Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Fakih M.Fränzle A.Rettberg F.Oppenheimer W.Nebel F.Colas-Bigey A.Fouilliart J.Oetjens N.Bannow M.Becker O.Bringmann A.Burger M.Chaari S.Chakraborty R.Drechsler W.Ecker T.Kruse C.Kuznik H.M.Le M.Mauderer W.Müller D.Müller-Gritschneder F.Poppen H.Post S.Reiter W.Rosenstiel S.Roth U.Schlichtmann A.v.Schwerin B.Tabacaru A.Viehl
Talks about:
model (2) use (2) architectur (1) synthesi (1) seamless (1) research (1) prototyp (1) electron (1) challeng (1) virtual (1)
Person: Kim Grüttner
DBLP: Gr=uuml=ttner:Kim
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- DAC-2014-OetjensBBBBCCDEGKKLM0MPPRRRSSTV #challenge #evaluation #prototype #research #safety #state of the art #using
- Safety Evaluation of Automotive Electronics Using Virtual Prototypes: State of the Art and Research Challenges (JHO, NB, MB, OB, AB, MC, SC, RD, WE, KG, TK, CK, HML, MM, WM, DMG, FP, HP, SR, WR, SR, US, AvS, BAT, AV), p. 6.
- DATE-2013-FakihGFR #analysis #architecture #model checking #performance #towards #using
- Towards performance analysis of SDFGs mapped to shared-bus architectures using model-checking (MF, KG, MF, AR), pp. 1167–1172.
- DATE-2008-GruttnerONCF #modelling #refinement #synthesis
- SystemC-based Modelling, Seamless Refinement, and Synthesis of a JPEG 2000 Decoder (KG, FO, WN, FCB, AMF), pp. 128–133.