Travelled to:
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
D.Z.Pan J.Gao K.Lu B.Yu D.Ding M.Cho Y.Ban
Talks about:
lithographi (4) detail (3) router (2) friend (2) post (2) awar (2) printabl (1) consider (1) stencil (1) predict (1)
Person: Kun Yuan
DBLP: Yuan:Kun
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- DAC-2013-YuYGP #named
- E-BLOW: e-beam lithography overlapping aware stencil planning for MCC system (BY, KY, JRG, DZP), p. 7.
- DAC-2011-DingGYP #detection #learning #named
- AENEID: a generic lithography-friendly detailed router based on post-RET data learning and hotspot detection (DD, JRG, KY, DZP), pp. 795–800.
- DAC-2009-YuanLP
- Double patterning lithography friendly detailed routing with redundant via consideration (KY, KL, DZP), pp. 63–66.
- DAC-2008-ChoYBP #named #performance #predict
- ELIAD: efficient lithography aware detailed router with compact post-OPC printability prediction (MC, KY, YB, DZP), pp. 504–509.