Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Canada
1 × Denmark
1 × Germany
1 × Israel
1 × Poland
1 × Spain
1 × The Netherlands
13 × USA
2 × Italy
Collaborated with:
∅ N.Heintze R.Givan H.Ganzinger H.A.Kautz M.Blume K.Arkoudas M.L.Ginsberg C.Elkan R.Zabih W.W.Cohen B.Selman F.Benhamou P.V.Hentenryck T.Fatima J.Peng T.Hazan R.Urtasun P.F.Felzenszwalb R.B.Girshick D.Ramanan C.Witty D.Kozen R.E.Schapire P.Stone M.L.Littman J.A.Csirik W.Charatonik D.Niwinski A.Podelski I.Walukiewicz
Talks about:
logic (5) analysi (4) complex (3) model (3) infer (3) set (3) algorithm (2) program (2) flow (2) base (2)
Person: David A. McAllester
DBLP: McAllester:David_A=
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 24 papers:
- ICML-2011-PengHMU #set
- Convex Max-Product over Compact Sets for Protein Folding (JP, TH, DAM, RU), pp. 729–736.
- ICML-2010-FelzenszwalbGMR #detection #modelling
- Discriminative Latent Variable Models for Object Detection (PFF, RBG, DAM, DR), pp. 11–12.
- ICFP-2004-BlumeM #contract
- A sound (and complete) model of contracts (MB, DAM), pp. 189–200.
- RTA-2003-McAllester #algorithm #logic #ml #type inference
- Joint RTA-TLCA Invited Talk: A Logical Algorithm for ML Type Inference (DAM), pp. 436–451.
- ICLP-2002-GanzingerM #algorithm #logic
- Logical Algorithms (HG, DAM), pp. 209–223.
- ICML-2002-SchapireSMLC #estimation #modelling #nondeterminism #using
- Modeling Auction Price Uncertainty Using Boosting-based Conditional Density Estimation (RES, PS, DAM, MLL, JAC), pp. 546–553.
- IJCAR-2001-GanzingerM #bottom-up #logic programming #source code #theorem
- A New Meta-complexity Theorem for Bottom-Up Logic Programs (HG, DAM), pp. 514–528.
- KDD-2000-CohenKM
- Hardening soft information sources (WWC, HAK, DAM), pp. 255–259.
- SAS-1999-McAllester #analysis #complexity #on the
- On the Complexity Analysis of Static Analyses (DAM), pp. 312–329.
- LICS-1998-CharatonikMNPW #calculus #μ-calculus
- The Horn μ-calculus (WC, DAM, DN, AP, IW), pp. 58–69.
- ICFP-1997-HeintzeM #analysis #complexity #on the
- On the Complexity of Set-Based Analysis (NH, DAM), pp. 150–163.
- LICS-1997-HeintzeM #analysis #on the #polynomial #type system
- On the Cubic Bottleneck in Subtyping and Flow Analysis (NH, DAM), pp. 342–351.
- PLDI-1997-HeintzeM #analysis #control flow #linear #transitive
- Linear-time Subtransitive Control Flow Analysis (NH, DAM), pp. 261–272.
- CADE-1996-McAllesterA #recursion
- Walther Recursion (DAM, KA), pp. 643–657.
- KR-1996-KautzMS #encoding #logic
- Encoding Plans in Propositional Logic (HAK, DAM, BS), pp. 374–384.
- LICS-1996-McAllesterGWK #constraints #set
- Tarskian Set Constraints (DAM, RG, CW, DK), pp. 138–147.
- ILPS-1994-BenhamouMH #revisited
- CLP(Intervals) Revisited (FB, DAM, PVH), pp. 124–138.
- KR-1994-GinsbergM #backtracking
- GSAT and Dynamic Backtracking (MLG, DAM), pp. 226–237.
- CADE-1992-McAllester
- Grammar Rewriting (DAM), pp. 124–138.
- KR-1992-GivanM
- New Results on Local Inference Relations (RG, DAM), pp. 403–412.
- KR-1989-McAllesterGF #first-order #syntax #taxonomy
- Taxonomic Syntax for First Order Inference (DAM, RG, TF), pp. 289–300.
- CADE-1988-McAllester #information management #named #representation
- Ontic: A Knowledge Representation System for Mathematics (DAM), pp. 742–743.
- JICSCP-1988-ElkanM88 #automation #induction #logic programming #reasoning #source code
- Automated Inductive Reasoning about Logic Programs (CE, DAM), pp. 876–892.
- OOPSLA-1986-McAllesterZ
- Boolean Classes (DAM, RZ), pp. 417–423.