Travelled to:
1 × Argentina
1 × Austria
1 × Brazil
1 × China
1 × Czech Republic
1 × Hungary
1 × Jamaica
1 × Latvia
1 × Poland
1 × Sweden
1 × Taiwan
1 × The Netherlands
1 × UK
10 × USA
2 × Germany
2 × Switzerland
2 × United Kingdom
4 × Canada
4 × France
4 × Italy
9 × Portugal
9 × Spain
Collaborated with:
I.G.R.d.Guzmán M.Genero R.Pérez-Castillo M.Polo C.Calero F.Ruiz A.Vizcaíno F.García A.Cechich M.Fernández-Ropero J.Garzás J.P.Soto I.Caballero M.A.Serrano M.E.Manso J.Portillo-Rodríguez O.Díaz J.A.Cruz-Lemus B.Weber J.A.Olivas F.P.Romero D.C.Moreno C.A.Visaggio M.M.Trujillo F.J.Pino M.Á.Moraga Lilia García-Mundo D.Caivano A.Delgado E.Verbo L.Reynoso E.Fernández-Medina A.Martínez J.Trujillo G.Canfora A.Cimitile B.Mora L.Berti-Equille H.Oktaba M.Romero H.Astudillo D.Miranda G.Poels J.A.T.Álvarez A.Olmos J.M.Cavero E.Marcos G.E.Ibarguengoitia J.A.Cruz-Lemus E.R.Aguilar G.N.Aranda A.L.Baroni F.B.e.Abreu A.Durán B.Bernárdez O.Avila-García Juan Vargas-Enriquez M.J.Monasor J.Noll S.Beecham R.Gómez-Cornejo Á.S.Places R.Romero J.Mazón S.Luján-Mora O.M.Rodríguez A.I.Martínez-Garcia J.Favela A.Boronat A.Gómez J.Á.Carsí I.Ramos
Talks about:
model (19) softwar (17) process (17) databas (12) data (12) qualiti (11) busi (11) use (10) metric (9) measur (8)
Person: Mario Piattini
DBLP: Piattini:Mario
Contributed to:
Wrote 78 papers:
- ICEIS-v1-2015-CaballeroBP #assessment #process #towards
- Towards Principled Data Science Assessment — The Personal Data Science Process (PdsP) (IC, LBE, MP), pp. 374–378.
- ICEIS-v2-2015-TrujilloOP #authoring #framework #re-engineering #using #validation
- Using Technical-Action-Research to Validate a Framework for Authoring Software Engineering Methods (MMT, HO, MP), pp. 15–27.
- ITiCSE-2014-MonasorVPNB #assessment #development #process
- Assessment process for a simulation-based training environment in global software development (MJM, AV, MP, JN, SB), pp. 231–236.
- CSMR-2013-Perez-CastilloGP #migration #modelling
- MIMOS, System Model-Driven Migration Project (RPC, IGRdG, MP), pp. 445–448.
- SAC-2013-Fernandez-RoperoPCP #process #refactoring
- Assessing the best-order for business process model refactoring (MFR, RPC, JACL, MP), pp. 1397–1402.
- SEKE-2013-Perez-CastilloFPC #how #modelling #process #question #refactoring
- How Does Refactoring Affect Understandability of Business Process Models? (RPC, MFR, MP, DC), pp. 644–649.
- SEKE-2013-Perez-CastilloGGFP #android #migration #user interface #visual notation
- ANDRIU. A Technique for Migrating Graphical User Interfaces to Android (RPC, IGRdG, RGC, MFR, MP), pp. 516–519.
- ICEIS-v1-2012-Perez-CastilloGCP #database #elicitation #relational
- Database Schema Elicitation to Modernize Relational Databases (RPC, IGRdG, DC, MP), pp. 126–132.
- ICMT-2012-Fernandez-RoperoPWP #assessment #empirical #model transformation #simulation
- Empirical Assessment of Business Model Transformations Based on Model Simulation (MFR, RPC, BW, MP), pp. 137–151.
- SAC-2012-DelgadoRGP #collaboration #model transformation #process
- Model transformations for Business-IT alignment: from collaborative business process to SoaML service model (AD, FR, IGRdG, MP), pp. 1720–1722.
