Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work
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James D. Herbsleb, Gary M. Olson
Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work
CSCW, 2004.

Full names Links ISxN
	address       = "Chicago, Illinois, USA",
	editor        = "James D. Herbsleb and Gary M. Olson",
	isbn          = "1-58113-810-5",
	publisher     = "{ACM}",
	title         = "{Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work}",
	year          = 2004,

Contents (80 items)

CSCW-2004-ChungD #architecture #collaboration #towards
Towards dynamic collaboration architectures (GC, PD), pp. 1–10.
CSCW-2004-YangL #adaptation #collaboration #consistency #protocol
Separating data and control: support for adaptable consistency protocols in collaborative systems (YY, DL), pp. 11–20.
CSCW-2004-HupferCRP #collaboration #development
Introducing collaboration into an application development environment (SH, LTC, SIR, JFP), pp. 21–24.
CSCW-2004-ChengRPRH #aspect-oriented #collaboration
Retrofitting collaboration into UIs with aspects (LTC, SLR, JFP, SIR, SH), pp. 25–28.
CSCW-2004-TollingerMVT #collaboration #information management
Collaborative knowledge management supporting mars mission scientists (IT, MM, AHV, PT), pp. 29–38.
CSCW-2004-McCarthyMSNR #social
Augmenting the social space of an academic conference (JFM, DWM, SS, DHN, AMR), pp. 39–48.
CSCW-2004-BrignullIFRR #interactive
The introduction of a shared interactive surface into a communal space (HB, SI, GF, YR, TR), pp. 49–58.
CSCW-2004-CarpenterNMRDBFJ #lessons learnt #online
Online political organizing: lessons from the field (KC, BAN, JM, SR, DD, IB, KAF, QJ), pp. 59–62.
CSCW-2004-SouzaRCMP #case study #interface #programming
Sometimes you need to see through walls: a field study of application programming interfaces (CRBdS, DFR, LTC, DRM, JFP), pp. 63–71.
CSCW-2004-GutwinPS #development #distributed
Group awareness in distributed software development (CG, RP, KAS), pp. 72–81.
CSCW-2004-CubranicMSB #case study #development #learning
Learning from project history: a case study for software development (DC, GCM, JS, KSB), pp. 82–91.
CSCW-2004-HaynesPS #evaluation
Situating evaluation in scenarios of use (SRH, SP, ALS), pp. 92–101.
CSCW-2004-MandrykI #collaboration #evaluation #game studies
Physiological indicators for the evaluation of co-located collaborative play (RLM, KMI), pp. 102–111.
CSCW-2004-NealeCR #framework #modelling
Evaluating computer-supported cooperative work: models and frameworks (DCN, JMC, MBR), pp. 112–121.
CSCW-2004-BarleyDKRKY #question
Does CSCW need organization theory? (SRB, WHD, SBK, PR, REK, JY), pp. 122–124.
Accountability in an alarming environment (RR), pp. 125–131.
CSCW-2004-Tjora #coordination #maintenance
Maintaining redundancy in the coordination of medical emergencies (AT), pp. 132–141.
Supporting informality: team working and integrated care records (GH, MH, RP, RS, AV, GR), pp. 142–151.
CSCW-2004-GruenRMKMSWW #lessons learnt #prototype
Lessons from the reMail prototypes (DG, SLR, SOM, BK, PM, BS, MW, EW), pp. 152–161.
CSCW-2004-XiaSSCS #approach #collaboration #multi
Leveraging single-user applications for multi-user collaboration: the coword approach (SX, DS, CS, DC, HS), pp. 162–171.
High-performance telepointers (JD, CG, SS, CF), pp. 172–181.
CSCW-2004-DabbishK #coordination #motivation #social
Controlling interruptions: awareness displays and social motivation for coordination (LAD, REK), pp. 182–191.
CSCW-2004-BardramH #architecture #mobile #social
The AWARE architecture: supporting context-mediated social awareness in mobile cooperation (JEB, TRH), pp. 192–201.
CSCW-2004-JonesGWCT #community #design #requirements
Putting systems into place: a qualitative study of design requirements for location-aware community systems (QJ, SAG, SW, KC, LGT), pp. 202–211.
CSCW-2004-BeenenLWCFRK #community #motivation #online #social #using
Using social psychology to motivate contributions to online communities (GB, KSL, XW, KC, DF, PR, REK), pp. 212–221.
