Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × Greece
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Canada
7 × USA
Collaborated with:
Q.Luo J.Zhong M.Lu J.He Y.Li S.Zhang ∅ J.X.Yu K.Yang P.V.Sander X.Cheng X.Liao J.Xu Y.Gong W.Fang H.Jin R.Fang N.K.Govindaraju A.C.Zhou C.T.Lau Y.Lv B.Cui X.Chen R.Chen X.Weng M.Yang D.Yang L.Zheng S.Wu S.Jha H.P.Huynh S.Gao B.Choi H.Hu J.Yang K.Yi J.Shi S.T.On M.Wu Yu Zhang 0027 H.J.0001 H.Liu Lin Gu 0002 X.Shi J.Liang S.Di L.Lu Z.Wang X.Luo
Talks about:
processor (9) process (9) graphic (6) graph (6) queri (4) join (4) base (4) gpu (4) architectur (3) parallel (3)
Person: Bingsheng He
DBLP: He:Bingsheng
Contributed to:
Wrote 24 papers:
- CGO-2015-ZhengLHWJ #approach #debugging #manycore #on the #performance
- On performance debugging of unnecessary lock contentions on multicore processors: a replay-based approach (LZ, XL, BH, SW, HJ), pp. 56–67.
- HPDC-2015-ZhouHCL #as a service #declarative #optimisation #resource management #workflow
- A Declarative Optimization Engine for Resource Provisioning of Scientific Workflows in IaaS Clouds (ACZ, BH, XC, CTL), pp. 223–234.
- PPoPP-2015-ShiLDHJLWLZ #gpu #graph #hybrid #optimisation
- Optimization of asynchronous graph processing on GPU with hybrid coloring model (XS, JL, SD, BH, HJ, LL, ZW, XL, JZ), pp. 271–272.
- VLDB-2015-HeZH14 #architecture #cpu #gpu #query
- In-Cache Query Co-Processing on Coupled CPU-GPU Architectures (JH, SZ, BH), pp. 329–340.
- VLDB-2015-JhaHLCH #approach #in memory #memory management
- Improving Main Memory Hash Joins on Intel Xeon Phi Processors: An Experimental Approach (SJ, BH, ML, XC, HPH), pp. 642–653.
- VLDB-2014-He #approximate #challenge #data transformation #hardware
- When Data Management Systems Meet Approximate Hardware: Challenges and Opportunities (BH), pp. 877–880.
- VLDB-2013-HeLH #architecture #cpu #gpu
- Revisiting Co-Processing for Hash Joins on the Coupled CPU-GPU Architecture (JH, ML, BH), pp. 889–900.
- VLDB-2013-ZhangHHL #architecture #cpu #gpu #named #parallel #performance #query #towards
- OmniDB: Towards Portable and Efficient Query Processing on Parallel CPU/GPU Architectures (SZ, JH, BH, ML), pp. 1374–1377.
- VLDB-2013-ZhongH #graph #parallel
- Parallel Graph Processing on Graphics Processors Made Easy (JZ, BH), pp. 1270–1273.
- PPoPP-2012-GongHZ #in the cloud #network #overview #performance
- An overview of CMPI: network performance aware MPI in the cloud (YG, BH, JZ), pp. 297–298.
- PPoPP-2012-ZhongH #graph #overview
- An overview of Medusa: simplified graph processing on GPUs (JZ, BH), pp. 283–284.
- CIKM-2011-GaoXHCH #named #transaction
- PCMLogging: reducing transaction logging overhead with PCM (SG, JX, BH, BC, HH), pp. 2401–2404.
- Operation-aware buffer management in flash-based systems (YL, BC, BH, XC), pp. 13–24.
- VLDB-2011-HeY #transaction
- High-throughput transaction executions on graphics processors (BH, JXY), pp. 314–325.
- CIKM-2010-OnLHWLX #database #named
- FD-buffer: a buffer manager for databases on flash disks (STO, YL, BH, MW, QL, JX), pp. 1297–1300.
- SIGMOD-2010-ChenWHY #graph #in the cloud #scalability
- Large graph processing in the cloud (RC, XW, BH, MY), pp. 1123–1126.
- VLDB-2010-FangHL #database
- Database Compression on Graphics Processors (WF, BH, QL), pp. 670–680.
- VLDB-2010-LiH0LY
- Tree Indexing on Solid State Drives (YL, BH, JY, QL, KY), pp. 1195–1206.
- PPoPP-2009-YangHLSS #parallel #recursion
- Stack-based parallel recursion on graphics processors (KY, BH, QL, PVS, JS), pp. 299–300.
- SIGMOD-2008-HeYFLGLS #relational
- Relational joins on graphics processors (BH, KY, RF, ML, NKG, QL, PVS), pp. 511–524.
- SIGMOD-2007-FangHLYGLS #named #query #using
- GPUQP: query co-processing using graphics processors (RF, BH, ML, KY, NKG, QL, PVS), pp. 1061–1063.
- SIGMOD-2007-HeLLY #in memory #named #query
- EaseDB: a cache-oblivious in-memory query processor (BH, YL, QL, DY), pp. 1064–1066.
- CIKM-2006-HeL
- Cache-oblivious nested-loop joins (BH, QL), pp. 718–727.
- ASPLOS-2019-ZhangL0HLG #graph #multi #named #performance
- DiGraph: An Efficient Path-based Iterative Directed Graph Processing System on Multiple GPUs (YZ0, XL, HJ0, BH, HL, LG0), pp. 601–614.