Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × Italy
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
E.Stolterman Y.Lim W.Odom D.Roedl ∅ H.Wang J.Pierce K.Hanks B.Tomlinson M.S.Silberman D.J.Patterson Y.Pan
Talks about:
design (6) sustain (5) interact (4) technolog (2) research (2) informat (2) context (2) understand (1) millenni (1) industri (1)
Person: Eli Blevis
DBLP: Blevis:Eli
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- CHI-2012-TomlinsonSPPB #human-computer
- Collapse informatics: augmenting the sustainability & ICT4D discourse in HCI (BT, MSS, DJP, YP, EB), pp. 655–664.
- CHI-2009-OdomPSB #comprehension #design #interactive #why
- Understanding why we preserve some things and discard others in the context of interaction design (WO, JP, ES, EB), pp. 1053–1062.
- CHI-2008-HanksORB #interactive #towards
- Sustainable millennials: attitudes towards sustainability and the material effects of interactive technologies (KH, WO, DR, EB), pp. 333–342.
- CHI-2007-Blevis #design #interactive #reuse
- Sustainable interaction design: invention & disposal, renewal & reuse (EB), pp. 503–512.
- OCSC-2007-BlevisLRS #design #interactive #research #using
- Using Design Critique as Research to Link Sustainability and Interactive Technologies (EB, YKL, DR, ES), pp. 22–31.
- OCSC-2007-LimBS #challenge #design #research
- Grand Challenges in Design Research for Human-Centered Design Informatics (YKL, EB, ES), pp. 106–115.
- CSCW-2004-WangB #collaboration #concept #design #industrial
- Concepts that support collocated collaborative work inspired by the specific context of industrial designers (HW, EB), pp. 546–549.