), pp. 592–595.
- DAC-1987-Bulterman #architecture #automation #design #named
- CASE: An Integrated Design Environment for Algorithm-Driven Architectures (DCAB), pp. 596–599.
- DAC-1987-GalivancheR #parallel
- A Parallel PLA Minimization Program (RG, SMR), pp. 600–607.
- DAC-1987-LursinsapG
- Improving a PLA Area by Pull-Up Transistor Folding (CL, DG), pp. 608–614.
- DAC-1987-NguyenPG #named #performance
- PALMINI — Fast Boolean Minimizer for Personal Computers (LBN, MAP, NBG), pp. 615–621.
- DAC-1987-Wey #array #design #logic #on the #programmable
- On Yield Consideration for the Design of Redundant Programmable Logic Arrays (CLW), pp. 622–628.
- DAC-1987-Kaplan #approach
- Routing with a Scanning Window-8Ma Unified Approach (DK), pp. 629–632.
- DAC-1987-Ng #design
- A “gridless” Variable-Width Channel Router for Marco Cell Design (CHN), pp. 633–636.
- DAC-1987-EnbodyD
- General Purpose Router (RJE, HCD), pp. 637–640.
- DAC-1987-HsuPK
- A Path Selection Global Router (YCH, YP, WJK), pp. 641–644.
- DAC-1987-ShahM
- A New Compaction Scheme Based on Compression Ridges (PCS, HNM), pp. 645–648.
- DAC-1987-BeckerHKMO #calculus #design
- Hierarchical Design Based on a Calculus of Nets (BB, GH, RK, PM, HGO), pp. 649–653.
- DAC-1987-KoukaS #data analysis #design
- An Application of Exploratory Data Analysis Techniques to Floorplan Design (EFMK, GS), pp. 654–658.
- DAC-1987-LueM #game studies #layout #named
- PLAY: Pattern-Based Symbolic Cell Layout: Part I: Transistor Placement (WJL, LPM), pp. 659–665.
- DAC-1987-CesearIT #named #synthesis
- PAMS: An Expert System for Parameterized Module Synthesis (TC, EI, CT), pp. 666–671.
- DAC-1987-LinG #layout #named
- LES: A Layout Expert System (YLSL, DG), pp. 672–678.
- DAC-1987-Steele #design
- An Expert System Application in Semicustom VLSI Design (RLS), pp. 679–688.
- DAC-1987-MazumderPF #algorithm #design #parallel #random #testing
- Design and Algorithms for Parallel Testing of Random Access and Content Addressable Memories (PM, JHP, WKF), pp. 689–694.
- DAC-1987-Krishnamurthy #approach #problem #programming
- A Dynamic Programming Approach to the Test Point Insertion Problem (BK), pp. 695–705.
- DAC-1987-PraizlerF
- A Parts Selection Expert System to Increase Manufacturability (DP, GF), pp. 706–712.
- DAC-1987-TouKFH #approach #automation #database #knowledge base #verification
- Knowledge Based Approach for the Verification of CAD Database Generated by an Automated Schematic Capture System (JYT, WHK, KCF, CLH), pp. 713–720.
- DAC-1987-Rosenberg87a #interactive
- A New Interactive Supply/Demand Router with Rip-Up Capability for Printed Circuit Boards (ER), pp. 721–726.
- DAC-1987-Dion #performance
- Fast Printed Circuit Board Routing (JD), pp. 727–734.
- DAC-1987-Forbes #heuristic
- Heuristic Acceleration of Force-Directed Placement (RF), pp. 735–740.
- DAC-1987-MorisonPTW #design #named
- EASE: A Design Support Environment for the HDDL ELLA (JDM, NEP, TLT, EVW), pp. 741–749.
- DAC-1987-DemersJFC #integration #named #object-oriented #tool support
- CHESHIRE: An Object-Oriented Integration of VLSI CAD Tools (LPD, PJ, SF, EC), pp. 750–756.
- DAC-1987-GirczycL #design #mvc #named #smalltalk
- STEM: An IC Design Environment Based on the Smalltalk Model-View-Controller Construct (EFG, TAL), pp. 757–763.
- DAC-1987-GadientE #information management
- Rational for and Organization of the Engineering Information System Program (AJG, JLE), pp. 764–769.
- DAC-1987-MinaiWB #approach #evaluation #heuristic #predict
- A Discrete Heuristics Approach to Predictive Evaluation of Semi-Custom IC Layouts (AAM, RDW, FWB), pp. 770–776.
- DAC-1987-OdawaraHIYD #rule-based
- A Rule-Based Placement System for Printed Wiring Boards (GO, TH, KI, TY, YD), pp. 777–785.
- DAC-1987-WuWN #automation #design #representation #rule-based #verification
- A Rule-Based Circuit Representation for Automated CMOS Design and Verification (CFEW, ASW, LMN), pp. 786–792.
- DAC-1987-SpiersE #performance
- A High Performance Routing Engine (TDS, DAE), pp. 793–799.
- DAC-1987-WonSE #hardware
- A Hardware Accelerator for Maze Routing (YW, SS, YMEZ), pp. 800–806.
- DAC-1987-JonesB #algorithm #parallel #performance #standard
- Performance of a Parallel Algorithm for Standard Cell Placement on the Intel Hypercube (MJ, PB), pp. 807–813.
- DAC-1987-OlukotunM #parallel
- A Preliminary Investigation into Parallel Routing on a Hypercube Computer (KO, TNM), pp. 814–820.
- DAC-1987-LathropHK #abstraction #functional #modelling #simulation
- Functional Abstraction from Structure in VLSI Simulation Models (RHL, RJH, RSK), pp. 822–828.
- DAC-1987-Koeppe #fault #layout
- Optimal Layout to Avoid CMOS Stuck-Open Faults (SK), pp. 829–835.
29 ×#design
28 ×#named
12 ×#automation
10 ×#performance
10 ×#simulation
9 ×#layout
8 ×#approach
8 ×#standard
7 ×#logic
7 ×#parallel
28 ×#named
12 ×#automation
10 ×#performance
10 ×#simulation
9 ×#layout
8 ×#approach
8 ×#standard
7 ×#logic
7 ×#parallel