Travelled to:
1 × Ireland
1 × Portugal
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.D.Kollias S.Asteriadis Georgios Tsatiris A.Raouzaiou Georgios Goudelis Chrysoula Varia Noor Shaker Georgios N. Yannakakis M.J.Nelson Paolo Burelli S.M.Lucas Peter I. Cowling
Talks about:
player (3) extract (2) environ (2) featur (2) action (2) level (2) base (2) descriptor (1) transform (1) diversifi (1)
Person: Kostas Karpouzis
DBLP: Karpouzis:Kostas
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- HCI-NT-2009-AsteriadisKK #feature model #human-computer
- Feature Extraction and Selection for Inferring User Engagement in an HCI Environment (SA, KK, SDK), pp. 22–29.
- ICEIS-v5-2004-RaouzaiouKK #synthesis
- Emotion Synthesis in Virtual Environments (AR, KK, SDK), pp. 44–52.
- ITiCSE-1998-KarpouzisK #approach #pipes and filters
- The rendering pipeline in the classroom: a diversified approach (KK, SDK), pp. 139–142.
- CIG-2012-NelsonBKLC
- Tutorials (MJN, PB, KK, SML, PIC).
- CIG-2017-GoudelisTKK #3d #classification #effectiveness #feature model
- 3D cylindrical trace transform based feature extraction for effective human action classification (GG, GT, KK, SDK), pp. 96–103.
- CIG-2018-VariaTKK #3d #analysis #dataset #game studies
- A Refined 3D Dataset for the Analysis of Player Actions in Exertion Games (CV, GT, KK, SDK), pp. 1–4.
- VS-Games-2011-AsteriadisKK
- The Importance of Eye Gaze and Head Pose to Estimating Levels of Attention (SA, KK, SDK), pp. 186–191.
- VS-Games-2012-AsteriadisKSY #behaviour #clustering #detection #towards #using #visual notation
- Towards Detecting Clusters of Players using Visual and Gameplay Behavioral Cues (SA, KK, NS, GNY), pp. 140–147.
- VS-Games-2017-TsatirisKK
- Variance-based shape descriptors for determining the level of expertise of tennis players (GT, KK, SDK), pp. 169–172.