CSCW-2004-NardiSG #people #process #question #social
Blogging as social activity, or, would you let 900 million people read your diary? (BAN, DJS, MG), pp. 222–231.
CSCW-2004-DaveWM #navigation #online #scalability
Flash forums and forumReader: navigating a new kind of large-scale online discussion (KD, MW, MJM), pp. 232–241.
CSCW-2004-MorrisMW #communication
Individual audio channels with single display groupware: effects on communication and task strategy (MRM, DM, TW), pp. 242–251.
CSCW-2004-TseHSG #clustering #dependence #how #people
Avoiding interference: how people use spatial separation and partitioning in SDG workspaces (ET, JH, SDS, SG), pp. 252–261.
CSCW-2004-MorrisRSFV #coordination #multi #policy #protocol #social
Beyond “social protocols”: multi-user coordination policies for co-located groupware (MRM, KR, CS, CF, FV), pp. 262–265.
CSCW-2004-PaekABDKLTW #interactive #mobile #towards
Toward universal mobile interaction for shared displays (TP, MA, SB, SMD, TTK, RL, KT, AW), pp. 266–269.
CSCW-2004-AlmesCBFHS #challenge
CSCW and cyberinfrastructure: opportunities and challenges (GTA, JNC, JPB, ITF, TH, BS), pp. 270–273.
CSCW-2004-MatsushitaIOSKN #collaboration
Lumisight table: a face-to-face collaboration support system that optimizes direction of projected information to each stakeholder (MM, MI, TO, YS, YK, TN), pp. 274–283.
CSCW-2004-RyallFSM #interactive
Exploring the effects of group size and table size on interactions with tabletop shared-display groupware (KR, CF, CS, MRM), pp. 284–293.
CSCW-2004-ScottCI #collaboration
Territoriality in collaborative tabletop workspaces (SDS, MSTC, KMI), pp. 294–303.
CSCW-2004-HalversonEA #evolution #information management #scalability
Behind the help desk: evolution of a knowledge management system in a large organization (CH, TE, MSA), pp. 304–313.
CSCW-2004-SorokaJ #analysis #collaboration #framework
The diffusion of reachOut: analysis and framework for the successful diffusion of collaboration technologies (VS, MJ), pp. 314–323.
Return on investment and organizational adoption (JG), pp. 324–327.
CSCW-2004-GoecksM #information management #network #social
Leveraging social networks for information sharing (JG, EDM), pp. 328–331.
CSCW-2004-WinbergB #design #interface #towards #visual notation
Assembling the senses: towards the design of cooperative interfaces for visually impaired users (FW, JB), pp. 332–341.
CSCW-2004-GoodallLK #collaboration #detection #network
I know my network: collaboration and expertise in intrusion detection (JRG, WGL, AK), pp. 342–345.
CSCW-2004-GarciaKF #effectiveness
Cutting to the chase: improving meeting effectiveness by focusing on the agenda (ACBG, JCK, MAF), pp. 346–349.
CSCW-2004-BrownB #collaboration #game studies
CSCW at play: “there” as a collaborative virtual environment (BB, MB), pp. 350–359.
CSCW-2004-DucheneautM #case study #game studies #interactive #multi #online #social
The social side of gaming: a study of interaction patterns in a massively multiplayer online game (ND, RJM), pp. 360–369.
CSCW-2004-GolderD #game studies #online
Hiding and revealing in online poker games (SAG, JSD), pp. 370–373.
CSCW-2004-YoonONKG #interactive #named #social
FishPong: encouraging human-to-human interaction in informal social environments (JY, JO, JN, KK, NG), pp. 374–377.
CSCW-2004-TwidaleR #collaboration
Where am I and who am I?: issues in collaborative technical help (MT, KR), pp. 378–387.
CSCW-2004-BarrettKMHTP #analysis #tool support
Field studies of computer system administrators: analysis of system management tools and practices (RB, EK, PPM, EMH, LT, MP), pp. 388–395.
CSCW-2004-CrabtreeRM #development
Collaborating around collections: informing the continued development of photoware (AC, TR, JAM), pp. 396–405.
CSCW-2004-AckermanHCWMW #approach #community #question #social
Communities and technologies: an approach to foster social capital? (MSA, MH, JMC, BW, GDM, VW), pp. 406–408.