- SAC-2012-Perez-CastilloGPW #repository
- Integrating event logs into KDM repositories (RPC, IGRdG, MP, BW), pp. 1095–1102.
- CAiSE-2011-DelgadoRGP #generative #process
- Business Process Service Oriented Methodology (BPSOM) with Service Generation in SoaML (AD, FR, IGRdG, MP), pp. 672–680.
- ICSM-2011-Perez-CastilloFGP #process
- MARBLE. A business process archeology tool (RPC, MFR, IGRdG, MP), pp. 578–581.
- SAC-2011-Perez-CastilloGPWP #comparison #empirical #mining #process
- An empirical comparison of static and dynamic business process mining (RPC, IGRdG, MP, BW, ÁSP), pp. 272–279.
- ICMT-2010-Perez-CastilloGP #implementation #process #qvt
- Implementing Business Process Recovery Patterns through QVT Transformations (RPC, IGRdG, MP), pp. 168–183.
- SAC-2010-Perez-CastilloGP #on the #process #using
- On the use of patterns to recover business processes (RPC, IGRdG, MP), pp. 165–166.
- SEKE-2010-TrujilloPP #process
- Supporting Software Process Improvement in Very Small Entities through a Template-based Guide (MMT, GEI, FJP, MP), pp. 704–709.
- ICEIS-DISI-2009-CastilloCGPPV #network #quality #trust
- Establishing Trust Networks based on Data Quality Criteria for Selecting Data Suppliers (RPC, IC, IGRdG, MP, MP, EV), pp. 37–42.
- ICPC-J-2009-MoraGRP11 #empirical #metric #modelling #visual notation
- Graphical versus textual software measurement modelling: an empirical study (BM, FG, FR, MP), pp. 201–233.
- SAC-2009-PinoGP #process
- Key processes to start software process improvement in small companies (FJP, FG, MP), pp. 509–516.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-Portillo-RodriguezSVP #community #trust
- A Model to Rate Trust in Communities of Practice (JPR, JPS, AV, MP), pp. 193–198.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-MoraGRPBGCR #metric #qvt #using
- Software Measurement by Using QVT Transformations in an MDA Context (BM, FG, FR, MP, AB, AG, JÁC, IR), pp. 117–124.
- ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-CabreroGP #predict
- Combining Different Change Prediction Techniques (DCM, JG, MP), pp. 57–63.
- ITiCSE-2008-RomeroVP #elicitation #requirements #towards
- Toward a definition of the competences for global requirements elicitation (MR, AV, MP), p. 364.
- SAC-2008-ReynosoCGP #diagrams #metric #ocl #statechart #uml #using
- Formal definition of measures for UML statechart diagrams using OCL (LR, JACL, MG, MP), pp. 846–847.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-SotoVPP #information management #question #what
- Knowledge Management Systems with Reputation and Intuition — What for? (JPS, AV, JPR, MP), pp. 498–503.
- ICEIS-DISI-2007-CabreroGP #approach #design #maintenance
- Maintenance cost of a software design: A value-based approach (DCM, JG, MP), pp. 384–389.
- ICEIS-DISI-2007-MoragaCPD #named
- PTSM: A portlet selection model (MÁM, CC, MP, OD), pp. 301–306.
- ICEIS-DISI-2007-VerboCP #named #quality #xml
- DQXSD: An XML schema for data quality — an XSD for supporting data quality in XML (EV, IC, MP), pp. 359–364.
- SEKE-2007-GuzmanPP #modelling #pattern matching #using
- Using Model-Driven Pattern Matching to derive functionalities in Models (IGRdG, MP, MP), pp. 529–534.
- SEKE-2007-SerranoRMTP #concept #quality
- A Proposal for a Conceptual Data Warehouse Quality Model (MAS, RR, JNM, JT, MP), pp. 477–482.
- SEKE-2007-SotoVPP #architecture #information management #multi
- A Three Level Multi-agent Architecture to Foster Knowledge Exchange (JPS, AV, JPR, MP), pp. 565–569.
- WCRE-2007-GuzmanPP #approach #database #relational #towards #web #web service
- An ADM Approach to Reengineer Relational Databases towards Web Services (IGRdG, MP, MP), pp. 90–99.
