Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Denmark
1 × Greece
1 × Italy
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ K.Sandahl P.Fritzson H.Nilsson J.G.Siek K.Nyström L.Jonsson S.Eldh G.Hedin J.Åkesson A.Desai S.A.Seshia S.Qadeer J.C.Eidson F.Cremona M.Lohstroh E.A.Lee M.Masin S.Tripakis
Talks about:
languag (3) system (3) softwar (2) complex (2) model (2) equat (2) engin (2) base (2) use (2) programmat (1)
Person: David Broman
DBLP: Broman:David
Contributed to:
Wrote 10 papers:
- CAV-2015-DesaiSQBE #abstraction #approximate #distributed
- Approximate Synchrony: An Abstraction for Distributed Almost-Synchronous Systems (AD, SAS, SQ, DB, JCE), pp. 429–448.
- ICST-2012-JonssonBSE #automation #scalability #towards #using
- Towards Automated Anomaly Report Assignment in Large Complex Systems Using Stacked Generalization (LJ, DB, KS, SE), pp. 437–446.
- PADL-2012-BromanN #equation #modelling #object-oriented #semantics
- Node-Based Connection Semantics for Equation-Based Object-Oriented Modeling Languages (DB, HN), pp. 258–272.
- SAC-2012-BromanFHA #comparison #domain-specific language #implementation
- A comparison of two metacompilation approaches to implementing a complex domain-specific language (DB, PF, GH, JÅ), pp. 1919–1921.
- CSEET-2011-BromanS #how #question #re-engineering #student
- How can we make software engineering text books well-founded, up-to-date, and accessible to students? (DB, KS), pp. 386–390.
- CSEET-2010-Broman #education #question #re-engineering
- Should Software Engineering Projects Be the Backbone or the Tail of Computing Curricula? (DB), pp. 153–156.
- GPCE-2006-BromanNF #constraints #equation #using
- Determining over- and under-constrained systems of equations using structural constraint delta (DB, KN, PF), pp. 151–160.
- MoDELS-2018-CremonaLBLMT #hybrid
- Hybrid Co-simulation: It’s About Time (FC, ML, DB, EAL, MM, ST), p. 368.
- SLE-2019-Broman #compilation #composition #interactive #modelling #self
- A vision of miking: interactive programmatic modeling, sound language composition, and self-learning compilation (DB), pp. 55–60.
- PEPM-2018-BromanS
- Gradually typed symbolic expressions (DB, JGS), pp. 15–29.