CSCW-2004-ChinL #biology
Capturing and supporting contexts for scientific data sharing via the biological sciences collaboratory (GCJ, CL), pp. 409–418.
CSCW-2004-YankelovichWRWKP #distributed #effectiveness
Meeting central: making distributed meetings more effective (NY, WW, PR, MW, JK, JP), pp. 419–428.
CSCW-2004-BosSOCN #distributed #simulation
In-group/out-group effects in distributed teams: an experimental simulation (NB, NSS, JSO, AC, NN), pp. 429–436.
CSCW-2004-SunXSC #collaboration #word
Operational transformation for collaborative word processing (DS, SX, CS, DC), pp. 437–446.
CSCW-2004-IgnatN #collaboration #editing #visual notation
Grouping in collaborative graphical editors (CLI, MCN), pp. 447–456.
CSCW-2004-LiL #editing
Preserving operation effects relation in group editors (DL, RL), pp. 457–466.
CSCW-2004-MiwaI #communication #interactive
Shadow communication: system for embodied interaction with remote partners (YM, CI), pp. 467–476.
Mediating dual ecologies (HK, JK, KY, YS, AY, PL, CH), pp. 477–486.
CSCW-2004-GergleKF #visual notation
Action as language in a shared visual space (DG, REK, SRF), pp. 487–496.
CSCW-2004-NagelHA #communication #predict
Predictors of availability in home life context-mediated communication (KSN, JMH, GDA), pp. 497–506.
CSCW-2004-HorvitzKA #cost analysis #modelling #named #personalisation
BusyBody: creating and fielding personalized models of the cost of interruption (EH, PK, JA), pp. 507–510.
CSCW-2004-BegoleMT #named
Lilsys: Sensing Unavailability (JB, NEM, JCT), pp. 511–514.
CSCW-2004-AvrahamiH #latency #named #performance
QnA: augmenting an instant messaging client to balance user responsiveness and performance (DA, SEH), pp. 515–518.
CSCW-2004-Campbell #framework
Instant messages: a framework for reading between the lines (JDC), pp. 519–522.
Only touching the surface: creating affinities between digital content and paper (PL, CH, MCN, BS, PH), pp. 523–532.
CSCW-2004-JuINW #design #physics
Where the wild things work: capturing shared physical design workspaces (WJ, AI, LN, TW), pp. 533–541.
List making in the home (AST, LS), pp. 542–545.
CSCW-2004-WangB #collaboration #concept #design #industrial
Concepts that support collocated collaborative work inspired by the specific context of industrial designers (HW, EB), pp. 546–549.
CSCW-2004-McCarthyBCGLZ #physics
Digital backchannels in shared physical spaces: attention, intention and contention (JFM, DB, EFC, WGG, EL, MZ), pp. 550–553.
End-user controlled group formation and access rights management in a shared workspace system (JMH, AH, TS, MB, BL), pp. 554–563.
CSCW-2004-McDonaldWG #authoring #multi
The multiple views of inter-organizational authoring (DWM, CW, JHG), pp. 564–573.
CSCW-2004-SchankH #collaboration #modelling #uml
Collaborative modeling: hiding UML and promoting data examples in NEMo (PKS, LH), pp. 574–577.
CSCW-2004-WengG #collaboration
Asynchronous collaborative writing through annotations (CW, JHG), pp. 578–581.
CSCW-2004-HornFBMJ #analysis #evolution #network #research #social
Six degrees of jonathan grudin: a social network analysis of the evolution and impact of CSCW research (DBH, TAF, JPB, DM, SJ), pp. 582–591.
CSCW-2004-StefanoneHGI #network #social
Emergent networks, locus of control, and the pursuit of social capital (MS, JTH, GG, ARI), pp. 592–595.
CSCW-2004-SaltzHT #graph #network #online #social #student #visualisation
Student social graphs: visualizing a student’s online social network (JSS, SRH, MT), pp. 596–599.
CSCW-2004-ScholtzS #framework
A framework for real-world software system evaluations (JS, MPS), pp. 600–603.
Taking it out of context: collaborating within and across cultures in face-to-face settings and via instant messaging (LDS, SRF, CN), pp. 604–613.
Influencing group participation with a shared display (JMD, AP, WB), pp. 614–623.
CSCW-2004-KethersHW #case study #research #symmetry
Remote meetings between farmers and researchers: a case study on asymmetry (SK, DMGH, RW), pp. 624–627.

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