- CSMR-2006-CanforaCVGP #design #empirical #evolution
- Performances of Pair Designing on Software Evolution: a controlled experiment (GC, AC, CAV, FG, MP), pp. 197–205.
- CSMR-2006-GuzmanPP #database #relational #web #web service
- Obtaining Web Services from Relational Databases (IGRdG, MP, MP), pp. 304–310.
- ECMDA-FA-2006-GuzmanPP #database #re-engineering #web #web service
- A Methodology for Database Reengineering to Web Services (IGRdG, MP, MP), pp. 226–240.
- EDOC-2006-MoragaCP #ontology
- Ontology Driven Definition of a Portlet Functionality Model (MÁM, CC, MP), pp. 405–408.
- SAC-2006-AguilarRGP #evaluation #metric #modelling #process
- Evaluation measures for business process models (ERA, FR, FG, MP), pp. 1567–1568.
- SAC-2006-ReynosoGPM #comprehension #ocl #question
- Does object coupling really affect the understanding and modifying of OCL expressions? (LR, MG, MP, MEM), pp. 1721–1727.
- CSMR-2005-CarballeiraPRV #empirical #maintenance #modelling #process
- Maintainability of Software Process Models: An Empirical Study (FG, MP, FR, CAV), pp. 246–255.
- ICEIS-v1-2005-ArandaVCP #elicitation #tool support
- Choosing Groupware Tools and Elicitation Techniques According to Stakeholders’ Features (GNA, AV, AC, MP), pp. 68–75.
- ICEIS-v1-2005-BaroniCPA #database #metric
- A Formal Definition for Object-Relational Database Metrics (ALB, CC, MP, FBeA), pp. 334–339.
- ICEIS-v3-2005-CechichP #case study #detection #functional #off the shelf
- Early Detection of Cots Functional Suitability for an E-Payment Case Study (AC, MP), pp. 11–28.
- ICSM-2005-GuzmanPP #ide #re-engineering
- An Integrated Environment for Reengineering (IGRdG, MP, MP), pp. 165–174.
- MoDELS-2005-Cruz-LemusGMP #diagrams #statechart #uml
- Evaluating the Effect of Composite States on the Understandability of UML Statechart Diagrams (JACL, MG, MEM, MP), pp. 113–125.
- SAC-2005-CanforaCGPV #education
- Confirming the influence of educational background in pair-design knowledge through experiments (GC, AC, FG, MP, CAV), pp. 1478–1484.
- WICSA-2005-PiattiniCA #architecture #quality #research
- Classifying Software Architecture Quality Research (MP, CC, HA), pp. 195–196.
- CAiSE-2004-SerranoCTLP #concept #empirical #metric #modelling #validation
- Empirical Validation of Metrics for Conceptual Models of Data Warehouses (MAS, CC, JT, SLM, MP), pp. 506–520.
- ICEIS-v1-2004-VizcainoSP #maintenance #process #reuse
- Supporting Knowledge Reuse During the Software Maintenance Process through Agents (AV, JPS, MP), pp. 397–402.
- ICEIS-v3-2004-CechichP #component #functional #off the shelf
- Balancing Stakeholder’s Preferences on Measuring COTS Component Functional Suitability (AC, MP), pp. 115–122.
- LSO-2004-RodriguezVMPF #how #maintenance #process
- How to Manage Knowledge in the Software Maintenance Process (OMR, AV, AIMG, MP, JF), pp. 78–87.
- SEKE-2004-CaleroSP #design
- Datawarehouses design: effectivity of the star schema (CC, MAS, MP), pp. 392–395.
- SEKE-2004-Cruz-LemusGORP #diagrams #fuzzy #predict #statechart #uml #using
- Predicting UML Statechart Diagrams Understandability Using Fuzzy Logic-Based Techniques (JACL, MG, JAO, FPR, MP), pp. 238–245.
- UML-2004-DuranBGP #case study #empirical #evolution #metamodelling
- Empirically Driven Use Case Metamodel Evolution (AD, BB, MG, MP), pp. 1–11.
- UML-2004-Fernandez-MedinaP #database #development #ocl
- Extending OCL for Secure Database Development (EFM, MP), pp. 380–394.
- CAiSE-2003-GeneroP #complexity #diagrams #metric #uml
- No-redundant Metrics for UML Class Diagram Structural Complexity (MEM, MG, MP), pp. 127–142.
