Travelled to:
1 × France
2 × Germany
Collaborated with:
S.Whitty R.Ernst W.Putzke-Röming B.Hurlburt
Talks about:
architectur (2) reconfigur (2) heterogen (2) perform (2) algorithm (1) automot (1) vision (1) specif (1) memori (1) applic (1)
Person: Henning Sahlbach
DBLP: Sahlbach:Henning
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- DATE-2012-SahlbachWE
- A high-performance dense block matching solution for automotive 6D-vision (HS, SW, RE), pp. 268–271.
- DATE-2010-WhittySHEP #architecture #configuration management #memory management #performance
- Application-specific memory performance of a heterogeneous reconfigurable architecture (SW, HS, BH, RE, WPR), pp. 387–392.
- DATE-2009-WhittySEP #algorithm #architecture #configuration management
- Mapping of a film grain removal algorithm to a heterogeneous reconfigurable architecture (SW, HS, RE, WPR), pp. 27–32.