- ICEIS-v1-2003-MirandaGP #diagrams #empirical #metric #statechart #uml #validation
- Empirical Validation of Metrics for UML Statechart Diagrams (DM, MG, MP), pp. 87–95.
- ICEIS-v3-2003-CechichP #assessment #component #integration
- Defining Stability for Component Integration Assessment (AC, MP), pp. 251–256.
- SEKE-2003-GeneroRPC #metric #ontology #towards
- Towards an Ontology for Software Measurement (MG, FR, MP, CC), pp. 78–84.
- CAiSE-2002-GeneroPP #concept #metric #quality #validation
- Defining and Validating Measures for Conceptual Data Model Quality (MG, GP, MP), pp. 724–727.
- ICEIS-2002-GarciaRPP #architecture #concept #maintenance
- Conceptual Architecture for the Assessme NT and Improvement of Software Maintenance (FG, FR, MP, MP), pp. 610–617.
- ICEIS-2002-GarzasP #design pattern #object-oriented
- Beyond Object Oriented Design Patterns (JG, MP), pp. 811–814.
- RE-2002-AlvarezOP #quality #requirements #reuse
- Legal Requirements Reuse: A Critical Success Factor for Requirements Quality and Personal Data Protection (JATÁ, AO, MP), pp. 95–103.
- CAiSE-2001-GeneroOPR #information management #maintenance #metric #object-oriented #predict #using
- Using Metrics to Predict OO Information Systems Maintainability (MG, JAO, MP, FPR), pp. 388–401.
- ICEIS-v1-2001-CaveroPM #multi #named
- MIDEA: A Multidimensional Data Warehouse Methodology (JMC, MP, EM), pp. 138–144.
- ICEIS-v2-2001-CaleroPG #metric
- Method for Obtaining Correct Metrics (CC, MP, MG), pp. 779–784.
- ICSM-2001-PoloPR #case study #legacy #maintenance #metric #predict #source code #using
- Using Code Metrics to Predict Maintenance of Legacy Programs: A Case Study (MP, MP, FR), pp. 202–208.
- SEKE-2001-GeneroOPR #diagrams #information management #maintenance #predict
- Knowledge Discovery For Predicting Entity Relationship Diagram Maintainability (MG, JAO, MP, FPR), pp. 203–211.
- ICEIS-2000-GeneroPCS #database #metric #quality
- Measures to Get Better Quality Databases (MG, MP, CC, MAS), pp. 49–55.
- CAiSE-1999-DiazP #database #maintenance #metric
- Metrics for Active Database Maintainability (OD, MP), pp. 472–476.
- CSMR-1999-PoloPRC #maintenance #named #standard
- MANTEMA: A Complete Rigorous Methodology for Supporting Maintenance Based On The ISO/IEC 12207 Standard (MP, MP, FR, CC), pp. 178–181.
- ICEIS-1999-CaleroPPR #database #metric #quality #validation
- Validating Referential Integrity as a Database Quality Metric (CC, MP, MP, FR), pp. 45–50.
- ICEIS-1999-MartinezP #database #development
- A Proposal for control Database Software Application Development (AM, MP), pp. 109–116.
- ICEIS-1999-RuizPPC #maintenance
- Maintenance Types in the MANTEMA Methodology (FR, MP, MP, CC), p. 773.
- WCRE-1999-Perez-CastilloGAP99a #legacy #on the #source code #using
- On the Use of ADM to Contextualize Data on Legacy Source Code for Software Modernization (RPC, IGRdG, OAG, MP), pp. 128–132.
- WCRE-1999-Perez-CastilloGCPP99a #database #named #relational #reverse engineering #web #web service
- PRECISO: A Reverse Engineering Tool to Discover Web Services from Relational Databases (RPC, IGRdG, IC, MP, MP), pp. 309–310.
- VS-Games-2015-Garcia-MundoGP #game studies #quality #towards #validation
- Towards a Construction and Validation of a Serious Game Product Quality Model (LGM, MG, MP), pp. 1–8.
- VS-Games-2015-Vargas-Enriquez #quality
- A Systematic Mapping Study on Gamified Software Quality (JVE, LGM, MG, MP), pp. 1–8.